The Kadizzles are back home with the grass needing cut. A long smokey drive across Washington, Montana, and North Dakota. The planet is melting and no one notices. Kadizzzle has seen the dead reefs in Belize, The forest on fire in the Northwest, and the insane floods in Texas, yet the magical Republicans deny there is a problem.
Off subject already. The race, the sailboat race is scheduled for Saturday. Kadizzle has put his team together. There will be a nice trophy of pure silver. Now the strange part, the Kadizzle team has been prohibited from winning. Last year before the race Kadizzle was told that " If you come in first you will get the second place trophy". The problem is the good ship won in past years by an astounding margin. This was the result of a fast boat, and a good captain. Well not really, we had good starts and more important good luck. Now the puzzling part. If the second place winner gets the first place trophy, it seems that it would be easy to drop back to second place. Maybe not. When sailboats race and they are of different make and model the boats are scored by a Performance Handicap Racing system. This means a fast boat must win by a margin. For example we might have to beat all the other boats by twenty minutes. So if you deliberately came in second you would have to carefully cross the finish line by some exact margin. Maybe we could wait at the finish line and let the second place boat cross. That would not guarantee us second in this strange system because we would have to beat boat number three by a specific margin. Trying to figure out how to come in second becomes very complicated. Add to the this the fact that they might deny us the trophy anyway and we have a mess on our hands. Actually the idea is to get more people racing, so we don't really care. As long as people have fun and learn something about sailboat racing it is mission accomplished.
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Saturday, August 26, 2017
One of the best ever
The Kadizzles are headed back to the prairie. Years ago we met Darch. Darch is an esteemed international member of the Crazy Club in Hazen. Darch came to Hazen to ride the Ma Da Hey trail this summer. A finer athlete over 70 cannot be found. Darch invited us to sail in the Broken Island chain on his 35 foot catamaran. It was a wonderful trip and would be hard to beat. The weather was perfect,
Perhaps tomorrow I will ad some photos. Compared to our boat the catamaran was luxurious. Each hull had a double bunk and it's own head with a shower. The salon was roomy and very comfortable. The stability of a catamaran is an easy sell. No healing got to be pretty nice to live with. The scenery, the coves, and the company were spectacular. On our last day out we finally caught some salmon. What a meal. The first day out Darch pulled up his crab pot with six nice specimens. Clams and oysters were do da to gather and we could harvest them at will.
The highlight of the trip was a dingy trip to Lucky Falls. Unbelievable beauty, magnificent pools of crystal clear water, and of course we had a wonderful swim. Kadizzle was so tempted to dive from a forty foot cliff into a bottomless pool, but thought better of it. We are tired so that is all for today.
Perhaps tomorrow I will ad some photos. Compared to our boat the catamaran was luxurious. Each hull had a double bunk and it's own head with a shower. The salon was roomy and very comfortable. The stability of a catamaran is an easy sell. No healing got to be pretty nice to live with. The scenery, the coves, and the company were spectacular. On our last day out we finally caught some salmon. What a meal. The first day out Darch pulled up his crab pot with six nice specimens. Clams and oysters were do da to gather and we could harvest them at will.
The highlight of the trip was a dingy trip to Lucky Falls. Unbelievable beauty, magnificent pools of crystal clear water, and of course we had a wonderful swim. Kadizzle was so tempted to dive from a forty foot cliff into a bottomless pool, but thought better of it. We are tired so that is all for today.
Sunday, August 20, 2017
Free was free
The Toyota had a slow leak on the left rear side of the car. Discount tire in Burlington, Washington said " bring it in, we will fix it for free". Well, they did. Mr. and Mrs Kadizzle thought it was a trick, but they were very nice and did not try to sell us a new tire. So give them one hundred good boy points.
Today if all goes as planned we take the car ferry to Canada. Mrs. Kadizzle has an expired passport so she may never be able to return to our country. Also we are now closer to North Korea. So if the two crazy men get in a nuclear battle we may get rained on by missiles. Mrs. Kadizzle had the brilliant idea of fresh seafood for dinner. Four shrimp each and a small serving of crab meat came to 31 bucks for the food we took back to the hotel to eat.
Tomorrow we will be sailing in Vancouver. Kadizzle has done a lot of sailing, but for some strange reason ocean sailing makes him prone to sea sickness. Somehow the brain can deal with simple lake waves, but it is the swells that mix with the waves Kadizzle cannot sort out. Hopefully this will not be a problem. The best solution is to be topside and keep an eye on the horizon.
Other than the wonderful scenery, our entertainment has been the Trump meltdown. Every time you think he has had it and reached the bottom he goes lower. It has been a long time since any president has come close to being as bad as the current self obsessed clown.
Today if all goes as planned we take the car ferry to Canada. Mrs. Kadizzle has an expired passport so she may never be able to return to our country. Also we are now closer to North Korea. So if the two crazy men get in a nuclear battle we may get rained on by missiles. Mrs. Kadizzle had the brilliant idea of fresh seafood for dinner. Four shrimp each and a small serving of crab meat came to 31 bucks for the food we took back to the hotel to eat.
Tomorrow we will be sailing in Vancouver. Kadizzle has done a lot of sailing, but for some strange reason ocean sailing makes him prone to sea sickness. Somehow the brain can deal with simple lake waves, but it is the swells that mix with the waves Kadizzle cannot sort out. Hopefully this will not be a problem. The best solution is to be topside and keep an eye on the horizon.
Other than the wonderful scenery, our entertainment has been the Trump meltdown. Every time you think he has had it and reached the bottom he goes lower. It has been a long time since any president has come close to being as bad as the current self obsessed clown.
