Monday, March 31, 2014
Cycle ride on the Casner Trail
Another person did this video, but it is the same trip Kadizzle recently took with Al on the Casner trail. On the steep part going up the spine Kadizzle stalled out and had to turn around. It is a fantastic trip and if you go over the edge it is your last trip.
The Harvey Girls
Last night The Commander was beside Sylvie, and Kadizzle sat in his chair watching a very interesting show on Public Television about the Harvey girls. The Harvey girls were the waitresses that worked in the railroad dining halls of the Sante Fe Railroad. Kadizzle and The Commander had just been served breakfast by a Harvey girl about two days ago. At the time Kadizzle had no idea what an important role these women played in the feminist movement. If you get a chance watch the show.
The best part of the show for the Kadizzles was how much was done on the La Posada train station in Winslow. Discovering the history of the place and the history of the woman who designed it was fun. Mary Jane Coulter was the architect. She always invented a story before she designed a building. Her story for La Posada was about a Spanish Nobleman's house. Coulter did an amazing job, and if money were no problem Kadizzle would have a house just like it. The place has such a warm feeling, and fits so well in the southwest.

The best part of the show for the Kadizzles was how much was done on the La Posada train station in Winslow. Discovering the history of the place and the history of the woman who designed it was fun. Mary Jane Coulter was the architect. She always invented a story before she designed a building. Her story for La Posada was about a Spanish Nobleman's house. Coulter did an amazing job, and if money were no problem Kadizzle would have a house just like it. The place has such a warm feeling, and fits so well in the southwest.

Sunday, March 30, 2014
A planet of midgets
As the Earth Module descended onto the planet Stapleton, near Denver the queen of the Planet met us in her royal garb. The other midgets in the area were attacking the planet Earth. With the first warm day the Earth was under attack, but Earth had a defense, hooked to the garden hose Earth could spout water at the alien midgets. Kadizzle and The Commander managed to capture the queen of the midgets on the left and she is spending the night in our camper at Cherry Creek State Park. The queen is delighted to sleep in the camper, soon it will be birthday number five for the queen. Hopefully the queen will not get home sick before morning.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
I Want to Wake up in the Morning where the Rhododendron Grows, and The Snow Cone harvest
As a kid at camp back in the hills of West Virginia we used to sing " I wanna wake up in the mornin where the rhododendron grows, where the sun come's a peepin into where Ima sleepin and the song bird says Hellooo". Well it did not quite work out that way, but it is a nice view of the Rockies from our camp site in Colorado. A visit with the Snoocher Bear, and the Ticklepinch in Denver, then we head home to Hazen, North Dakota to help with the snow cone harvest.
Harvesting snow cones in North Dakota is still done mostly by hand. At the festival on the lake people warm up in the shacks where the various flavorings are heated. Then with garden sprayers we go out on the ice and spray the flavorings. A special sharp rake is used to curl up the ice. The next part is done with a hand pushed machine that looks like a motor grader. The machine puts all the ice shavings in a row. It is a wonderful site to see all the various colored ice shavings on the lake in the sun. Then sleds are pulled with the "coners". The coners have a special scoop that they use to fill the little paper snow cone cups. Finally the packers come behind and package all the snow cones. Very few people know most of the snow cones in the country come from Lake Sakakawea, in North Dakota. As part of the harvest festival people wear special goofy hats with a little fuzzy ball on the top and ear flaps. It is a tradition to speak with a German accent and no matter what anyone says to you answer " ya that's different". Later everyone pours vodka on the snow cones and does the snow cone dance on the ice. Before the festival each person puts on a special white jumpsuit. Drunker than hell trying to dance the polka on the ice everyone falls down onto the ice which has been splattered with the food coloring for the snow cones. The result is a colorful bunch of drunks slithering on the ice with accordion music playing.
Harvesting snow cones in North Dakota is still done mostly by hand. At the festival on the lake people warm up in the shacks where the various flavorings are heated. Then with garden sprayers we go out on the ice and spray the flavorings. A special sharp rake is used to curl up the ice. The next part is done with a hand pushed machine that looks like a motor grader. The machine puts all the ice shavings in a row. It is a wonderful site to see all the various colored ice shavings on the lake in the sun. Then sleds are pulled with the "coners". The coners have a special scoop that they use to fill the little paper snow cone cups. Finally the packers come behind and package all the snow cones. Very few people know most of the snow cones in the country come from Lake Sakakawea, in North Dakota. As part of the harvest festival people wear special goofy hats with a little fuzzy ball on the top and ear flaps. It is a tradition to speak with a German accent and no matter what anyone says to you answer " ya that's different". Later everyone pours vodka on the snow cones and does the snow cone dance on the ice. Before the festival each person puts on a special white jumpsuit. Drunker than hell trying to dance the polka on the ice everyone falls down onto the ice which has been splattered with the food coloring for the snow cones. The result is a colorful bunch of drunks slithering on the ice with accordion music playing.
Friday, March 28, 2014
Wave Good by To Wheeling
My sister has become the local
historian for my old home town Wheeling, West Virginia. Kate writes
articles for the local paper, magazines, and gives talks to various
civic organizations about local history. Kadizzle enjoys studying the
history of his home town on the Ohio River so we occasionally share
knowledge and stories.
When the country was fist settled the
wild west started much further east. If you wanted to go west, the
place you started from was Wheeling, which was then actually in
Virginia. Remember West Virginia broke away from Virginia during the
Civil War. At one time Wheeling was the capitol of West Virginia. So
if you were going to head west you needed a lot of stuff. You
needed, a wagon, food, cloth, nails, dishware, and of course some
cigars. Just about everything to get you going where you could be
shot or killed was available in Wheeling. It was not long before
Wheeling became a transportation hub. It was a place where railroads,
regular roads, and the river came together. It was close to
Pittsburgh and it could get things to the Gulf of Mexico by water via
New, Orleans. So Wheeling was sitting pretty.
George Washington spent a lot of time
in his younger days in the area and many of his relatives ended up
with land their. The first thing that made it to Wheeling in the way
of transportation was the National Road. As a kid Kadizzle grew up
about three blocks from the National Road. The road was the
interstate of it's day. If you took off from the coast and wanted to
go west, it was your only choice. When you got to the Ohio river that
was it no bridge, but one day that was solved when the longest
suspension bridge in the world at the time was built across the Ohio.
The bridge is still there and still used.
From 1880 to 1930 Wheeling was the
richest city per capita in the country. Steel mills, glass
factories, drug companies, wire factories, coal mines, and a host of
other industries had taken root there and the cash was piling up.
With all that cash mansions started to sprout like weeds. Wheeling
had some incredible architecture, and Kadizzle thought every city was
full of marble mansions. Kadizzle grew up with kids that lived in
these homes. One friend lived in a three story marble ensemble with
an elevator and a marvelous marble staircase that spiraled upward
only supported from the wall. Some of these homes had carriage
houses that would have been considered mansions in their own right.
Almost every one had a tennis court, a swimming pool, and vast well
kept grounds.
Up until the end of World War II the
placed boomed. The parts for tanks and guns were cast at Blaw Knox.
There were machine shops, pipe factories, and steel cables were
made. As a kid Kadizzle remembers driving by the blast furnaces with
amazement. It all came to an end. The war ended, the west moved
west, and Wheeling fell into decline. In the 40's Kadizzle's grandfather was mayor and his name is on the bridge in the picture.
Wheeling had an astounding collection
of churches and also a good collection of whore houses. When you
told someone you were from Wheeling they either asked you about the
Jamboree where Johnny Cash got started along with many other country
stars or the prostitution where many young men got their first sex ed
course, or should I say intercourse.
Among other histories, Wheeling had an
interesting history of crime. The racetrack on Wheeling Island was a
favorite spot for big time gamblers from Chicago, and locally you
could get about any illegal entertainment you wanted. Growing up
Kadizzle remembers the neighborhood bar with a backroom for gambling,
and all the illegal slot machines found in almost every drinking
Sadly one solution to run down housing
in the 60' and 70's was “Four lane it”. Wheeling got four laned.
Route 70 went through the heart of Wheeling. The on ramps off
ramps, and off shoots ate up most of the town. Now there are no
slums, and there is really not much of a town. So when you cross the
Ohio River right after you cross the bridge, and before you go
through the tunnel, wave to what is left of Wheeling.
Once Upon a Time
In a land far away, and a time long ago Kadizzle lived in a mansion, actually two of them, a least part of one. Kadizzle grew up in Wheeling, West Virginia. In 1894 Wheeling was the richest city in the United States. With so much wealth incredible mansions sprung up everywhere. Sadly no one could afford to live in these houses and many of them were turned into apartments, or torn down. There were a lot of these Great Gadsby houses.
Young and freshly out of college Kadizzle had a decent income and needed somewhere to live. Somehow Kadizzle ended up on Howard Hill. Howard Hill was were the gazillionairs of the 1920's lived in our town. The first attempt to live in luxury ended Kadizzle up in the servants quarters above the garage of a rich old lady. The old lady had an apartment remodeled there to put Kadizzle up. The old lady was eccentric to say the least. She farted like a truck backfiring when she walked across here huge living room. The living room featured a unique picture of the universe with light actually coming from some of the stars and planets. The woman's husband had been an avid stamp collector and he built a huge walk in safe in the basement to store the stamps. Kadizzle lived there in the early 70's. The stamps had lasted this lady a long time. If she needed money she just went into the vault and got some stamps to sell. Claiming Kadizzle had broken her washing machine she had poor old Kadizzle evicted.
