Friday, April 30, 2010
Kadizzle put the Law Suit to rest.
Years ago Kadizzle was hired as an expert witness. In order to perform Kadizzle was forced to buy a nice suit. The case settled out of court, and Kadizzle ended up with a suit. That was over twenty years ago. Weddings and Funerals are about the only time that suit sees the light of day. Unless the equator expands on Kadizzle the same outfit should get him across the finish line. The Commander to cut cost will bury Kadizzle in the suit. This will be an appropriate end to some threads that are always at major events. Unfortunately two other suits no longer fit. The wedding suit would not stand a chance, and the birthday suit is wrinkled and stretched.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
If you don't know who John Prine is you better find out.
If you have never listened to John Prine, you are missing one of the best song writers that ever breathed air. More than likely you have listened to someone else sing his songs. If you can get the song he is talking about in this clip and listen to it. The lyrics are in case you cannot hear it in the clip. " a half an inch of water, and I though I was going to drown". That is where the woman came up with the Happy Enchilada.
You must watch the video below. "In Spite of Ourselves" is the theme song for The Commander and Lord Kadizzle.
The Black guy at the Klan rally
Tomorrow, Kadizzle will lay his old neighbor Pat Galvin to rest. Pat was always a lot of fun. When Pat and I built his sun room years ago we had a couple of breaks per day. At noon Pat took a brief nap while he fell asleep listening to Rush Limbaugh. After he awoke we would work until "Conversation". Pat habitually went to "Conversation" everyday. Pat might hold court at Jimmie's Bar, or it might be at the coffee shop. As Pat's only employee on the construction project, it was often my privilege to go to the coffee shop where a fringe benefit was a piece of pie with ice cream.
As everyone knows Pat was a staunch Republican. Kadizzle tried every cure known to man, but Pat died a Republican. At his funeral tomorrow Kadizzle will be a pall bearer. The service will be attended by all the party faithful. As a terrible liberal Kadizzle will know what it is like to be a black man at a Klan rally.
Pat's last words to me were " I am glad to see you, but I don't know why". If Kadizzle ever gets up yonder, and meets his old friend again, that is how I will greet him. The truth is I would know why I was glad to see him. We always had a good laugh when we met, you could count on it.
As everyone knows Pat was a staunch Republican. Kadizzle tried every cure known to man, but Pat died a Republican. At his funeral tomorrow Kadizzle will be a pall bearer. The service will be attended by all the party faithful. As a terrible liberal Kadizzle will know what it is like to be a black man at a Klan rally.
Pat's last words to me were " I am glad to see you, but I don't know why". If Kadizzle ever gets up yonder, and meets his old friend again, that is how I will greet him. The truth is I would know why I was glad to see him. We always had a good laugh when we met, you could count on it.
Granny Gone Wild
The Commander has now become Commander Granny. Once you become a granny, your shopping gland is stimulated and many things you could have walked by, now beckon," Buy me for Sylvie". The Commander looted Kadizzles wallet yesterday, and a bad outcome was on the horizon. The Commander thought there were just too many twenty dollar bills in Kadizzle's wallet, and that by the rules half of them were her's. The worst possible thing is to have a granny with grandchild fever go to the dollar store. If you were fishing for grannies the best lure would be anything made out of bright plastic. In the old days granny occasionally bought fribbles, but now fribbles are no longer a luxury they are a necessity. There is no fribble too exotic to pass by. When The Commander fell under the spell of the fribble shop it was not long before she came home with all sorts of strange items.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Move to Sanger and live with Ghosts
Yesterday the Kadizzles visted the abandoned town of Sanger. A friend is trying to revive the little town along the Missouri. It would be a wonderful place to build and enjoy the tranquility of the Missouri.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
An Old Friend will die Today
My longtime neighbor will not see the sun set today. Two people could not possibly have been more on the opposite ends of the political spectrum, but we made it fun. His sense of humor brought everyone a lot of joy. We traded barbs almost every time we saw each other. On my last visit he said "I am glad to see you,but I don't know why?".
My old neighbor had conviction, he believed what he believed, and was not going to change his conviction on a whim to get a few votes. One thing I always remember fondly about Pat was the time I was running for the board of directors for the local phone company. A member of his party was sent through the crowd to tell everyone to vote against Mike Quinn. Pat told the political hack " No one tells me who to vote for!".
Pat was a sailor, and I never met a sailor I didn't like. Pat and I worked on a lot of projects together and we always had fun doing it. Anyone who ever met Pat remembered him for his ability to get a laugh out of anything. Pat never took himself too seriously. We had only known each other for a few years when I ran into Pat one day going into the NAPA store at the end of the street. Pat was selling hair pieces at his barber shop in those days. Of course he had one for himself. As Pat held the door open for me at the NAPA store he reached up and grabbed his hair piece like it was a hat. He held it over his heart and said "Good day sir". Curious I asked Pat "How do you hold that on?". Pat replied without hesitation "With wood screws".
Pat knew my political views and his were diametrically opposed, but he also knew if he needed me for anything all he had to do was call. I knew the same about Pat. In this regard we learned a lot from each other. Both of us considered ourselves to be Irish and I think this was our common bond. Many times Cissie and I have considered moving, but what has always kept us here was the good neighbors. We have always been blessed with a real neighborhood. Pat has moved to a different neighborhood, but I am sure a lot to the angels there will soon know his stories by heart, and I presume he took a few of his books there to peddle.
