Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Neighbor Bob is coming

Tomorrow neighbor Bob will show up at Lake Roosevelt for the grand tour.  With the snow at the higher elevations showing him some of the good stuff may be hard. Yesterday Kadizzle thought he would ride the ebike up to Oak Flat.  The snow made the whole trip impossible .  A waterfall was the goal, but the snow and the bike were not compatible. Kadizzle was going to walk the last half mile or so, but the stream did not seem to be running hard enough to make the wet jog to the little waterfall.  The bike turned around and headed back for a pleasant ride to the truck. 

The snow on the mountains on a bright sunny day gave the whole area a nice different look.  Back in the back country it was so quiet.  For a short time Kadizzle thought there was something wrong. Not a single jet was in the sky.  This near Phoenix there are always jets overhead.  Kadizzle began to think about Zion.  A man wrote in the log in Zion the day 9/11 occurred.  He was hiking and realized when he came back there were no jets in the sky.  Kadizzle started to wonder if something terrible had happened, but soon that was dispelled a jet was seeking altitude from Phoenix.

The snow is hampering our trail crew.  Today we were going to put up a wilderness sign, but logic indicated there would be snow on the tail so that mission was cancelled. Perhaps Kadizzle will work in the canal trail toady.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Visit the other planet

Today the plan is to go to Planet Globe.  Globe, Arizona has a requirement that you must be overweight, so Kadizzle will be in compliance with the regulations.  Also there is an ordinance that requires tattoos and loud pick up trucks.  When we get to the grocery store it will be hard to tell we are not at Walmart.  Most shoppers wear a Wallmart costume.  Butt cracks sprout everywhere and decorating the rim of your grocery cart with six packs of Pepsi is considered good taste.  Broken down old copper miners will be gimping along.  All of this is presented in a package of  disorganized streets and buildings.  Now on the bright side.  For some reason there seems to be some good art, and food in the town, and the town does have a spirit.  Halloween in Globe cannot be beat anywhere.  If a dollar hits someones hand it is gone withing seconds on some frivolous purchase.  Globe, Arizona is like a boom and bust clock.  If the cooper mines are humming the money flows.  When the copper mines slow down the people are broke. Live for the moment seems to be the town motto.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Mind boggling waste

Hope the wrong people don't see this, but here goes.  In the winter we work in the National Forest.  The area we work in is on Lake Roosevelt.  Through some strange series of events the area was developed when the dam was raised.  40 million dollars was set aside to do this around about 1990.  Apparently they had so much money they could not figure out how to spend it all.  So magnificent facilities were built.   Among other things 1,300 very nice camp sites were developed, numerous deluxe boat ramps, solar showers,  and on and on.

So yesterday we took off and went for  a hike to see the air strip.  The road to the air strip was locked so we hiked about a mile.  There it was, a very nicely paved runway, 40ft wide and 3,400 feet long.  Useless, but very usable.  Back at the ranch Kadizzle looked up the air strip.  The one in Hazen which is similar cost a couple million.  You cannot use the facility without prior permission and planes are not allowed to practice there. Why?

When this recreation facility was built the idea was people would come from Phoenix in throngs to use it.  One major consideration was overlooked.  It is a bit of a distance.  There is a solution.  The Apache Trial along the Salt River is the quickest and most scenic way to get here. One major problem,  it is a gravel treacherous road.  So what do you do?  Well you need to pave and fix that road.

Sadly this place is slowly being torn down and falling apart.  Put this in the big picture where our mentally ill president wants to spend billions a couple hundred miles south of here to make his big wonderful wall.  Insane is the only word that comes to mind.

Saturday, February 23, 2019


Stop reading this right now if you are delicate and right leaning.  Mr. and Mrs Kadizzle just finished watching Bill Maher. No one comes anywhere near him for commentary and humor.  Republicasns just cannot watch the show.  Almost every show he demonstrates clearly the childish minds of the right wing Red Hats.  On most shows he has a balanced group of people.  He often interviews people he totally disagrees with.  His show is what Fox News should be.  Last week he interviewed Chris Chistie.  If you want to remain unconcious watch Fox, listen to Rush, and on the local lever you know who your right wing propagandist are.  Now you might say ya but you are biased and so is Bill. No, Bill lets the other side speak on his show and has the other side on his show.  Fox, KFYR, and all the right wing gang does not allow anyone on that does not promote the party line.

