Some may say Kadizzle is bragging, but so be it. Over the years Kadizzle has had a variety of ideas that he never took the time to promote. Later Kadizzle saw the idea brought to reality.
Yesterday Kadizzle read an article about a man in England developing a system that would allow people to board high speed trains without the high speed train stopping. Kadizzle had this idea about ten years ago. Now, it looks like it may actually happen. Someday you will be able to board a mini train and make the transfer to a high speed train passing through your town.
One of the applications you can now get on your Iphone is Redlaser. Redlaser allows you to read and create bar codes. Kadizzle came up with the idea yesterday of inventing a ball cape with your barcode right on the front where the writing normally is. If someone wants to get your information the simply ask if they can snap your hat with their Iphone. The invention will be called "The Snaphat". You can bar code what ever you want onto your hat. You could put your phone number, your website, or anything else you want. Once it is read by someone's Iphone the information will be in that person's Iphone.
This is not a great leap for Redlaser because basically this was the intent of how it was to be used. Now you are seeing codes with adds in magazines, and on billboards. Some people already have adapted the codes for business cards. I predict within a short time you will see people with the equivalent of bar codes on their clothing.
In the future you will go to a party and walk up to someone. Your device will read there bar code. Their bar code will let you know any information they want made public. It may simply be "Hi my name is Fred", or it might be their resume, and a host of other information. Kadizzle predicts that within a year you will go to a convention and see bar codes have replaced name tags or will be on the name tag.