My old neighbor had conviction, he believed what he believed, and was not going to change his conviction on a whim to get a few votes. One thing I always remember fondly about Pat was the time I was running for the board of directors for the local phone company. A member of his party was sent through the crowd to tell everyone to vote against Mike Quinn. Pat told the political hack " No one tells me who to vote for!".
Pat was a sailor, and I never met a sailor I didn't like. Pat and I worked on a lot of projects together and we always had fun doing it. Anyone who ever met Pat remembered him for his ability to get a laugh out of anything. Pat never took himself too seriously. We had only known each other for a few years when I ran into Pat one day going into the NAPA store at the end of the street. Pat was selling hair pieces at his barber shop in those days. Of course he had one for himself. As Pat held the door open for me at the NAPA store he reached up and grabbed his hair piece like it was a hat. He held it over his heart and said "Good day sir". Curious I asked Pat "How do you hold that on?". Pat replied without hesitation "With wood screws".
Pat knew my political views and his were diametrically opposed, but he also knew if he needed me for anything all he had to do was call. I knew the same about Pat. In this regard we learned a lot from each other. Both of us considered ourselves to be Irish and I think this was our common bond. Many times Cissie and I have considered moving, but what has always kept us here was the good neighbors. We have always been blessed with a real neighborhood. Pat has moved to a different neighborhood, but I am sure a lot to the angels there will soon know his stories by heart, and I presume he took a few of his books there to peddle.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
It looks different from here.
Kadizzle was pondering the question, "Do people ever really change their opinion?", then an old experience came to mind. Many years ago Kadizzle worked for a coal company in Eastern Ohio. The man he worked for was a human relations guy. Even though the man had a good job with a good coal company, he had never been down into a coal mine. Almost every day he bashed the coal miners. The coal miners were lazy union dogs demanding way too much.
The day finally came for his first trip underground. Kadizzle remembers it well. We went into the Franklin Mine. In a coal mine roof bolts are used to support the roof of the mine. Normally the mine roof is flat from one bolt to the next when the bolts are doing their job. However, in the section of the mine where my boss was on his first underground tour, everything had had fallen out from between the bolts. It looked bad, very bad. Kadizzled looked at his boss whose eyes got so big they looked like golf balls. You could tell he was scared. All of a sudden those coal miners he had been calling lazy slackers were hero's. He looked at me an said they deserve every cent they get. There is no way in hell you could get me to work here. My boss had a new found respect for coal miners.
The day finally came for his first trip underground. Kadizzle remembers it well. We went into the Franklin Mine. In a coal mine roof bolts are used to support the roof of the mine. Normally the mine roof is flat from one bolt to the next when the bolts are doing their job. However, in the section of the mine where my boss was on his first underground tour, everything had had fallen out from between the bolts. It looked bad, very bad. Kadizzled looked at his boss whose eyes got so big they looked like golf balls. You could tell he was scared. All of a sudden those coal miners he had been calling lazy slackers were hero's. He looked at me an said they deserve every cent they get. There is no way in hell you could get me to work here. My boss had a new found respect for coal miners.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Moving without Moving

( This is art, not pornography, the painting is titled : Sunbathing in the Dunes, 1916 by Paul Gustave Fischer)
Kadizzle has always been puzzled as to why sailing is so relaxing and people seem to enjoy it so much. The concept does not seem exciting. You get in a boat and if you are lucky you might go eight miles an hour. Many times when the wind is up a little there is a sense of excitement, but yesterday Pat, Rodger, Richard and Kadizzle were out on the lake just barely moving, but having a nice sail. This gets back to moving without moving. When a sailboat moves across a calm lake with barely a breeze it is like some sort of magic. There is no sound, nothing is moving to push or pull the boat, but it moves. The only other time such a sensation exist is in a hot air balloon, which is also a very peaceful experience. When you sit still and move you get the sensation you are a spirit. Spirits don't make noise, and they don't need a motor. Silently gliding through the world creates a different perspective. One nice thing about sailboats is the ability to sneak up on wildlife. You can glide into a bay and see deer, geese, and sometimes even a moose. Kadizzle may have become hooked on sailing many years ago when he glided silently into a bay a little west of Pick City. On a beautiful day by himself in his little nineteen foot boat he quietly glided into a secluded bay on a perfect warm sunny day. With no expectations or warning to young apparitions arose from the beach and took off up and over the hill. Apparently the two naked young ladies thought they had found the perfect secret spot to use natures tanning booth. More than anything it reminded Kadizzle of deer bounding over the landscape. Kadizzle has never been a deer hunter, but if the deer looked like this he could sit in a tree stand all day. Every time Kadizzle sails by that spot he reflects on those two young deer gracefully climbing that bluff. Kadizzle has even sailed back in that bay hoping to see deer again, but he never has. Perhaps that is a good thing with a weak heart it could be his demise, but it would be a nice way to pass into the next world.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
You have to love those Wall Street Theives.

Yesterday my daughter Megan told me she was paying 25% on her credit card. Kadizzle had to do some rearranging to get her a different line of credit. That wonderful Chase Bank that rips off young people so they can pay the CEO hundreds of millions.
On the way home from the lake yesterday NPR ran a story about how the Wall Street banks are ripping off the federal government. Those good old boys are borrowing money from the federal government at 1% and buying treasury bills that pay 3%. Now you can see they are just exercising their right to rob the U.S. Treasury. Perhaps that is where they are getting the money to lend to Megan for 25%.
