Maybe the search for greener pastures blew up in our face. Today we sign the papers that let our home of 42 years go. Winky's grandfather was an architect and designed the house. Finally we had it tuned to perfection. Winky was famous for her garden and yard. What were we smoking? The lure of the southwest got to us. Payson, Arizona seemed like it could supply us with just a little more. That ugre for more usually gets people in trouble. In ou 70's we are too old for the adventure we are undertaking. This is the stage of life for gentle crumbling. Kadizzle sees himself as that old house in the country with the roof sagging, the windows broken and the fence falling apart. You are going to age, even though you hope it is at the pace of a glacier, it is going to happen. One of the hardest things for the Kadizzles to give up was living with some wonderful neighbors. Dallas and Marilyn were saints as neighbors. We loved helping them and enjoyed sitting on their back porch having a rootbeer float or a gin and tonic. Bod and Liz were younger than us and hunting and sailing friends forever. What were we smoking? So off we go into the land unknown. This is like a space shot. Here we sit at another good friends house. This is indeed a wonderful setting easy to get used to. We are out in the country with no one around in any direction. The peace, quite, and tranquility are raining down. Soon we have to take off on a long drive to Philadelphia to see Cheech, Chubba Bubba, Evie, and Abraham Albert. This has been the summer of long drives. Two Trips west to buy a truck and camper, and now a trip east. It will all add up to over six thousand miles.
Monday, August 31, 2020
Sunday, August 30, 2020
The Earth Module sits beside Ray's house. Ray was a good old friend that passed away. His son graciously let us move into his empty home. The Hazen domicile is behind us and we have stepped into a new world. Ray had a very nice home with many amenities. Out in the country things are so nice and peaceful. It is such a pleasant break from the hectic life of moving.
National affairs are disturbing. The Trump cult is frightening. It seems we are on the verge of civil war. The last civil war was won by the north because of industrialization. Hopefully this civil war will be won by the side that has science, and reality on their side. So much of what Trump has stirred up reminds one too much of Nazi Germany. The cults ability to soak up the lies and paranoid nonsense is astounding. As we approach the election we can only expect the insanity to grow.
Friday, August 28, 2020
Trump's hardware store
Kadizzle went down to the hardware store to get some electrical supplies. Somehow checking out he got engaged in a political discussion with the store owner's daughter who was clerking. First the discussion centered on education. Kadizzle said that a good education was crucial to understanding the world. The young girl behind the counter said she believed that all important things could be learned from experience, and that normal education did not matter. Her entire family was home schooled. Kadizzle said it was important to know statistics to really understand the world. Kadizzle said that anyone that knew how to do real research and use statistics would know for example how much Trump lied. At the point young Mrs. Hardware said she check all her facts with Fox News and everything Trump has said is true. She asked me if I supported Biden. I told her I did. At this point she said Biden was a pedophile. Kadizzle explained to her that the right wing media was circulating a picture of Biden kissing his grandson on the forehead at the funeral of his son. Kadizzle asked her what she thought about Trump's advocating grabbing women's genitals. She said she knew nothing about it. At this point her father broke into the conversation and asked if I did not grab some butt in my day. He said everyone does. Kadizzle was dumbfounded and asked him if he was serious. At this point Kadizzle was told to leave the store. The display of the cult like attitude was unbelievable. The effect of home schooling was obvious. The poor kid was totally devoid of any real news or sense of reality. Apparently all the children were raised in this atmosphere of father knows best and the truth. It is very sad to see children robbed of the right to think.
Thursday, August 27, 2020
A nice old memory
If you want to see some nice video watch the Buckskin Gulch video below. Many years ago Winky and Kadizzle hiked the gulch with Ruth and Rodger. It is a hike everyone should experience if they ever can. It is near the Wave, probably one of the most famous natural features for photographers.
Tearing apart the Engine room
Kadizzle is sitting here where he sits every morning. This is the place where we get up to date. Getting up to date is a process of the modern world. One gets on the Google and finds out the state of the world. Of course the current state of the world is pure unadulterated insanity. A plague of idiots has flourished in the fields of Fox News, KFYR, and right wing media. Back to the engine room. Everyone should have a place of refuge. The engine room has an old cheap desk that Kadizzle has fallen in love with. The damn thing is made out of the modern particle board, the curse of humanity. Things that used to be real wood are now pressed glue. However, the desk is laid out just right for Kadizzle. Maybe Kadizzle will get up off his arse and take a picture of the control center.