So down the street to Shadow Knoll, probably the most splendid mansion in it's time. The rich old fellow who originally built it must have been rolling in cash. All the stone and wood was imported from Europe. The garden as you approached the front entrance had geek statues, and urns. By the time Kadizzle moved in things had fallen into a state of disrepair. The living room which also was used as a ball room was huge. It was so big the kind old lady who now owned the house lived in the one big room. When the house was originally built the owner got mad at his wife. He let her live in the original mansion, and build an equally large addition for himself in the back. It was in the addition where Kadizzle lived. In the main home there were magnificent features like a Tiffany stained glass skylight over the landing leading to the second floor.
Young and freshly out of college Kadizzle had a decent income and needed somewhere to live. Somehow Kadizzle ended up on Howard Hill. Howard Hill was were the gazillionairs of the 1920's lived in our town. The first attempt to live in luxury ended Kadizzle up in the servants quarters above the garage of a rich old lady. The old lady had an apartment remodeled there to put Kadizzle up. The old lady was eccentric to say the least. She farted like a truck backfiring when she walked across here huge living room. The living room featured a unique picture of the universe with light actually coming from some of the stars and planets. The woman's husband had been an avid stamp collector and he built a huge walk in safe in the basement to store the stamps. Kadizzle lived there in the early 70's. The stamps had lasted this lady a long time. If she needed money she just went into the vault and got some stamps to sell. Claiming Kadizzle had broken her washing machine she had poor old Kadizzle evicted.
So down the street to Shadow Knoll, probably the most splendid mansion in it's time. The rich old fellow who originally built it must have been rolling in cash. All the stone and wood was imported from Europe. The garden as you approached the front entrance had geek statues, and urns. By the time Kadizzle moved in things had fallen into a state of disrepair. The living room which also was used as a ball room was huge. It was so big the kind old lady who now owned the house lived in the one big room. When the house was originally built the owner got mad at his wife. He let her live in the original mansion, and build an equally large addition for himself in the back. It was in the addition where Kadizzle lived. In the main home there were magnificent features like a Tiffany stained glass skylight over the landing leading to the second floor.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Breakfast at Tiffany's, or perhaps Winslow, Arizona.
The Earth Module settled on Cochiti Lake in New Mexico-half way to Denver. Up early, we blasted out of Cottonwood and made the stiff climb to Flagstaff. The wind was behind us and the mileage was better than usual. Somewhere after Flagstaff, the brainstorm hit to have breakfast in Winslow. Many years ago, the Kadizzlites ate there at the train station which has been restored. For years, we have tried to get there at the right time for breakfast. Today, we made it. The 1930's Mary Colter designed train station has been incredibly restored and improved. Wonderful art is everywhere, and the breakfast was worth the 12 year wait. The rooms at the station hotel have the famous people that stayed in them labeled on the door. The architect, Mary Colter, who designed the building is the same one who designed the lodge at the Grand Canyon and many other famous buildings in the southwest. If ever the chance presents itself, make sure you stop here, eat, and if nothing else, at least enjoy walking around the building and looking at the art.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Friends on the Trail.
Over the years we have made many great friends. Traveling it seems so easy to meet and enjoy the company of new people. Today we said goodby to Al, and Debby. We have known them about a week, but they seem like old friends. It all started when Kadizzle checked to see when they were pulling out. Kadizzle and The Commander envied Al and Debbie's camp site. Al and Debbie had no plans to leave, but conversation ensued and the next thing you know we were hiking and motorcycling together. In the evenings we enjoyed beer, wine, and conversation. This is how it usually goes.
At Lake Roosevelt we met Gary, Len, A nice Canadian couple, Dave, Max, and various other folks including the Captain. Some of these people we have met in years past. Martha and Ron stopped by and we spoke of books and traveling. We spent a lot of fun time with our old Canadian friends, Barry and Lorna playing The Idiot and The President. Darch had us over for dinner and introduced us to the Handlebar Bar. So many nice people, and each has a different spin on life. Always we invite everyone to visit and sail with us in North Dakota. Darch, Barry, and Lorna may actually stop this summer. Our oldest traveling friend never appeared this year, Ed is still in his Casita somewhere warm.
The motorcycle has brought a new spin to our adventures. Motorcycling on deserted difficult roads is not something one should do alone. In no time driving around a camp site you can find another old fellow with the same problem. He wants to ride, but needs a partner. Len was a good partner at Roosevelt Lake, and Al and I had some good rides together near Sedona. Back on the Salt River Kadizzle also found a good rider for adventures. When Kadizzle rides the rough trails The Commander needs someone to play with. This has worked out well. Kadizzle rides with the husband, and The Commander hikes with the wife.
Our friends on the trail have several commonalities. All love the outdoors, most sail, most bike, and we seem to hit a run of ex airline pilots. Just about everyone seems friendly and easy to talk to. Advice flows like water, and you can always learn about a new spot. The Kadizzles have been traveling for so many years it is inevitable we meet some of the same people everywhere we go. When people finally let go of their job and realize they can relax and enjoy life they become different people. Rarely do you find a grumpy specialist in a campground. If you don't like your neighbor move. If you don't like the weather move. If you are bored move. So many things can be cured by hooking onto your house and moving it. When you get tired of seeing the same people, go somewhere else. Tired of the same stores, the same town, or whatever, move. When you travel their is no excuse for being a grump. When you drive, you don't have to be anywhere at any given time, so if it is too windy, stop. If you are tired, stop.
A life full of choice, and no preset plans is something most of us are not used to. Once you get used to waking up with a ton of free choice on your hands, it is hard to give up. Remarkably the active life is good for you. Sitting in a coffee shop bitching with the same people everyday never lowered anyones blood pressure. Don't put off what you have worked your entire life to enjoy. Tomorrow may not come, and if you die holding a winning lottery ticket, that is not a good thing.
At Lake Roosevelt we met Gary, Len, A nice Canadian couple, Dave, Max, and various other folks including the Captain. Some of these people we have met in years past. Martha and Ron stopped by and we spoke of books and traveling. We spent a lot of fun time with our old Canadian friends, Barry and Lorna playing The Idiot and The President. Darch had us over for dinner and introduced us to the Handlebar Bar. So many nice people, and each has a different spin on life. Always we invite everyone to visit and sail with us in North Dakota. Darch, Barry, and Lorna may actually stop this summer. Our oldest traveling friend never appeared this year, Ed is still in his Casita somewhere warm.
The motorcycle has brought a new spin to our adventures. Motorcycling on deserted difficult roads is not something one should do alone. In no time driving around a camp site you can find another old fellow with the same problem. He wants to ride, but needs a partner. Len was a good partner at Roosevelt Lake, and Al and I had some good rides together near Sedona. Back on the Salt River Kadizzle also found a good rider for adventures. When Kadizzle rides the rough trails The Commander needs someone to play with. This has worked out well. Kadizzle rides with the husband, and The Commander hikes with the wife.
Our friends on the trail have several commonalities. All love the outdoors, most sail, most bike, and we seem to hit a run of ex airline pilots. Just about everyone seems friendly and easy to talk to. Advice flows like water, and you can always learn about a new spot. The Kadizzles have been traveling for so many years it is inevitable we meet some of the same people everywhere we go. When people finally let go of their job and realize they can relax and enjoy life they become different people. Rarely do you find a grumpy specialist in a campground. If you don't like your neighbor move. If you don't like the weather move. If you are bored move. So many things can be cured by hooking onto your house and moving it. When you get tired of seeing the same people, go somewhere else. Tired of the same stores, the same town, or whatever, move. When you travel their is no excuse for being a grump. When you drive, you don't have to be anywhere at any given time, so if it is too windy, stop. If you are tired, stop.
A life full of choice, and no preset plans is something most of us are not used to. Once you get used to waking up with a ton of free choice on your hands, it is hard to give up. Remarkably the active life is good for you. Sitting in a coffee shop bitching with the same people everyday never lowered anyones blood pressure. Don't put off what you have worked your entire life to enjoy. Tomorrow may not come, and if you die holding a winning lottery ticket, that is not a good thing.
Sugarloaf Mountain.
Hardly a day goes by that we do not come across the former home of the native people that inhabited this area. Yesterday was no different. Kadizzle took off with The Commander on the back of the motorcycle. After a long ride across the flat country, the cycle climbed up onto Sugarloaf Mountain. First, we stopped to investigate a ruin Kadizzle had found a few days ago. In the process, The Commander spotted what appeared to be a wall on the top of Sugerloaf Mountain. On the cycle ride in Kadizzle speculated a ruin should be there. The site was a superb lookout position. A bit of an argument ensued as to who was the discoverer. Kadizzle had the insight, but The Commander actually made the find.
