Tuesday, June 23, 2020


Kadizzle is up, it is around six in the morning.  Winkie is still in bed.  Waking up as an old lump is like coming out from under anesthesia. Kadizzle feels like pie dough that has just been rolled out.  Gravity seems to be everywhere.  Walking toward the kitchen feels like a boulder with legs.  Dreaming wears Kadizzle down to a frazzle. Kadizzle dream, and dreams, and dreams.  The dreams are so bizzare and detailed that Kadizzle awakens every night and wonders how does the brain invent these elaborate movies. The complexity of the scenery is incredible.  How does the mind make a movie?  How does it do it night after night?  Last night was a classic.  Kadizzle dreamt he was walking past a factory that made rebar.  Where in the hell did that come from? About fifty years ago along the Ohio River Kadizzle did ride a motorcycle by a factory that made rebar. Why did the mind drag this up fifty years later and incorporate it in a dream? Strange.  The sun is coming over the right shoulder.  This means the sun is on the North side of the house.  The Earth has tilted to the extent that the very sun that shines in the southern windows now shines in from the North.  This giant rock is hurtling around the Sun, the sun is blasting off in space, and Trump is lying at the speed of light. 

Right here in engine room things are scattered all over the floor.  The stuff is from the go bag.  What in the hell is a go bag? Well the preppers, if you know who they are have a bag full of crap they can pick up and run with when the shit hits the fan.  Kadizzle sort of likes the idea.  In Cottonwood at a garage sale Kadizzle got a seventy dollar bag for one dollar.  It was brand new.   Now in the bag are things that might get you out of a bind.  There are two way radios,  a space blanket, a GPS, pencil, paper, earphones, a water filter, snacks, gloves, a balaklava, a swiss army knife,  a headlamp, pulling tape, and on and on.  We all face that moment when we say " If only I had a...."  Well a go bag should have that magic thing that gets you out of a bind.  So the go bag is in the truck most of the time.  Actually there are two go bags. A smaller version is a backpack with a few essentials.  The problem is these bags have to always be rearranged.  Sometimes things in the backpack go to the go bag, and vice versa.  Anyway there is a big mess on the floor of the engine room because the go bag is getting checked for the trip to Wyoming. 

Is the cult cracking?  Somehow Kadizzle want to believe people are leaving the Trump cult.  His lies have become so blatant, that maybe there is hope. His Tulsa event was so pathetic.  The fact that teenagers supposedly fooled his gang is a good laugh.

Over at Stroupini's the carpet is down, should say upside down. Stoupini has lad carpet all over the yard which will soon be filled with gravel.  The idea is he carpet will keep the weeds down.  When the gravel shows up the project will be complete.

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