Wednesday, October 09, 2024

In a different World

 It is possible to be in an entirely different world. Today we live in Payson, Arizona. It is not Hazen, North Dakota. The people are different, the terrain is different, the climate is different. Of course many things are the same. Kadizzle just got back from the Alps, Zurich, and Amsterdam. Each was a different world. 

One recollection Kadizzle always liked was when his friend Duane said about an idiot we worked with " He lives in a small world". We live in a big world made up of many small worlds.  Each of us lives in a world of our own. Trump lives in a world of lies and deceit. Sadly he has a lot of people who live in that world with him. The election will be about how many people live in the real world, and if they want to live in a different world than Trump does. 

We need to examine what world we live in. Is it a world of fear, wonder, delusion, or a world of hope. So many who live in a world of fear and paranoid insanity have built a world for themselves that is miserable. Some people are drawn to misery. Some people want to believe he worst. Some people see he world as a scary place. 

Winky and Kadizzle spend a lot of times in the mountains and forest. Many people see the jungle or the forest as intimidating. It is not. If you don't experience another world you will not know it, you will not know your own world. Don't live in a small world. In a big world many things are possible. In Amsterdam it is possible to live very comfortably without a car. The world of North Dakota is not as bad as many people imagine the cold. Arizona is not the desert people imagine. To know a world you have to go into it. One thing Kadizzle has learned is nowhere is like the vacation adds portray. 

Mexico is interesting. Talk to a couple of people who have been there the perceptions and experiences are as different as night and day. Kadizzle has a friend who was robbed at gun point in Mexico. Another neighbor has a house there and loves it. The world you live in is the world you make. If we make a Trump world may god help us. 

1 comment:

truckbuddy said...

the world's getting way too crazy for me