Friday, February 28, 2025

People are getting scared

As the dictatorship wears on people are beginning to wonder. Will the stock market crash? Will my job end? How will the insanity affect me? The level of stupidity in this country is mind boggling. The dolts live by making excuses for Trump. The favorite is " He knows things we don't". That will get you out of about anything. 

Something that puzzles Kadizzle about the Republicans is their obsession with sex. Transgender people are the biggest threat we face if you talk to a Republican. While Trump and Musk loot the country the Republicans say " What do you think of transgender people competing in sports? Wow, that is all I worry about. It used to be gay marriage, but maybe they got over it. 

Sex among Republicans must be troublesome. It is amazing Republicans can reproduce. Admitting there is such thing as sexuality must drive them nuts. Speaking of nuts do they have any. The cowards in congress that perpetually kiss Trump's ass. 

Get a girlfriend, marry a nice woman, and leave everyone else alone. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Shoveling Money to the rich

 Trump has perfected thievery. Congress just passed the biggest theft from the middle class, and the Hoopleheads don't have a clue. Trump says he will steal a pie and give you some. Of course your slice is tiny compared to Trump's slice he shares with the rich, but keep in mind you are an idiot under a Trump MAGA hat. Trump didn't tell you he is using your credit card to buy you a tiny tax break while his rich buddies get a huge tax cut. Wow, maybe you are stupid. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The Spanish Word For Heart Is Corazon Written And Performed By Eleanor...

Trump seems lack any respect for humanity. Trump is in love with Trump. Trump's army of dingers are in a delusional fog of insanity. The troops are willing to make any excuse for Trump's dictatorship. Musk is on drugs for his bipolar problem. It shows. Meanwhile ordinary Americans act like nothing is wrong.  So here we go. Where does it end. It takes a ship some time to fill with water and sink. The budget negotiations will be a lot of fun. Republicans who claim they want to save money will sink the country in debt to give the rich more. The dolts will come up with some excuse. The havoc will set in. 

Monday, February 24, 2025

As the country crumbles

 Watching the country fall apart is an experience Kadizzle never thought of. The dingers right here in Payson are amazing. KMOG radio propaganda is singing in harmony with Potato Bag Otto. Payson is an equal mess to the national mess. The fan is covered with shit. No one cares. Business as usual, who cares. If your house burns, it is your problem. If you lose your job because of Trump that is your problem. I got gas in my car and food on the table, so the hell with you. Grab what you can, steal from the fools. Salute the new king and and carry on. 

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Read the Article about Trumps lies in the New York Times today.

 Insane lying is the Trump norm. There is no reality in the Republican Party. In a world full of religion people should not be amazed how humans can believe bizzare things. Trump knows he can fire out any strange lie, and the same people who believe religion will believe him. Kadizzle loves the way a Republican responds when you call out the lying " He knows things we don't".  That is the oldest trick in the book every shaman has used. The magic man knows something you don't. Yes the charlatan know the scam. No one has mastered the lying scam like Trump. Imagine the people around Trump who have to help promote the lies. Pure unadulterated insanity. 

Saturday, February 22, 2025


Mayor Steve Otto, Councilman Charlie Bell, and Darllin Haws held a public forum at Tiny’s restaurant on Saturday—at least, that’s what they claimed. In reality, it was nothing more than a live version of a KMOG radio forum, where dissenting voices are silenced and only the Tea Party agenda is welcome.

Anyone who has called into KMOG during one of their right-wing propaganda shows knows the drill. If you echo their views, you’re given free rein. But if you dare to challenge the party line, you’re quickly cut off—or, as in my case, not allowed to speak at all. It was no different at Tiny’s, where the meeting was controlled by Inga Chouinard, the darling of the Tea Party, ensuring that opposing viewpoints were shut down.

The new right-wing town council members campaigned on promises of openness and transparency. Yet, when given the chance to engage with the public, they proved just how hypocritical they are by shutting down anyone who dared to disagree. If this is their idea of “public discussion,” our community deserves better.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Let The Mystery Be - Iris DeMent H.Q.

