Friday, May 28, 2010
Simple mindedness permeats our little town.
As Kadizzle wrote about earlier fighting over what time it is in our little neck of the world is a major issue. Half the people here work on central time and half the people work on Mountain time. Total nonsense. Today an old goat told me about the woman who reported that her neighbor got up and it was dark. The woman was complaining that this could happen to anyone. Apparently the complaining woman lives on mountain time. According to the old lady her neighbor lives on Central Time. The neighbor got up to feed his cattle and it was dark outside. This tragedy could have been prevented if the neighbor had been living on Mountain Time. Another close call occurred further west. The Town of Dickinson was considering switching to Central Time. A local radio station was discussing the issue when they received a call from an old lady practically crying. The old lady said " We are in a drought, the crops are burning up, and you want to add another hour of daylight?". Sometimes Kadizzle wonders how Glenn Beck and Rush can fool anyone, but all you have to do is turn on the radio here and find out.
That's Just what you do.
Yesterday old Kadizzle went to a meeting with the local Democrats to see if we could elect someone with a pulse in our area. Unfortunately Kadizzle lives in the land of Guns, Gays, and God. The people here don't care if anything ever goes forward. You just vote for the same people over and over. Not because they do anything, not because they have a brain, but because that is just what you do. Currently our district is represented by the same brain dead, do nothing people that just say they are members of the NRA, they love Jesus, and hate gays. What a wonderfully simple way to live. So nothing ever happens here we just get the same old, same old.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
A sinking feeling on the good ship
Yesterday the good ship Sovereign went in the water. After working hard all day Kadizzle finally sat down to rest in the boat. The sound of trickling water was coming from somewhere. At first it seemed like the normal sound of waves hitting the boat at dock, but something was not right. Kadizzle got up and quickly noticed water was up to one part of the floor. A quick look in the engine compartment revealed the boat was sinking. The fresh water strainer for the wash down hose had frozen and broken over the winter. After shutting of the through hull everything was under control. The bilge pump did the rest and back to nap time. However, had Kadizzle been caught away from the boat for a little bullshit session, it may have turned out different. The saving grace where our boat is docked is the water level. Under the keel is usually only six inches to a foot of water, so the boat can only sink about a foot or so. Good design for an idiot proof slip.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Military won't fight mosquitos

Kadizzle was struck by a headline in the Bismarck Fox Tribune today. "Military will not fight mosquitoes". Guess what, it is the Air Force that refused to join the fight. Now these guys got jets, drones, and aircraft carriers, yet they refuse to fight mosquitoes. What has the country come to? Perhaps the Air Force does not think mosquitoes are a national threat. With Obama in office this was bound to happen. Bush demanded the Air Force attack Iraq. So what if he was wrong. Now we have a president who will not attack mosquitoes in Williston. This is surely a sign Obama has forsaken our right wing state. Let me use the Glenn Beck Chalkboard on this one. North Dakota did not vote for Obama. North Dakota ask Air Force to attack Mosquitoes. Obama refuses. North Dakota gets eaten by mosquitoes. You think I am making this up? Yesterday on the way back from Denver The Commander and Lord Kadizzle were listening to Fox radio. Hanity was explaining how the liberals and Muslims are out to destroy our country. Obamas refusal to send the Air Force to Williston is a sure sign of this vicious attack. This summer when Kadizzle is bitten by a misquito he will know Al Qeada is behind it. I think the Qeada's live in Beulah. I never met Al, but his wife works at the Cenex.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Make Water Run Uphill
With a wonderful day and not in the mood to do anything productive Kadizzle decided to make a little fountain out by the hammock in Erin's and Fran's front yard. So up the hill with three pieces of hose and a funnel and one flower pot later here it is.
Fox News and God discuss merger
The wave of stupidity sweeping the country is like nothing Kadizzle has ever experienced. Last night Kadizzle watched Fox's premier clown, Glenn Beck. The man is totally insane, and now invoking God in all his commentary. Glenn was explaining how God does not help groups, just individuals. Glenn is trying to explain that God is against social justice. Traveling on a plane is dangerous, because you are in a group, and God doesn't help groups. You see all groups lead to socialism, and of course that leads to communism, and then worst of all liberalism.
