Sunday, July 28, 2019

Pitch him in the lake

Yesterday we pitched Bill Butcher in the lake for the last time. Old Sailors gathered at the marina in Garrison to sing, eat, tell stories, and put Captain Bill's ashes in the lake.  Rick pointed out that since the lake ultimately drains into the ocean Bill may have a long voyage.

Kadizzle's little granddaughter is visiting and as usual Kadizzle is captivated by her demands.  Omar if you read this Kadizzle must point out that Sylvie now knows the song we sang with your grandsons.  That is the song with the chorus " And that make me and it's plain to see an idiot I suppose".   Now, like your grandsons Sylvie is reminding me I am an idiot I suppose.

Seeing all the old sailors was fun, but we are all old and shot up.  Seemed a bit strange to gather in the old room where so many races were planned and argued about.  With some luck a new generation of sailors will emerge on the lake.

Summer is buzzing by and we have done little in the way of travel.  With the mother of all bathroom projects almost complete it may be time to head out for some fun.

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