Kadizzle drove down Marty's street and there was a simple minded old dinger with a Trump hat on. Kadizzle asked him if he could explain how Ukraine started the war with Russia. The dinger was in a daze. Had no clue what to say. 

No apology, religion is just total nonsense. Now think how many people are dazed by that insanity. Religion has tortured and killed more people than wars. More children have been abused by priest than all the other sex offenders combined. Yet, the churches are filled, and now these religious people elected Satan himself, Donald Trump. Just try to spin you way out of that one. 

OK, you simple minded dinger. Click on the song below and read the words below. Your morning will be off to a great start

Everybody is wondering what and where they all came fromEverybody is worrying 'boutWhere they're gonna go when the whole thing's doneBut no one knows for certain and so it's all the same to meI think I'll just let the mystery be
Some say once you're gone you're gone foreverAnd some say you're gonna come backSome say you rest in the arms of the Savior if in sinful ways you lackSome say that they're coming back in a gardenBunch of carrots and little sweet peasI think I'll just let the mystery be
Everybody is wondering what and where they all came fromEverybody is worrying 'boutWhere they're gonna go when the whole thing's doneBut no one knows for certain and so it's all the same to meI think I'll just let the mystery be
Some say they're going to a place called gloryAnd I ain't saying it ain't a factBut I've heard that I'm on the road to purgatoryAnd I don't like the sound of thatI believe in love and I live my life accordinglyBut I choose to let the mystery be
Everybody is wondering what and where they all came fromEverybody is worrying 'boutWhere they're gonna go when the whole thing's doneBut no one knows for certain and so it's all the same to meI think I'll just let the mystery be
I think I'll just let the mystery be

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Red Hat walking down my street

Mrs Hooplehead had an encounter with Kadizzle a week or so back. She was in the MAGA fogg. Old Kadizzle was sunning himself in the garage enjoying a few puffs on a cigar. Two old goats are walking by on the main road in our compound. One has on a red hat. Danger, danger, danger. We cannot have people wearing Trump hats on our streets.  Kadizzle hopped on the motorcycle to check on the mental illness parade walking by. Sure enough the hat was a Trump hat. Mrs Hooplehead quickly ran away when Kadizzle pulled up to them on the motorcycle.  Mr. Hoople was willing to talk about his mental illness. Kadizzle asked Mr. Hoople how he could explain Trump claiming Ukraine started the war with Russia. Mr. Hoople had a classic simple minded answer " Trump knows things we don't about the situation". Of course anyone can prevent a war by surrendering right away. 

Like every good Hooplehead the Red Hat fellow instantly turned the conversation into a referendum on transgender people. That of course is the big problem in the world. Kadizzle confronted Mr. Hoople with the fact he was no doubt a good Christian going around spreading hate for transgender people. No problem God doesn't mind a little hate now and then. When Kadizzle brought of little children starving because Trump cut off their food somehow that was fine because the food aid people were sponsoring circumcision somewhere in south Asia. 

Kadizzle finally gave up and explained calmly to the Hoople he was bug fucking crazy, then left. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Mind boggling idiocy

Trump said Ukraine started the war with Russia. Can the super dolt be that stupid? The new planet we live on is shattering. People we know who do not work for the government are losing their jobs. The dingers are more delusional than ever.  

Wealth Inequality in America

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Kadizzle woke up, if only the country would

 The sun isn't up yet and the coffee taste good. Winky is asleep just like most of the country. Trump has trampled our democracy. Recently Kadizzle signed up on Facebook to be a friend of Scott Hennen. Scott Hennen is a right wing liar just like the local KMOG rats. Scott Hennen is in North Dakota and is an ass kisser of the first degree. Hennen worships the original lying rat Rush Limbaugh. 

A few years back good old Scott lied about Kadizzle on his radio show. Apparently someone at the radio station had some integrity and made Scott call Kadizzle and apologize for the lie. Scott had a hard time admitting he lied and blamed it on someone else. These radio rats are all over the country. KMOG is a local classic. All of these right wing radio shows use the same propaganda style. Scott would hang up on Kadizzle when Kadizzle lived in North Dakota. The North Dakota radio station KFYR was an exact copy of KMOG. KMOG will not let Kadizzle confront the lying. Both radio stations do the same thing. They hang up the phone then lie about you so you cannot defend yourself. 