Music is the most important part of the morning ritual. Somehow music starts the engine. The Bismarck Tribune has to be checked to see if the right wing or the left wing dingers are firing hard at each other. The bad news this morning is some simple minded woman praised the Trump boat parade in Bismarck. The Nazis love to march.Well today may be the day the cherished engine room is disassembled. Trump might have his desk in the Oval Office, but this desk works better. Just about three more days and the Kadizzles will become gypsies. No home, just traveling trash. The world does take strange turns. Our pseudo home will be at an old friends house. Ray passed away, but it is interesting to see how the world turned. Kadizzle may end up sleeping in Ray's bed. Kadizzle remembers so well the first day he saw Ray. Little did Kadizzle know how the Earth would spin to the point it has. Our lives suffer from two major curses intertwined. Trump and the Virus have taken away so much. The freedom to travel the world will be missed the most. Trump has turned our country into a cesspool of virus and stupidity. Other countries don't want us. We are like infected rats led by the biggest rat. At any rate have a good day fight the fight. Talk to every man woman and child and let them know the need to vote the rats from office. Don't miss a chance.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Plastic mental illness

Monday, August 24, 2020
Once in awhile
As the world crumbles Kadizzle often things about running away to the hills of West Virginia. A thousand years ago Kadizzle and Winky spent the summers on the family farm up a narrow valley in the middle of West Virginia. It was just a forest retreat. The beauty of that place is it's self sustaining nature. The most wonderful aspect is free natural gas. Because there is a gas well on the property the land owner gets gas free from the well. Think about it. The gas runs the refrigerator, heats the house, and would provide electricity if you wanted to run a generator. The water comes from the well. The sewage goes in the outhouse. The place needs nothing to keep you alive but a garden. Deer meat is free. If you could eat groundhogs, and squirrels you could have some variety. The neighbors are hillbillies, and nice people. You see noone for weeks. The outside world leaves you alone. So when the worst happens if we can make it back to the hills we might survive. Maybe that is why people say head for the hill. The good book says " I lift mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my health. ". When all else fails you can find us on Cain' Run in Ritchie County, West Virginia. Maybe we will come full circle . We were here at age 26 and maybe we will die there at age 76. Like the Nazis the Trump cult might hunt us down and eradicate us for thinking outside the Fox univers.
Can we do 2020 over?
This has been one of the most insane years of the old life. Nothing compares except maybe the sixties. Like complete fools the Kadizzles have sold their wonderful home. What were we thinking. We have people we have known for years caught in the mental illness of Donald Trump. The little town we live in based on coal is seeing the end of that game. Delusional thinking has become so popular adults are embracing Santa Clause, but he has orange hair and calls everything a hoax. The world is literally burning up and nobody notices. The cult cheers everytime the dolt in the White House tells another lie. Can we just do it over? Making mistakes seems to be the new normal. Nothing makes sense. The country is on the verge of a depression and the stock market has completely come back. The rich are robbing the poor blind and the poor bend over for more. People tattoo themselves like savages. Most of us are so fat we might explode. Reality has left the room. If you believe it, it is true, the new modus operandi. We just drove through the smoke filled west. The last three times Kadizzle has driven west the sky has been invisible because the west is on fire. We have come to accept yellow air as normal, people living in tents as normal, lying presidents as normal. Science no longer means anything. Education comes from Fox News. What have we become?
Sunday, August 23, 2020
The Nazis are coming out of the dark
Every time Kadizzle sees a Trump flag or any Trump cult material it shocks him like seeing a Nazi symbol. Driving across the midwest and seeing people proudly declare they are idiots is frightening. In Bismark they had a Trump rally of boats on the river. The level of stupidity is unfathomable. How can Trump provide such overwhelming evidence he is a crook, a liar, a con man, and a criminal yet his cult members adore his insanity, his blatant immorality. How do they do it, how do they do it.
