Thursday, May 02, 2024

The Battleship New Jersey is in dry dock

 A few years back Kadizzle toured the battle ship New Jersey. In the New York Times today there is a good article about the repair of the famous ship. If you ever get the chance take the tour. One thing the tour does is make you respect the people who served on the ship. No one disrespects these people more than the Trump supporters. The men on that ship fought for our freedom, our court system, and our right to know the truth. Those men fought for men, women, and children. Women have rights, Republican want to destroy women's rights just to appeal to the evangelicals so they can get more tax breaks for the rich. 

Kadizzle has been going around in circles with the Hoopleheads on facebook. The amazing thing is the identical mental disease sponsored by Trump is in North Dakota and here in Payson, Arizona. 

Distortions and lies flourish in the Trump crowd. The Trump cult is a religion. The religious do not submit to logic. Religion does not submit to science, neither do the Trumpers. 

One thing interesting is the Trumpers in Payson, Arizona, and the Trumpers in Antler, North Dakota are both unwilling to do any person to person conversation. Here the Trumps run when you confront them, and exclude normal people from cult meetings. The Hoopleheads in North Dakota do the same. The only place you can corner a Trumper is in court, and the lose. 

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