Monday, February 17, 2025

Erin writes about the precious Sylvie having a good time in New York

Yesterday this girl called me from her Times Square hotel bathroom in tears of joy, saying she had just lived one of the best days of her life. She is loving getting to be a part of a professional Broadway production, interacting and learning from the original cast of Anastasia, who did a talkback for the kids at the end of their rehearsal.
The stars of the show told these young actors not to give up on their big dreams and shared their own inspiring stories of resilience and perseverance and making it on Broadway against all odds. Sylvie was moved to tears talking to the director, telling her how much this experience has meant to her.
Then last night, she got to see Hadestown just a few rows back from the stage on Allison Russell’s and Lillias White’s final performances, playing Persephone and Hermes respectively. She said the she could see every expression on the actors’ faces and that they were crying throughout the performance, as was Sylvie. She said it was one of the most beautiful, moving shows she has ever seen, especially as she gets ready to play Persephone herself.
There is nothing better in the world than seeing your child do something they love and pursuing what makes them happy. She told me she was so grateful that we support her in following her heart and passion for theatre. As parents you don’t always know that you are doing the right thing, but this sure made me feel like we have helped her find her path to the thing that lights her up. ❤️
Cannot wait to see her in the production of Anastasia tonight at the Lincoln Center - a bucket list item for all of us. 💕💕

Flood the zone

Lately, Kadizzle can’t stop thinking about pheasant hunting. Anyone who’s done it knows the feeling—a sudden explosion of wings as a flock takes flight right in front of you. The chaos is overwhelming. You have to pick just one bird and take your shot, but the sheer number makes it hard to focus.

That’s exactly what’s happening in politics right now. President Musk and his bootlicker Trump have flooded the field with so much corruption and deceit that it’s impossible to keep track. This chaos isn’t accidental—it’s a strategy. Distraction is Trump’s greatest tool, and the Hoopleheads fall for it every time, moving as predictably as a school of fish or a flock of sheep.

Back to hunting—we called it "flock shooting." When the confusion is too great, you just fire into the mass and hope you hit something. That’s where the Democrats find themselves now. Billionaires are swarming, rigging the system in their favor. But who do you aim at first?

Then there’s the train. Trump’s followers stand shivering at the station, waiting for promises that will never arrive. “The train is coming,” he tells them. “Just be patient.” Meanwhile, he’s picking their pockets. By the time they realize the truth, he’ll be long gone—with everything they had.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Ezra Klien New York Times

 The Kadizzle wife made him watch a video in the New York Times. If you want a good description of how we lost the country watch it. A verse to a song is " It's all over now baby blue".  Overwhelmed by stupidity the Hoopleheads now are running wild. Met a dinger woman in the grocery store she said " It will get better".  This is an acknowledgement that Trump is failing by a Hooplehead. They will support him even though they know he is marching us down the road to dictatorship. 

Another article describes how the courts can have power. The courts are our last hope, but that is hopeless. Trump will trample the courts, and the courts have no army. As Rome burns we fiddle. There will be protest on Monday all across the country. Good people will stay home and fart while Trump destroys one more part of our government. 

We got em right here, flag wavers. Good people who think everything is OK. Bullshit, the felon and the billionaire are wrecking havoc. Musk's own little four year old who told Trump " You need to shut up" knows the game. The kid knows his dad is president not the golf dog. 

How will all this unwind. Putin is dancing with joy. Trump has handed Ukraine to Putin and is destroying the European alliance. Meanwhile Vance is cheering German Nazis. Can it get any more insane?

Saturday, February 15, 2025

The country is shattered, but you don't care

 The coffee is fine, the heat feels good, looks like the sun will shine today. So who cares if people are starving and the mafia has taken over the government. What me worry. Might ride my bike today, sit in the sun and watch the American Nazi party take over. Until they knock on my door and put me in jail again, why should I care. Yes the Republican already had Kadizzle jailed overnight for calling in to KMOG radio and questioning a MAGA liar. Very unpleasant being stripped searched, having my bunghole checked for contraband, and spending that night in jail. Just a warning from the Trump mafia, but who cares? 