The ability of this nit wit to take good and turn it into evil is beyond comprehension. We all know how he turned empathy into a bad thing. Now "social justice" is a bad thing. Somehow all good is now evil in the Fox mind set. Obama was evil because he tried to help the poor and disadvantaged as a community organizer. Remember people that organize are evil, can you say "Union". Fox and the clown have turned the world upside down. Now any attempt to help people leads to Nazi Germany. Don't ask me how, but Kadizzle will try to give you the Fox spin. You see if you help people you might decide to tax the rich in order to do it. This is the greatest evil of all, asking wealthy people to pay taxes. Of course this leads to Nazism.
Now Newt realizes Glenn has tapped a whole new vein of simple mindedness, so Newt is jumping on the Nazi wagon. Newt is openly calling Obama the worst thing since Nazi Germany. Glenn is mining the Fundy vein. Glenn gave the commencement speech at Liberty Baptist University. Here we go again the right wing is going to tap into the religious nuts again. Kadizzle used to wonder how people fell for McCathy, Hitler, and all the other crazies, but Glenn Beck shows there is still a big market for paranoid crazy talk. The simple minded love to be scared. The Hoopleheads are just like little kids, they love being scared. Tell a Hooplehead someone is going to take their gun, or elect a black president and they shake. The Hooples are totally confused by a black intelligent president. They can understand a white idiot, but a black man that speaks eloquently and talks in understandable English? What is this all about. For the Hooples it is like the confusion they experience at a magic show. They know something happened, but they just are baffled.
The ability of this nit wit to take good and turn it into evil is beyond comprehension. We all know how he turned empathy into a bad thing. Now "social justice" is a bad thing. Somehow all good is now evil in the Fox mind set. Obama was evil because he tried to help the poor and disadvantaged as a community organizer. Remember people that organize are evil, can you say "Union". Fox and the clown have turned the world upside down. Now any attempt to help people leads to Nazi Germany. Don't ask me how, but Kadizzle will try to give you the Fox spin. You see if you help people you might decide to tax the rich in order to do it. This is the greatest evil of all, asking wealthy people to pay taxes. Of course this leads to Nazism.
Now Newt realizes Glenn has tapped a whole new vein of simple mindedness, so Newt is jumping on the Nazi wagon. Newt is openly calling Obama the worst thing since Nazi Germany. Glenn is mining the Fundy vein. Glenn gave the commencement speech at Liberty Baptist University. Here we go again the right wing is going to tap into the religious nuts again. Kadizzle used to wonder how people fell for McCathy, Hitler, and all the other crazies, but Glenn Beck shows there is still a big market for paranoid crazy talk. The simple minded love to be scared. The Hoopleheads are just like little kids, they love being scared. Tell a Hooplehead someone is going to take their gun, or elect a black president and they shake. The Hooples are totally confused by a black intelligent president. They can understand a white idiot, but a black man that speaks eloquently and talks in understandable English? What is this all about. For the Hooples it is like the confusion they experience at a magic show. They know something happened, but they just are baffled.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Conversation at Bubba's Beauty Salon
As Bubba cut Kadizzles hair she mentioned the inexperienced flight attendant that she flew into Denver with. The weather was terrible and tornadoes were in the area. The flight had to circle Denver for an hour before it could sneak in. As the plane bounced closer to the runway, the flight attendant announced "If there is an emergency landing don't take anything with you during the evacuation". Bubba said that really made her feel good. While Bubba trimmed up Kadizzle, he thought he had to out do her story, so he related the time he was in a rough landing. Kadizzle told Bubba how the flight attendant handed out magic markers and told everyone to label their body parts with their name. At this point Bubba said "Did they tell you to label your fingers, or did they say start with the biggest pieces first?". That blasted Bubba she can always get one up on you at her hair salon.