The best part of the show is the Republican party, which has just accepted massive bribes to do what they do best, "Just say no". Just say no to banking reform. Yes this same bunch of compassionate conservatives that love us all, are now making sure the thieves on Wall Street have the right to rob every young person in the country trying to get ahead. In case you have not been following the Goldman Sachs story Kadizzle will bring you up to date. Goldman Sachs that is now doling out billions in bonuses came up with a clever scheme. Goldman in cahoots with another thieving outfit put together a package of mortgages designed to fail. Goldman sold the package and vouched or it. Then Goldman and its partner thief bet the package would fail by selling it short. It failed, people got thrown out of their home, and all the bankers lived happily every after. Now, it is just a matter of pumping some campaign contributions into the Republican party and we can do it all over again.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
What is Hull Speed? What is Dull Speed?

Airplanes for years could not break the sound barrier. However, they eventually did. Sailboats on the other hand have never broken the barrier of hull speed. What is hull speed? After a sailboat reaches a certain speed it can go no faster. It makes no difference how much horsepower you add, the boat will go no faster. Physics dictates that the amount of water that has to be moved out of the way by the boat will increase at exactly the rate you add power. The formula for hull speed is 1.25 times the square root of the boat length at the water line. So a boat that is 36 feet long at the water line will have a hull speed of about 6 times 1.25, or 8.5 Knots.
Now Kadizzle has discovered that this formula also applies to boat repair. A boat can only be cleaned and repaired at a certain rate. When trying to fix up a boat, it will fall apart and get dirty at about the same rate you are fixing. This is call the dull speed. The name comes from the fact that there is so much fiberglass to clean that when you get the last of it cleaned the first place you started will be dull. Today Kadizzle will work on the boat. For years he has been trying to paint all the teak on the rail of the boat, but dull speed always defeats him. By the time he gets it painted the paint has started to peel where he started.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Young Pirates out of Control.

Visiting friends last night Kadizzle was faced with keeping two little twin four years olds and their little girl cousin entertained. Soon it became apparent that they could be assigned tasks as pirates. This worked well because they could be sent on missions, which got them out of Kadizzles hair. They were sent to look for other ships, then they were sent to bury the gold, and on it went for over an hour.
Of course we talked pirate talk with some "Ahoy maties" and lots of "ARRRRR's". The pirates got pretty good at addressing the pirate King Kadizzle with "Aye Aye Sir". Black Beard proved to be a real nuisance, he kept coming back alive. As the evening ended one of the twins approached Kadizzle for final instructions before Kadizzle left. Kadizzle admonished the diminished pirate "Don't let anyone get my gold". The young pirate looked Kadizzle in the eye and said " Don't worry it's your F..king gold". Kadizzle could hardly withhold his laughter, but realized there would have to be a review of pirate language. It sounded like the gold would be safe.
Fun with Sewage

After twenty years of loyal service the sewage lift pump in the basement gave out. Today Kadizzle has the pleasant job of replacing it. As if the expense of a new pump were not enough, the bonus will be cleaning out the basin and the other assorted task that make playing with sewage fun. Hopefully this pump will live longer than Kadizzle. At eighty I don't want to do it again. That is one nice thing about getting old, when you complete a task, it may be the very last time you have to do it. This reminds me of two of my favorite humor moments. One was a cartoon of a guy in Cuba. The poor guy was tied to a post and blind folded. He was about to be executed. A member of the firing squad offered him a cigarette. The guy refused saying "No thanks, I am trying to quit".
H.L. Mencken as a young reporter covered a hanging in Baltimore. The poor black man who was about to be hanged was asked by the hangman if he had anything he would like to say before he was hung. His reply was "This is sure going to teach me a lesson". That is sort of how I look forward to changing the sewage lift pump.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Leave it to Ray,

Who but our friend Ray Kerns would have to have a working canon on his model Keel Boat? Ray always does it right. Ray has been building models to display at the trading post in Stanton, in conjunction with the Knife River Indian village. Historically these models are as accurate as he can make them. I presume he has real whiskey in the jugs.

Phony peope at the Phone company.
You would expect the people at the telephone company to be phony, and believe me the people that run our local phone coop are. West River Telecommunications is our local phone company. It is unique because it has been used as an arm of the Republican Party for years. Coops are usually considered good examples of socialistic, democratic organizations. How did this one turn into an evil nest of Republicans? It all started when a staunch Republican, Mick Grosz, went from the board of West River to the CEO position. Mr. Gross had been a Republican legislator. This was unusual, normally the CEO is an employee that earned the position or someone from outside is hired. Next, he arranges to get another Republican legislator on the Board, Randy Christmann. For years West River Telephone has been used as an instrument to keep Christmann in office. The phone company sponsors events where Christmann hands out food, and they make sure his face appears everywhere.
Now, remember those Republicans who are all for free enterprise? Remember those Republicans who are against socialism? Remember those Republicans who are all for competition? Guess what? The Republicans at West River Telecommunications don't want any competition from free enterprise. The cooperatives have lobbied to make sure private companies cannot compete with them in my home town to provide phone service. This goes against everything Mr. Christmann, and Mr Grosz stand for. If they wanted they could grant Midco permission to provide phone service in the small towns. However, they know they would get trounced. Midco Cable company has the abiltiy to provide internet, telephone, and cable TV. With package deals they can do it for less than West River Telecommunications. Midco would offer people free long distance service. West River Telecommunications has such high rates for long distance only fools would use it.