Saturday, August 19, 2017
Bear in a Box
Somewhere near Twisp we camped for the night. Ran into bear hunters. The outside of the bear was in the big cooler including the head. This would be the run and the trophy. The rest of the coolers had the meat. Kadizzle thinks you should leave the bears alone, but these guys did not. They gave Mrs Kadizzle some bear meat sausage, Mr. Kadizzle wanted none. Nice guys, but leave the bears alone.
Back to yesterday, forgot to mention the Testicle festival. Some little town in Montana near Drummond had a testicle festival going on. Since Kadizzle has had prostate cancer and a vasectomy he decided not to enter. Looked like a big ring dang do for a little town. Some fella is traveling with three Maltese dogs on his motorcycle. What a set up. Three little boxes that a dog head sticks out of. He was at the campground and we shot the BS. He was a real BS competitor. We talked all the talk we could til we gave out.
Back to yesterday, forgot to mention the Testicle festival. Some little town in Montana near Drummond had a testicle festival going on. Since Kadizzle has had prostate cancer and a vasectomy he decided not to enter. Looked like a big ring dang do for a little town. Some fella is traveling with three Maltese dogs on his motorcycle. What a set up. Three little boxes that a dog head sticks out of. He was at the campground and we shot the BS. He was a real BS competitor. We talked all the talk we could til we gave out.
Friday, August 18, 2017
Crazy Day already
Looks like the tire is low, so we stop for air. A girl falls out of her truck. Asks Mrs. Kadizzle for 87 cents to get beer. Mrs Kadizzle in surprize move ask Mr Kadizzle to give her the money. We give simple minded girl a dollar, she never says thanks. Why did Mrs K want to give a girl money for beer at eight in the morning? Who knows. Kadizzle explains to the girl she has a problem. Kadizzle tries to give girl advice. Ask if the girl is on meth, she says she is not. Kadizzle tells girl they should not drink and drive. Girl says they have death wish. As Kadizzle drives away thinks he should have got license number and alerted police. Hope the dingers don't get hurt or kill someone. Stupid move to give her a buck. What will we do stupid next. Heading North and West.
Drummond Montana
Up and awake, just poured coffee at Drummond rodeo grounds. Dropped into another world. Trains rumbling by all night. Smoke from forest fires as the planet burns to the ground. Slept in the tent.
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Up Early and heading West
Kadizzles will head west. Darch invited us to sail near Vancouver so off we go today. Across the wild Montana, mile, after mile, until only the ocean stops us. What a change from a dried up prairie to nothing but water. Darch has a nice catamaran. It will be a first for these monohull sailors. If the seafood from the back of the boat is a good as Darch says we will live the life of ease.
When we cross into Canada we will leave the crazy mess of Trump behind. However, Trump may end up with missiles raining down on the wrong country if the aim of North Korea is poor. The recent insanity of Trump has been fun to watch. The best part was when his trainer, controller, or whatever had that " Oh No!" look on his face as Trump departed from his printed script.
We will travel through some heavy bubba country and woods that surely have gun nuts, Nazi flags, and are ready to rise up and help Trump make America Great.
As a kid you never thought some of the things you have seen happen would. Clinton getting a tune up from Monica was a big surprize. Electing a black president was amazing, but a totally mentally ill man has now topped the game. Only his hard core supporters do not notice he is suffering from some kind of strange mental illness.
A comedian had a great idea, make Trump King. Be like England. Have a King that is just a simple minded fool with no power. Trump could go around in a king outfit and he would be the happiest man on Earth. Part of the castle could have a Trump Tower. As King he would be harmless and he could choose any titles he wants. He could be " His royal purveyor of Truth". As a figurehead we could send him around the world, and keep our own country safe. Of course when he emerged from the castle there would be Trumpeteers praising him. His majesty the grabber could ride around in a carriage pulled by donkeys. We would tell him they were unicorns.
When we cross into Canada we will leave the crazy mess of Trump behind. However, Trump may end up with missiles raining down on the wrong country if the aim of North Korea is poor. The recent insanity of Trump has been fun to watch. The best part was when his trainer, controller, or whatever had that " Oh No!" look on his face as Trump departed from his printed script.
We will travel through some heavy bubba country and woods that surely have gun nuts, Nazi flags, and are ready to rise up and help Trump make America Great.
As a kid you never thought some of the things you have seen happen would. Clinton getting a tune up from Monica was a big surprize. Electing a black president was amazing, but a totally mentally ill man has now topped the game. Only his hard core supporters do not notice he is suffering from some kind of strange mental illness.
A comedian had a great idea, make Trump King. Be like England. Have a King that is just a simple minded fool with no power. Trump could go around in a king outfit and he would be the happiest man on Earth. Part of the castle could have a Trump Tower. As King he would be harmless and he could choose any titles he wants. He could be " His royal purveyor of Truth". As a figurehead we could send him around the world, and keep our own country safe. Of course when he emerged from the castle there would be Trumpeteers praising him. His majesty the grabber could ride around in a carriage pulled by donkeys. We would tell him they were unicorns.
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
41 Idiots
North Dakota is a great place to live, but the people do not get out much. The legislature in North Dakota is made up of old goats. The goats graduated from the coffee shops in their home town. Our legislators live in a small world. In the small world everyone needs a gun, in the small world Fox News is the only news. Awhile back North Dakota made the national news with the pipeline protest. The goats went wild. What should we do? One simple minded goat in the legislature came up with a law that would pretty much hold a person harmless for running down a protester with you car. 52 sane normal legislators voted against this bill, but 41 idiots voted for it. Now that is pretty scary the high percentage of plain vanilla idiots we have elected in North Dakota. The North Dakota legislature is owned lock, stock, and barrel by the Republicans. North Dakota has fallen under the spell of right wing media. Rush, KFYR radio, or some simple minded blogger make up some right wing crap, and now it is doctrine. The typical right winger in North Dakota reads and listens to nothing but those outlets that will assure them Trump indeed was sent by God. Reality has left the mind of the Republicans. Trump followers believe their Jesus can do no wrong.