Kadizzle should not be amazed. Humans are cable of delusion in a major way. Don't mean to offend, but churches have shown us how willing people are to believe the illogical, the unscientific, the comforting lies. Trump is the new Jesus to these people. Nothing Trump does adds up to reality, but the fools want to believe. Religion is all about a story that makes sense out of something that does not make sense. Trump tells his cult their hatred of minorities makes sense, their greed makes sense, and it satisfies their need for an explanation. People grab at explanations. People want to feel assured they know what is happening. Trump tells them a lie they like, they buy it. When you see mass insanity it is scary. Women were burnt as witches by mass insanity, and millions were murdered when mass insanity struck Germany. Trump has used every trick in Hitler's playbook. Trump has played to the masses that have been abused by the rich. Trump has made the truck driver feel like they have someone on their side. The simple minded love Trump spitting in the face of normality because normality did the dolts wrong. It seems the survival of this country is at stake in this election. The big question is can the country come out of the fog? There is some hope. Trump has become so bad some of the people who can see have left the Republican gulag. Maybe, there will be a magic bullet of intelligence that sparks the revival of thinking. No brain fully functioning could buy into the Trump mythology.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The new Earth Module.
Here we sit in Forsyth Montana, second day in the new Earth module. This one is huge compared to the old one, and just a matter of time until it is rammed into something. Of course it has it's share of silly wis bang features like self leveling. Kadizzle managed to life the wheels off the ground on one side inadvertently. The buying process for this new home was insane beyond imagination. You will get the short version. First Winky didn't want this one then maybe she did, then she didn't. This went on for about two hours. In total frustration Kadizzle got in the truck and told Winky to get in. Driving away from the dealership Winky said she did want it. Getting this thing parked beside the house will be the big drama for today.
The life and brains of the Kadizzles seems to be in a blender. Daughter Cheech told Winky to make one big decision at a time. Seems like good advice. Selling the house, buying a new RV, a new truck and moving out of the old domicile all at once is just too much, especially when you question all your decisions. Such is life. Shortly we will head back to Hazen. The new truck is a joy, it has every bell and whistle imaginable and the power to deal with the hulk behind it. Best of all it gets better mileage than the old goat. Add to all this the political insanity and the virus and off we go.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Spit in the Yellowstone.
After driving 50 mph for 500 miles to break new truck here we sit right beside the Yellowstone. From the chair I sit in the river is less than ten feet away. Rain is beginning to fall so may have to make this short. Tomorrow we head on to Missoula to pick up the new camper. The sound of the river should lull us to sleep. If Yellowstone park erupts in volcanic activity we are doomed, but what a nice way to go.
Time is shooting by
Two young guys came lumbering down the street in their football jerseys. Those same two guys used to come down the street as little guys on bikes. Time has passed so quickly and they are grown up and huge. Where did the time go? At 71 years old my brain does not get it. My body has grown old around me. It is like a time bomb has hit. Age is ripening everyone Kadizzle knows. We are crumbling like those old farmsteads. Trees Kadizzle planted are eighty feet tall, everything is worn down, the paint has faded. The body is rusted, old, creeking, and squeaking. The eyes strain, the brain strains, and the atoms slow down. We tell the same stories over and over. Grass grows between our toes, and on it goes. The big transition is around the corner. Soon we will become star dust once more. Winky will have Kadizzle baked until all the atoms are free to once more go into the universe as energy. Ain't that much energy in the atoms now.
Here we go. It is almost seven and we head to Missoula, Montana to get our new camper. A long drive that will take two days. With our new truck we are not supposed to drive over fifty miles per hour for the first five hundred miles. That will be fun plugging up the interstate. More coffee, and everyone be good. This is the time to fight as hard as you can to defeat the evil of the Republican party and Donald Trump. It looks like some Republicans are sprouting testicles and standing up to the con man. Our future is at stake and those who do nothing will be held responsible.
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
A society of collectors
Stroupini is involved in a charitable project cleaning out the home of a hoarder. Moving let one see how bad a hoarder even a non hoarder is. So much junk, so much useless stuff, so much wasted money. Seeing all our wedding gifts that never were used. Expensive fribles that have sat for years. So much useless stuff. Bees collect honey and some day they hope to eat it, but humans just collect junk. Converting the junk to cash is hopeless. Strange ways of doing it. Among other thing the Kadizzles have accumulated antlers. Up at the Cenex hall a guy was buying antlers, so we hauled our up there for fifty bucks. Fortunately old friends have purchased a lot of our furniture. Still we will end up moving stuff that is worth less than the cost of the move.