If you don't get our to the right wing bubble, or for that matter the left wing bubble you are an idiot.  Once in awhile Kadizzle watches Fox, listens to KFYR or reads some idiocy Rob Port writes.  It is like seeing the back side of the moon.  You know it is there and you should attempt to see both sides.  Now ask your Red Hat buddy what he thinks of the New York times, CNN, NBC.  The answer is certain fake news.  Now Kadizzle knows enough about Fox to know there are a couple of good people on that show that actually go against the grain.  However, so much of the propaganda drowns out the people that it is irrelevant.  Something interesting you can learn by watching both sides.  Ann Coulter who always is the meanest Republican bitch you can imagine has turned on Trump and now calls him an idiot.  Would you know this if you did not check what the Fox liars are up to ?  This brings us to the Bible of all places.  If you read nothing but the Bible,  you are trapped.  Your mind has nothing to work with.  If you simple take the Bible as the be all and end all, then your mind is dead.  Fox News is no different.  You need to walk outside and look back at your house.  You will get a different view. Now if you are a Republican and you are still reading this there might be hope.  Try, just try watching Bill Mahar or reading the New York times.  It will be as painful to you as listening to Rush is for me.  Most people with functioning minds can only listen to abut four minutes of Rush.  I sometimes try to get a dose driving to the lake. It is like chemo therapy.  It kills the good brain cells so I turn it off.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Snow in the desert

It just does not happen here, but it did big time.  Snowflakes the size of quarters fell all over the desert.  Last night the gang was going to a pizza place to honor Cupcakes service before she leaves to work at the Grand Canyon.  Mrs. Kadizzle became very concerned as we drove past the parking lot where people head up to the Arizona Trail.  A hiker she met earlier in the day had his car parked there.  That meant he was still up on the mountain somewhere. The sun was down and the day was just about over. It was not a good time to be on the mountain with the temperature at freezing and an unusual snow storm. Kadizzle felt confident the man would be down soon and no rescue would be needed.  As we ate pizza the women became very concerned about the hiker.  Kadizzle said no problem.  Mrs. Kadizzle called our Forest Service boss Red Chief.   Red Chief thought Mrs. Kadizzle was over reacting about the hiker, but he went and checked on the parking lot.  The white Jeep was gone, so the hiker made it back.  The roads were treacherous and of course the locals who never see snow were in a deep panic.  Here we sit with a couple inches of snow everywhere.  The fun part will come with all this melts and the lake comes up, the water falls are turned on, and the sun returns.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Dark and Cold

The sun is  not even up and Winkie is jumping around like a wild monkey in a cage. Winkie wants to get to work on the trails.  Old Kadizzle is afraid to go out it is so cold.  Is this Arizona?  Since Winkie is such a " Good Girl", we had to just finish playing that song. You remember " She is a good girl she believes in Jesus, She is a good girl she believes in Elvis too". 

Kadizzle dreamed to the point he is worn out and getting up is a slow process. Winkie has made lunches for us, and is still buzzing.  If god will give Kadizzle some energy he may work on the local trails today.  Kadizzle is trying to establish a trail on the old canal that runs to the dam.  This is sort of a secret project.  A few of the real employees want the trail because they have horses and no place to ride them.

How did Kadizzle with such a low idle get married to a little buzzing bee wife?  If opposites attract it sure happened here.  Winkie jumped out of bed and practically ran in to make coffee.  Like a tired elephant Kadizzle lumbered in and sat down to drink coffee.  So here we sit getting up to date on the Google.  What will the insane King Red Hat do today.  Just cannot wait until he goes to jail.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Clouds hit my head

Rain is coming down once more.  Kadizzle is enthusiastic about seeing some of the streams run.  The waterfalls will be the highlight.  The rain is a motivator to hike.  There are a couple of great falls we can hike to when the rain stops.

Winkie is going to make some corn bread for breakfast.  If the rain continues we will be confined to the Earth Module and a domino game may ensue.