Phone coops were granted a monopoly in the days of land lies only. The excuse was to provide phone service for people living out in the middle of nowhere. Somehow it has been overlooked that cell phones now exist. Farmers don't need land lines. The Coops have perfected the a system of subsidies that allows them to such off the tax payers in populated states to pay for their unnecessary service. This is bad enough, but when they deny cheap service to the people in their own state they have gone to far. Like every scam it is hard to kill, we are used to it.
Now, remember those Republicans who are all for free enterprise? Remember those Republicans who are against socialism? Remember those Republicans who are all for competition? Guess what? The Republicans at West River Telecommunications don't want any competition from free enterprise. The cooperatives have lobbied to make sure private companies cannot compete with them in my home town to provide phone service. This goes against everything Mr. Christmann, and Mr Grosz stand for. If they wanted they could grant Midco permission to provide phone service in the small towns. However, they know they would get trounced. Midco Cable company has the abiltiy to provide internet, telephone, and cable TV. With package deals they can do it for less than West River Telecommunications. Midco would offer people free long distance service. West River Telecommunications has such high rates for long distance only fools would use it.
Phone coops were granted a monopoly in the days of land lies only. The excuse was to provide phone service for people living out in the middle of nowhere. Somehow it has been overlooked that cell phones now exist. Farmers don't need land lines. The Coops have perfected the a system of subsidies that allows them to such off the tax payers in populated states to pay for their unnecessary service. This is bad enough, but when they deny cheap service to the people in their own state they have gone to far. Like every scam it is hard to kill, we are used to it.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
How to get the attention of a Coal Company
In my early days in the coal industry I worked near Cadiz, Ohio. Consolidation Coal had a large office there. Mandatory dust sampling had just become the law a few years before. Coal Mines were required to take dust samples from miners to see how much coal dust they were breathing. The samples were sent to the federal government for testing. One day I went to a mine and watched a technician putting samples up to his mouth and sucking the coal dust out backwards off the filters. I said "What are you doing?". The answer was "I am making sure these samples will pass". They had another trick. They would hang some dust pumps out in clear air where they would pick up a little coal dust, but not too much. These samples would be exchanged for the real ones.
One day the whole scheme blew up. Federal Marshalls with hand trucks went right into the vice presidents office as he sat at his desk. They immediately took all his file cabinets and every scrap of evidence they could find. The shit hit the fan. To be honest, I don't think he knew about or condoned what was going on, but it sure got his attention. When the Mine Health and Safety Administration sent the first coal mine foreman to prison the world changed.
If we want to stop killing coal miners needlessly, there is a simple elegant solution. Send Mr. Blankship from Massey Coal to prison. Of course he should get a trial, but I feel any reasonable jury will find him guilty of murder. The 14 million a year he gets will not mean much once he is in prison. It will send a very strong message through the coal fields. Wall Street could use a little dose of prison reality. After a few CEO's write back to their buddies how much fun prison sex is, you will see reforms on Wall Street taken on voluntarily. It would be so nice to know an ex CEO from Wall Street is being bent over in prison receiving the same treatment they gave the country.
One day the whole scheme blew up. Federal Marshalls with hand trucks went right into the vice presidents office as he sat at his desk. They immediately took all his file cabinets and every scrap of evidence they could find. The shit hit the fan. To be honest, I don't think he knew about or condoned what was going on, but it sure got his attention. When the Mine Health and Safety Administration sent the first coal mine foreman to prison the world changed.
If we want to stop killing coal miners needlessly, there is a simple elegant solution. Send Mr. Blankship from Massey Coal to prison. Of course he should get a trial, but I feel any reasonable jury will find him guilty of murder. The 14 million a year he gets will not mean much once he is in prison. It will send a very strong message through the coal fields. Wall Street could use a little dose of prison reality. After a few CEO's write back to their buddies how much fun prison sex is, you will see reforms on Wall Street taken on voluntarily. It would be so nice to know an ex CEO from Wall Street is being bent over in prison receiving the same treatment they gave the country.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Kadizzle will not run for Judge in Hazen
After 20 years of being the Hazen Municipal Judge, Lord Kadizzle will not run for re-election. The Commander will not run for re-election to the Park board after many, many years of service. Local rumors have it that Kadizzle is not running because of his anticipation that Obama will appoint him to the Supreme court. Kadizzle is well known in legal circles after his ruling in Quinn vs June Berry pie. In that case Judge Kadizzle ruled in favor of a man who ordered June Berry pie and was told they had no vanilla ice cream. The man was suing for mental stress. Kadizzle ruled it was unreasonable for a local restaurant to offer June Berry pie without ice cream. Kadizzle cited the "Life, Liberty, and pursuit of happiness" provision of the constitution. The ruling read in part, "This man went to the restaruant in pursuit of happiness, no reasonable food service place would build up a man's expectation by placing June Berry pie on the menu and then put it in front of him without vanilla ice cream".
Republicans are expected to challenge Kadizzle because he has never produced a birth certificate. Those on the right claim he may not have been legally born. Since Kadizzle is from West Virginia where cousin marriages are common, the right wing extremist claim that if you are the progeny of a mixed marriage that involves cousins you are not a person. Many on the left have doubts about Kadizzle also. With New York trying to limit salt on food, and considering higher taxes on French Fries, the left worries Kadizzle may come down of the side of big business and support no taxation on high calorie foods.