Back to the hoarders Stroupini is helping. The garage was packed to the ceiling. 23 pickup loads went to the dump. Many unopened boxes just thrown out. Stroupine says they still have packed rooms to go. Poor old Stroupini had to haul mold laden boxes out of the basement. What motivates people to act like squirrels? Our problem is art. Art is fine on the wall, but the number of paintings, posters, and prints we have had to package is astounding. Most of the crap has just been in the art museum in the basement.
The worst part of our cleansing is the junk of the children. For fifty years we have been saving the toys of the children, all their drawings, and momentos. Now we have to haul a pickup load to Cheech in Philadelphia, and Snooch in Denver.
Most disturbing are the container ships hauling eighteen thousand containers at a time of Chinese junk to our country. The garbage truck are busy running this stuff to the landfill.
Monday, August 17, 2020
Playing with the dingers.
Kadizzle enjoys toying with the simple minded. On the facebook rant system some woman named Deb responded to Kadizzle with
I see you are a liberal piece of shit
Curious Kadizzle looked up the profile of the person. Deb seemed to be a bit overweight. Now, a disclaimer. Kadizzle has too much chicken meat hanging around his middle. Anyway here is the response to Deb
Deb, I love you more than you can imagine. Saving you from the mental illness that has eaten away at your brain is important to me. Seeing you consumed by the Trump cult brings me such sorrow. You can be cured, but you need to cooperate. You must turn off Fox News, you need to pick up a real newspaper, and turn off KFYR radio. You can come alive, you can learn to think and reason. I am here to help, but you must participate. Seeing you floundering in the darkness of Republican thought saddens me. Once there was hope for people like you, but since Trump has supplied you with the opium of stupidity it will be a struggle to make you normal. Please try. With all my love for those caught in the web of ignorance I pray for you. And stay away from that pie.
The number of Debs out there is frightening. This morning Kadizzle noticed another friend sopping up the right wing lies like mothers milk. The simplest logic would server these people well. My friend is sponsoring a video that claims mail in voting is unsafe. She promotes the idea that mail in ballots are marked Republican and Democrat. The post office just throws away those marked to vote for Republicans. I asked for her source for this bogus video, of course there is no way to trace back these crazy things, but the cult members love them. You can always see Jesus face in the clouds and on burnt toast if you you just give it a try.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Electric Goats
Last evening Kadizzle put a ring on Stroupini to see if he wanted to go on an electric bike excursion with Kadizzle and Winky. Stroupini took us up on it. We went to his house to get him. Kadizzle gave his new steam whistle a couple toots. Off we went, three old goats on electric bikes. Down the highway and out into the country. Why don't goats ride bikes? The knees were a little sore, but the belly was a little smaller. Electric bikes are catching on big time. They are fun, and save a lot of fuel, and wear and tear on the car, and the person. Try one.
The brain needs fresh food. Kadizzle has become somewhat of a Youtube addict. The things you can find people have made videos about are endless. The Two Cellos below came from surfing Youtube. You can find junk advice and good advice. There is one called "Give it a think" that is educational, lots of good science, and engineering. Feeding a hungry brain is fun. Unfortunately that hungry brain causes diarrhea of the mouth according to friends. Winky says Kadizzle dominates conversations. Yup probably do. Find many interesting things to shoot out the mouth. If you are not a Youtube surfer give it a try. Youtube has a howto on just about everything. So far Kadizzle has learned how to fly a jet, operate an Ohio River barge, and do a lot of other things. The bizzare things people make are fun to see, campers pulled behind bikes and table saws made from grinders. Want to see people do stupid stuff, endless supply. Maybe the same category people doing scary stuff, but it does stimulate the mind. Only problem while you sit there watching other people move you are not.
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Here we go
Slowly but surely the house is emptying. Room by room we evacuate. Selling what we can has been a surprise. Most of our furniture has been purchased by friends. The Kadizzles will be able to visit friends and our old furniture at the same time. It was nice to find good homes for the furniture. We pulled the trigger and bought a new camper yesterday. That means we have to haul this one to Missoula and get the other one. Since we also bought a new truck we have to drive the first five hundred miles under fifty milers per hour. That should be fun.
The level of insanity reached by the country is like the virus, the spread of stupidity. Trump gets worse every day and more blatant in his lying and cheating, yet his cult never waives. What could Trump do to lose the cult members? Kadizzle sees people he knows who are cult members and just cannot comprehend how they do it.
