Tuesday, September 22, 2020


 Kadizzle is back to our country estate.  Winky and Kadizzle are up extremely early in the bizarre world of Trump.  CNN just broke the news about Putin directly supporting Trump.  Not an ounce,  Kadizzle does not have one ounce of respect for anyone who is still a Republican.  We have friends inflicted with the disease of stupidity that causes them to support the Republican party.  You do not abandon someone because they have a disease.  You try your best to pull them from the cult.  It is so sad to see people you know in the cult.  Yesterday a good friend made remarks about the scary negroes in the big cities.  Of course they said it in a subtle way, but this is what the country has come to.  People who just want to be treated fairly are scary.  The reality is the rich fear the poor are going to take back what the rich have stolen.   You do not make 100 times what someone else does without stealing.  Make up any story you want, but the reality this is a class war.  Trump is a dictator for the rich.  You can spin it any way you want, but the facts speak for themselves. 

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