Republicans are expected to challenge Kadizzle because he has never produced a birth certificate. Those on the right claim he may not have been legally born. Since Kadizzle is from West Virginia where cousin marriages are common, the right wing extremist claim that if you are the progeny of a mixed marriage that involves cousins you are not a person. Many on the left have doubts about Kadizzle also. With New York trying to limit salt on food, and considering higher taxes on French Fries, the left worries Kadizzle may come down of the side of big business and support no taxation on high calorie foods.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Earth Module Scheduled to Land
After orbiting Arizona, passing through Nevada, Utah, and Colorado, the Earth Module will make a re-entry into North Dakota. One nice thing is you do not need a heat shield.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Dare to be Stupid
My younger brother Colin used to make fun of a fundamentalist group called "Dare to be Great". Like the typical fundamentalist fraud they went around the country robbing the delusional in a bus. Colin called them DARE TO BE STUPID. The Tea Party movement in this country reminds me of the DARE TO BE STUPID movement. Here is a bunch of people that get no real information. They thrive from listening to people like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh. Glenn and Rush know how to get the DARE TO BE STUPID crowd all fired up. They are against everything, except tax cuts for the rich. They believe anything their right wing heroes spin. Michelle Bachmann is in a contest with Palin for who can be the hero of the simple minded. Palin is famous for her whopper about Death Panels. Now Bachmann has tried to outdo Palin. This is an excerpt from and article about Bachmans lies.
(ChattahBox)— There is no end to the paranoid right-wing ranting of Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN). Her wild accusations and outright lies, have run the gamut from accusing President Obama of perpetrating a plot to “effectively nationalize energy” and starve “freedom loving Americans,” and of creating “re-education camps,” to indoctrinate young people. And she recently urged her constituents to “slit our wrists, be blood brothers” in opposing health care reform. Now, she is back on her campaign against “government run healthcare,” declaring at a recent town hall meeting in her home state of Minnesota that critics of a government healthcare system would be placed on a list and refused medical treatment. Where did the wacky Congresswoman come up with such a preposterous claim? Some unnamed person living under Japan’s healthcare system told Bachmann that’s what occurs in Japan. OK then.
(ChattahBox)— There is no end to the paranoid right-wing ranting of Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN). Her wild accusations and outright lies, have run the gamut from accusing President Obama of perpetrating a plot to “effectively nationalize energy” and starve “freedom loving Americans,” and of creating “re-education camps,” to indoctrinate young people. And she recently urged her constituents to “slit our wrists, be blood brothers” in opposing health care reform. Now, she is back on her campaign against “government run healthcare,” declaring at a recent town hall meeting in her home state of Minnesota that critics of a government healthcare system would be placed on a list and refused medical treatment. Where did the wacky Congresswoman come up with such a preposterous claim? Some unnamed person living under Japan’s healthcare system told Bachmann that’s what occurs in Japan. OK then.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
How big is a Coal Mine?
In this picture you can see a small portion of a coal mine. Most big mines are ten times this big. The mine Kadizzle used to work in now goes from the Ohio River in West Virginia for miles under Pennsylvania.

With the recent mine disaster Kadizzle thought he would write about coal mining this morning. Many people imagine a coal mine as a bunch of guys at the end of a single tunnel with picks mining coal. It just is not true. When a mine goes anywhere there are usually six tunnels heading in the main direction. Each of these six tunnels is connected about every fifty feet. Miners actually call them entries, and the connections are called crosscuts. After the main entry is established, this is the one the air and coal will be moved through, then the sections begin. A section is like a huge side branch where coal is extracted. Again six entries are driven up the middle of the section, while rooms are driven off to the side. Several sections at once may be working. In no time at all you have miles and miles of tunnels. One crew can typically mine four hundred feet in one day. So you see coal miners are working in a vast maze. To add to the confusion, all the air has to come in one set of tunnels, and all the exhaust has to go out another. So there are two separate air courses. Many days Kadizzle worked underground and was clueless where he was or how in the hell to get out. When miners ride a mile or two into the mine they are in enclosed cars, so there are very few clues where you are going. Finding your way out of a mine without a disaster could be hard, but in a panic even worse. There have been more than one case where people thought they were going out, and were actually going in. On a couple occasions Kadizzle did walk out. It was strange when you got to the point where you could see that little light that was daylight. You walked and walked and finally you were outside. The best job in a mine is window cleaner.

With the recent mine disaster Kadizzle thought he would write about coal mining this morning. Many people imagine a coal mine as a bunch of guys at the end of a single tunnel with picks mining coal. It just is not true. When a mine goes anywhere there are usually six tunnels heading in the main direction. Each of these six tunnels is connected about every fifty feet. Miners actually call them entries, and the connections are called crosscuts. After the main entry is established, this is the one the air and coal will be moved through, then the sections begin. A section is like a huge side branch where coal is extracted. Again six entries are driven up the middle of the section, while rooms are driven off to the side. Several sections at once may be working. In no time at all you have miles and miles of tunnels. One crew can typically mine four hundred feet in one day. So you see coal miners are working in a vast maze. To add to the confusion, all the air has to come in one set of tunnels, and all the exhaust has to go out another. So there are two separate air courses. Many days Kadizzle worked underground and was clueless where he was or how in the hell to get out. When miners ride a mile or two into the mine they are in enclosed cars, so there are very few clues where you are going. Finding your way out of a mine without a disaster could be hard, but in a panic even worse. There have been more than one case where people thought they were going out, and were actually going in. On a couple occasions Kadizzle did walk out. It was strange when you got to the point where you could see that little light that was daylight. You walked and walked and finally you were outside. The best job in a mine is window cleaner.