Nothing matters until I don't get coffee and have a warm place to shit. Then its game on, but it is too late. 

This morning we will have Donuts with Democrats. Rueben Galego our Congressional rep is featured in the New York Times. Read it and learn from his wisdom. Democrats are whimps, that is why we lose. Simple minded people want strong vocal rats like Trump. Democrats need to get some balls and be more aggressive if we are going to take back the country. The ship is sinking very quickly. 

Friday, February 14, 2025

Democracy in a meat grinder

Trump is grinding up every principle our country stands for. Trump is the ultimate con man. It is incomprehensible how Americans can sit on their hands while the Trump gang loots the country. All that is bad enough but on a worldwide basis it is even worse. People ARE starving because of Trump. Putin is in ecstacy knowing Trump is his lickspittle. If Satan had a son it would be Donald Trump. Reality is not even considered by Trump. The planet is melting and Trump is asking for more fuel. Meanwhile the comfortable are comfortable and don't give a damn. As the ship sinks you are fine until it reaches your floor. So have fun, watch some sports, and keep pretending it is happening to other people. 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Sex and Republicans

The GOP’s Obsession with Transgender People: A Distraction from Real Problems

The world is facing serious, existential challenges. Donald Trump continues his assault on democracy, the climate crisis threatens life as we know it, geopolitical tensions are escalating—China may soon invade Taiwan—and millions of people around the world are struggling just to survive.

And yet, what do Republicans fixate on? Transgender people.

At a recent town council meeting in Payson, the local Hoopleheads found a way to turn every issue into a rant about transgender people. The biggest concern? The fairness of sports if a transgender athlete is involved. Really? With everything going on in the world, this is the hill they want to die on?

Talk to any right-wing Trump supporter, and before long, the conversation will turn to the supposed “threat” of transgender rights. It’s almost a reflex at this point.

The Republican obsession with sex and gender has always been baffling. Why are their minds constantly focused on what people do in their personal lives? Why, in the face of global crises, do they zero in on who uses which bathroom or who plays on which sports team?

The answer is simple: It’s a distraction. By inflaming culture wars, they avoid addressing the real problems facing Americans—problems they have no real solutions for. The economy, healthcare, infrastructure, climate change—these require serious policy discussions. But scapegoating a tiny fraction of the population? That’s easy. It riles up their base, keeps the donations flowing, and distracts from the fact that they have nothing of substance to offer. 

Whiners and Bitchers

 Town Hall had a packed audience yesterday. The Hoopleheads were plentiful. The bitching and whining went on for a long time. It was the usual salad of insane accusations. The Hooples have no sense of decorum and as usual acted like teenagers. 

It was a series of accusations, insults, and crazy demands. 

The Hooples love to hear one of their mentally ill get up and talk crazy talk. The stars were a couple of women who shouted unintelligible nonsense at the commission. One dinger insisted the temporary town manager be fired. No reason was given. 

If you want to see the Trump cult mental illness first hand a town council meeting is a good bet. Another choice is a Tea Party meeting. Trump was elected by the people off their medication. 

President Musk was in the Oval Office with his little boy. The young kid looked about two or three. Before X (that is the kid's name) picked his nose he told Trump " You need to shut your mouth".  President Elon among other things admitted he lied. Of course lying is acceptable to the cult members, it is just one tool in the box. 

Trump was seated at the desk and Musk was standing there spewing dictator stuff. It is alleged the little boy, X said to Trump " What are you doing sitting in my daddy's chair?".  

The complete meltdown of our country is here. You can see it locally or watch President Musk in action. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The Bomb hit pretty close

 The madman who is now our dictator has no clue of the havoc he is wrecking on the world. Someone close to us who does not work for the government lost his job because of Trump's insanity. That is bad, but worse yet are the people actually starving because madman cut off aid. Two psychopaths running our country. Adolf Trump and President Musk are clueless about the secondary damage they do with their dictatorship. The ripples will soon be felt through the economy. When it gets personal you will see it differently. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Tommy Fleming -Hard Times

What brought us the depression? The rich took it all, and nothing was left for the common man. People figured it out and taxed the rich. Now the lesson has to be learned all over again. President Musk and his buddy Trump are setting up the government to finish off the peasants. Have we learned anything, Nope.  Listen to the song and feel where we are headed. 