Monday, August 14, 2017
The Dog smelled a Democrat
Kadizzle got on the scale yesterday, the news was disheartening. The gravity in the bathroom was extreme. To solve the problem Kadizzle headed north on his bike. With earphones on and a good music playlist the day was about as good as it could be. There may have even been a little tailwind.
As the road got near 1806 ten miles North of Hazen Kadizzle saw the flag pole in the yard. Today it just had the American flag flying. On many days a Trump flag would fly from that pole. Kadizzle wanted to average 14.5 miles per hour for the trip so he was moving pretty well as he approached the compound of idiocy that flies a Trump flag. On the bike speedometer it showed 20mph. The Trump dog smelled a Democrat and came racing out onto the highway to taste the sweet meet of a fat Democrats leg. Kadizzle thought the dog could not do twenty, but he was wrong. The dog got ahead of the bike as he nipped and almost caused a good man to go down. Kadizzle will fight Trump and his dog to the end. Peddling furiously Kadizzle pulled ahead. The dog was left behind, but Kadizzle had to shortly return the same way.
You cannot reason with Trump supporters, so Kadizzle needed a plan for the return trip. As Kadizzle pedaled toward the intersection with 1806 he searched for the appropriate weapon. As if God intended Kadizzle to defeat the evil minion of Trump there it was. Leaning on the fence post on the right was a long light steel pipe, perfect for educating a Trump supporter. With the pipe Kadizzle headed back toward the Trump compound. Sure enough his dog Steve Bannon came running after Kadizzle. Dismounting the bike Kadizzle got into his battle stance with the pipe. Both the dog and the Trump supporter that owned him realized what would happen. Dog brain hesitated and rethought his attack, Trump man captured the dog and all was well. Teddy Roosevelt said " Walk quietly and carry a big stick". Kadizzle says ride quickly and carry a light pipe about ten feet long. So the pipe rest about a half mile before Trumps four legged minion. Bear spray may be the next surprise for the four legged barker. The dog will find Democrats smell tasty, but have a bitter odor that burns your eyes and nostrils.
As the road got near 1806 ten miles North of Hazen Kadizzle saw the flag pole in the yard. Today it just had the American flag flying. On many days a Trump flag would fly from that pole. Kadizzle wanted to average 14.5 miles per hour for the trip so he was moving pretty well as he approached the compound of idiocy that flies a Trump flag. On the bike speedometer it showed 20mph. The Trump dog smelled a Democrat and came racing out onto the highway to taste the sweet meet of a fat Democrats leg. Kadizzle thought the dog could not do twenty, but he was wrong. The dog got ahead of the bike as he nipped and almost caused a good man to go down. Kadizzle will fight Trump and his dog to the end. Peddling furiously Kadizzle pulled ahead. The dog was left behind, but Kadizzle had to shortly return the same way.
You cannot reason with Trump supporters, so Kadizzle needed a plan for the return trip. As Kadizzle pedaled toward the intersection with 1806 he searched for the appropriate weapon. As if God intended Kadizzle to defeat the evil minion of Trump there it was. Leaning on the fence post on the right was a long light steel pipe, perfect for educating a Trump supporter. With the pipe Kadizzle headed back toward the Trump compound. Sure enough his dog Steve Bannon came running after Kadizzle. Dismounting the bike Kadizzle got into his battle stance with the pipe. Both the dog and the Trump supporter that owned him realized what would happen. Dog brain hesitated and rethought his attack, Trump man captured the dog and all was well. Teddy Roosevelt said " Walk quietly and carry a big stick". Kadizzle says ride quickly and carry a light pipe about ten feet long. So the pipe rest about a half mile before Trumps four legged minion. Bear spray may be the next surprise for the four legged barker. The dog will find Democrats smell tasty, but have a bitter odor that burns your eyes and nostrils.
Sunday, August 13, 2017
Who will be next?
As a young person you rarely thought about who would be next. Who would be next to be shipped to Vietnam might have been a thought, or who would be next to get married. As an old guy 68 who will be next has become a different thought. At 68 old Kadizzle now has seen a lot of people drawn up to the great beyond. In his career mining, and power planting Kadizzle got to know hundreds of people. Add to that friends, relatives, and the guy down the street and when you ask "Who will be next?", it takes on a big number. The system has no rhyme or reason. A healthy person is struck down with cancer. An old goat that smoked himself to an extreme is still puffing at 70. A skinny guy dies of a heart attack while the big lard ass who never exercised in fifty years is still stuffing himself with sausages like he is a sausage.
When the big wheel spins the good get struck down just like the rotten scoundrels. Are those people somewhere else or are they atoms no longer associated with each other? Each of us will have a magic moment where we find out.
So all you leave behind is the good you have done or the evil you promoted. You were on a planet with billions of people. Did you improve it? Did you take more than your share?
When the big wheel spins the good get struck down just like the rotten scoundrels. Are those people somewhere else or are they atoms no longer associated with each other? Each of us will have a magic moment where we find out.
So all you leave behind is the good you have done or the evil you promoted. You were on a planet with billions of people. Did you improve it? Did you take more than your share?