Friday, April 09, 2010
Moma, Sylvie, and the Lama
Dutch girls in the Restroom

As the Kadizzlites finished the winter southwest tour they ended up in Bluff, Utah. As usual the Earth Module stayed at the Cadillac RV resort, or as Ed likes to say the Kadizzlac. The RV park offers showers as part of the package. The shower house has four restrooms each with a shower and sink. The rooms all are attached to a central room that serves as a bit of a lounge with a table and chairs and some reading material. One day as Kadizzle went for his shower he entered the common room and met two nice looking Dutch girls who were touring the United States. Kadizzle did what he could to help them plan their trip. Later they came over to the Earth module for more advice. In the course of the conversation they mentioned they were going to New York City. Already The Commander had them looking at Megan's Noble Youth web site. Kadizzle suggested that if they went to New York they might stay with Megan. It all came together and today they are in New York at Megans apartment. Megan asked "How did you meet my Dad?". The Dutch girls replied "We met him in a restroom in Utah". Megan was a bit shocked, but anything is possible.
The Hidden Brain
Kadizzle has been reading, and hopefully learning from the book "The Hidden Brain". The premise of the book is that people make a lot of decisions based on our hidden brain. The hidden brain is like the auto pilot for thinking. One incident and example in the book are fires in crowded places. Frequently when a fire occurs in a theater, or other public place people are killed because everyone tries to use the same exit they came in. The hidden brain automatically notes where you came in and also notes that is where everyone else is going. Even though there are enough exits people pile up and die because they hidden brain uses a primitive logic system. Many studies find children are prejudiced for what appears to be no good reason. The amazing thing about young children is that black children are prejudiced towards blacks. The hidden brain of children picks up on clues from society, and reacts accordingly, even though the parents never do anything to encourage this behavior. Sometimes you wonder how could anyone even consider voting for Sara Palin? It is the hidden brain in action. People want to do what people in their group are doing. Unconsciously they are picking up signals from their group and reacting to those signals. The hidden brain uses a primitive form of logic.
One day after a long hike Kadizzle was dying for a diet coke or some beverage to drink. Stopping at a roadside store there were two clerks and two cash registers. One cash register had ten people in line, the other checkout had no one. Kadizzles first reaction was to just forget about the coke and leave because he did not want to wait in line. His hidden brain said there is a reason everyone is in that line, so that must be where you have to go. However, Kadizzles concious brain directed him to the empty register. Right away the clerk took his money, and he left the store while those other people stood in line. Before he left he asked the clerk "Why is everyone in that line, and no one will come over here to you, don't they like you?", The clerk laughed and replied, they must not.
Look around you and you can see this logic all the time. Ask a young person what political party they feel they are a part of. Most of the time it will mimic the parents views. There is not much logic in this, but it makes sense from the hidden brain's viewpoint. Most magic tricks rely on the hidden brain. The hidden brain can be distracted very easily.
One day after a long hike Kadizzle was dying for a diet coke or some beverage to drink. Stopping at a roadside store there were two clerks and two cash registers. One cash register had ten people in line, the other checkout had no one. Kadizzles first reaction was to just forget about the coke and leave because he did not want to wait in line. His hidden brain said there is a reason everyone is in that line, so that must be where you have to go. However, Kadizzles concious brain directed him to the empty register. Right away the clerk took his money, and he left the store while those other people stood in line. Before he left he asked the clerk "Why is everyone in that line, and no one will come over here to you, don't they like you?", The clerk laughed and replied, they must not.
Look around you and you can see this logic all the time. Ask a young person what political party they feel they are a part of. Most of the time it will mimic the parents views. There is not much logic in this, but it makes sense from the hidden brain's viewpoint. Most magic tricks rely on the hidden brain. The hidden brain can be distracted very easily.
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Up on the Mountain
At 8500ft the weather changes so quickly. Yesterday seven inches of snow, today it is almost gone and the sun shines warmly. One of the best things on the mountain at Erin's is the wildlife that comes by on a regular basis. Deer graze and nap in the backyard. Two foxes make the pass by almost every day. One of the foxes has a rare coat of black with a white tail. No it is not a skunk. The story is some guy used to breed foxes up here. The big thrill is when the Elk come by. The altitude seems to remove what little ambition Kadizzle ever had. The water is the best anywhere. It is pure mountain water. Seeing the dishes come out of the dish washer sparkling is something that does not happen in North Dakota. You can get a cold drink out of the tap that reminds me of the good mountain water in West Virginia. Two little brooks run down beside Erin's house. When the summer comes it is going to be great fun to put the rubber ducks in the stream to entertain the Ticklepinch. It is almost time to put the Kadizzle chub in the hot tub.
The World Will Change Dramatically.
Hewlett Packard is working on a new form of computer memory that will change the game.
The amount of memory that can be stored in any given space will increase dramatically in a few years. To top that they way computers will work will change. Follow the link it is a good article.
The amount of memory that can be stored in any given space will increase dramatically in a few years. To top that they way computers will work will change. Follow the link it is a good article.
