A day back in the Dakota’s. The commander and Lord Kadizzle woke up to a sunny, but cold day. We both felt like we had to get out of the house. After the usual wake up ceremony His Lordship told the Commander today was the day to inspect the royal yacht. On the way to the Sovereign the carriage stopped at Hazen Bay to check out trees the commander lovingly planted there. The Commander was not happy with what the porcupines did. I would not want to be a porcupine around The Commander if she had a shotgun. The blasted critters stripped the bark from a quite a few trees.
At the State Park we had a nice visit with Captain Kit. In unison we moaned about how the State of North Dakota will not do anything to improve the lake. Kit assured us there is snow in the mountains and the lake will rise to where we can get the Sovereign in the water.
I dreaded checking the boat for fear it may have some winter damage. Generally it looked good, but the thought of the expensive things it needed made me wonder why boats torture owners checkbooks every spring. Maybe that is why a lot of boats have female names. You love them, but they are expensive. I have to replace lifelines this year, and it ain’t going to be pretty.
After our visit to the boat we headed down to see Ray. We found Ray working on cabinets for the new visitor’s center in Stanton. Ray is a very good craftsman, and Stanton is going to have a nice stop for people going to the Knife Rive Indian Village.
Ray invited to his house to see the progress on his wooden canoe. The canoe is a work of art. Many people would be tempted to hang it on the wall and just look at it, but Ray is going to make it entertain him. We discussed a trip from Logging Camp Ranch in Southwest North Dakota toward the Missouri. It would be through some very pretty, but rugged country on the Little Missouri.

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