RD and raging mental illness

RD zoomed into the neighborhood in his usual fashion. RD speeds down our street and then turns around and comes back. Apparently RD is just checking to see what is going on. RD loves orange paint in spray cans. Yesterday RD had surveyors marking his kingdom. RD loves to tell Kadizzle about how he is going to build two story homes to block the view of the good people living here. When it comes to being nuisance RD is willing to spend the money. 

RD has been a boon for the surveyors. RD makes a mess of his property and the adjoining people get their land surveyed. Then RD has his land surveyed when the neighbors complain about his ghetto decorations. RD loves to paint bushes, rocks, sidewalks and anything he can with bright orange paint. Worse yet RD likes to string bright pink surveyor tape on poles, trees and bushes. 

There is no market in Payson for two story homes and RD is so greedy he would not build a home that he could not sell. RD told Kadizzle that if Kadizzle paid him $150,000 he would not build a two story home. 

RD's revenge building idea started when the neighborhood opposed his attempt to build slum apartments in the area. The neighborhood won and RD lost. Now he is bent on revenge building. 

A normal person would take their toys and go home, but RD likes the attention his mental illness gets him. 

Monday, February 10, 2025

Living on dreams isn't easy

Yesterday was a wonderful bike ride down at Fountain hills. McDowell Mountain Park has fantastic trails that allow you to speed downhill on winding paths that challenge your idiocy.  

The locals prayed for rain, but like good Trumpers they checked the forecast first. The forecast is predicting some rain. Now that is how you cooperate with God. If only they would pray for rectal cancer for Trump. 

So here we go into another week of the dictatorship and Trump insanity. Sadly people are actually starving because of Elon Trump. Of course they are brown people and don't really count. When we get the Gaza Riviera built the brown people can serve us ice cream. 

Motorcycle dingers. After biking yesterday we went to eat. The eating place was frequented by the brave men who provide the trumpeting of motorcycle noise. Why is a loud noise manly? The dingers have loud trucks, loud motorcycles, and even blast the music loudly. Are women actually attracted to loud noises? Usually when you see a dinger making loud noises if they have a woman it is not one you would want. You call a fox with a fox call, apparently the call the dingers are using does not bring in the attractive or intelligent women. Just guessing. 

Sunday, February 09, 2025

Woke up in a full blown dictatorship

King Trump and President Musk have attacked every branch of government. The press is under attack, and caved in. Insanity is rampant. Trump now has the military, the FBI, and the CIA under the rule of Musk, and we are soon going to experience the revenge and oppression of the Oligarchs. 

Tesla stock is tanking, one good sign. Food prices are not going down. Free Speech is history, and lickspittles are the new idols of the Hoopleheads. 

Where do we go from here? Look for nuclear clouds for the grand finally.  

Saturday, February 08, 2025

Republican Gays may be waking up

Kadizzle sat for an hour yesterday with a gay fellow. Politics was discussed a lot. The guy is over 80 and a Trump supporter, but now he is having second thoughts. Tried to explain to him how Trump will eventually come after him to appease the evangelicals. It may have got through to him. 

Trump is a psychopath with not empathy for anyone. As the supreme con man he will do whatever he feels brings in the crowds of fools. 

Maybe the sleeping giant is awakening. Heard from some friends yesterday that they are speaking out against the dictatorship. They went to a Tesla dealership to protest President Musk. These friends never used to speak out about anything, but the time has come. If the duds will get off their ass and do something there is hope. 

Good news is the phone lines to Congress were jammed with people protesting the dictatorship. 

Friday, February 07, 2025

La Pasada the best hotel

Last night the Kadizzles slept at the La Pasada Hotel by the railroad in Winslow, Arizona. Kadizzle has decided it is the nicest hotel he has ever stayed at. It is quasi famous. Presidents, and celebrities stayed here in the heyday of the railroad. Mary Coulter designed the place. She is the woman who also designed the buildings at the Grand Canyon. The art collection at the Hotel would stir any art lover. Get you ass in gear and go to Winslow.