Saturday, August 12, 2017
Hamburger Man
I have got to remember, it is a fine memory, that soft naked lady God meant her to be. That is how the song goes, but this is a different memory. A thousand, maybe two thousand years ago I worked at the Burger Chef in my little suburb of Woodsdale. This was back in the hills of Wheeling, West Virginia. It was a high school job. Mike Walen, who I also played football with at Triadelphia worked there too. His nickname was The Wale. Mike had a habit of yelling " Duke is on" or "Duke is off". Duke was the older guy who managed the place for the owner. If The Wale yelled " Duke is on" everyone knew to put on their best behavior and sparkle things up a bit. One day Duke somehow got into the building without The Wale knowing it. The Wale did see Duke's car out in front as he cooked french fries. The Wale thought Duke had just arrived when actually Duke was standing right behind him. The Wale bellowed out " Duke is on" and then turned to find Duke right behind him.
The hamburger dispensary was deliberately designed so customers could look into the cooking area. Being able to see the entire process meant customers could decide for themselves about the cleanliness. The place was kept very clean. Hamburgers were cooked on a chain. Never since then have I seen such a set up. The raw patties were put on the chain and as it moved through flames on top and on the bottom the meat was cooked. The device was like a conveyor belt and could turn out a lot of hamburgers. Sometimes during exam periods West Liberty students would order hundreds of hamburgers.
To make the math simple all prices were in 15 cent increments. Once you got to know the multiples of 15 making change was easy. Looking back it was amazing how much math and how many order you could do at one time.
At the end of the day often there were be some stray cheeseburgers left over. These became lunch the next day at high school. A lot of stories still told today took place there. The parking lot was a gathering place for teens at that time.
Often particularly on Sundays a line would build up of people waiting to purchase food. Some fool would come in and stare at the menu printed on a large board over the counter area. As the person staired everyone would get irate. Frustrated I often said " Next please, please next, can I help you or are you beyond help?". This would somehow get the attention of the gawker, and things wouuld go on.
The pay was less than a dollar an hour, but it kept my budget going. Pickles for the hamburgers came in large wooden barrels, the french fries were made fresh. A large potato peeler machine that basically sanded the skin off operated in the back. Each potato was put by hand into a device that cut it into fries. The Wale cooked the fries and did a good job. Often he was making fries and dipping a few into the tarter sauce to eat while he worked. This did his weight no good.
One night the I was at the front counter and a customer burst through the front door. The customer immediately flung a bag of hamburgers at me he had previously bought. The customer yelled " I don't have to eat this crap anymore". The man was very irate. I ducked, and the hamburger sack flew into the back of the building. Sort of panicking I told the man " I don't cook these things, he does" and I pointed to the night manager. Somehow they resolved the issue, but it was fortunate the counter was built in a way customers could not get to us.
Another incident I clearly remember because it was so bizarre. The hamburger patties came premade. You dropped them quickly on the conveyor chain and let them cook. The process became so routine no one payed much attention to what was going on, or even closely looked at the finished product. A customer came back to the counter with a hamburger he had just purchased. He said he wanted to show it to the manager. Opening the hamburger there it was. Right in the middle of the cooked patty was a piece of cowhide. It had the skin and hair still on it. Something had gone wrong in the processing. The manager said to the customer " What do you want me to do about it?". The customer said " I want another one". The manager was a smart ass, and could not resist. He replied " We don't have anymore like that". I was surprised the incident was resolved so easily. The man got another burger and seemed satisfied.
It was my first real job. I learned a lot. I learned to show up, shut up, put up, and grow up. I learned how to treat people, and I learned I could do a lot more in my head than I thought. A lot more stories could be told about what went on at the Burger Chef, but to protect the people involved you don't get to read them.
The hamburger dispensary was deliberately designed so customers could look into the cooking area. Being able to see the entire process meant customers could decide for themselves about the cleanliness. The place was kept very clean. Hamburgers were cooked on a chain. Never since then have I seen such a set up. The raw patties were put on the chain and as it moved through flames on top and on the bottom the meat was cooked. The device was like a conveyor belt and could turn out a lot of hamburgers. Sometimes during exam periods West Liberty students would order hundreds of hamburgers.
To make the math simple all prices were in 15 cent increments. Once you got to know the multiples of 15 making change was easy. Looking back it was amazing how much math and how many order you could do at one time.
At the end of the day often there were be some stray cheeseburgers left over. These became lunch the next day at high school. A lot of stories still told today took place there. The parking lot was a gathering place for teens at that time.
Often particularly on Sundays a line would build up of people waiting to purchase food. Some fool would come in and stare at the menu printed on a large board over the counter area. As the person staired everyone would get irate. Frustrated I often said " Next please, please next, can I help you or are you beyond help?". This would somehow get the attention of the gawker, and things wouuld go on.
The pay was less than a dollar an hour, but it kept my budget going. Pickles for the hamburgers came in large wooden barrels, the french fries were made fresh. A large potato peeler machine that basically sanded the skin off operated in the back. Each potato was put by hand into a device that cut it into fries. The Wale cooked the fries and did a good job. Often he was making fries and dipping a few into the tarter sauce to eat while he worked. This did his weight no good.
One night the I was at the front counter and a customer burst through the front door. The customer immediately flung a bag of hamburgers at me he had previously bought. The customer yelled " I don't have to eat this crap anymore". The man was very irate. I ducked, and the hamburger sack flew into the back of the building. Sort of panicking I told the man " I don't cook these things, he does" and I pointed to the night manager. Somehow they resolved the issue, but it was fortunate the counter was built in a way customers could not get to us.
Another incident I clearly remember because it was so bizarre. The hamburger patties came premade. You dropped them quickly on the conveyor chain and let them cook. The process became so routine no one payed much attention to what was going on, or even closely looked at the finished product. A customer came back to the counter with a hamburger he had just purchased. He said he wanted to show it to the manager. Opening the hamburger there it was. Right in the middle of the cooked patty was a piece of cowhide. It had the skin and hair still on it. Something had gone wrong in the processing. The manager said to the customer " What do you want me to do about it?". The customer said " I want another one". The manager was a smart ass, and could not resist. He replied " We don't have anymore like that". I was surprised the incident was resolved so easily. The man got another burger and seemed satisfied.