Terrorist Humming Bird attacks Bee Bumble Bee
Friday, May 21, 2010
The little Princes
Kadizzle has always liked children. Sylvie the new granddaughter is providing endless entertainment as we babysit for Erin off for Paris in the Springtime with Fran. Sylvie's greatest talent is diverting The Commander. Kadizzle is free to browse magazines, surf the net, take a snore nap, and all the other pleasantries in life. Of course there is a downside. Every bright colored fribble for sale at the Dollar Store now has the potential to be part of the decoration in Sylvie's room. As if shopping were not a sufficient evil, adding one more little person who must have everything put the budget over the top. The Commander is getting the organic bug up her exhaust. This means that all food for Sylvie will now cost twice as much, and it looks like she must have organic grandparents to go with it.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Sara Palin says your not a real American
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
On Topic: In the News - The Real America | |||| | ||||
Requiem for a gleet
This morning Kadizzle gave birth to a wonderful gleet. There is debate if passing a gleet is more painful than having a baby. Babies rarely take more than a day. This young gleet took almost a month. Kadizzle has decided to name him Sate, after his namesake Satan. Thank the lord Sate was a normal delivery and not a kidney cesarean. This is Kadizzles first gleet carried to term. In the past Kadizzle has had about three either busted up with lithotripsy or through the fishing technique.
Now speculation abounds as to if a gleet fairy exist. Since children can put a tooth under a pillow and get a quarter, Kadizzle figures the Gleet Fairy will leave at least $100 for a gleet.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Grandaughter Sylvie gives first Concert

After breakfast Sylvie asked Grandpa Kadizzle if he would like some music. Sylvie Suggested Beethoven's Fifth Symphony in E minor. Kadizzle thought it would be a nice interlude. Sylvie's rendition was definitely unique, and the crowd applauded until she played a encore. For the encore two guest were invited to sit on the piano.

Back in the Rockies
Jones E Bear (Erin) is going to Paris to meet up with Fran, so Kadizzle, The Commander, and Megan will hold down the fort in Evergreen. The mountain streams in front of the house are running full and making a pleasant sound. Seems like Kadizzle's gleet seems under control. Now, Kadizzle must be careful. In the Deadwood series a gleet was a kidney stone. However, when you look up a gleet there are a lot of references to syphilis. Kadizzle is not sure if the gleet has passed or is just resting on the way out the door. Now The Commander will be consumed with watching Sylvie. AAh what a blessing.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Time for some sanity
Last night Kadizzle sat in a hearing for as long as he could take it. The local Hoopleheads have been fighting for years over what time it should be. Hoopleville is technically on Mountain Time, but about two thirds of the population lives and works on Central time. The net result in Hoopleville is you are never sure what time it is. In the old days when Kadizzle had a job the time line ran right down the middle of the bed. The Commander's side of the bed was on Mountain time, and on Kadizzles side of the bed it was central time. Each night stand had its own clock with the appropriate time. Around here we have about six types of time. We have fast time, slow time, plant time, my time, your time, Bismarck time, Hazen time, and of course anytime. If someone says come over for dinner at six you have to say, my time, your time, fast time, slow time. One would think after thirty years of this they would get it fixed, but this is a big issue. Remember how the South always referred to the Civil War as The War of Northern Aggression?". Well, around these parts the time issue is like The War of Eastern aggression. There are actually feuds that go on around here over the time issue. At the meeting last night an old goat got up and cried over his love for Mountian Time. Kadizzle knows when he is on his death bed and he looks up at his dearly beloved Commander and says "My time has come darling" The Commander will say "Fast time or slow time?". It is time to fix this nonsense, but the Hooples refuse to budge they love their time on this planet, and there is no way they are going to give up slow time. With slow time your time will come an hour later, and by God they want to live for that extra hour.
Friday, May 14, 2010
These People walk among us.