The decision was made to make an assault on the peak, but first the crew decided to go to the end of the road. As we had lunch on the end of the road, The Commander insisted the crew hike to another suspect site. The site, from a distance, appeared to have a man made wall. Kadizzle was skeptical because it was right beside a mining road, and Kadizzle thought it might be part of the road. When we got to the presumed site, it turned out to be neither. Apparently, miners quarried stone along the whole mountain road. The stone was nicely stacked in a way that would resemble an Indian ruin from a distance. To rest, the miners must have just sat on a chair and soaked in the view. Kadizzle took his turn sitting in the old card table chair beside the road. The chair was in delicate shape, and when Kadizzle told The Commander to sit down for a picture, she tumbled over backwards.
Next the Kadizzlites made the hike to the top of Sugarloaf. The top did have a ruin that was thoroughly picked over. Not a shred of pottery could be found. To the north was an excellent view of the gap that led to Sycamore Canyon. Sycamore Canyon had to be a very important travel route in ancient times. Who ever sat up on Sugarloaf mountain had a commanding view of the gap. So many of the sites we have explored in Arizona seem to indicate there were lookouts posted to guard the community, and no doubt this was one.
The decision was made to make an assault on the peak, but first the crew decided to go to the end of the road. As we had lunch on the end of the road, The Commander insisted the crew hike to another suspect site. The site, from a distance, appeared to have a man made wall. Kadizzle was skeptical because it was right beside a mining road, and Kadizzle thought it might be part of the road. When we got to the presumed site, it turned out to be neither. Apparently, miners quarried stone along the whole mountain road. The stone was nicely stacked in a way that would resemble an Indian ruin from a distance. To rest, the miners must have just sat on a chair and soaked in the view. Kadizzle took his turn sitting in the old card table chair beside the road. The chair was in delicate shape, and when Kadizzle told The Commander to sit down for a picture, she tumbled over backwards.
Next the Kadizzlites made the hike to the top of Sugarloaf. The top did have a ruin that was thoroughly picked over. Not a shred of pottery could be found. To the north was an excellent view of the gap that led to Sycamore Canyon. Sycamore Canyon had to be a very important travel route in ancient times. Who ever sat up on Sugarloaf mountain had a commanding view of the gap. So many of the sites we have explored in Arizona seem to indicate there were lookouts posted to guard the community, and no doubt this was one.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Camp Kadizzle
Excellent hot air balloon day. Six went by in front of our camper. They are still up and unless they get a wind shift they will come down to the southwest. One balloon may make it to our yard. Good think our pictures are digital or we would have busted the film budget.
The solar panel is harvesting electrons, The Commander is making hot cereal, and the day is slowly coming to life. Ranger Jerimy chased the horse campers out of the fist spot we chose. Good thing we did not settle there. Apparently it is an antelope sanctuary.
If the day goes as planned the Kadizzlites will take a long motorcycle ride to hunt for some Indian sites. There is great consternation about when we will head north. The Commander insist we stay warm right here, but with some ungentle persuading we may be off for New Mexico by the end of the week.
The solar panel is harvesting electrons, The Commander is making hot cereal, and the day is slowly coming to life. Ranger Jerimy chased the horse campers out of the fist spot we chose. Good thing we did not settle there. Apparently it is an antelope sanctuary.
If the day goes as planned the Kadizzlites will take a long motorcycle ride to hunt for some Indian sites. There is great consternation about when we will head north. The Commander insist we stay warm right here, but with some ungentle persuading we may be off for New Mexico by the end of the week.
Monday, March 24, 2014
Wholesale Insanity for $20 a Day
The Commander often assures Kadizzle he
is crazy, but today Kadizzle met the competition. Across the highway
and over the hill is the Angel Valley compound. Perhaps you remember
a couple years ago when the head guru there overcooked some customers
in the sweat lodge and killed them. This is the place full of
angels, vortexes, and every strange phenomenon imaginable.
Bored Kadizzled decided to cycle over
there and search for a good hike. Normally the compound of the crazy
is gated, but today the gate was open so Kadizzle followed the signs
to the visitor and welcome center. On the way in Kadizzle noticed
some nice RV camping spots and thought that perhaps there would be a
way to chisel a good spot. Kadizzle suspected that you would have to
be a bit goofy to qualify and soon had his suspicions confirmed.
Behind the desk was a nice lady
probably older than Kadizzle by some years. Kadizzle was very
tempted to ask if they still cooked people, but managed to restrain
himself. Instead he inquired about lodging. Indeed you could rent
an RV spot, but the price seemed excessive, $55 a night. The hostess
explained that for that price you could experience the vortex, see
angels, and maybe even some UFO's. Mrs. Hostess said angels and UFO's
had been spotted last night. We are camped nearby and sadly they
must have been visible from only the Angel Compound.
Kadizzle told the hostess that $55 was
a bit steep and asked if there were any exceptions for the poor or
crazy. Hostess said that the price was set by some process that put
them in harmony with the universe. Kadizzle asked if they had any
events going on and the Hostess was not sure, but did mention Ishawa
had just been there and done a presentation. Since Kadizzle was not
familiar with Ishawa he had to kind of dance around a little to
figure out who Ishawa was. The answer came pretty quickly. Ishawa
was from Sirus, you know the star we all see in the sky at night.
It is great to hear from Ishawa because he lives 2,500 years in the
future. To hear from Ishawa you have to go through the channeler who
happens to be at The Angel Compound. After they killed the people in
the sweat lodge service it does not appear you can pay to be cooked
anymore, however for a fee you can get in touch with Ishawa, or
wander into the magic stone maizes. What a bargain to be able to
experience whatever you can fantasize or imagine for $20 per day.
Kadizzle recently turned 65 and in all those years it does not seem
he ever experienced so much craziness in under four minutes.
Driving away from the compound Kadizzle
could not help but think of how prosperous this insane little spot up
the creek from John McKains ranch is. These people are selling
insanity wholesale and apparently making good money at it. If you
ever have been to Sedona you know the land is extremely valuable
around there. This former human bakery sits on land that would be
worth 20 or 30 million dollars easily. No doubt this scam is all run
tax free in the name of religion. In summary Kadizzle learned today
that one should never underestimate what you can sell to seemingly
conscious Americans. Our country can supply you with any kind of
insanity you wish to indulge in. If you want to see angels, no
problem, UFO's fine. Pay your $20 and The Angel Valley outfit will
let you walk into their maize of stones and assure you that indeed
you did experience the vortex, see angels, and waved to the guys in
the UFO's. It is so nice of Ishawa to stop by from Sirus now and
again just to let us know what is happening 2,500 years in the
Will the Migration Start?
This morning's balloon display looked like it would be perfect for awhile. The balloons went to the south of us on a quick air current and then dropped to come right down where we sit. It appeared like we would get some spectacular pictures, but on the way back they came down close, but no cigar.
Yesterday The Commander took a mountain bike ride with our friends. She came back bruised and scratched, and Al got a serious injury to his ankle that will take a few days to heal. Kadizzle had a great motorcycle ride. Out on a point exactly where there should have been an Indian ruin, there was one. Al and Kadizzle had been searching for a road up the mountain you could see from a distance. Kadizzle found the road, but the gate was shut. The gate was not just ordinarily shut, it was welded shut. They don't want someone up there.
The Commander is wild with energy this morning and insisting on an adventure. Hopefully the adventure will not be too strenuous. Red Rock State Park may fulfill our needs today. Kadizzle has to keep moving to keep the chub off.
If you hear yelling and screaming it will be Kadizzle fighting with The Commander about the migration. Kadizzle wants to migrate. The Commander wants an iron clad guarantee it will be warm every day. Chuck from Hazen says he will meet us in New Mexico for some motorcycling. Kadizzle would like to blast out of Sedona on Wednesday, The Commander is afraid that if she is hit by a snowflake she will melt. Our plan is to go to Cochiti Lake. It is our new stopping point in the transition. We have not explored that area, and it should give us some new real estate to discover things.
Yesterday The Commander took a mountain bike ride with our friends. She came back bruised and scratched, and Al got a serious injury to his ankle that will take a few days to heal. Kadizzle had a great motorcycle ride. Out on a point exactly where there should have been an Indian ruin, there was one. Al and Kadizzle had been searching for a road up the mountain you could see from a distance. Kadizzle found the road, but the gate was shut. The gate was not just ordinarily shut, it was welded shut. They don't want someone up there.
The Commander is wild with energy this morning and insisting on an adventure. Hopefully the adventure will not be too strenuous. Red Rock State Park may fulfill our needs today. Kadizzle has to keep moving to keep the chub off.
If you hear yelling and screaming it will be Kadizzle fighting with The Commander about the migration. Kadizzle wants to migrate. The Commander wants an iron clad guarantee it will be warm every day. Chuck from Hazen says he will meet us in New Mexico for some motorcycling. Kadizzle would like to blast out of Sedona on Wednesday, The Commander is afraid that if she is hit by a snowflake she will melt. Our plan is to go to Cochiti Lake. It is our new stopping point in the transition. We have not explored that area, and it should give us some new real estate to discover things.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
The day is off to a great start. The Commander will rent a mountain bike and go riding on trails with our hiking friends. Kadizzle gets to do whatever he wants unsupervised at his own pace. Does it get any better? Perhaps a trip down to the model airplane airport to BS with some of the flyers. Next, a casual motorcycle ride looking for new roads for the upcoming big ride.