How do people believe things that make absolutely no sense? Really it should not be that surprising. People have always believed nonsense. Look at religion. Worldwide people make up some silly story and believe it. The failure of logic is at the heart of the matter. Some person sells the simple minded a theory that is so bogus a child would not buy it, but the dingers do. Conspiracy theories are selling today like hot cakes. The psychology of stupidity is a study in itself. Always there is the desire to believe. The health food market is a classic. Just take this pill, drink this water, and do this exercise, and all will be well. What do magicians do? Magicians play on diversion, and your desire to be fooled. What does Trump do? Trump plays on your desire to believe lies. Trump knows how to appeal to your worst instincts. Figuring out how to manipulate people has been an age old trick. No one mastered it like churches. Give me some money every Sunday and I will sell you salvation. Farmers figured it out. You could get more salvation by staying home and harvesting the wheat before it rained. Sometimes logic intervenes. You are giving money to a group that rapes little boys? Oh it is just a few odd ones. Rationalization, works in favor of the charlatans. November will reveal if the fog is lifted or if the tidal wave of ignorance has overwhelmed us.
Friday, August 14, 2020
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Good morning Russians.
The little page that tells Kadizzle what countries are looking at this blog says Kadizzle has three times more Russians reading the blog than Americans. According to the statistics one thousand seven hundred and fifty Russians are tuned in. Now please some Russian let me know why. No one with any sense would waste their time reading this stuff. Why do Russians like it. If you are a Russian get hold of me somehow. It makes no sense. The only thing that might make sense is Russians helping throw our elections. Maybe they need to get a sense for what goes on in our country. Someone solve this mystery.
Steal the Mind
OK this may offend some people, but such is life. Moving through town in recent days Kadizzle goes past the Methodist Church. Outside are little children, little children being indoctrinated. A nice young woman sits on a chair and tells the little children stories that are myths, legends, and unsubstantiated nonsense. Now we wonder how adults can believe in Trump. As children the Trumpsters were taught about the dead arising, walking on water, talking snakes, women turned into salt, so believing Trump is not much of a leap. What a disservice to a young mind, getting children to lose the ability to tell truch from fiction, to tell logical from illogical. God wiped out a lot of people with floods, plagues, and you name it, now tell the kids he is a living God. None of it makes a bit of sense, but it prepares young minds to think in a way that makes no sense. Just believe, that doesn't work. The real world has facts, science, research, and even truth. Religion tells young kids to avoid all this. Don't believe what you see, if someone tells you a fantastic lie it might be true. Why would anyone do this to little kids? How will you expect to live in a real world when you don't believe in the real world? The Bible teaches kids it is all right to kill a bunch of people once in awhile. God did it. The Bible did nothing about slavery, the crusades, or so much of the carnage the Catholic church sponsored. The Bible enabled the priest to rape the little boys. No, no it wasn't the Bible. Oh yes it was, it was a tool of Trump. Trump used the Bible to further his propaganda game as he walked to the church. The Bible was used to tell the slaves they were meant to be slaves. It all starts with little children washed in the blood of the lamb.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Toot's new Horn
The Crash is coming
As usual Kadizzle awankend about 4 A.M. The article in the New York Times glaring at him from his laptop told about the store closings in New York. Winky just read something out loud about the economy in Britain. We are entering a new world and most of the world is oblivious. The old economy has to be replaced it just will not work. There is no work. Think how many people have been put out of work. Look up at the sky, do you see the jet contrails? No, what does that tell you? The game has changed. What happens when people have no work and no money? Rebellion. The recent riots were just the beginning of social unrest. The greed Republicans have sewn is going to backfire in a big way. What is money? Money is just paper that represents work. You cannot print work. This will soon be discovered. The train is coming down the track and the tea party on the railroad track is going to have a rude interruption. The fallacy of this economy is going to become so obvious even a Trump supporter can see it. How can you keep the illusion going when the priest are having sex with little boys? That is Trump. His crimes are so blatant it is getting hard for the cult members to ignore.