Many, many years ago we came through Winslow. It was a filthy town. They decided to clean it up, and the transition is a miracle. If you like trains this would be heaven. On the biggest rail line East West a train goes by about every fifteen minutes. Also Amtrack stops here. 

Thursday, February 06, 2025

From my son in law that deals with foreign aid

I’m sitting at my desk writing a report for a survey we just conducted in a country in Africa, creating a chart to show that 60% of the respondents have gone an entire day and night without eating anything at all as many as 10 times in the past 30 days due to a lack of food and resources. What Elon Musk and Trump’s executive orders are doing to dismantle USAID is pulling food from the mouths of people like this. And medicine from kids dying from malaria and tuberculosis. And care from mothers giving birth. All to save a few pennies so the Republicans can brag about how they cracked down on government spending. The amount of money allocated to USAID was less than 1% of our budget last year. This isn’t about saving money. It’s a political stunt that is cruel, inhumane and immoral – and illegal. Since its founding by JFK in 1961, trucks, vests, and bags of supplies bearing the USAID logo have announced the presence of lifesaving care and assistance in parts of the world where no one else was willing or able to help. Along with doing what is right (and for Christians, doing what Jesus said we are supposed to be doing over and over and over again) those efforts have helped to create lifelong affection and appreciation for the USA around the world. Call it “soft diplomacy” or just “marketing,” it has paid immeasurable dividends, and we are a weaker, less safe, and less deserving country now that it is gone.
All reactions:
Erin Bodine, Lillian McDonnell and 44 others

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Dingers, Hoopleheads, Bum Walkers, and MAGA dolts

Being simple minded is an art. One key is ignoring the obvious, and loving simple solutions to complex problems. Those struggling fail to understand basic economics, or society. Lets make it simple for them. Society consist of aristocrats, and peasants. The peasants do the work and the aristocrats steal the excess the peasants produce. Very simple. Peasants need shacks to live in. Aristocats rent the peasants shacks.  

If you have capital you don't have to work, you rent the capital and use it to exploit the peasants. Peasants have no sense of value, the aristocrats know that and sell the peasants useless stuff like jewelry and tattoos. Peasants have no idea of accumulating capital to rent to other peasants, so if they get a spare dime they buy a goofy, noisy pickup truck and put a Trump sticker in the window. Peasants have no concept of how percentages or interest rates work. Worst of all peasants have no idea of how probability works. Uneducated peasants are the fruit the aristocrats harvest. Trump is the master of fooling peasants. Peasants love simple explanations. Peasants don't operate on logic, but go by feelings. If it feels good keep doing it. 

As peasants age they gradually realize they are busted flat. Trump explains to them it is not their fault. Peasants love that idea. Someone cheated the peasants and Trump tells them it is the migrants, the Democrats, and smart people. Trump tells the peasants he loves dumb people, and the peasants love him back. Meanwhile Trump robs the peasants bling and gives the money to his rich buddies. 

Does it get any better, hell yes. God invented religious peasants. The Catholic Church raped them from the beginning. Nonsense sell to the religius peasants like peanut butter. Any story works for this bunch. God wanted a con man for president, that is fine with the religious peasants. The TV preachers knew before anyone how to rape a religious person. Trump saw the gold mine of stupidity and dug in. 

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

New Rule

Cowards are plentiful. You can see the brave little rats in the grocery store with guns. Cowards will comment with no name. So Kadizzle is going to have a new rule for coward commenters. In your comment identify yourself as a person who voted for Trump, or a normal person. Any person who identifies as a Trump voter is usually giving a simple minded comment. Normal people will get more respect. If you are stupid and proud identify yourself as such. If you don't make the choice of either declaring yourself normal or a Trump cult person then Kadizzle at his discretion will delete your comment. Very simple, if you are proud to be in the cult, just let us know. 