Sorry, but if you voted for Trump and still believe in him you have a big problem.  Kadizzle sees the comments of people who theoretically can think that indicate they still believe in King Red Hat.  It is distressing.  Faith in humans has been taking a hit.  Trump has shown Kadizzle that the people he thought could think are really incapable.  Some people who had good jobs and high positions in our county still believe in the Red Hat King.

Old white guys unwilling to give up their privilege will fight to the end. No matter how dirty, and immoral the fight is, they will insist white is right.  If you want to stop people from reproducing, you have two choices, kill them, or make them prosperous.  The old white guys would rather kill them, but research has shown that when poor people ( read that as immigrants, blacks, or just non white people) have more income they have fewer children.  So if the old rich white guys don't want to be overrun by brown people, they need to help the brown people prosper.  This is totally counter intuitive to a Red Hat Republicans, but think about it.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

The Cult

The Cult of the Red Hats never ceases to amaze. The King of the Red Hats can say anything and the cult believes.  Now Mitch McConnell has totally succumbed to the cult leader.  Reality has been suspend and stupidity is spreading like a plague.  Idiots are easily infected by watching Fox News.  Cult members subject themselves to poverty and believe lottery tickets will save them.  As a country we have lost our sanity.  King Red Hat looks right at the cult members and lies, the cult members cheer and love the drunken feeling they get from be so stupid.  Of course who better to start a cult with than evangelicals?  Religious people love the idea of a cult.  Cults are like magic shows, all you have to do is believe something that is obviously not true.  Does it get any easier than that.  Just get a tattoo or put a ring in your nose, that is all it takes to be happy.  Is than an easier way to get rich than giving tax breaks to the rich.  Join the cult, suspend belief.  Adopt the new mantra  " If you believe it, it is true".   Buy the 19.95 vegematic.  It is all so easy.  You can take a pill for an erection, to make you skinny, why not drink some Republican cool aid?  Thinking is time consuming and can be uncomfortable.  Just let Trump do it for you.

Friday, February 15, 2019


Rain drops have pounded the Earth Module.  The desert is wet and Winky wants to see if the streams are flowing.  No rain right now, but more is in store.  Kadizzle would like to see some of the waterfalls run hard and this means we may have to figure a way to get to them.  With the streams running it will not be easy.  Water in the desert does amazing things.  It is not unusual to have a stream just run hard and disappear into the ground.  The trail crew is grounded and the keys on the computers will click all day.

Yesterday Kadizzle put together a new blog that will keep hikers up on the trails we work on.  What can you do when you are confined to base?  Well we might have a social over at Red Chief's.  Red Chief said he would cook some brats for the gang.  There have been some rumblings about Kadizzle's nickname for Elaine.  Some of the women activist do not think Cupcake is appropriate, so we may changer her name to Agent C.   Agent C doesn't mind her old moniker, but we have to keep the feminist happy or there will be no supper.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Deer Creek

Kadizzle took the ebike up Deer Creek yesterday.  In no time at all Kadizzle went flying over the handle bars.  Through the air he flew.  It was a spectacular crash which involved spectacular stupidity.  Kadizzle was going downhill when the front wheel did not make it out of a ditch Kadizzle tried to cross. The bike stopped, but Kadizzle kept going.  The tonnage was not hurt.  Good ground and good rolling technique saved the day.  The trail crew has done a magnificent job on the Deer Creek trail.  Usually the trail crew encounters very few people, but about six hikers were on the trail.  One was a fireman, one a seasoned hiker,  and a couple people walking dogs.  Usually we have a chat with people we encounter. Kadizzle spoke to the hiker for about an hour.  Trail locations and Indian sites were exchanged.

The rain is coming, in fact the prediction is for some flooding.   A few days inside are in order.  Kadizzle has the google mini working in the Earth Module so he can shout out orders.  Like, OK google  next song. 