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Grandpa's Salvation
Stranger in a Strange Land
Everytime Kadizzle visits his daughter, The Commander and Kadizzle get caught in a marathon session of television watching. Since Erin works from home, she usually sits gramps and grandma in front of the TV to keep them out of trouble. The strange thing is the nature of the series we end up watching. In recent times the most bizarre series we ever watch are the ones we watch at Erin's. In the last two days we have been caught up in hours of Big Love Fran has recorded for The Commander. The series is about a polygamist in Utah in modern times. The plot has so many sub plots, twists, turns and total insanity that it is almost impossible to keep up with. Having just come back from Utah and seen many of the real things this insane series is based on it is scary. The stuff really goes on. In the last two years we have done Deadwood, and Dexter. Both of these series also are only for the brave. Dexter is a serial killer who kills serial killers. Deadwood is the best Western ever, and the fact that it is done in a Shakespearean style really makes it unique. Kadizzle recommends all these series. Deadwood was probably the favorite. Don't start into this mess if you do not have time to waste. When people were limited to one episode a week that was fine, but when you have the whole series on CD you can count on wasted days.
Noise CD for Sale,

Kadizzle is a peaceful man and likes the quiet of the lake, and the peacefulness of the wilderness, but often the tranquility is destroyed by the sound of some loud engine. Many times it is a loud motorcycle or boat. The sad thing is many of these devices are made deliberately loud. Kadizzle has come up with a solution. Now, on CD you can buy the Obnoxious noise CD. When you want to roar down the street or lake and listen to loud noise you just play the loud noise of your choice on headphones. Only you have to hear the noise. No more waking up everyone in the neighborhood. The noise CD has a track for everyone. Track one "Motorcycle Mania" Track two "Boom Box Bum" Track Three "Two Stoke for Dumb Folk". Track four "Noise to float your Boat". Track five "Rappin to disturb Nappin". If you order now you can get the free head phones, and the "Stupid and Proud" bumper sticker, all for $19.95.
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Kadizzle the Coal Miner

Every time there is a mine disaster Kadizzle remembers his days as an underground coal miner. Kadizzle was young and in college, for a summer job he was an underground coal miner. One thing he was told as part of the safety training, which was damn little in those days, was that when you heard and explosion and the air stopped moving you better be on your way out.
One day just as we started the shift we got the two classic signals. There was a loud muffled boom, and sure enough the air quit moving. At the time we were at least a mile underground. Worse yet smoke was pouring into where we were. After you are in mining awhile you get the feeling most miners don't expect to survive an explosion. I was amazed how calm everyone was. I think everyone thought we were just walking dead men. As a crew we gathered together and decided we were going to try to walk out. I suggested we take our water and lunches.
After we had walked a relatively short distance the air cleared up. This meant we had walked past the explosion. The foreman figured out pretty quickly what had happened. When our crew walked in to work we had walked through a puddle of water about thirty feet long. The puddle had a huge power cable in it. The cable had shorted out in the water and exploded. Now, we found out we would be fine, but had we been in that puddle five minutes later, we would all have been electrocuted. The cable was illegally laid through the puddle, it should have been hung up. Kadizzle always clearly remembers that day, and what he remembers most was how calm everyone was. It was like telling eight people you are dead, and looking at the expression on their faces. Miners are a unique breed, and some of the best people you will ever meet. There are no phonies down where the coal is.
A Cold Boil
Since Erin lives at 8500 feet the coffee doesn't taste right. The high altitude lets the water boil at about 196 degrees. Normally in Hazen water will boil at 208 degrees. So the coffee is colder and just not the same. In the old days when Kadizzle worked at the power plant the water in the boiler would not boil until something over seven hundred degrees since it was under pressure. Now that would have made some good coffee.
Sunday, April 04, 2010
Playing with Deaf Kids
Kadizzle loves kids and cannot resist romping with them. Easter Sunday Kadizzle found himself having a meal with some relatives and friends. Holly, Rob and their two little boys are deaf. Before long Kadizzle and all the children were all in the back yard playing "Get Me". Kids love to be chased caught and let go. It is easier to sneak up on deaf children. Riordian, the smallest of the two was shy like all kids are. He wanted to be caught but when he was caught by some stranger he was a little scared. So Riordian would make the sign for "where is dad" every time I caught him. Kayan had to be the interpreter. In frustration Kadizzle said to Kayan "That doesn't make any sense". Kayan replied "I told you a thousand times that is what he is saying, even if it doesn't make any sense." It did make sense when you thought it out. Riordian would periodically go in the house get a boost of courage from his dad and then come back out to join the fun. At some point Riordian scraped his leg. Now, how does Kadizzle comfort someone he cannot talk to and explain he meant no harm. Riordian ran in the house crying, but soon came out. Somehow Kadizzle managed to convey his concern by getting Riordian to come over and let Kadizzle examine the scratch. Things were back to wildness soon. It was amazing how well all the kids knew sign language. It seems like the most simple logic, but it took awhile for it to sink in to Kadizzle that you cannot communicate with deaf children unless they are looking at you. Deaf kids are used to adults that know how to sign, so constantly they were signing to Kadizzle with no results. They must have been thinking this idiot has no vocabulary what so ever. Which of course was true. Children without hearing must be more sensitive to facial expressions than most children. They seemed to immediately be able to detect a fake mean face from a real one.
Matt Taibbi, How Wall St. Riiped Off Main Street
Rarely does Kadizzle laugh out loud from reading something, but if anyone can do it it is Matt Taibbi. He has to be Kadizzle's favorite writer. Here is example when Taibbi discribes one of the crooks "Blount is a stocky, stubby-fingered Southerner with glasses and a small pinched face - if Norman Rockwell had ever done a painting titled "Small Town Accountant Taking an Enormous Dump," it would look just like Blount."
