Monday, December 08, 2008

Total Insanity cleaning the air.

Here Lord Kadizzle sits on Monday morning helping to spend another three hundred million fixing up an old power plant. Its cold and tomorrow we will pour three hundred yards of cement. Instead of facing reality and just building a nuclear plant in North Dakota, all the old plants are installing new exhaust pipes, as if that is the solution. The new exhaust pipes will take out some more of the pollutants, but leave the major problem pretty much intact. The CO2 will still pour out the chimney. The real irony in this mess is that the new scrubbers we are installing take up quite a bit of energy themselves. What you end up with when the project is complete is a marginally cleaner power plant that puts out less electricity. If one nuclear plant was built and a couple conventional coal fired plants were shut down the environmental gain would be fantastic. Not only would you eliminate the CO2,but you would also eliminate the sulfur, mercury, nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter, and most amazing of all reduce the amount of radiation. Believe it or not a nuclear plant emits less radiation than a coal fired plant. The worthless dunderhead we have in the White House just sat there for eight years and did nothing, now we are paying the price.

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