Hearing the racist remarks, and the crazy ideas implanted by Fox coming from the mouths of people in our wonderful town of Hazen makes one give pause. Everyone has had that experience where you thought someone seemed normal, and then they start telling you about the danger of the "One world order" or some other strange right wing lunacy. The other day Glenn Beck was touting how the NASA symbol, the one with the electron circling an atom, was actually the flag of Islam. No one in their right mind would believe this nonsense, but you start talking to some of the local dingers, and then you say "Oh no, there are people that believe that crap". Then you find our people in somewhat responsible positions believe the birther nonsense, and it scares you to think the supply of the paranoid insane is way higher than you ever imagined. When ever Kadizzle thinks about Nazi Germany he ask himself how did this happen? The answer seems to be there were a whole lot more simple minded susceptible Hoopleheads on the streets than anyone thought. If you ever doubt the supply of simple minded watch late night television and watch the infomercials. Someone is watching that stuff and buying all the get rich quick schemes. In the daytime they watch Fox News.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Glenn Beck ripped to shreds by Louis Black EXCELLENT
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Back in Black - Glenn Beck's Nazi Tourette's | |||| | ||||
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Get ahead
Here is a little something someone sent me that is indisputable mathematical logic. It also made me Laugh Out Loud. This is a strictly mathematical goes like this:
What Makes 100%? What does it mean to give MORE than 100%? Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been to those meetings where someone wants you to give over 100%. How about achieving 103%? What makes up 100% in life?
Here's a little mathematical formula that might help you answer these questions:
is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%
1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103%
AND, look how far ass kissing will take you.
1+19+19+11+9+19+19+9+14+7 = 118%
So, one can conclude with mathematical certainty, that While Hard work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there, it's the Bullshit and Ass Kissing that will put you over the top.
What Makes 100%? What does it mean to give MORE than 100%? Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been to those meetings where someone wants you to give over 100%. How about achieving 103%? What makes up 100% in life?
Here's a little mathematical formula that might help you answer these questions:
is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%
1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103%
AND, look how far ass kissing will take you.
1+19+19+11+9+19+19+9+14+7 = 118%
So, one can conclude with mathematical certainty, that While Hard work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there, it's the Bullshit and Ass Kissing that will put you over the top.
Reality Doesn't Matter

One thing Kadizzle loves about the right wing Hoopleheads is their ability to ignore reality. The tax rates are currently as low as they have been since 1950, yet the Tea Party bunch thinks they are being taxed too much. Just like the weapons of mass destruction lie Bush told, it was not what was true, but what you chose to believe. Fox News has made an industry out of telling people what they would like to believe. If you have a dream or a fantasy Fox can pump you up. Rush more than anyone is the king of fantasy salesman. Want to believe some silly right wing nonsense, Rush is there to help. In the old days when Kadizzle went to college you were supposed to back up what you said with something called research and facts. Those days are over.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
The Gun Crazies come to Hazen

The big excitement in Hazen was the gunfight at the RV Corral. Out on the west end of town a poor fellow pulled a gun on his buddies when it looked like they might take his friend's pillow. In most places you get shot if you try to take someone's wife, but at the RV Corral pillow theft is not taken lightly. After a severe beating the gun toter was subdued and hauled to the hospital. Know one knows if the gun slinger took his pillow to the hospital or is now using it in jail. I know a lot of little kids who get attached to a blanket or pillow, but Kadizzle had no idea this could go on into adulthood. The RV Park is now considering two improvements, A gun range with targets made from pillows, and a vending machine to dispense bullets. Before Kadizzle left last year with The Commander there was some discussion about taking Kadizzle's shotgun. Now, that the danger of pillow theft is clear perhaps The Commander will let Kadizzle take the shotgun next year. However, Kadizzle knows who steals his pillow, and she is the same person who will not let him bear arms. The constitution protects everyone's right to defend their pillow, and it is plain why we need to strike down any laws that would put pillows in jeopardy. Kadizzle does have bumper stickers available that read "You will get this pillow whey you pry this gun from my cold dead hand". Although pillows are made from feathers, this is not something we should take lightly.