Wonderful hot air balloon display this morning. Two vary large balloons landed close. It was almost unbelievable, but the second balloon landed within twenty feet of the basket where the first guy came down. Perfect day with no wind. Everyday the long string of ATV tourist comes winding down the road. Kadizzle will no doubt meet them somewhere back in the wilderness. Being the person farther down the line in that mess does not look like fun. You get to eat dust for ten miles.
Wonderful hot air balloon display this morning. Two vary large balloons landed close. It was almost unbelievable, but the second balloon landed within twenty feet of the basket where the first guy came down. Perfect day with no wind. Everyday the long string of ATV tourist comes winding down the road. Kadizzle will no doubt meet them somewhere back in the wilderness. Being the person farther down the line in that mess does not look like fun. You get to eat dust for ten miles.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Balloons for my Birthday
Look closely and you can see all four of the hot air balloons that showed up to celebrate Kadizzle day. (click on the picture to make it larger) At first it looked like they would all get blown to the west, but the winds of fate blew them right to the campground where the Earth Module resides. A nice start to a good birthday. Erin called in the morning with birthday wishes, and Kadizzle thanked her for the balloons. Off to Sycamore Canyon with some camping neighbors, and the day began. Sycamore Canyon was a splendid hike with many wonderful pools, many of them with rocks to dive from twenty feet high. On the way back down the trail Kadizzle could not resist the temptation and stripped to his birthday suit and jumped in. The water was could and the family jewels were in jeopardy, but it was refreshing. For the grand finally we met Kadizzle's sister for a good round of Mexican food. So he would never forget Kadizzle married The Commander on March 21, 1976. As everyone knows to celebrate this momentis day the Earth stands straight up and the equinox occurs. The universe is in harmony.
Life in the Earth Module
Waking up with the sun in the Earth Module the coolness is apparent. We don't use the furnace and even the desert cools at night. The Commander wanted to get some extra winks so Kadizzle crawled out of bed and got the coffee going. To take the edge off the cold Kadizzle lit the little propane heater Gary gave us. Without enough storage capacity we wake up with somewhat of a power shortage. Until the sun comes up and the solar starts cranking our power is low so there will be some brief generator time to get us by. The Commander is up and packing lunch for today's adventure. Off into the unknown we will hike with friends today starting at 8:30. Things are moving faster than usual.
The hot air balloons got blown off course yesterday. It will be interesting to see if they are up today, there is a little wind. The module is warmed up and the clock says 6:30. About 300 yards away is the model airplane airport. With the wealth of Sedona this is the mother of all model airplane airports. The airport has a long well marked runway. Flying enthusiast can charge their planes batteries with an elaborate solar set up. Covered seating is available for spectators and life is good for the hobbyist. Talking with the flyers and watching them do acrobatics is fun. Every type of plane shows up and the detail and work put into a lot of the planes is amazing. Even model jets fly around here. Some of the gliders get up and sail with the hawks. If there will be balloons they should show up any minute. Kadizzle should be able to see them over his left shoulder heading down from Sedona. Any minute The Commander will give the order " Get off your lazy ass and go turn the solar panel around". Kadizzle will jump up in his sweat pants, salute and run outside to harvest the electrons. So ring the bell and start the day.
The hot air balloons got blown off course yesterday. It will be interesting to see if they are up today, there is a little wind. The module is warmed up and the clock says 6:30. About 300 yards away is the model airplane airport. With the wealth of Sedona this is the mother of all model airplane airports. The airport has a long well marked runway. Flying enthusiast can charge their planes batteries with an elaborate solar set up. Covered seating is available for spectators and life is good for the hobbyist. Talking with the flyers and watching them do acrobatics is fun. Every type of plane shows up and the detail and work put into a lot of the planes is amazing. Even model jets fly around here. Some of the gliders get up and sail with the hawks. If there will be balloons they should show up any minute. Kadizzle should be able to see them over his left shoulder heading down from Sedona. Any minute The Commander will give the order " Get off your lazy ass and go turn the solar panel around". Kadizzle will jump up in his sweat pants, salute and run outside to harvest the electrons. So ring the bell and start the day.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Recycling Sedona
The Kadizzles have met so many nice people during our winter hiatus. There seems to be a reoccurring pattern. The people we end up hiking with are almost all sailors, mountain bikers, and hikers. Today we did our adventures with a couple that started sailing the Pacific at age 37, Al is also a dirt bike motor cycle enthusiast as well as a committed mountain biker.
Today's plan was for the men to take the motorbikes up the nasty, nasty switchback road to the top of the mountain west of Sedona. The women were going to hike to the Robbers Roost cave. It did not take long for Al and Kadizzle to get lost in the maze of back roads heading to the mountain. With more experience under his cycling belt the ride up the mountain was not as gruesome as it was last year, but once on top there was a moment of consternation. Al has a more agile and power cycle than Kadizzle and he is a very good off road cyclist. Somehow on a very steep section heading for a plateau Kadizzle managed to stall. Fortunately all ended well and Kadizzle got turned around. The road is deadly. At points it parallels a shear cliff that would end the game.
Returning from the mountain we met the women who somehow manage to get close to Robbers Roost, but did not find it. After lunch Kadizzle took off with Al again on more nasty riding along the power line road. The road was put in to erect the power line through this rugged country and most vehicles would not stand a chance of following it. Then we decided to take an even worse road. This road had rock steps about two to three feet high. Kadizzle had reservations about going down the steps knowing we would have to come back up. Al had the protective equipment to deal with a crash, but Kadizzle was not armored. With the exception of one bad bottoming out on a rock moment Kadizzles cycle escaped unharmed. However, there were at least five close calls of disaster.
Today's plan was for the men to take the motorbikes up the nasty, nasty switchback road to the top of the mountain west of Sedona. The women were going to hike to the Robbers Roost cave. It did not take long for Al and Kadizzle to get lost in the maze of back roads heading to the mountain. With more experience under his cycling belt the ride up the mountain was not as gruesome as it was last year, but once on top there was a moment of consternation. Al has a more agile and power cycle than Kadizzle and he is a very good off road cyclist. Somehow on a very steep section heading for a plateau Kadizzle managed to stall. Fortunately all ended well and Kadizzle got turned around. The road is deadly. At points it parallels a shear cliff that would end the game.
Returning from the mountain we met the women who somehow manage to get close to Robbers Roost, but did not find it. After lunch Kadizzle took off with Al again on more nasty riding along the power line road. The road was put in to erect the power line through this rugged country and most vehicles would not stand a chance of following it. Then we decided to take an even worse road. This road had rock steps about two to three feet high. Kadizzle had reservations about going down the steps knowing we would have to come back up. Al had the protective equipment to deal with a crash, but Kadizzle was not armored. With the exception of one bad bottoming out on a rock moment Kadizzles cycle escaped unharmed. However, there were at least five close calls of disaster.
Here they come.
History is repeating itself as Kadizzle sits in the Earth Module looking north east. The same hot air balloons he enjoyed watching last year are coming right towards us. Currently it looks like they are getting blown to the west too far, but they are good pilots and may find an air current that will bring them down right on our roof. If and when they get closer a picture will follow, stay tuned.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Sedona is our new address
Last night the Kadizzlites nested at
Dead Horse Ranch near Cottonwood. Today the Earth Module was prepped
to move up to the Sedona area. Filled with water we headed North.
On highway 525 we went to our old spot from last year, but The
Commander did not approve of the dusty conditions so we drove down
the road near the fancy model airplane airport. Here we found a nice
spot and set up. Kadizzle went down to the model airport for model
airplanes and met a flyer he had talked a little earlier. In the
earlier conversation Kadizzle asked the model airplane pilot what
happened if he lost power or control when he was doing his strait up
act with the plane. The pilot could make the plane stand up straight
in the air and not move. The pilot said he had never had that
problem. Well when Kadizzle returned the pilot said he had just
crashed his plane doing what Kadizzle had asked about earlier.
Kadizzle asked to look at the crashed plane in the back of the truck.
This was a big plane with about a four foot wing span. Yup, the
plane was crashed. Luckily he had another plane with him and
continued his fun. He could make this plane stand still pointing
strait up motionless. Kadizzle has a good bullshit session with the
gentleman and asked many questions about the little planes. The
amazing small engine could produce 2-3 horsepower.
When the airport visit was over
Kadizzle took of on the cycle for what he though was a brief
exploration drive. In no time Kadizzle was lost on some wonderful
roads, and what Kadizzle had planned as a three or four mile ride
turned out to be thirty miles of lost wandering before he got back to
the camper. The ride went through some of the most scenic land in
the country. The red cliffs up near Sedona so many people come to
see were in the background and Kadizzle found the area was more vast
than he had anticipated.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Moving Day
Looks like the Earth Module will be packed up and head somewhere north. Kadizzle has had enough of Lake Roosevelt, but The Commander is insisting we go back for a short stint. Cool nights and hot days have been plentiful. Some weird animal has been making a noise all night like a donkey. Perhaps it is a wild donkey somewhere nearby. The wild horses have not come through the parking lot.
