Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Maybe  This is a link to a Dr. Shiva. Now Kadizzle is not one for paranoid theories, but there is a lot of meat here.  Dr. Shiva has some very interesting insights into the virus problem.  Obviously the man is intelligent.  If you want a different view of the virus this is very interesting. He is not some way out right wing nut, give it a chance.

OK, back to reality.  The sun is out, but somehow the sun in North Dakota does not have the wattage to actually warm the place up. Kadizzle took the ebike for a ride yesterday. Passing near the grocery store Kadizzle saw three local characters. All three of them are notorious wandering gallywamples. It is like drawing three aces.  Gallywamples are people who are not quite normal. This can just be a simple case of stupidity, but usually there is some other flavoring added.  We all wander around in a cloud, but some clouds at least have lightening. That is the case with the cloud the gallywamples are in. Trump has an amazing ability to attract gallywamples. 

So here we go with another day in a luxury prison.  The Kadizzles are mainly imprisoned by the cold, the virus, and the normal bland life of a small town in the middle of nowhere.  In the old days when Kadizzle was an underground coal miner he had a realization. No one would be seven hundred feet underground in the dark if they had any sense.  That is sort of how it works here.  You would not be here unless you did not know better.  Sort of like being at a Trump rally. 

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