Sunday, May 09, 2010
Kadizzle Converts Dishwasher to Stove
Kadizzle is as proud as can be. His attempt to convert a stainless steel dishwasher front into a stove top looks like a success. Even neighbor Bob admired the fine conversion. The Commander wanted to convert from alcohol to propane in the boat. The Commander said there was no reason to be burning what you could be drinking. Another major part of the project is figuring how to store propane safely on a sailboat. The propane must be kept in a special locker. Rumors on the lake are that no one will raft up with us for fear of an explosion. It is amazing that Kadizzle can create a bomb by accident when The Taliban cannot train someone in New York to do it on purpose. If the New York Bomber had let Kadizzle install a propane stove in his truck thing would have worked out for him, or at least he could have cooked a meal. The stove on the boat will look great, but now the dishwasher will look a little sad without the door on the front, but a piece of plastic and some duct tape should cure that little problem.
The Commander does the Census
To help support Kadizzle The Commander is doing the Census. The Commander ran into this woman in Pick City her current assignment.
Commander Granny
In today's paper there is a cartoon with two Goldman Sacks guys commenting on how nice it is to have the public's attention diverted to the oil spill in the gulf, and the bomb in times square. Kadizzle has been blessed with a granddaughter that serves the same function. Commander Granny now has Sylvie to keep her occupied with projects. Lately The Commander has been refurbishing the old toys our own kids had. Cabbage Patch what's her name got her stuffing washed. Bert and Ernie got to go to the dryer carnival and spin themselves. The living room is full of stuffed animals, and of course that means there is stuffed animal droppings everywhere. One problem with The Commander hunting new toys for Sylvie is that she often ends up keeping them for herself. All the birds and butterflys with moving wings now surround the garden. Another nice thing about the grandchild is the basement is getting bigger. After years of saving every old toy and little furniture for "our grand kids" the stuff is finally starting to migrate to Colorado. Erin will now see her house filled to the brim with more stuffed animals than a Chinese factory.
Saturday, May 08, 2010
An Idiot I suppose
In 1976 Lord Kadizzle left Morgantown, West Virginia. Kadizzle needed a job, and The Commander said he better get one. With marriage looming Kadizzle started a new career in the coal fields of North Dakota. Stan Rodgers wrote this song about someone from Eastern Canada moving to Calgary, but Kadizzle likes the song and changed it a little to suite his circumstances. You can smell the stink of the DGC gas plant in Hazen when the wind is right. Things have worked out pretty well, but Kadizzle has always love the line in this song " and that makes me, and it is plain to see, an idiot I suppose".
I often take these late night walks when Cissie is not around
I turn my back on the house left black and make for open ground
Far out beyond the farmers fence where the highway makes no sound
I forget the stink and I always think back to that eastern town
/ D ABm G Bm / G D - A / 1st / G D DA D /
I remember back thirty six years ago, this western life I chose
And every day, the news would say some factory's going to close
Well, I could have stayed to take the dole, but I'm not one of those
I take nothing free, and that makes me an idiot, I suppose
So I bid farewell to the eastern town I never more will see
But work I must so I eat this dust and breathe refinery
Oh I miss the green and the woods and streams and I don't like cowboy clothes
But I like being free and that makes me an idiot I suppose
/ G D A D / G D Bm A / D ABm G Bm / G D DA D /
So come all you fine young fellows who've been beaten to the ground
This western life's no paradise, but it's better than lying down
Oh, the streets aren't clean, and there's nothing green, and the hills are dirty brown
But the government dole will rot your soul back there in your hometown
So bid farewell to the eastern town you never more will see
There's self-respect and a steady check in this refinery
You will miss the green and the woods and streams and the dust will fill your nose
But you'll be free, and just like me, an idiot, I suppose
I often take these late night walks when Cissie is not around
I turn my back on the house left black and make for open ground
Far out beyond the farmers fence where the highway makes no sound
I forget the stink and I always think back to that eastern town
/ D ABm G Bm / G D - A / 1st / G D DA D /
I remember back thirty six years ago, this western life I chose
And every day, the news would say some factory's going to close
Well, I could have stayed to take the dole, but I'm not one of those
I take nothing free, and that makes me an idiot, I suppose
So I bid farewell to the eastern town I never more will see
But work I must so I eat this dust and breathe refinery
Oh I miss the green and the woods and streams and I don't like cowboy clothes
But I like being free and that makes me an idiot I suppose
/ G D A D / G D Bm A / D ABm G Bm / G D DA D /
