From everywhere in the area around Phoenix you can see the Four Peaks. This morning The Commander was chomping at the bit to get to the top. The road up their is eight miles up a very narrow steep road. As brave as The Commander is she was concerned about falling of the edge of the road. The hike was about 1.69 miles to the place where the really hard stuff started. By our calculations we needed another 700ft to make it to the top. Some hikers coming down the trail said the final ascent was icy. Kadizzle was delighted when The Supreme Commander said it was not advisable to make the last 700ft.
However, little did Kadizzle know he would be blamed all day for not completing the task. Kadizzle said to The Commander " I was neutral, I never voted for or against the last 700ft". "I know said The Commander, but if I had asked you, you would have been against it, so it is your fault we did not make the summit"
Well it was a very nice day, and the trail is very good. Would recommend the hike to anyone. If you want to get to the summit get an early start.