Yesterday the Kadizzles attended an ongoing St. Patrick's day celebration. Then North Dakota contingent in AZ was all decked out in their finest green garb. Some even came down from the north. Kadizzle thinks it is time for the migration north to start, The Commander is reluctant. So much needs to be done on the good ship to get it ready for sailing season.
Yesterday the Kadizzles attended an ongoing St. Patrick's day celebration. Then North Dakota contingent in AZ was all decked out in their finest green garb. Some even came down from the north. Kadizzle thinks it is time for the migration north to start, The Commander is reluctant. So much needs to be done on the good ship to get it ready for sailing season.
Monday, March 17, 2014
Magic Bum Juice
New York Cheech heads to L.A. Today to
make the fashion world safe for democracy. The Cheech got hold of
Kadizzles book about Magellan. The book Over the Edge is well
written and draws you in quickly. Kadizzle and Cheech have had fun
discussing Magellan's voyage. Magellan did not actually make it, but
one of his ships did. Jelly was the key to his success. The voyage
was plagued with scurvy. No on knew what caused scurvy, but
Magellan's officers on his ship were accidentally saved from it
because they took along a Jelly they liked. The next two tries to
repeat Magellan's feat failed because of scurvy.
On today's walk to the office to fire
the cannon, Kadizzle looked over at the bum encampment. Two quasi
bums have moved under the cement ramadas on the west side of our
encampment. Yesterday Kadizzle engaged them in conversation. The
bums are Silly and Willy. Silly loves to talk about anything, much
like Kadizzle himself. As Kadizzle talked with Silly, Willy would
roll his eyes. Willy looks like “the most interesting man in the
world” in the commercials, except he dressed casual bum style.
Willy explained how Silly better catch a fish or he would have left
overs. Willy already had a nice cat fish lined up for dinner.
The two bums migrated down from
Vancouver for the winter. Their day seemed to be consumed mostly
with drinking and smoking. As Kadizzle looked over the drinking
supplies he noticed one bottle that appeared to hold some strange
concoction. After Kadizzle asked what it was Willy launched into the
virtues of the substance. “If you don't have your own juicer this
is what you need”, Willy said. Willy went over the label with all
the healthy ingredients. Kadizzle could not figure why the Bummore
partners were so concernted about their health juice if they were
drinking and smoking all day, so Kadizzle inquired what good was the
juice if they drank and smoked like mad men? Willy explained that
was the secret of the juice it neutralized the sin in the smoke and
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Your trash is trash, throw it away, don't sell it to The Commander and Cheech.
There is an old saying “One mans
trash is another man's treasure”. Kadizzle believes your trash is
trash and please throw it in the trash. Yesterday Kadizzle had to
endure Cheech and The Commander's trip to two flea markets. Most
fleas would have been embarrassed at these places. Nothing says more
about the state of our education system and our economy than the
Arizona swap meets and flea markets. Fresh trash arrives from China
by boat and hundreds of trains distribute the garbage with Walmarts
help. Once the trash is marinated by the first user it is taken to a
swap meet for final seasoning. Poverty's root cause is poor
decisions. The first people who bought this crap made a poor
decision, now it is available for a poorer person to make a poorer
Knives are the classic case. Why do
people want some huge knife? Every swap meet sells a wonderful
selection of silly knives. The same people enthralled with guns must
also think they need a knife large enough to slay a dragon. How
about a nice fake collection of arrowheads? Babbles, beads, and belt
buckles along with T Shirts as far as the eye can see. Who pays for
beads they throw at the crowd at Mardi Gras for free? Yup, the pink
hair crowd can't get enough of them. How about some old glass
insulators picked off old telephone poles, are you sure you have
enough? Sometimes it is so hard to feel sorry for the broke segment
of society. When you invest in someone else garbage do you think you
will retire a millionaire?
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Captain Underwear appears and raises The Sneakers fears
After a scenic ride on a rented pontoon
boat up the canyon at Canyon Lake with Ruth, Rodger, and New York
Cheech the Kadizzlites returned to camp. Next on the agenda was
dinner at the Handlebar bar and restaurant. The Handlebar has some
excellent hamburgers, and other delights. The staff is friendly and
efficient. If you have been following this blog you may know the
female minister owner and her husband operate the place. The
Commander is mesmerized by the beer selection.
During supper Kadizzle had a brief
conversation with the owners husband. The husband revealed he had a
day job working at a waste water treatment plant, a polite way of
saying a sewage plant. As Kadizzle ate his supper it occurred to him
that this family enterprise was making money on both ends of
Kadizzle. They made money when the food went in and when it came
out. This seemed unfair that they should collect on both ends, so
Kadizzle called the owners husband over and explained to him this was
unethical. With a grin he said he hoped Kadizzle had eaten a big
Back at the RV ranch everyone settled
in to sleep. In a constant effort to catch The Sneaker stealing
generators everyone is on high alert for vehicles coming into the
area late at night. The gravel makes a wonderful crunching alarm
when driven on during a still night. Around 1:00 in the morning a
car made its way into the compound. Kadizzle and the rest of the
crew heard it and were awake. Captain Underwear sprang in to action.
Dressed in his avenger outfit which consist of a pair of briefs or
as Cheech would say “tidy whiteys”, and a T shirt with Walmart
crocks the avenger sprang out the door to confront the intruder at
the outhouse where he parked. Approaching the car Captain Underwear
saw a man leaning on the back of the car in a manner that covered up
the license. In shock after the rapid appearance of Captain
Underwear the intruder was lost for words. Captain Underwear ordered
the intruder to step away from the license and explained to him the
area was plagued with generator thefts and Captain Underwear wanted
to get the license number. A bit perplexed the intruder explained
that he had come into the campground so his friend could use the
restroom. His friend no doubt was a female. Realizing this guy did
not have the MO of a generator thief Captain Underwear disappeared
into the dark. The poor guy who must have been out late studying the
reproductive sciences with his girlfriend must have told her about
his encounter with Captain Underwear.
As rumors spread in the metropolis of
Phoenix among the theiving crowd about Captain Underwear crime rates
will surely diminish and citizens will breath easier.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
New York Cheech drops from the sky, The Commander is on the march.
Down on the Salt River at Phon D Sutton
the planes fly over every night. You can see a string of lights off
to the north as a plane comes in every 10 minutes. Last night the
big plane brought New York Cheech the Kadizzles famous fashion
daughter. On the way back from the airport we talked about the
different animals we have seen in AZ. Somehow we got on the topic of
Javalina. Cheech said she wanted to see one. As fortune would have
it just as we drove into the campground a bunch of javalina were
crossing the road. Now Cheech wants a javalina.
The Commander is very particular about
where and how we park. Choosing our spot is like picking out a
wedding dress. Yesterday when we returned from getting groceries The
Commander was furious. Someone had needlessly parked right beside our
camper with a truck and a car. With twenty acres of parking they had
to park within inches of our camper. We could reach out the window
and hand them their fries. Kadizzle did all he could to calm down
The Commander, but she was determined to find the violators and tune
them up with a good beating.
Preoccupied with putting the groceries
away The Commander temporarily forgot about the sinners she was going
to beat. Kadizzled walked about the campground and quickly ran into
our Canadian friends from Calgary. We had no idea they were here.
Our Canadian friends were the ones who parked next to us. Lorna was
walking toward our camper after she saw we had arrived. Kadizzled
decided to trick The Commander. Kadizzle told Lorna about the
parking violation they had committed. Kadizzle arranged with Lorna
for her to act like I had caught her and was forcefully bringing her
to our site. Looking out the window over the sink all The Commander
could see was Kadizzle pulling a woman to the camper. Her view did
not reveal it was Lorna. The woman was protesting loudly “Let me
go”. Kadizzled shouted to The Commander “ I caught the person
who parked next to us”. For a brief time The Commander was fooled
until she finally realized it was Lorna.
Now parking problem two. Besides the
vehichles parking too close a large class A motorhome parked way to
close to our compound. Why this dinger had to park right up against
us when there was plenty of space everywhere is another mystery. You
can park were you want in this place so there is really nothing you
can do about encroachment. However, this was not going to inhibit
The Commander. Kadizzle tried to take brass balled Commander out of
confronting the dinger, but off she marched. Being Arizona Kadizzle
expected gunfire shortly. Politely as possible The Commander asked
the interloper to move about thirty feet to the southwest. After
looking around the dinger said he might. This morning he still sits
there. His buddy just roared off on a loud motorcycle vibrating all
the molecules in the universe. Consideration is a key element to
making the world work. Even though you can afford to disturb
everyone does not mean you should. Hopefully the dinger will give us
some breathing space today.
Today we will be entertaining our
daughter Megan in the great desert of the southwest.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
It don't hurt to ask
Yesterday was move day. Barb and Jeff
showed up at just the right moment to load the cycle with us. Jeff
took Cissie on a ride on their tandem recombinant. Jeff had showed
some enthusiasm for the motorcycle so Kadizzle insisted he try it
When the camp was folded up we headed
down the road to do the laundry and dump the sewage at Jake's corner.
