Jasper Littlebottom was complaining about the milage we were getting with the truck so we traded it in on this Mule Mobile. It is a real pleasure to drive. Please note that it has four wheel drive and rear wheel drive. If you park it and let the engine run around it will refuel itself. We had some problems with the photo so click on it to enlarge. Please note the cell phone on the dash, and a few of the other nice features.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Our New Rv
Jasper Littlebottom was complaining about the milage we were getting with the truck so we traded it in on this Mule Mobile. It is a real pleasure to drive. Please note that it has four wheel drive and rear wheel drive. If you park it and let the engine run around it will refuel itself. We had some problems with the photo so click on it to enlarge. Please note the cell phone on the dash, and a few of the other nice features.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
The People you meet
In our little sacred camping ground there is a mix of people. For a couple days a strange guy has been sleeping in his truck with a white little trailer behind it. Kadizzle has had some interesting conversations with him. The fellow is about forty and seems to be well read. He seems to be a bit paranoid about cartels, and the federal reserve, as well as some vague international group running the world. Interesting to talk to but not sure exactly where he is coming from.
Today at the laundromat had a prolonged conversation with a waitress about our age. She recommended to her daughter to stop watching Fox News and try the BBC. The woman seemed to be able to clearly see through all the Republican nonsense just by applying simple reason to the stories they sell with their propaganda. It was sad to hear the woman tell about her struggles with our hopeless health care system. Anyone who thinks we have a system that works should have heard her stories. Sandy told us how she has to got to Mexico to buy prescription drugs for all the poor people in her mobile home park. Sandy was denied coverage for her thirty thousand dollar hospital bill because she made 15 dollars too much. She makes around 950 dollars a month. The great Republican State of Arizona is doing everything in it's power to make life miserable for the working poor. Sandy had a lot of great tales about the wonderful Sheriff here. The Sheriff is the hero of all the right wingers, but when you scratch the surface the man is a fraud and a jerk, but so is Glenn Beck. They just love the type. If people would break out of the habit of only talking with those who agree with them they could learn a lot. Both Lord Kadizzle and The Commander had the impression Sandy was a mean nasty person when we walked in to do our laundry. After talking to her she turned out to be very funny, very informative and we all had a great conversation tearing the right wing to shreds. Give people a chance, and let your first impressions go. There are many good stories out there if you just let them be told.
Today at the laundromat had a prolonged conversation with a waitress about our age. She recommended to her daughter to stop watching Fox News and try the BBC. The woman seemed to be able to clearly see through all the Republican nonsense just by applying simple reason to the stories they sell with their propaganda. It was sad to hear the woman tell about her struggles with our hopeless health care system. Anyone who thinks we have a system that works should have heard her stories. Sandy told us how she has to got to Mexico to buy prescription drugs for all the poor people in her mobile home park. Sandy was denied coverage for her thirty thousand dollar hospital bill because she made 15 dollars too much. She makes around 950 dollars a month. The great Republican State of Arizona is doing everything in it's power to make life miserable for the working poor. Sandy had a lot of great tales about the wonderful Sheriff here. The Sheriff is the hero of all the right wingers, but when you scratch the surface the man is a fraud and a jerk, but so is Glenn Beck. They just love the type. If people would break out of the habit of only talking with those who agree with them they could learn a lot. Both Lord Kadizzle and The Commander had the impression Sandy was a mean nasty person when we walked in to do our laundry. After talking to her she turned out to be very funny, very informative and we all had a great conversation tearing the right wing to shreds. Give people a chance, and let your first impressions go. There are many good stories out there if you just let them be told.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Back in the U.S. A.
Comfortably the Kadizzles are settled on the Salt River in our little special spot. For some reason the number of RV travelers is way down and there are only a few people staying here, which makes it nice. Our old friends from Canada are here and the two regular camp host are back. So in our gated community we are living well. Tomorrow will more than likely bring some more hiking. The wild horses are around and provide some entertainment. The Salt River is very low and hardly running.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Living in a Republican Paradise
Mexico is great. A land of haves, and have nots. Imagine our country as the Republicans want it. No taxes on the rich, a few rich people own everything, no health care, no social safety nets, poverty for those who did not inherit the kingdom. Every American should be forced to visit Mexico to see the Republican dream in action. Crumbling infrastructure, no jobs, hopelessness and children and families living in poverty. If the Republican dream comes true, we will be just another third world country. The rich will not pay for anything in Mexico, so there are no sidewalks, no decent streets, and sewage systems of one hundred years ago. Ah if we can only reduce taxes on the rich in America so just a few families can own everything while the rest of us sell blankets, and trinkets on the beech to the rich Chinese who come to visit us. If you want to see where the Republicans are taking us visit any Mexican town. The Kadizzles have spent a week in a wonderful place for the rich but hell for the aveage person. The Republican dream.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Living the Good life in Pueto Vallarta
The Kadizzles just got out of the surf and sewage. The water was warm, but Alligators had been spotted on the beach. They come out of the fresh water river nearby. Knowing the family jewels might be in danger it is hard to enjoy the water. Took a jungle tour yesterday and saw a good cliff diver, he was better than the Alcapulca guy. He dove into veary small mountain stream. Did it blind folded. Video will appear when we have better internet access. Beware of the time share racket if you visit here. Practice saying no and you can make out all right. We got very nice breakfast and one hundred fifty dollars, and managed to say no. However, the ninety minute presentation was in Mexican minutes so it to til noon. Very nice weather, lots of magaritas. Back to AZ on Saturday.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Sunday, January 09, 2011
The Good Life at Mae's
Mae lives across the street from my sister Patty. Mae lets us park our camper beside her house. Mae treats Kadizzle like a king. She has one of those wonderful electric chairs that can lift you to a standing position. Standard procedure is to put Kadizzle in the chair with a heating pad, take his shoes off and hand him the remote control with a cold beer.