Just cannot wait for the Mueller report.  It will be a sad day if it does not get Trump headed toward jail.  The shear volume of rotten stuff Trump has done is amazing.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Sun Struggling

In the background John Prine is singing.  Kadizzle is alone.  Winky and Dave just left at six forty four to head up to Deer Creek with the trail crew.  Kadizzle was going to go, but will stay back and work on his new canal trail.  The sun will have a hard time today with the sky full of clouds.  Warm sunshine is why we are here, but if the clouds don't burn off there will be no rays.

Winky just fired on the phone.  She forgot to mail the DVD.   Our only TV entertainment is Netflix here.  By some quirk the last DVD was about a bunch of city dingers dropped off in the middle of nowhere in Alaska. They were supposed to find their way back to civilization.  It was kind of entertaining watching the stupid stuff these people did.  They could chose what they took with them.  So they loaded up sixty pounds each of some silly stuff.  They took a Dutch Oven and a uckalalee.  I don't know how to spell that nor does the spell checker.

How about some politics?  As daughter Erin supports the teacher strike in Denver that idiot, the king of the Red Hats wants to waste billions on the border.  Pay the teachers and forget the border.  People wonder why we are a nation of idiots that elected Trump.  The answer is clear.  The Red Hats respond to fear and Trump knows how to gin up fear.  The next big scary thing will be socialism.  Fox News is already pounding that nonsense.  Nothing is more scary than liberals getting your stuff and giving it to poor people.  It is not scary when Republicans get your stuff and give it to rich people.  A strange world we live in.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

One more time

Looking toward the East the horizon is starting to glow and any moment the sun will pop up on what looks like a very nice day.  The trail gang is headed to Campaign Trail. Kadizzle decided to stay back and start his own new trail.  Kadizzle is going to ride the ebike down to the power canal and start a trail west.  In the background music is playing. The song is " Your own sweet way".   That is how the day will go,  Kadizzle will go his own sweet way.  Now the next song came up.  John Prine is singing. If you are not a John Prine fan you should be.  No one can put words to music like Prine.  Either you like him or you don't.  Kadizzle put Darch onto Prine, now he is addicted.

Yesterday we made a call to Binki back in North Dakota where he is freezing his ass off.  The call was so Kadizzle could test the new Google mini.  It is the Google version of Alexa.   It worked.  The horizon is getting more orange, and the sun is bound to come up, if it doesn't we are in big trouble.

Will the government shut down take place this week?  Since we are directly affected working for the Forest Service it will put us out of work.  Next is my letter to the Bismarck Tribune about Trump and his folly.

The world is changing and jobs are being lost to artificial intelligence.  Meanwhile the country is being lost to artificial stupidity. Since Republicans invented alternative facts, denied climate change, and elected a man that cannot tell the truth the industry of artificial stupidity is thriving.  Fox News is the frontrunner in creating artificial stupidity for profit, closely followed by right wing talk radio. When people succumb to the the Trump Cult and subscribe to the world of fantasy where they are under a constant threat from caravans, liberals, and socialist the ground becomes fertile for artificial stupidity.  It is artificial because there is a choice. You can read, you can embrace science, you can have a wide spectrum of input to your intellect, but if you put blinders on and shut out reality you have created a world that does not exist. You have created a world where people live in constant fear, and are the victims of a con man that thrives on lies and distortion.  These episodes of artificial stupidity never turn out well. Germany learned the hard way what happens when you embrace a lying tyrant. As the people of Germany endured firebombing did they realize the hell they were suffering was caused by embracing a man driven by hate and an insane need for power? If you want to be artificially stupid ignore history, science, and those trying to rescue you from your cult.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Insane Project

For the last few days everyone has been exploring the canal that brought water from the diversion dam to the construction site of the Roosevelt Dam.   In 1906 the project started. The idea was to bring water about twenty miles from the Salt River through a canal.  Once at the new dam site the idea was to drop the water and produce electricity to help build the new dam.  Sounds simple, but in 1906 it was an incredible undertaking.  To perform this task they had very rudimentary construction equipment.  Horses pulling small scrapers were the main force in this undertaking.  Now to complicate matters it would take about twenty tunnels to direct the water.  Rita, Ken, Cissie, Kadizzle, Dave, and Cupcake have been slowly exploring the old canal by foot.  As Kadizzle sits here he waits for the Eastern crew to return from their hike today.  Yesterday Kadizzle and Cupcake hiked a couple miles west on the canal.  If you go online and search Roosevelt lake power diversion canal or something like that you can see the pictures and read the history.  Amazingly at the time the dam was built the Roosevelt lake was the biggest man made reservoir in the world.  Of course that was in 1914, now the lake in North Dakota is 15 times larger and of course there are many even bigger.