The big move goes on. The house is just about devoid of furniture. The Kadizzles are down to seeds and stems. The dining room table will go tonight. The twin beds downstairs went last night. Kadizzle sold the twin beds to the victim of homeschooling. The poor guy never learned any social skills. His family had their little cult. Now he is out in the world with no friends, and no clue how to relate to normal people. Kadizzle feels sorry for people robbed of their minds by religion. What a cruel thing to do to your children. Fill their heads with nonsense and isolate them from reality.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Toot Stroupini
Kadizzle had to go to the court house today to have Stroupini's first name changed. Now he is " Toot" Stroupini. Old Toot has been working on a great project. Toot took a large propane tank and filled it with compressed air. The air runs his steam whistle down at his house. Kadizzle was just on the back porch and Toot gave a few blast. About a mile away the wonderful sound of a riverboat came to the back yard. Toot was on the phone when he let loose so Kadizzle could hear the toot on the phone and then a second later the sound came over to the Kadizzle house. Now, a schedule has to be made for when the horn will blow. Kadizzle will get a picture of the wonderful device and post it on here.
Monday, August 10, 2020
Around it spins
It has happened once more, the sun came up. The house looks like it has been hit by a tornado on the inside. The moving out process chugs along. Kadizzle is not attached to things, but Winky has treasures. The treasures are a pain. Somehow getting things out of the house we have lived in for so long means it is real. We have some of the best neighbors in the world. Dallas and Marilyn invited over for dinner the other night. When you eat at the old grocer's house and he is married to a good cook lookout. When Dallas cooks steak you know it will be a belly buster, and Marilyn made some special peaches baked with blue cheese. Umm, umm, umm. Of course there was slap your granny pie.
Bob lives up the street. Bob has a collection of tools, nails, and you name it in his basement. Over the years Kadizzle has transferred all his excess to Bob's basement. Bob puts it in an orderly fashion. Now when you need something you just call Bob's hardware. The Kadizzle's were original settlers in this neighborhood. Some great people came and went. In fact we are the only original settlers when you think about it.
This morning Kadizzle is thinking about how he could get back to New Zealand. They will not let you in. New Zealand is virus free. Winky would love it, but we cannot get in.
The biggest headache in this moving process is the wall hangings. For some strange reason the Kadizzles are incapable of packaging the blasted art work. So Cheech insisted on hiring packers. The professionals will be paid an outrages sum to stuff pictures in a box that we could do for free, but it will create some kind of strange comfort for Winky.
On the side Winky is hankering for a new fifth wheel camper. That is a read undertaking. If we get one we will have to travel to Idaho, or Arizona. Dealing with those guys over the phone is a treat as they try to explain to you that you need to just give them the Earth Module on trade. Going broke the old fashioned way is fun.
Sunday, August 09, 2020
Trickle Up
Some friends took the Kadizzles out on a boat yesterday to tour the land of the prosperous. Along the lake people are paying one million to tear down and existing lake home and build one for a few million. These are the people who refuse to pay their share of taxes and hire Kelly Armstrong, and Kevin Cramer to protect them from the welfare cheats. Income inequality is on full display at the lake. One classic case is the poor fellow who built an 11,000 square foot home and cannot find a buyer. Some little oil orphan will buy it given enough time. As many lose their homes the Republicans rejoice in the new banana Republic . The Republican tax system makes sure all the bananas go to the top.
Saturday, August 08, 2020
Another Day
Kadizzle slept so hard he had a hard time coming back to life. What a life to come back to. The insane clown is still in his circus tent. Insanity is raining down on our moving project. The Kadizzle family has never moved since 1976. Our last move from West Virginia to North Dakota was a joke. Kadizzle worked for Conoco at the time. Money was no object for the big oil company and they had a special division that moved people. Conoco paid about three thousand dollars to move about ten dollars worth of trash. We had nothing. The result was a full sized moving van with a pile of cinder blocks, and the most amazing thine a pile of firewood. Kadizzle did not know Winky was bringing the firewood when the truck pulled into the farmyard in North Dakota. Also on the truck was a five by five piece of marble we used for a table top. Now when we need that truck, we are trying to move with a wheelbarrow. The house is strewn with boxes and fribble frable. We have rented a storage shed.
Storage sheds are the bain of the country and say so much about what we have become. There is almost one storage locker for every home in Hazen. Storing crap is the new American dream. The curse of the countryside is steel buildings. We import giant shiploads of recycled trash from China and store it in metal sheds. We live by the motto " Someday I am going to need that " . Then you die and your kids say" What in the hell did he save that for?" Sitting over there on the kitchen island is a set of carving knives, a very expensive set we got for our wedding two hundred years ago. Maybe once we used those knives. There is so much that was purchased to feel like we were prosperous, but never used.