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
The Wreck and the Dream

This morning Kadizzle awoke from a dream involving the wreck of a white truck. Three hours later Kadizzle was assisting a woman in a white truck wrecked near Dickinson. This is a photo of the wreck. Stangely this is the second time Kadizzle has dreamed about a wreck an then been involved in a rescue the next day.
Years ago when Megan was born Kadizzle and Cissie's mother were driving to Bismarck to see Cissie and new born Megan. The night before Kadizzle had a dream about a burning car on the side of the road. That day he pulled a man from a burning car near Washburn.
Driving toward Dickinson this morning on the way to Denver we saw a car off the road in the snow. It looked like everything was OK and we drove a little farther. Next our truck started to slip and slide on black ice. Immediately after Kadizzle got the Toyota under control we came across the pictured truck upside down. One man was there before we were. The woman had managed to craw out of her truck. She seemed like she might have some neck injuries, but had feeling in her extremities. We bundled her up with blankets from our cars and put a stocking hat on her to keep her warm. Finally the ambulance came from Dickinson and we left. If anyone should happen to know how she is doing let Kadizzle know. The woman said she was talking on her cell phone when the wreck occurred. Kadizzle is trying to teach his family a lesson about using cell phones from this incident.
Monday, January 03, 2011
Who are the Hoopleheads?

Kadizzle frequently refers to the Hoopleheads. One of the great Hoople busters of all times was H.L. Menkin. The quote below is a summation of how Hoopleheads are whipped into a frenzy of stupidity. Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh know exactly how to make stupid people dance, but Menkin's insight will tell you a lot about how the Republicans and the Tea Party exploit the Hooples.
In today's excerpt - H.L. Mencken comments on the impact of crowd psychology. Mencken, known as "The Sage of Baltimore," was a popular journalist, essayist and satirist, and is regarded as one of the most influential American writers of the first half of the 20th century. A caustic critic of American life and culture, Mencken was one of the first in the U.S. to popularize such writers as Friedrich Nietzsche and Joseph Conrad.
He had grave concerns about anti-intellectualism in American society, which he viewed as being found most prominently in organized religion and political discourse. He was especially concerned about the role of the crowd in this anti-intellectualism. His reporting of the debate over the theory of evolution between William Jennings Bryan and legendary attorney Clarence Darrow (made famous in the movie and play Inherit the Wind) reflected his distaste for fervent belief rooted in faith rather than science:
"The individual man, cheek by jowl with the multitude, drops down an intellectual peg or two, and so tends to show the mental and emotional reactions of his inferiors. The crowd, as a crowd, performs acts that many of its members, as individuals, would never be guilty of. Its average intelligence is very low; it is inflammatory, vicious, idiotic, almost simian. Crowds, properly worked up by skillful demagogues, are ready to believe anything, and to do anything.
"The numskull runs amuck in a crowd, not because he has been inoculated with new rascality by the mysterious crowd influence, but because his habitual rascality now has its only chance to function safely.
"What happens when a crowd cuts loose? ... The few superior men in it are not straightway reduced to the level of the underlying stoneheads. On the contrary, they usually keep their heads, and make efforts to combat the crowd action. But the stoneheads are too many for them. ... And why? Because they are suddenly conscious of the power lying in their numbers. The third rate man, though he may wear the false whiskers of a first rate man, may always be detected by his inability to keep his head in the face of an appeal to his emotions. A whoop strips off his disguise."
Author: H. L. Mencken
Title: Damn! A Book of Calumny
Publisher: Philip Goodman Company
Date: 1918
Pages: 32-34
Sunday, January 02, 2011
Our Country is a ticking time bomb
The facts are stunning. Now, the top one percent of the population has as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent. The data is overwhelming. Young people are going to be in a mess few of us can imagine if the country continues on the path Rush Limbaugh and the Republicans are carving out. The most amazing thing is how people are so oblivious to the mess. People escape reality in sports, religion, or some other mindless opiate. Our society is falling apart at the foundation because those at the top have simply bought the government. When you have an outfit like Fox that lies all day and passes itself off as news, it is pretty scary to think how many Americans actually believe the spin. At face value is hard to believe the people who represent us just decided to borrow 700 billion and give it to the rich, while promising to destroy health care for ordinary people. It is hard to believe we live in a country where anyone could get away with such a blatant robbery, but everyone is caught up in their diversion and no one will care until the bridge actually collapses. Our country is falling behind by every measure and we are listening to the band on the Titanic. How did we get to this point?
Now, we are going to go through a round of stimulus spending that will enable everyone to make one more trip to Wal Mart. When the dust settles all the money will go to China, and the right wing thieves at the top of the pile will still be there.
Now, we are going to go through a round of stimulus spending that will enable everyone to make one more trip to Wal Mart. When the dust settles all the money will go to China, and the right wing thieves at the top of the pile will still be there.
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