Lord Kadizzle is a hunter, and has owned a gun for many years, but there has to be a limit to gun insanity in this country. At 7 A.M. as Kadizzle strolled to the executive suite to make his morning call at the RV campsite, it sounded like a war over the hill. The gun nuts shoot up about three hundred dollars per hour of ammunition all day long. Once in a while you can hear a burst of machine gun fire. Every little pipsqueak with an inferiority complex has to have a gun. The number of people carrying guns or having them at their side is amazing around here. Using a gun to hunt or ever a little target practice is no great sin, but gun nuts are a whole different issue. These people believe the quickest solution to any problem is to shoot it. Talking to one of these loonies the other day Kadizzle informed him "Let me know if my generator bothers you". The gun nut said "If it bothers me I will shoot it". Kadizzle asked the man to at least give a warning. When you actually see these people you realize the extent of the problem. This gun nut said he had five thousand rounds of ammunition in his RV. When the brain on one of these nuts finally pops innocent people are shot. Yesterday a policeman here was killed when he stopped to gun dogs. The worst problem we suffer from guns is the NRA. This organization will not let anyone in a state like North Dakota who is not a gun nut. The net result is all we have for legislators is a bunch of fundamentalist gun nuts.
On a hike the other day we encountered a young guy picking up something. Asked what he was picking up he explained to us it was lead. This guy was out in the desert picking up two hundred pounds of lead a day. After he showed Kadizzle what the spent bullets looked like we notices it was everywhere. To think that these people have shot so much lead all over the place is amazing. One of the saddest things about the gun nut mentality is that they are the same kind of people who have absolutely no respect for the environment. If you doubt what Kadizzle says go into an area where gun nuts have been practicing. You will find shot up everything, broken glass, pop cans full of holes and a general mess. Go to their camp site and see a rural mini slum. A year ago we went to an area Northwest of Phoenix thinking it would be a good place to camp and hike. We turned around and left when we saw what gun nuts on ATVs had done to the area. Hundreds of acres were ruined by these people who fear their own shadow.