After reading the article you can see that Wall Street is just a bunch of sophisticated gangsters, that never go to jail. Of course the Republicans are fighting any kind of real reform that would keep the Wall Street crooks in check. Read the article it is a wonderful example of how all those people on Wall Street are getting bonuses for destroying our country.
After reading the article you can see that Wall Street is just a bunch of sophisticated gangsters, that never go to jail. Of course the Republicans are fighting any kind of real reform that would keep the Wall Street crooks in check. Read the article it is a wonderful example of how all those people on Wall Street are getting bonuses for destroying our country.
Saturday, April 03, 2010
The Lizard Lounge
Now that the southern hiking season is over all we have to live on is memories. After a long hike in the Paria River area we would often end the day with a drink at the Lizard lounge. Around the campfire on the old couch one can sit and drink a beer in the warm sun. As you sit you can watch the lizards that have made the furniture their home peak out from under the cushions. Next he will peek out somewhere else. Life is good.
Powdered Water Popular in Southwest
The Kadizzles hauled the Earth Module over the Rockies yesterday. It is always a tense trip and with The Commander for co-pilot there is even more tension. Apparently The Commander thinks Kadizzle is blind. "That car put its brakes on", "Did you hear the wind?", "Go around that truck", and "Don't go around that truck". Kadizzle would love to have one of those old deals they made for kids that you could put on the other side of the care with a horn and steering wheel. Anyway we made it to Erin's to marvel at our granddaughter who is just learning to stand.
Now, back to the powdered water. Water is always an issue when traveling in your RV. In a supermarket near Tuscon Kadizzle was wandering through the isles bored. In the isle with the bottled water a vendor was stocking shelves. Kadizzle with a serious face asked him, "Where is the powdered water". Without hesitation he said "If they have it, it would be in this isle". Two days ago in the little store at an RV place there were two people behind the counter. Again Kadizzle asked if they carried powdered water. Both looked at each other and then one said "I don't think we have it". If anyone knows where I could get some it would be the perfect product for hiking, RVing, and a host of other uses. It seems to exist, stores just don't want to carry it because it would compete with the bottled water.
Now, back to the powdered water. Water is always an issue when traveling in your RV. In a supermarket near Tuscon Kadizzle was wandering through the isles bored. In the isle with the bottled water a vendor was stocking shelves. Kadizzle with a serious face asked him, "Where is the powdered water". Without hesitation he said "If they have it, it would be in this isle". Two days ago in the little store at an RV place there were two people behind the counter. Again Kadizzle asked if they carried powdered water. Both looked at each other and then one said "I don't think we have it". If anyone knows where I could get some it would be the perfect product for hiking, RVing, and a host of other uses. It seems to exist, stores just don't want to carry it because it would compete with the bottled water.
Friday, April 02, 2010
Awake at 6,000 feet
What is left of the Kadizzlites have awakened to a cold morning at 6,000 feet. The coffee water boils sooner and not as hot. First, we have to heat the joint up a little. Hopefully nothing froze. Today Kadizzle guesses The Commander will insist on a forced march. No doubt it will be down into some vast canyon. On our short hike yesterday there were many little sites where you could see ancient people had been crafting arrow heads. Kadizzle was hopping to find something interesting. The wife of the camp host found a seven inch spear point. The best Kadizzle could do was a arrow head with the point broken. There is a letter in the Bismarck Tribune today by a preacher who is a bit upset about Glenn Beck coming out against social justice. Glenn Beck is as close to Hitler in his techniques as anyone you will see in your lifetime. It is very scary that people actually watch and believe such a delusional maniac. If you watch him very long you can see he needs treatment. It seems like our country is slipping into the McCarthy era once again. The simple minded always like someone like Glenn Beck to scare the beJesus out of them. Glenn fits in so well with the Fox News crowd. News on Fox and entertainment cannot be separated. No other news organization manufactures its own news. Only Fox has the balls to whip up some organization like the teabaggers then pretend it emerged on it's own.
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Weather Clears at Canyonlands or Where's Waldo
If you look closely you can find Lord Kadizzle in this picture. Pictures can never capture the immense size of the world. The Commander insisted we hike into some hidden arch. We never saw the arch, but had a nice hike, I guess it was hidden. The weather showed a little mercy on us. Got into a bullshit session with the camp host. According to him he has been attacked three times by black bears, and each time shot them. Something about probabilities makes me wonder. His stories were good, and it could have happened, just a little skeptical. Every time it happened he just happened to have a gun an shot the bear. I would say he is either a liar, or a lucky man. Also noticed the bears kept getting bigger. The last black bear that attacked him was nine feet tall. Perhaps this all was a tall tail on his part.
Life in a small box
The Kadizzlites have been living in a small box with wheels for about three months. From the living room to the bedroom is about four steps. The views are usually magnificent. Heat can be a precious commodity. To have heat you need electricity. This means the battery, or the generator. The battery will not last to long running the furnace. So the routine is to get up warm up the module and begin the day. Since the module is self contained, all water must be carried on board, and after it is used stored on board. Living in a module makes you very conscious of how much water, electricity, and fuel you use. Periodically the module has to be recharged and discharged. The trick is to go as long as you can between refills. This means turn off the light right away. Don't run the water. Close the door. If more people could readily see their impact on resources, the world would be a better place. Living in the urban environment people don't have a clew how much they consume. In an Earth Module every drop counts.
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