The Trump Cult may cause another shut down of the government this week, another incredible waste of money.   What have we come to when we allow a lying con man to lead our country?

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Suffering Friends

We have some long time and very good friends suffering.  This is the time of life when these things happen.  There is a lesson in this, enjoy your friends, and enjoy your health while you have it.  This is the time to do the things you want to do.  If you want to help your children, help your children.  If you want to help your community do it.  Kadizzle remembers and article he read a long time ago.  A grandfatther went into a guitar store with his grandson.  The grandson was admiring a nice guitar.  The grandfather bought the guitar for his grandson.  In his mind the grandfather thought how much nicer it would be to see his grandson enjoy the guitar than to leave his grandson some money when he went on to Jesus.  This story has stuck with Kadizzle. 

So here it comes once more.  Over that mountain over there the sun is coming up.  Mrs. Kadizzle as usual is so full of energy she is buzzing off in the truck to do the laundry.  The little electric heater is humming in the background keeping the Earth Module warm.  Humming birds have not shown up yet for breakfast.  Life goes on,  the desert is trying to bloom,  and all is not well, but all is good enough to start another day.  All will never be well, but it is our job to make it better. 

Friday, February 08, 2019

The sweet smell of sewage.

The sewage smell is gone.   The problem is solved. No longer do we have to fear filling the tanks of the Earth module with sewage we cannot dump.  The big truck rolled in from somewhere and pumped out the septic tank.  Now our own little brick outhouse is functioning again, and life is good.  To celebrate we headed to Ma's for lunch.  Ma's serves a hamburger for six dollars that equals about five of McDonalds  kangaroo meat sandwiches.  Of course you get a generous serving of fries.  Ma's does not look like much of a place. Dark and decorated in fifties style it is like going into the past.  However, no one leaves hungry. No matter what you order they give you plenty. 

On the way to eat we saw a green vehicle pulling a Casita.   Of course we thought of Ed.  So Cissie called Ed to see if indeed by chance it might be him.  Long ago and far away during our early adventures we met Ed a retired pilot who has spent more days living in a Casita than Trump should spend in jail.  For many winters Ed was on the southern border protecting us from caravans of immigrants.  Since Ed moved farther north Trump now has to build a wall.  According to Ed he reads this nonsense.  So Ed it was great to hear from you today and we hope all is well with you.  You sounded great on the phone.

Ed was one of the first RV people we became long time friends with.  Now , perhaps fifteen or twenty years later we have made so many good friends.  The nice thing about this life style living like gypsies is we keep bumping into old friends who tell us about other old friends.  Recently we introduced Darch to some RV buddies.  Darch just bought a trimaran, similar to our friends. They got together and exchanged tips.  There is a good chance Darch and our other friends will be here at Lake Roosevelt at the same time.  The weather is getting a little warmer and people are starting to show up. 

Democratic Socialism

What in the hell is Democratic Socialism?  You vote on sharing.  Please focus on the word vote.  Now our greedy buddies the Republicans want to characterize socialism as an evil thing, they will bring up every dictator ever.  Of course they will not mention the countries that have better education, health care, and live longer.  Read Paul Krugman today in the New York Times and learn some things.  It will be a very interesting year as people wake up to the war on the greedy that have rigged they system so one percent gets everything.

Tuesday, February 05, 2019

The Word on the Wind

If the memory of Kadizzle is correct Honest Omar once suggested to him he call his ministry " Words on the wind".   For years Kadizzle has pondered starting a crooked ministry like so many preachers have and made millions.  Look at crooks like Pat Robertson, Joel Olstein, and so many others that have bilked people.

