Sister Patty and her husband Ned joined the Kadizzlites on the Salt River for some R&R. Ned showed up with his Pissing People off shirt and Kadizzle could not help modeling it. Many compliments have come in saying it fits Kadizzle perfect.
Yesterday, they turned on the Salt River. Today it looks good for some kayaking. The Commander will not be happy until we conquer the East assault of the mountain up by the dam. This means we will have to wade across the Salt now that it is running strongly.
Back to pissing people off. Once in awhile Kadizzle looks in the mirror. Most mirrors are made very poorly and make Kadizzle look fat. However, mirrors are somewhat educational. Most of us would be very lost in the fog, were it not for a few brave people willing to bring us back to reality. A lot of people are very happy in their bubble wandering around in a wonderful delusion. One could argue " Leave them alone". On the other hand it is sometimes useful to jab a drunk, or drug addict and break their bubble. In the end they may thank you. That is sort of what pissing people off can be about. No one is perfect, not even Kadizzle. The Commander breaks Kadizzles bubble about every twenty seconds.
Kadizzle enjoys breaking peoples political bubbles. Many are deeply offended, but why should they be? If someone insisted the world is flat although you think it is round, are you offended? No. You are not offended because you have a lot off good evidence the world is round. People get pissed off when they realize indeed the Earth is round, but they were deluded into thinking it was flat. They are not pissed at the person that pointed out it is round, they are pissed because they were so easily taken in by the flat Earth propaganda. Have you ever been pissed off at your self when you did something stupid? When you think about it, there no need ever to be pissed off, except at yourself. I am not pissed off at you if you tell me I am fat, I am pissed off because I let myself become so fat.
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