So come all you fine young fellows who've been beaten to the ground
This western life's no paradise, but it's better than lying down
Oh, the streets aren't clean, and there's nothing green, and the hills are dirty brown
But the government dole will rot your soul back there in your hometown
So bid farewell to the eastern town you never more will see
There's self-respect and a steady check in this refinery
You will miss the green and the woods and streams and the dust will fill your nose
But you'll be free, and just like me, an idiot, I suppose
Kidney stone fun with American health care

Kadizzle just read about a guy who was shot, burned, and had kidney stones. The feller said kidney stones were the worst. Kadizzle has, according to the last scan, four kidney stones. However with the wonderful health care we have in this country Kadizzle is just too cheap to have them broken up correctly. That is what the doctor recommended about four years ago. Kadizzle has health insurance, but it is Blue Cross, which has a deductible of about 2k. This is the Blue Cross that pays the executive 2 million dollar in North Dakota. I wish these stones on him. So the economical thing to do is die or pee the stones out. The last couple of days Kadizzle has been trying to give birth to some kidney stones. Women have an advantage with the equipment they use to deliver presents from inside. Although kidney stones are small, so is the delivery system. Jasper Littlebottom was skeptical that Kadizzle even had a problem until he did a demo of peeing blood. Fortunately the current episode has been fairly painless, the little boogers are just moving around cutting up the kidneys, the doctor said they were too big to come out. The episode seems to be subsiding. When Kadizzle gets motivated he will probably have to pay the six thousand dollars to have the stones broken up. In any other country it would cost about one quarter of this amount, but in our country those executives have to drive nice cars. The head of Wellpoint, one of the biggest health insurance companies in the country gets 14 million per year. Kadizzle could bust some stones with that cash. Hope that guy gets cancer of the bunghole.
Friday, May 07, 2010
Act Like Nothings Wrong, you got to listen
In a somewhat slower but undeniably similar vein is the album's ninth track. To induce a child-like innocence into this deeply jaded song, Kimbrough deploys a toy xylophone from the get-go. In the first verse, he sings about an Enron-esque corporate crook who gets caught but hopes for the best with this impossibly upbeat chorus:
"Act like nothing's wrong
Everything's just fine
Hold your head up high and act like
You don't really mind
If you're terrified like me
Of terrorists and crime
Please take my advice
And simply act like nothing's wrong."
Maybe Tom DeLay listened to this Kimbrough song before his beatific mug shot was snapped. You'll sing along, too, until you wince and realize this has been the unholy Bush scripture since 2000. But with the way the war polls are looking, the right wingers may not be atop the charts much longer. This song portrays Kimbrough's various musical and songwriting talents at their cheeky best.
Super Scum
There are a few people who are such evil rats that they should have a special ranking. Newt Gingrich is certainly one. Rarely would Kadizzle cite The Bismarck Fox Tribune, but today Richard Cohen sums up Newt pretty well. In the class of top notch lying scoundrels with hearts of stone Newt is right there. Of course Karl Rove is on the Devil's first team, along with Glenn Beck. Take time to read Cohen's article he does such a good job of painting the whole picture of Newt and his unique ability to do the deeds of evil.
Thursday, May 06, 2010
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Just sit there and you will get promoted.
Kadizzle has always wondered about the meek. The Bible says the Meek shall inherit the Earth. It could happen. For years Kadizzle has observed that those who just shut up and sit there do very well. Don't make waves has worked well for a lot of people. In the old days when Kadizzle had a job one thing was clear, ideas were not important. If you wanted to get ahead just sit and wait. Being quite and passive was a successful strategy. If you did nothing, you could do nothing wrong. One guy might have two bad ideas and one brilliant idea. The company saw him as a trouble maker. The guy who did nothing never caused a problem, he got the promotion.
In a society with free speech, it is amazing how people are afraid to say anything. All around us are frauds of every sort, but nobody says anything because the fear they may offend someone. The guys on Wall Street can rob the country blind, and have for years, but no one says anything because they don't want to seem anti social. Those who are not meek take advantage of the meek on a daily basis. The meek acquiesce to every kind of injustice because they so fear speaking up. When God said the meek shall inherit the Earth was that a compliment or an insult? I think he was saying "If that is all the better you can do, this is all you get". You have every right in the world to speak up for what you think is right, why don't you do it?