It was my first real job. I learned a lot. I learned to show up, shut up, put up, and grow up. I learned how to treat people, and I learned I could do a lot more in my head than I thought. A lot more stories could be told about what went on at the Burger Chef, but to protect the people involved you don't get to read them.
Friday, August 11, 2017
Hacked and The National Association for Advancement of Humanity.
Somehow a digital dinger hacked into our Amazon account. Kadizzle did not get too excited, but Mrs Kadizzle went nuts. The clandestine person who apparently was in Michigan, more likely India, sent themselves a couple of gift certificates. Amazon took the charges off our credit card.
The insanity was canceling cards and changing passwords. Part of what gave Mrs Kadizzle great consternation was the fact that some of our passwords were on a computer accessible place. For security that is all the detail Kadizzle can give. Kadizzle has now encrypted the passwords. In the hidden little digital place the passwords now are they are not what they appear to be. If the sneakers use their computer to try a brute force attack it will take a century or two. The sneakers and their friends in India will see smoke coming from the computer.
The other day when Kadizzle was visiting the missile launch facility the gang stopped for lunch. At lunch Kadizzle got a call from a woman with a thick Indian accent. The woman claimed to be from Amazon and asked some questions about our credit card. The restaurant was so noisy Kadizzle could not hear the woman clearly and never gave her any information, but she did seem to have the last four digits of the Amazon card. Undoubtedly she was part of the fraud.
So now we have a higher level of security, but when we need a password it will be like the British trying to decipher the German code. We can do it, but it will take some doing. One thing everyone has learned by now is when you get a call from someone in India, more than likely it aint a good idea to tell them anything. One thing they may be doing is simply verifying your phone number. That is what Kadizzle thinks Mrs Gandhi was doing.
Kadizzle has a policy of answering his phone. If you call and the phone does not show a legitimate person or number is calling, you may get this answer, " Hello, this is The National Association for the Advancement of Humanity". Next you will be asked who you are. Sometimes this works out strangely. Kadizzle writes a lot of letters to the Bismarck Tribune. The Tribune always calls to verify the letters. The Tribune number always shows up as "unknown". Consequently they get The National Association for the Advancement of Humanity answer. Fortunately the Tribune has figured out how this works. In summary if you call me and I don't know you, please identify yourself.
The insanity was canceling cards and changing passwords. Part of what gave Mrs Kadizzle great consternation was the fact that some of our passwords were on a computer accessible place. For security that is all the detail Kadizzle can give. Kadizzle has now encrypted the passwords. In the hidden little digital place the passwords now are they are not what they appear to be. If the sneakers use their computer to try a brute force attack it will take a century or two. The sneakers and their friends in India will see smoke coming from the computer.
The other day when Kadizzle was visiting the missile launch facility the gang stopped for lunch. At lunch Kadizzle got a call from a woman with a thick Indian accent. The woman claimed to be from Amazon and asked some questions about our credit card. The restaurant was so noisy Kadizzle could not hear the woman clearly and never gave her any information, but she did seem to have the last four digits of the Amazon card. Undoubtedly she was part of the fraud.
So now we have a higher level of security, but when we need a password it will be like the British trying to decipher the German code. We can do it, but it will take some doing. One thing everyone has learned by now is when you get a call from someone in India, more than likely it aint a good idea to tell them anything. One thing they may be doing is simply verifying your phone number. That is what Kadizzle thinks Mrs Gandhi was doing.
Kadizzle has a policy of answering his phone. If you call and the phone does not show a legitimate person or number is calling, you may get this answer, " Hello, this is The National Association for the Advancement of Humanity". Next you will be asked who you are. Sometimes this works out strangely. Kadizzle writes a lot of letters to the Bismarck Tribune. The Tribune always calls to verify the letters. The Tribune number always shows up as "unknown". Consequently they get The National Association for the Advancement of Humanity answer. Fortunately the Tribune has figured out how this works. In summary if you call me and I don't know you, please identify yourself.
Thursday, August 10, 2017
The Missile Silo
Shanika, Stoupini, and Kadizzle made the long trip to Cooperstown ND. We inspected the launch facilities for the nuclear missiles. The woman conducting the tour had a terrible squeaky voice combined with a laugh that made you glad she was not your wife. What a job. Being in the Air Force as a missile launcher had to be the most boring monotonous job on Earth. Sitting underground in a large cement egg for 24 hours did not seem like fun. There was one bed so one person could sleep. The silliest thing in the launch set up was the key that activated the missile. One the key it was printed " Do Not Duplicate". Imagine someone going to a hardware store with a key to start a nuclear war and asking the clerk to make a couple.
Everything about the launch site screamed 1950's technology, and decor. The Russian facilities could not have been much worse. According to our host the Russians have taken the tour at Cooperstown. Insanity is all you can think when you inspect. With hundreds of these missiles still in operation in North Dakota it is reassuring to know we have an insane president that could easily get us into a nuclear meltdown. The poor guys in the bunker have a very strange escape route after the war ends. They get to emerge from a tunnel into a landscape that will be toasted. To get up the tunnel they first have to open it. One major problem the tunnel is filled with sand. So after the war when the food and water in the launch site are used up and leaving is the last option the fellows below have a special way to open a trap door. When opened a lot of their living space will fill with sand from the tunnel. Out they will scramble with most of the world's population dead or radioactive. Emerging one might say to another " Gee I wish I had not voted for Trump".
