Gabe and his gang of liars had to shut it down. They got painted into a corner. It is like Trump in court. When there is no way to escape the truth, you just have to run, and that is what Gabe, Todd, and Annie did. Gabe made sure there would be no more comments. Kadizzle asked Gabe to show his daughter how he lies and distorts thing, and how he would not just simply make a phone call to Kadizzle and get the truth.
This pattern of behavior is what you find with the local Hoopleheads. When you approach Steve Otto, Michael Heather, or Gary Morris they are just like Gabe, they run. If you confront them about the lies they hide, and make sure you cannot corner them with a comment. Fortunately the local paper lets everyone comment. That is bad news for the Hoopleheads. Another public forum where the Hooples get blasted is at town council meetings. The Hooples can't shut down reality there.
Trump set a new standard for lying. Say anything is Trump's game. The lying works like grease for the cult. Cult members take an oath to believe Trump's lies. Cult members do not want the truth. A cult member is proud to be ignorant of facts. A cult member will proudly tell you they watch no factual news reports. Look at their heroes, Majorie Taylor Green, Trump, and the whole clown car of people creating chaos. The system is broken. Today in the New York Times the people leaving congress speak to the disfunction.
The Gabes, and the local Hooples have the minds of five year olds, they can only understand shallow ideas. They love fantasy, being scared, and believing in super idiots like Trump.