Pulling into the area where campers are dumped we approached the
doublewide where the dumpmaster lived and out she came. Bored and
ornery Kadizzle hopelessly asked Mrs. Dumpmore “Do you get to dump
free on your birthday”. Thinking this was just a joke Kadizzle
waited for the answer. Mrs. Dumpmore said yes. Kadizzle was
dumbfounded and asked if Dumpmore was serious she said yes, but she
would need to see some ID with Kadizzles birthdate. At this point
Kadizzle had to admit it was not his birthday, but soon it would be.
Mrs. Dumpmore said that was not good enough.
This brings us to the point of the
story. In Kadizzle's lifetime he has accumulated an endless list of
life enhancements simply by asking. From discounts to free rental
cars, from left over construction material to all kinds of useful
items, the list goes on. There is nothing wrong with asking. Often
you are doing someone else a favor. Once we needed firewood.
Kadizzle asked the men constructing a bathroom in Zion if he could
have the scrap lumber to burn. Sure they said, now they did not have
to pay to have it hauled away. While the other campers were paying
$5 a bundle Kadizzle was enjoying his cedar fire for free.
Just for asking we got a deluxe camping
spot free with electricity in the Calf Creek Campground in Utah.
Often a six pack of beer can work miracles. All construction workers
are required by law to do anything for a six pack. When we built our
house we need the yard leveled and graded. At the same time the
street was being put in. Kadizzle asked the motorgrader operator if
he would make a couple passes in the yard for a six pack. Of course
the grader operator could not resist doing a good job, so he did
serval hundred dollars worth of work for a six pack. Kadizzle needed
concrete to pour the footings for his deck. Concrete is expensive
when you have it mixed and delivered, but every concrete truck
carries a little extra when the go out to pour. What do they do with
extra? Usually it is a nuisance for the truck to get rid of. So you
dig your holes and have everything ready for the concrete. Now you
look around town for someone pouring cement. Offer the truck driver
a six pack for his left over concrete, and now you have your
footings. This has worked twice for Kadizzle.
On the second concrete mooch Kadizzle
was working on the Pocket Park he was building in Hazen. Kadizzle
needed a little concrete so he lined up the truck with the six pack
lure. Waiting for the truck Kadizzle was gabbing with Shiny the
local operator of the small art store. Kadizzle saw the concrete
truck about to drive by looking for Kadizzle. Kadizzle gave his
schreeching whistle and waved at the truck. The guy came down the
ally and poured the concrete. It was like hailing a cab. Shiny had
no clue the whole thing had been prearranged and told her customers
all day long about how simply whistled and had concrete delivered.
Today's assignment is go out and ask
for something. Kadizzle used to teach some management classes. Often
he extorted the virtue of asking. At some point prior to discussing
the miracle of asking Kadizzle would ask someone in the class if they
had ten dollars. Without exception someone would pull out ten
dollars and give it to Kadizzle. Kadizzle would take the money and
just go on talking about some unrelated topic. Later someone was
sure to ask “ What about that ten dollars Joe gave you?'. Now
Kadizzle would launch into his lecture about how easy it is to ask
and receive. Kadizzle would give the ten dollars back, and explain
how important and easy asking is.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
I once was lost but now am found.
The Kadizzlites have become
professionals at finding Indian ruin sites. Tenacity is essential.
Yesterday we made a second stab at a site and found it. Local
knowledge is often critical in finding many of these places. However,
directions from the locals can be confusing. Over a week ago we
set out to find the Nordhoff-Hope ruin. A local camper told us to
drive up 203A until we reached a corral. At the corral we were to
follow an old fence line down and over the hill. Once we drove
miles along the cliff hanging road we got to the corral, but no
fence. The view was fantastic and even though we were thwarted it
was a good trip.
Not to be defeated we returned
yesterday packed with better information and GPS data. The camper
never mentioned there were two corrals on that road. Kadizzle
checked the satellite image before the expedition. In the satellite
photo you could see the shape of the corral. The shape was unique
and Kadizzle sketched it with his GPS information.
Arriving at the second corral it was
evident this was the right place and there was a fence line to
follow. Shortly into the trip Kadizzle found a pair of binoculars on
the ground. These binoculars had been mentioned by someone on the
Arizona Trails site Kadizzle checked. The person said they lost
their binoculars on the hike to the site. Here they were laying on
the trail.
With Jeff and Barb our Canadian hiking
partners we got to the site. A well preserved room could be seen in
a cliff alcove. The room was well preserved because it was
impossible to get to. Jeff was enthusiastic and tried to make a
difficult round about climb to reach the room, but failed. Below
were many other rooms in lesser condition. From this site you could
see a mile below to another site we found in the valley.
Monday, March 10, 2014
Lost Lisa, I once was lost but now am found
What we hiked, yesterday we drove
today. From Lake Roosevelt, we took the El Oso road up to 5,500 ft.
On the way up, we met the usual insane idiots trying to drive down
the road in the most dangerous fashion possible. On the same trip a
few days back, when Kadizzle took the crew up a simple minded fool
came down the road with reckless abandon. Kadizzle expected to see
him over a cliff on the way back. Today another one of these goofs
was trying to set a new speed record coming down.
Let's put this road in perspective.
This is a very narrow, steep, one lane road that always has a cliff
on one side. The road winds for 11 miles, and climbs as quickly as
it can. There are turns on this road so sharp that our truck cannot
make the turn. To make the turn, you have to back up at a switch
back. It is impossible for two vehicles to pass on most of the road.
Almost every curve is a blind curve. Why anyone would drive too
fast on this road is a mystery. Of all the roads we drive in the
back country, this is one of the most dangerous.
Reaching the top of the mountain, we
headed west along the ridge with the Tundra. When the road
deteriorated enough we stopped to unload the Yamaha and continue. A
group of ATV people was right where we unloaded. As we unloaded, we
exchanged pleasantries, and they mentioned a woman that had walked by
earlier. The woman said she had walked from the bottom of the
mountain. This would be quite a feat. Before long, traveling west,
we came across a cairn in the middle of the road about two feet high.
This is not something you usually see. Not long afterwards, we
encountered Lisa hiking at a very fast pace down the mountain ridge
road. This is a road rarely traveled. Lisa indicated she had
constructed the cairn so her friend could find her. Lisa confirmed
that indeed she had hiked from the bottom starting at 9 A.M. To
make it up 3,000 ft and out 12 miles that quickly takes some doing,
but obviously she had done it. The Commander and Kadizzle were a bit
concerned about someone hiking as fast as they could and totally
clueless about where they were going. Lisa asked if we had seen a
silver Toyota as we came up the mountain. We informed Lisa that
indeed we had seen a guy shooting his pistol near the start of the
road with a silver Toyota. Lisa said this guy would come get her.
How would he find her, when she did not even know where she was?
Apparently, this had not occurred to Lisa. The Kadizzilites inquired
if Lisa had anyway to get in touch with her rescuer. No she said,
but she had water, an emergency blanket, and food.
There are many trails and roads on the
top of that mountain. Finding someone hiking around at random would
not be an easy task, so we offered Lisa the use of our phone. Lisa
left a message for her partner, telling him the Forest Service road
number she was on. The whole thing had the feel that Lisa had a
disagreement with said friend and took off. After offering
assistance, and the use of our phone, we took off for a very nice
cycle ride along the ridge west of the Four Peaks on a road section
of the Arizona Trail. We did not go far before we stopped for
lunch. Shortly, Lisa came barreling along. Lunch was over, and we
took off west again. Soon we met Lisa for the third time, apparently
some kind of common sense kicked in, and she was headed in the right
direction back where she came from. Both the Kadizzles were
concerned that this was ultimately going to lead to some search and
rescue. Worst case scenario, at this point, was that we would meet
her on the way back. We were the only people on that road today.
Sure enough on the way back, Lisa was
wandering around and her truck friend was standing by the truck. The
Commander said he had an evil look and could have played the role of
a Gestapo guy. Of course our imaginations ran wild. Why were they
there, and why was she just walking around. We surmise he was going
to shoot her, but we ruined it by showing up.
When we stopped to check the cycle they
passed us and we followed them down the mountain, so Lisa was still
alive at 4:30 and the mystery continues.
Sunday, March 09, 2014
The most spectacular waterfalls with no water
As usual, The Commander had a fire in
her pants that could only be extinguished by dragging Kadizzle's
sorry butt two thousand feet up a mountain. So off we headed to find
two waterfalls high in the Mazatzal Mountains. The trail led to
Edwards Park, but our goal was a detour to see the “wonderful
waterfalls”. After traipsing along a long level ridge, the climb
started up one hogback after another. Every climbing trail has the
same psychological trick. You are deluded into thinking you are near
the summit, only to find there is another summit, and another summit.
It is a reminder of our Grand Canyon hikes, where this happens all
day long. Hiking to the waterfalls made Kadizzle think more and more
of hiking out of the Grand Canyon. The waterfall would end up having
a total elevation gain of about half way out of the Grand Canyon.
The view kept getting better. Below
the valley, Lake Roosevelt stretches for thirty miles. The little
rat towns of Pumpkin Center and Tonto Basin are far below. 90% of
the people in these towns live in a little prefab box of some sort.