Everything about the launch site screamed 1950's technology, and decor. The Russian facilities could not have been much worse. According to our host the Russians have taken the tour at Cooperstown. Insanity is all you can think when you inspect. With hundreds of these missiles still in operation in North Dakota it is reassuring to know we have an insane president that could easily get us into a nuclear meltdown. The poor guys in the bunker have a very strange escape route after the war ends. They get to emerge from a tunnel into a landscape that will be toasted. To get up the tunnel they first have to open it. One major problem the tunnel is filled with sand. So after the war when the food and water in the launch site are used up and leaving is the last option the fellows below have a special way to open a trap door. When opened a lot of their living space will fill with sand from the tunnel. Out they will scramble with most of the world's population dead or radioactive. Emerging one might say to another " Gee I wish I had not voted for Trump".
Wednesday, August 09, 2017
How Appropriate.
Even though Trump just started beating his war drum yesterday Shanika had been planning for the Crazy Club to have an outing to a missile silo. North Dakota has always hurt for tourism, so over in the Eastern part of the state they made a missile silo into a tourist attraction. That is where we will go today. Missiles grow like sunflowers in North Dakota. When old Kadizzle first moved to North Dakota he remembers driving out in the middle of nowhere and seeing missile silos. Thankya Jeesus no missile ever popped up out of one.
Now Kadizzle might get to see his first launch. The old crazy Trumpster is going after North Korea. North Dakota has more missiles than any country on Earth. Most of them are north of the lake about fifteen miles from here, but as flat as the prairie is here it will look like the fourth of July if Trump pushes the button. Sometimes killing a fly with a sledgehammer gets the job done, and if there is ever a guy for that task it is Trump. When Trump tells a lie he uses a big lie, even though a little lie might work. His first big lie was Obama was born in Kenya. The dolts that love him licked it up. One good thing about Trump and his lies is he never comes through. No wall, no destruction of Obama care, maybe the guy in North Korea knows the Trumpster is all bluster.
As the coffee goes down Kadizzle sits here in a world endangered by two crazy men. One was not elected and the other one was just what we needed. So let the day begin.
Now Kadizzle might get to see his first launch. The old crazy Trumpster is going after North Korea. North Dakota has more missiles than any country on Earth. Most of them are north of the lake about fifteen miles from here, but as flat as the prairie is here it will look like the fourth of July if Trump pushes the button. Sometimes killing a fly with a sledgehammer gets the job done, and if there is ever a guy for that task it is Trump. When Trump tells a lie he uses a big lie, even though a little lie might work. His first big lie was Obama was born in Kenya. The dolts that love him licked it up. One good thing about Trump and his lies is he never comes through. No wall, no destruction of Obama care, maybe the guy in North Korea knows the Trumpster is all bluster.
As the coffee goes down Kadizzle sits here in a world endangered by two crazy men. One was not elected and the other one was just what we needed. So let the day begin.
Tuesday, August 08, 2017
Drawn Up to the Lord
Dave got drawn up to the Lord. Old Dave Smith finally took off for Heaven. Long ago and far away Kadizzle had a coal mining career. Kadizzle mined it under the ground, and on the ground. Back at the Glenharold Mine Kadizzle met Dave Smith. Smith was a big man then, his recent bad health shrunk him to half his size. Dave was an inventive guy. For a long time Dave was the oiler on the loading shovel. The oiler had a lot of time on his hand, and you probably did not even really need and oiler. There was not much an oiler could do when the shovel was working loading trucks, so Dave made do dads and invented things with the crap laying around on the shovel. Dave was mechanically inclined although he did not have much education. Dave came up with a lot of clever stuff.
Dave had a special way of seeing the world. Somewhere he always came up with jokes you had not heard before. A story Kadizzle has told about Dave many times is how Dave got his foot under the 150 ton shovel. One day Kadizzle was parked near the 190 loading shovel. It was time to move the shovel closer to the coal so the loading could continue. A job of the oiler was to move the large electric cable for the shovel as it moved. By hand Dave acted as a human mule and grabbed the big electrical cable. As Dave pulled on the cable Ron Hummel moved the shovel forward. The steel tracks on the shovel were as tall as Dave. Dave was not paying attention, but looking at Hummel for directions. When the shovel crept forward it ran over Dave's foot. Fortunately for Dave he was wearing the required steel toed shoes. The 150 ton shovel track pushed Dave's foot into the mud. Dave was trapped under the shovel with his foot. He was unhurt, but was unable to extract his foot. Hummel had to back the shovel up so Dave could get his foot out. Kadizzle always told the story at safety meetings to explain why people needed to wear steel toed shoes.
Dave had to retire early because of a heart problem. A heart implant kept him alive. Almost on a daily basis Kadizzle would ride by Dave's garage. Dave would be out there tinkering with the old hot rod he loved. His ability to invent things never ceased to amaze Kadizzle. Dave could take one thing and make it into another. Kadizzle would stop and exchange insults, pleasantries, and just plain bullshit with Dave. Dave was on the daily ramidigus route. Dave was known locally as a character. Dave was never the man you would suspect to be an artist, but he did take some art classes from Shiny. Dave belonged to Rita's Crazy club. Recently Kadizzle told Rita she needed to recruit. Rita is very low on hard core crazy people. With Dave gone to Heaven, and Crazy Bill out of town she has no hard core crazy people. Somehow crazy people are like magnets they attract each other. Rita and her gang will draw in some more crazy people. Trump is great at attracting other crazy people like himself. Hopefully Trump will invite all the crazy clubs to Washington for a convention.