Now here is the concept.  People donate money to Kadizzle to buy a new sailboat.  Kadizzle is heart broken because he sold the old one.  Kadizzle will use the new boat to sail west on Lake Sakakawea and preach to the Native Americans the word of God.  Those who have not been introduced to the lord can come down to the shore and receive blessings.  Of course it may be possible to charge for blessings like so many crooked preachers always do.  Just think of the glory of spreading the word of God.  What if Kadizzle sails into a beautiful bay and no one shows up.  Well that is the will of the lord.  Kadizzle will just have to sit there and grill a steak and drink some sacrament wine until  the heathens come.

The old ship was called the Sovereign.  That name can be used again for the new boat with the lord being the Sovereign.  So do you want to be the first to donate to this fraud?  Money in any form will be gladly accepted, and of course you will receive a blessing if you donate.  Recently one man donated two dollars and now he is relaxing comfortably in Florida in his RV drinking sacrament wine.  Just think where you could be with a donation of one hundred dollars.  All donations are questionable tax deductions.  If you donate and commit tax fraud it is the will of the lord what ever happens to you. Our church does not believe in the government so we do not comply with any government regulations. 

Monday, February 04, 2019

The run to Phoenix

The kadizzles made the circuit to Phoenix.  First stop was to check out a BMW 800 cycle.  It seems like a good deal, but making up ones mind is not easy.  How do you get it back to North Dakota?  It might be a fun ride.  Next we checked in on Ruth and Rodger who just returned from Australia and New Zealand.  From their report it seems cruising on a ship is not the way to do it.  After that we spent the night with Ken and Terry.  Ken is the father of all garage sale experts.  Ken will do over a hundred sales in a weekend.  Ken has made an art of flipping garage sale junk.  Ken almost always has at least ten bikes on hand and used to have 27.  Finally we went to the mother of all grocery stores and spent our food budget into oblivion.

After visiting Phoenix once more it is clear who in the hell would want to live in one of these large metropolitan areas?  Crawling with people, and the insane traffic, what do you gain?  Large cities are a mess with people running about like ants.  Never have seen a grocery store with so many people checking out at 22 check out counters with a line at each one.  So the ships roll in from China with boatload of goods for the slummers to suck up and put in the trash.  Back here in the lonely desert it is quite, peaceful, and the rain makes everything smell good.

Friday, February 01, 2019

Gas Lighting

Gas lighting is a current topic.  Republicans seem very adept at it.  Now, Kadizzle will relate a true gaslighting story.  Far away and long ago our family had a farm in the hills of West Virginia.  It was remote and had no running water, nor electricity.  One thing it did have was free natural gas.  The gas was free because there was a gas well on the property.  If you had free gas you had to waste it, so we always kept a gas flame lit in the yard.  Usually we threw yard waste and sort of made it a campfire. 

Once as was the custom we were there as kids and had a city kid with us.  The city kid did not know there was a gas line running to the fire pit.  It appeared to simply be logs on fire.  My brother had a radio and told the city boy he could control the fire with the radio.  Little did Marty the city friend know my brother had his other hand on the gas valve.  Brother would turn up the volume on the radio and the flame would go higher.  Marty bought the whole nonsense.

That evening when no one was there to control the gas to the fire Marty looked out the window with the radio in his hands.  Marty turned the volume up and down.  It was a bit windy and the wind made the flames go higher and lower.  Marty had it in his head that he was indeed controlling the fire with the radio. Now that is how gas lighting works.  You tell the Fox News watchers there are people attacking at the border, and they believe it because you sent troops down there.

God Supports Trump

Yes, it is true Sarah Sanders told us God picked Trump.  Many people have accused Kadizzle of being an atheist, but in reality Kadizzle is an agnostic.  This cinches the deal Kadizzle is done with any God that picked Trumpl.  God has always done some questionable things, but this is it.  When God caused the flood Kadizzle questioned his process. God always wipes out everyone just to get the one guy he is pissed at.  Maybe God chose Trump because he is pissed off again.  God must have said " This will fix those sinners, I will pick the worst sinner of all for their hero".  Anyway God has no more credibility than Trump.  Who carried out God's work?  It was the God Damn fundamentalist.  So we have a president that is a mafia boss, and a God with a bunch of fundies supporting the mafia boss.  You can have the whole bunch of them, I want no part of them.