Ideally, the yard around the house is strewn with junk of every sort.
Local tradition is to periodically go to the thrift store and buy
crap, then sell the crap, then go to the yard sale and buy more crap,
then sell it at your yard sale. By the time you die, everyone in
town has had coffee from the same coffee cup you bought with Martha
on you trip to Disneyland. You know the cute one with Micky Mouse.
Back to the hike. Higher and farther
into the hike, the sme thought begins to occur. Three miles up
means three miles down and back. Almost to the waterfalls, two
things start to become evident. First, there is no water. Even though
there was a recent rain about a week ago, the desert has dried up,
and the prospect of water actually flowing over the great waterfalls
is slim. Now, for the second classic problem on epic hikes, we have
to get back by dark. Oddly, The Commander who always wants to plunge
on no matter what the cost, declares that perhaps we should head
back. Happily Kadizzle agrees. After climbing Everest and getting
within site of the peak, we turn back. Kadizzle planned from the
start to use spring water as part of his supply for the trip.
Climbing this began to look like a stupid move, there was no water.
Strangely, a little trickle did appear near the top of the hike. A
stop was made to filter about two pints of water.
Sitting here this morning, Kadizzle
took an expanded view of the topo map. Holy sore legs, we could have
driven almost to our destination from a different direction. We
would have made the falls, but they still would have been dry.
Saturday, March 08, 2014
A Cackle Storm broke out in the campground.
The sea captain showed up, and Kadizzle walked over to meet him. Now Kadizzle has held his own in several cackle competitions, but he met his match. The sea captain started telling endless tales and commenting on every aspect of boating and boat maintenance. Kadizzle tried to get a tale in here and there, but could not drive a wedge into the flowing bullshit coming from the captain. Back at the camper, The Commander wanted to go on an expedition. Kadizzle used this as an excuse to get away from the cacklethon.
Two hours later Kadizzle and The Commander returned. The old smoking goat and the captain were drinking beer and cackling away. After the sun went down, the cacklers built a fire and the cackling continued. It got cold and the cacklers moved inside. They could still be heard cackling away.
Hens invented cackling, then women took it up. Now men have mastered the skill. Kadizzle has always took pride in prolonged cackling, but now he knows there are pro's out there that would put him to shame. A good cackler can talk about anything. Knowledge has nothing to do with it. However, be careful, nothing can ruin a cackle like running into someone who really does know something.
Friday, March 07, 2014
They have to be here somewhere
Today was more or less a relaxation
day, but of course The Commander could not sit still. Late in the
afternoon the Kadizzlites decided to go back to a spot we had hiked
before and poke around at the trailhead. This was the spot where we
met the foremost zombie writer doing a book signing last year.
When you drive back into this area you
cannot help but think it would be ideal Indian habitat. It is an
area with all the essentials, food, water, and a good spot to live.
In the past we have found no evidence of dwellings here.
Disembarking from the Tundra we hiked up the rocky road a short way
and could hear the water running in the stream below. As we headed
toward the sound of rushing water we found a well worn path. The
path led to an absolutely perfect swimming hole complete with a
waterfall. On a warm day plunging into that pool from the natural
diving rocks would be orgasmic. After we stopped to take some
pictures we looked to see where the trail continued up the canyon.
In a short distance we encountered an old road. Soon the road
petered out, but there looked like a promising Indian bluff about a
quarter mile away. Kadizzle told The Commander she was free to hike
up there, but he was staying put. It took The Commander about 45
minutes to make the summit. To the crew's disappointment The
Commander's hike was futile. Although she got a good view of the
area, there was no Indian site.
Returning to the truck we headed back
to camp. This area was just too nice to be ignored by the primitive
people. There was a strange rock wall running by the road that made
no sense. Kadizzle thought it might be some sort of water diversion,
but it was not high enough to serve any other purpose. As we headed
down and out of the area we noticed some piled stones. Of course The
Commander insisted we stop and investigate. Sure enough back in the
brush the remenants of some sort of dwellings were present. Kadizzle
was skeptical and just sat in the truck letting her excellency do the
investigation, but when The Commander said she found pot shards the
hunt was on and Kadizzle headed for the brush. The site seemed like
someone stole a lot of the stone from the walls. We both speculated
perhaps some rancher had made the wall we saw earlier with stones
stolen from the site. There were many pot shards so indeed it was
occupied. The area would have been ideal. It was in a transition
zone to the mountain, had water, and could have grown crops.
The Sun came up in the East
Kadizzle and The Commander would disagree on any given subject. A classic example occurred today. Kadizzle saw the sun come up the other day and was amazed at the speed the globe of fire popped up over the horizon. Laying in bed this morning, Kadizzle looked forward to the sunrise out the window. Kadizzle said to The Commander, look out that window and watch how fast the sun comes up. Her excellency declared Kadizzle an idiot, and said the sun does not come up in the west.
The argument ensued. Kadizzle remembered so well the former sun rise. Sadly, it turns out Kadizzle had been sitting elsewhere when he first observed the fast rise of the sun. After the silly argument, and almost a big bet, the Crew got up and got in the morning position. As Kadizzle looked out the window from his chair, it became obvious how he misconceived where the sun was coming up.
When you live in a vehicle that is moved periodically, your mind becomes confused about direction. You wake up, and have to think about your relationship to the universe. Your windows do not have the same scene everyday. This is a good thing.
The argument ensued. Kadizzle remembered so well the former sun rise. Sadly, it turns out Kadizzle had been sitting elsewhere when he first observed the fast rise of the sun. After the silly argument, and almost a big bet, the Crew got up and got in the morning position. As Kadizzle looked out the window from his chair, it became obvious how he misconceived where the sun was coming up.
When you live in a vehicle that is moved periodically, your mind becomes confused about direction. You wake up, and have to think about your relationship to the universe. Your windows do not have the same scene everyday. This is a good thing.
Thursday, March 06, 2014
Canadians are not like us.
We have visited Canada; we have known Canadians, and they always seem a little different. They like beer; they seem to enjoy life a little more, and they love the southwest United States. They are always friendly and sharing, and they have figured out health care. The Commander has been driving Kadizzle nuts wanting to do a thirteen mile hike down from The Four Peaks. Yesterday, in the course of hunting for The Sneaker, Kadizzle came across a Canadian couple who looked fit and like hikers, so Kadizzle asked if they liked to hike. Their answer was yes. Ah ha, these people could take The Commander on the big hike, and Kadizzle would not have to worry about his meal ticket being eaten by bears. So today, the two Canadians and The Commander did the hike. When Kadizzle met the Canadians, he saw their feet. Canadians are like Hobbits. They do not have feet like Americans. The Canadians were going to hike in their Canadian feet. Kadizzle wondered how do you hike without arch support. Do you have arch support when you were born the Canadians asked? I guess not. So the bears, Indians, and mountain lions that tracked this group must have wondered what travels in threes, has one normal set of tracks and two Canadian tracks?
Starting at 8 A.M. the Canadian escorts brought back The Commander at 3:30 P.M. The group faired well, and had come across some new Indian sites in the process. In the past Kadizzle has come across what appeared to be barefoot human tracks deep in the outback. Now Kadizzle knows what kind of tracks Canadians leave. Apparently the males have an orange colored foot, and the females are smaller with a blue color. If only Mexicans had such identifiable feet, the Republicans in Arizona could catch them so much easier crossing the border to pick the vegetables and do drywall.
Starting at 8 A.M. the Canadian escorts brought back The Commander at 3:30 P.M. The group faired well, and had come across some new Indian sites in the process. In the past Kadizzle has come across what appeared to be barefoot human tracks deep in the outback. Now Kadizzle knows what kind of tracks Canadians leave. Apparently the males have an orange colored foot, and the females are smaller with a blue color. If only Mexicans had such identifiable feet, the Republicans in Arizona could catch them so much easier crossing the border to pick the vegetables and do drywall.
Launch The Commander
In the course of the hunt for The Sneaker (the rotten bastard that stole our generator) Kadizzle met a Canadian couple with similar outdoor interest as the Kadizzlites. Speaking with the Canadians they mentioned they were hikers. Kadizzle explained The Commanders desire to hike down from the Four Peaks to the Canadians and they agreed to make the hike with The Commander today. So this morning Kadizzle will drive the crew to the top of the Four Peaks where they can begin hiking down 13 miles. Kadizzle is getting too old for such a long slog, and will pick them up at the end of the day.
Kadizzle will spend the day filling the propane tank, and keeping himself entertained. Doing research yesterday trying to figure out how The Sneaker operates Kadizzle spoke to a lot of locals. The level of gun ownership around here is astounding. Almost everyone explains how they will shoot intruders. A group of old goats was sitting around when Kadizzle pulled up on his cycle to interview them about local degenerates. As usual Kadizzle heard how thieves would be shot with buckshot. After listening awhile an old granny chimed in " I gotta gun to". So when you decide to liberate some property that is not yours in Arizona remember even granny has a blaster.
