Most of the best people Lord Kadizzle ever met were sailors. A lot of people perceive sailors as people with money getting blown around at their leisure on massive yachts. The reality with most of the sailors Kadizzle has known is different, people with a passion struggling to make payments for what they enjoy. When you sail with people you get to know every aspect of them. You learn what they do in a crises, you learn how they relax, you learn every story they know. You cannot sail with another couple and not soon know how they relate. Every couple has their own style. Although the men may play the role, you soon find the real captain usually is the one with less testosterone. The women decide when the spinnaker goes up, the boat goes out, and if there will be any dinner.
In all the years Kadizzle has sailed he can honestly say he only met one sailor that never became a good friend. Kadizzle started his career as an underground coal miner. One of the first things you learned in coal mining was to get along. You never knew who the person would be that would save your ass when the chips were down. Sailing is the same way. When the day comes you are sinking, do you want to call your worst enemy to come back and save you? So sailing is about friendships, and friendships are about forgiveness. If you can excuse me for puking on your boat and telling the same story ten times, maybe I can forget how you rammed my new paint job and put a six foot scratch on the side of the boat. Usually it all works out, and there is nothing a campfire and a glass of wine cannot solve. Everyone does things they wish they had not. Everyone says things they wish they had not.
There is no perfect couple. No matter how hard you try, someday every sailor is going to blow up and say to his loved one " you blanking idiot, what in the hell are you doing", or some other quaint phrase of love. We are all human, and fools to think we can overcome it. Sailors that curse and vent are still sailing. The ones that bottled it all up exploded long ago.
One song Kadizzle always liked has the verse "Life is like a merry go round, sometimes your up and sometimes your down". Sailing mimics life. Sometimes the wind is perfect, sometimes there is no wind, and sometimes the wind will knock your socks off. A merry go round that did not go up and down would not be much fun.