In a society with free speech, it is amazing how people are afraid to say anything. All around us are frauds of every sort, but nobody says anything because the fear they may offend someone. The guys on Wall Street can rob the country blind, and have for years, but no one says anything because they don't want to seem anti social. Those who are not meek take advantage of the meek on a daily basis. The meek acquiesce to every kind of injustice because they so fear speaking up. When God said the meek shall inherit the Earth was that a compliment or an insult? I think he was saying "If that is all the better you can do, this is all you get". You have every right in the world to speak up for what you think is right, why don't you do it?
Monday, May 03, 2010
A Jihad with West River Telecommunications
Our local phone company is a hornet's nest of hypocrisy. The Republicans have taken it over and use it to promote their political candidates. This is incredible in and of itself when one considers that the phone company is a cooperative. Cooperatives by their very nature are Democratic, and socialist. What fries Kadizzle's ass is the same Republicans who insist there is a socialist behind every tree are running the most socialist organization in town. Now for the real clincher, the telephone coops support legislation that enables them to have a monopoly. Although it would save Lord Kadizzle a bundle if the local cable company provided Kadizzle with phone service, it aint going to happen. Why? Because those Republicans running the phone company refuse to permit the cable company to compete for telephone service. These are the same Republicans who are all for competition and free markets. The flames shoot out Kadizzles ears when he realizes these hypocrites are the same ones that cry foul when we try to have national health care. For some reason national phone service is just fine, but national health care smacks of socialism. So Kadizzle cannot use the telephones wired to his house for long distance calling. The socialist phone company with a monopoly in Hazen charges an outragous amount. The only way around it is with a cell phone. Now for the kicker. The cell phone franchise is run by the phone company. These unprincipled scoundrels promote the Republican cause using a telephone coop that was designed to defeat the very philosophy of greed they promote.
Sunday, May 02, 2010
In The Land of the Crazy

One nice thing in a small town you know all the crazies, and many of them first hand. The other day Lord Kadizzle was down at city hall talking about the upcoming election. It never occurred to Kadizzle how serious it could be if no one ran. The city planner explained to me the danger of no one running. Hazen has had an eccentric quasi crazy man that has been around for years. The fellow has ridden a bike very similar to Pee Wee Herman's for years. When the gas station closes at night he shows up to get the hot dogs they are going to throw out. Once as judge Kadizzle had the fellow in court for a zoning violation. The first thing he told Judge Kadizzle was that Judge Kadizzle had no authority in Hazen because he was not born here. Kadizzle told him he could not get a building permit for what he wanted and was not to build it. Mr. Crazy then told Judge Kadizzle he would go to Beulah, the town ten miles west and get a permit. Crazy did not grasp the concept you cannot get a building permit in Beulah to construct a building in Hazen.
Now back to the voting. The city planner explained to Kadizzle that for almost every position in the city Mr. Crazy gets three or four write in votes. If no one runs for Mayor, that almost automatically means it will be Mr. Crazy. So it is essential someone run for every office.
Saturday, May 01, 2010
Kadizzle and Coal
Coal practically runs in Lord Kadizzles veins. He worked his way through college as an underground coal miner, and work most of his life in the coal industry. However, none of this made him blind to the reality that the age of coal is over. Special interest would love Americans to believe you can clean coal and burn it. The laws of physics just simply will not let that happen. North Dakota could set off on a wave of prosperity by embracing nuclear power, but the coal lobby will not let it happen. There is no way out of the energy mess in the United States unless we embrace nuclear power. Nuclear power has it's problems, but they are small compared to suffocating from burning coal. The Bismarck Tribune which is the local arm of Fox news is such a lap dog to the coal industry that it will not even mention nuclear. Young people get so tired of the backward conservative thinking in North Dakota and they leave. This is the state that voted for Palin, and sadly would probably do it again.
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