Kadizzle is so pissed about The Sneaker he has been spending too much time about baiting The Sneaker. Kadizzle figures he can make a fake generator with a good alarm system and set it out for The Sneaker to steal. Kadizzle has a plan to make a special cord that will come from the generator. The cord will look like a normal extension cord, but will set off an alarm when The Sneaker unplugs it. The Sneaker is clever and will probably not strike the Kadizzles twice in the same place, so we have to fish for The Sneaker at another campground. The Sneaker has stolen generators down on the Salt River, and supposedly at Lake Apache. Who is The Sneaker selling all these Honda 2000i generators to?
Kadizzle will spend the day filling the propane tank, and keeping himself entertained. Doing research yesterday trying to figure out how The Sneaker operates Kadizzle spoke to a lot of locals. The level of gun ownership around here is astounding. Almost everyone explains how they will shoot intruders. A group of old goats was sitting around when Kadizzle pulled up on his cycle to interview them about local degenerates. As usual Kadizzle heard how thieves would be shot with buckshot. After listening awhile an old granny chimed in " I gotta gun to". So when you decide to liberate some property that is not yours in Arizona remember even granny has a blaster.
Kadizzle is so pissed about The Sneaker he has been spending too much time about baiting The Sneaker. Kadizzle figures he can make a fake generator with a good alarm system and set it out for The Sneaker to steal. Kadizzle has a plan to make a special cord that will come from the generator. The cord will look like a normal extension cord, but will set off an alarm when The Sneaker unplugs it. The Sneaker is clever and will probably not strike the Kadizzles twice in the same place, so we have to fish for The Sneaker at another campground. The Sneaker has stolen generators down on the Salt River, and supposedly at Lake Apache. Who is The Sneaker selling all these Honda 2000i generators to?
Wednesday, March 05, 2014
Saving The Commander from Herself, and insuring Kadizzles food supply
The Commander suffers from extreme
hyperactivity, consequently she must be in motion eight hours a day
at minimum. To satisfy her need for movement she cooked up a scheme
to hike from the top of Four Peaks down the Arizona Trail for 13
miles. Kadizzle was to launch her this morning and retrieve her
later today. By any standard it is a long hike. Laying in bed
Kadizzle began to ponder the hike last night. Deep in the woods if
anything happened to The Commander she would be difficult to help.
Although she would probably be in radio or phone contact the area
would not allow a helicopter to land and a land rescue would require
a two hour hike from the top or bottom.
Should The Commander be lost in the
wilderness who would feed Kadizzle, how would the laundry get done,
and with limited brain power who would do the thinking for Kadizzle?
Simple task like going in and out the door could not be accomplished.
No one would be there to say “ Shut the door”. Well, Kadizzle
luckily talked the brave Commander not to go, so at least there will
be dinner tonight.
Yesterday we took a vigorous hike, this
did not wear out the boss lady. Although she has been talked out of
the 13 mile hike she is still insisting we go out on a maneuver
today. Kadizzle would be happy to take it easy, but unless The
Commander runs wild today peace in the Kingdom is unlikely.
Tuesday, March 04, 2014
A nearby Discovery
The original plan was to visit an
Indian site we had found a couple years ago along the Arizona Trail.
However, we stopped about a mile up the dirt road and peered at a
nearby hilltop. After both of us looked through the binoculars, we
decided there were rocks piled by humans on the hilltop. Some
discussion ensued, then the Kadizzlites decided to make an assault on
the site. Some initial scouting indicated a way we could possibly
make it to the top. No matter how we went it would not be an easy
point to reach. As usual, the crew could not agree on a route to get
there. Kadizzle chose to go down to the creek bottom and take the
most direct route. The Commander insisted that her route was best
even though it was a long way around. With warm weather the rattlesnakes have come alive, and our hike was through ideal rattlesnake habitat. Every step had to be taken with caution and each time you had a rock overhang the rattlesnake buzz was expected. Fortunately none were encountered
45 minutes later the summit was
reached. Indeed, it was an Indian ruin, and a fairly large one.
Many of the rocks in the walls were abnormally large for a ruin site,
and must have taken many people to lift. The size of the site was
much larger than what is normally found in this area. At least
thirty rooms must have been in this ruin. It was a very defensive
site with surrounding walls. Pelting attackers with rocks seemed to
be the preferred defense. When attacked, you stood behind the wall
and threw rocks down on your enemy.
Our first approach to the site seemed
to indicate little pottery shards, but as we looked closer many were
found. The Commander found some nice black on red, and black on white
shards. A matate was found with the grinding stone. A pottery shard shown above with a carefully drilled hole was found. It may have been used for some sort of hanging pot.
All the sites we have visited in this
area indicate the people were under siege. The question is who was
attacking them? These people seemed to have outlying lookouts that
could relay signals by fire to the main areas of inhabitation. If
attacked, the people must have retreated to their defensive positions
deep in canyons or on the edge of cliffs. In times of hardship, one
group must have raided other groups. Much like the castle system in
Europe, these people had their strongholds. Since these people
always had the high ground you could be assured that rocks would rain
down on you as the cost of attacking them. If you were the attacker,
it would have been hard to throw a spear uphill, and your chances of
hitting someone above you pelting you with rocks would be slim. If
these people ever had been attacked, one would think there would be
some arrow heads or spear points around. We have never found any.
This site was in relatively good condition and all things considered not that badly picked over for a site within a mile of a paved road. What has preserved the site is the difficulty getting to it. We have been exploring these sites for years, and were surprised to find this one in such a close obvious place. The Indians chose the site because it was inaccessible, and that is what has preserved it.
New Neighbors, The Sneaker investigation, and a Visit to Gary
Hunting the desert slums for the
sneaker yesterday proved hopeless. However, Kadizzle did get a good
glimpse of the culture. The towns around Lake Roosevelt are
populated by people who “made poor decisions”. Perhaps the
people living in the run down trailers, old RV's, and cobbled
together houses think they are in paradise. If your idea of paradise
is a newer pickup truck, the mandatory ATV, a yard full of junk
surrounded with a falling down chain link fence, and living on some
type of measly check that comes every month, then heaven has broken
out everywhere around here.
All desert people living within inches
of the poverty line are armed. When Kadizzle asked the locals about
the thieves who stole his generator he almost always got a lecture on
how the home owner was going to shoot intruders. Interviewing about
six people Kadizzle heard four times how the intruder would be killed
and his body would be drug out of the house. One guy said he thought
one of his nearby neighbors was a thief. He explained to the
neighbor how he intended to shoot anyone inside his fenced compound.
The same fellow who was a nice guy told Kadizzle that Arizona
permitted people to kill anyone inside a fence around your yard. In
Arizona you can legally be shot for farting in an elevator.
Back at camp Kadizzle new neighbors
moved in, and the Kadizzles have gotten to know the people down a few
spots. One glory of the roving life is the people you meet. The guy
down the way is a retired nuclear engineer. Ron and Martha live full
time in a pretty small camping van. Periodically they take a month
and visit some exotic country like Bhutan. So many travelers are
remarkably well read. In the early sunshine the Kadizzles sat with
Ron and Martha and heard about their world travels. The subject
turned from good books, to politics, and the whole discussion was
entertaining and enlightening. Kadizzle invited the new people
across the way over for wine and again there was an hour or two of
idea exchange. Over the years we have met so many interesting people
and learned so much from talking with them.
The Commander as usual was chomping at
the bit to go hiking. Kadizzle was worn down from the last
adventure. To appease The Commander, Kadizzle agreed to make a trip
to visit Gary in his deffered camping spot. The Commander just could
not wait to give Gary's dog Sammy the nice bone from our lamb meal.
As we topped the hill Gary came out of his reading tent beaming from
ear to ear with happiness to see us. Sammy was just as delighted.
Kadizzle wondered how things were going with Gary and the new
Camera.. Kadizzle figured Gary would have taken lots of pictures.
Gary said he took six pictures. Although with a digital camera you
could take 500 or 1000 pictures, Gary only took six? Gary said he
only found six good things to photo. Living on the edge Gary has
become to conservative of everything. Gary invited Kadizzle into his
tent so we could see the pictures in less light.
Viewing the pictures Kadizzle was close
enough to Gary to hear him breath. Gary has smoked himself to death.
Listening to Gary breath shocked Kadizzle. Just the slight exertion
of walking around caused Gary to struggle for breath. In Kadizzles
humble human assessment, Gary will be lucky to live one more year.
Someone is going to come across a dead man in a Coleman tent behind
an old blue Ford Pickup. Hopefully the poor soul will expire in his
sleep. The good die young. A tragedy will be Sammy. The loyal dog
that means everything to Gary will be there alone with her dead
companion. In Kadizzles mind the whole scene being constructed was
sad. As we drove a way Kadizzle thought about Gary's life. Here is
a man who has achieved some remarkable happiness with remarkably
little. Gary is as happy with his collection of rocks on his
dashboard, as some rich guy is with a ten pound diamond. Gary got to
explore the world in books and know the best minds in history. Gary
saw and appreciated nature. Although for a good part of his life
Gary was a professional thief, in the end did he really take that
much compared to so many of our crooked Wall Street guys, or
politicians? Gary reformed on his own, and educated himself, you
have to give him credit for that.
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