Dave had a special way of seeing the world. Somewhere he always came up with jokes you had not heard before. A story Kadizzle has told about Dave many times is how Dave got his foot under the 150 ton shovel. One day Kadizzle was parked near the 190 loading shovel. It was time to move the shovel closer to the coal so the loading could continue. A job of the oiler was to move the large electric cable for the shovel as it moved. By hand Dave acted as a human mule and grabbed the big electrical cable. As Dave pulled on the cable Ron Hummel moved the shovel forward. The steel tracks on the shovel were as tall as Dave. Dave was not paying attention, but looking at Hummel for directions. When the shovel crept forward it ran over Dave's foot. Fortunately for Dave he was wearing the required steel toed shoes. The 150 ton shovel track pushed Dave's foot into the mud. Dave was trapped under the shovel with his foot. He was unhurt, but was unable to extract his foot. Hummel had to back the shovel up so Dave could get his foot out. Kadizzle always told the story at safety meetings to explain why people needed to wear steel toed shoes.
Dave had to retire early because of a heart problem. A heart implant kept him alive. Almost on a daily basis Kadizzle would ride by Dave's garage. Dave would be out there tinkering with the old hot rod he loved. His ability to invent things never ceased to amaze Kadizzle. Dave could take one thing and make it into another. Kadizzle would stop and exchange insults, pleasantries, and just plain bullshit with Dave. Dave was on the daily ramidigus route. Dave was known locally as a character. Dave was never the man you would suspect to be an artist, but he did take some art classes from Shiny. Dave belonged to Rita's Crazy club. Recently Kadizzle told Rita she needed to recruit. Rita is very low on hard core crazy people. With Dave gone to Heaven, and Crazy Bill out of town she has no hard core crazy people. Somehow crazy people are like magnets they attract each other. Rita and her gang will draw in some more crazy people. Trump is great at attracting other crazy people like himself. Hopefully Trump will invite all the crazy clubs to Washington for a convention.
Sex with a Peacock
I took my dad to the mall once to get him new shoes (he is 66). We decided to grab a bite at the food court.
I noticed he was watching a teenager sitting next to him… the teenager had spiked hair in all different rainbow colors — blue, red, green and orange. My dad kept staring at her. The teenager would keep looking and my dad would be staring every time.
When the teenager had had enough, she sarcastically asked, “What’s the matter old man, never done anything wild in your life?”
Knowing my dad, I quickly swallowed my food so I wouldn’t choke on his response — I knew he would have a good one.
In classic style he responded without batting an eyelid: “Got stoned once and fucked a peacock. Just wondering if you were my daughter.”
Monday, August 07, 2017
For no known Earthly reason there has been a tradition among some old Hazenites to hike to Manhaven every year. Manhaven is a town that used to exist below the dam. Parking as close as we could with the group we embarked. Stoupini and the women decided to go along the river. Kadizzle thought poorly of this idea. Brush and weeds were dense along the river, but up and away from the river it was almost open prairie. Mrs. Kadizzle did have the good sense to go with Pat on a different higher route. The prairie group made good time, but the stumblebums along the river proceeded very slowly.
Kadizzle was making very good time until he came to a very steep sided ravine. With a little delicate climbing in and out he made it across. The prairie group got to the town site long before the jungle trekkers. Manhaven was an old town started in 1906 where grain was loaded onto the steamboats. 800 people may have lived there at one time. Farmers brought the grain down to the river and the grain bins held the grain until the ship arrived. Up on a high bank the grain was stored until it could be slid by gravity down to the boats. One or two houses still survive in rickety condition. A few features can still be discerned from the old buildings.
After a good workout walking, a drink at Little's Bar, and a ride home Lauren served a wonderful meal. Laughter and BS flowed. Such is life on the prairie.
Kadizzle was making very good time until he came to a very steep sided ravine. With a little delicate climbing in and out he made it across. The prairie group got to the town site long before the jungle trekkers. Manhaven was an old town started in 1906 where grain was loaded onto the steamboats. 800 people may have lived there at one time. Farmers brought the grain down to the river and the grain bins held the grain until the ship arrived. Up on a high bank the grain was stored until it could be slid by gravity down to the boats. One or two houses still survive in rickety condition. A few features can still be discerned from the old buildings.
After a good workout walking, a drink at Little's Bar, and a ride home Lauren served a wonderful meal. Laughter and BS flowed. Such is life on the prairie.
Saturday, August 05, 2017
Three Old Men
Three motorcycles blasted west toward the Pacific. Shanika, Carlos Stoupini, and Kadizzle headed to the land south of Zap. The idea was to find some good rugged roads to test our skills. It never happened all we did was ride 76 miles on gravel and asphalt. However, there was a lot of wonderful scenery. Kadizzle was amazed by how few people are out there in the North Dakota outback. Arizona has such amazing roads to explore compared to the tame roads of North Dakota. This winter the old farts can get together in AZ to do it right.
Once home Shanika and Mrs. Kadizzle cooked up a very nice meal. The conversation was good the wine and hooch flowed freely, and right after the meal the gravity increased to the point a nap was in order. In other words Kadizzle drank too much and went to bed.
Yesterday Kadizzle got a good start and took the torn sail to Rita's for repair. Rita and Diana fixed the sail with Kadizzle's help. Rita and Diana both have a good sense of humor and we had a great time laughing as we put 135 feet of stitching in the sail. Perhaps today the sail will go back on the good ship. Once again the sun has risen and the adventures of the day will begin. Mrs. Kadizzle is in the back of the house by the engine room getting up to date. Kadizzle has lubed her with coffee and water. Rain will fall and wind will blow, deer will die in the winter snow.
Once home Shanika and Mrs. Kadizzle cooked up a very nice meal. The conversation was good the wine and hooch flowed freely, and right after the meal the gravity increased to the point a nap was in order. In other words Kadizzle drank too much and went to bed.
Yesterday Kadizzle got a good start and took the torn sail to Rita's for repair. Rita and Diana fixed the sail with Kadizzle's help. Rita and Diana both have a good sense of humor and we had a great time laughing as we put 135 feet of stitching in the sail. Perhaps today the sail will go back on the good ship. Once again the sun has risen and the adventures of the day will begin. Mrs. Kadizzle is in the back of the house by the engine room getting up to date. Kadizzle has lubed her with coffee and water. Rain will fall and wind will blow, deer will die in the winter snow.