Mentally Ill make life interesting

If mentally ill is going to be the topic, Trump is the winner, but there is a neighborhood mental case that keeps things lively. RD wanted to build slum apartments near the new homes where we live. The residents united and had RD defeated at the zoning commission. RD has a couple parcels of land near our development and is bent on seeking revenge for his defeat at the zoning commission. 

Our home and others have wonderful views of the mountians. RD wants to block those views. RD takes great joy in claiming he will build two story houses to block the view of Kadizzle and others. RD perceives himself as some sort of developer. In Payson there is no market for two story houses. Older people want single story homes for ease of access, but RD loves tellling Kadizzle how he is going to build a two story home just to block the view. 

RD is obsessed with the property he owns. With an orange spray can of paint RD put lines on the street, the sidewalk, rocks and bushes. Like a dog marking his territory RD has gone nuts. RD has no trespassing signs and even rope strung along his property lines. The orange paint everywhere makes the neighborhood look like the ghetto. 

Kadizzle asked RD how old he was. RD replied he was 45. RD is closer to 75, but claims because he has a 45 year old mental case for a wife he is 45. About once a day RD buzzes swiftly around the local streets then gets out and stares at his kingdom for a while. RD claim he is going to build a house for himself on his property. Kadizzle asked him why he would want to live where everyone despises him. RD claims he has one friend here. All said and done RD does add a little excitement to the area. 

Monday, February 03, 2025

We now live in a full blown dictatorship

The world as we knew it no longer exist. Monkeys appointed by Trump will tear apart the society that started in 1776. When prices rise the Hooples will awaken. That is minor compared to the surveillance that will take place. Every dictator loves spying on the masses. Sadly Trump will have a new tool. A.I will enable Trump to know when you fart. Trump's revenge game will be like nothing since the Nazis. When the Hooples see what they bought even they will be astonished. 

Yesterday accidently a right wing magazine ended up in our mail. Wow, it was full of the "Deep State".  One thing that puzzles Kadizzle immensely are people who seem rational, yet buy into the Republican insanity. 

My thoughts always come back to the people in Dresden when the city was firebombed. Those poor people were roasted alive in their basements. Hitler set it up for them. Now we have Trump. Give him time he will provoked a nuclear war. The Hoopleheads will be vaporized in an instant. The deep state will be fried for sure. Many Hooples will be found dead with their hand on the handle of a slot machine. That is the story of the Hooples existence, making a losing bet. 

Sunday, February 02, 2025

Well Folks, we had a great meeting

 The donut gang had a good meeting yesterday with great attendance. A transgender couple came up from the valley. Jeff and Kadizzle were outside and met a couple of Hoopleheads in the parking lot. Kadizzle challanged the Hooples to come to the Donut Meeting. Randi a Trump Hoople took us up on the invitation. It added some spice to the meeting when she took the microphone. Her little Trump blast was interesting. Strangely she told a tale of how she had been married to a native American and how he was harassed. One would think she would see the hypocrisy of supporting King Trump. If you want to meet wonderful normal people come on down. 

Saturday, February 01, 2025

Steve Banon

Winky insisted Kadizzle listen to an interview with Steve Bannon that was in the New York Times. Kadizzle was surprised the areas where he agreed with Bannon. Bannon thinks we should tax the rich. Wow, that shocked Kadizzle. It is an interesting interview and you should listen to it. Bannon seems to respect Trump, now that is puzzling. Bannon see the threat of A.I.  It was interesting how the tech billionaires ran to kiss Trump ass when he won. Bannon makes some remarks about that. 

Bannon says we are in deep shit. Could not agree more. Stupidity is a plague. Bannon admitted Trump harvested what Bannon calls " low information voters".  Maybe we should just call them what they are, stupid. 

Stupid people are a vast gold mine for Republicans. Yesterday an older woman came walking into our cul de sac.  Sitting in the sun she asked Kadizzle what he thought of Trump. Boy, did he tell her. She was shocked. She refused to believe the truth about Trump how he stole 25 million for college kids. Kadizzle asked the old lady what she thought about his idea on pussy grabbing. She asked how old he was when he said that, as if it was acceptable at a certain age. The old woman was a classic idiot. Kadizzle asked her if she watched Fox News. You know the answer.  This is the kind of idiot Trump know how to harvest.