Captain Kit runs the marina where poor old Kadizzle has to get the sewage pumped out of his boat. Lately Captain Kit has not been taking his medication as required. He fired the nice kid that worked at the dock and has been in a foul mood. Kadizzle and Kit have been in a kerfuffle over one of Kadizzles rants to the Bismarck Tribune. The mean old Captain has made it clear that Kadizzle's droppings are no longer welcome at his sewage pump. Last week Kadizzle let it be known among the fleet that the code phrase to indicate Kit is working the docks is "The Fox is in the Hen house". If a reasonable person is working the docks one should announce on the radio " The Chickens are laying eggs". Last week as luck would have it Kadizzle was first to the pump out station and announced "The Chickens are laying eggs". The Fox was in the Hen House yesterday, and things did not look good. As Kadizzle pulled in to get his sewage pumped a storm was brewing in the southeast. On the dock a storm was brewing between Kit's ears. The mere site of Kadizzle's ship was driving him wild. Kadizzle circled the good ship Sovereign in front of the docks while a power boat struggled to take on fuel. When it looked as if Kadizzle could leave Kit the best of all possible shipments, Kit emerged from the Hen house with a face bright red with anger and yelled to the Sovereign " The pump is broken, I can't pump you out". What a terrible stroke of luck for Kadizzle. The good ship "Gone with the Wind " had just pumped out, but mechanical devils struck. This luck has hit Kadizzle before. Kit has a pump unlike any most people have encountered. The pump heals itself. After Kadizzle leaves it is not unusual for the pump to heal and then next ship gets pumped out. Kadizzle has a hand pump that would allow him to pump the sewage into buckets. Captain Kadizzle thought about pumping the sewage into buckets and leaving it on Kit's dock. It would be fun to say to Kit "I'll just leave my sewage here, when you get the pump fixed pump it out, and I'll come back for the buckets". Of course on leaving it would be nice to flip him a fifty cent piece.
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