Thursday, August 03, 2017
Report from the Crazy Club
Recent donations enabled the Crazy club to stock a nice supply of cookies. The meeting was well attended. Shanika was present with Stroupini. Stroupini came in on the train and gave a niced report on sailing in Port Townsend. Shanika says he has a new job lined up, but refuses to disclose what it is. Mrs Kadizzle decided to attend the meeting. After a variety of subjects were addressed the owner of the Club house showed up. Recently he had attended Folk Fest in Winnipeg. A report was given on the various performers. Kadizzle feeling magnanimous with the recent Trump Bump in the stock market took the members to lunch at the Bison Bar and Grill in Hazen. At the bar the Crazies were served by a young woman aspiring to be Miss North Dakota. All the old goats gave the young woman advice and made a big donation in the form of a tip to her clothing budget. Miss Rodeo Mandan said it takes some snazzy clothes to win.
So here old Kadizzle sits with the Sonos going, and the coffee dripping. What lies will Trump tell today. More than likely someone will call him and tell him how great he is. That has been the current trend. What a wonderful country we live in. A man clearly mentally ill, and a pathological liar is our leader, yet we keep chugging along unstopped by his childish insanity. Get er done. Americans don't let one monkey spoil the whole damn show. With that in mind Kadizzle could use a good monkey. Someone has to go up the sailboat mast and do some repair. Stoupini volunteered for the job. Stroupini is a lot lighter than old Kadizzle, so he may get the job. The next big task is to to take down the head sail and repair it. Rita at the the other Crazy club said she would give it a try.
So here old Kadizzle sits with the Sonos going, and the coffee dripping. What lies will Trump tell today. More than likely someone will call him and tell him how great he is. That has been the current trend. What a wonderful country we live in. A man clearly mentally ill, and a pathological liar is our leader, yet we keep chugging along unstopped by his childish insanity. Get er done. Americans don't let one monkey spoil the whole damn show. With that in mind Kadizzle could use a good monkey. Someone has to go up the sailboat mast and do some repair. Stoupini volunteered for the job. Stroupini is a lot lighter than old Kadizzle, so he may get the job. The next big task is to to take down the head sail and repair it. Rita at the the other Crazy club said she would give it a try.
Wednesday, August 02, 2017
The rattle battle.

When you think Trump can get no worse, he does. Kadizzle is sitting here listening to NPR. NPR just did a story on Trump suggesting to police officers they bang peoples head on the police car as they put them in the back seat. The idiot we have for a president is unprecedented. Whenever Trump gets caught in one of his insane statement he always claims it was a joke. When you control nuclear weapons it is best not to confuse people about when you are joking. Anyone who pays any attention to the national news knows police brutality is a hot topic. Police shootings have been a real problem. Now, the president suggest a little bump on the head might be in order. What if a person is innocent? What if before the entire facts are known the person arrested gets a nice head slam, and then it turns out the person was arrested by mistake? In our country we commonly believe we do not torture people, and the police treat you as innocent until proven guilty.
The ability of Trump supporters to deny what they see and hear is amazing. The incredible thing about the Trump gang is the support network. You have Fox News caught in blatant lie, after lie, yet the Trump supporters watch Hannity cover up for the Trumpster every day. In North Dakota there is a subculture of dolts that feed on KFYR right wing radio, Fox, and Rob Port. Rob Port is an amature liar who works from his mother's basement. This is not a made up item. Check it out. Port works from mom's home. In North Dakota the newspapers will not pay a decent wage for real reporting. The result is discount news. A bunch of wanna bees make up stories, and the North Dakota news media prints it.
Our society has reached a new low. Truth is what you want it to be, you can get someone to back you on any silly fantasy you have. Now you get your news from the organization that tells you what you want to hear. When you were a kid your parents read to you. They read you made up stories you liked. Now we have Fox News, and Rush doing the same thing. The theme is always the same. A bunch of welfare cheats are trying to rob the rich. Mexicans are invading, and liberals are brainwashing the young with real science. The ultimate insanity of all this brain dead information age are the fundamentalist. The people who love Jeeesus voted Trump into office. The Jesus gang stands by the most vulgar man ever elected, the grabber. How does this work? How does the Jesus gand support a man obsessed with himself, and greed? Is this really happening?
The ability of Trump supporters to deny what they see and hear is amazing. The incredible thing about the Trump gang is the support network. You have Fox News caught in blatant lie, after lie, yet the Trump supporters watch Hannity cover up for the Trumpster every day. In North Dakota there is a subculture of dolts that feed on KFYR right wing radio, Fox, and Rob Port. Rob Port is an amature liar who works from his mother's basement. This is not a made up item. Check it out. Port works from mom's home. In North Dakota the newspapers will not pay a decent wage for real reporting. The result is discount news. A bunch of wanna bees make up stories, and the North Dakota news media prints it.
Our society has reached a new low. Truth is what you want it to be, you can get someone to back you on any silly fantasy you have. Now you get your news from the organization that tells you what you want to hear. When you were a kid your parents read to you. They read you made up stories you liked. Now we have Fox News, and Rush doing the same thing. The theme is always the same. A bunch of welfare cheats are trying to rob the rich. Mexicans are invading, and liberals are brainwashing the young with real science. The ultimate insanity of all this brain dead information age are the fundamentalist. The people who love Jeeesus voted Trump into office. The Jesus gang stands by the most vulgar man ever elected, the grabber. How does this work? How does the Jesus gand support a man obsessed with himself, and greed? Is this really happening?
Tuesday, August 01, 2017
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