Saturday, October 31, 2009
Watermelon hanging on the Vine
Watermelon on the Vine
See that watermelon smiling through the fence
I really wanna eat that watermelon fine
White folks sure am foolish, They haven't got a lot of sense
Or they wouldn't leave that melon on that vine
Hambone is sweet, chicken is good
Rabbit is so very, very fine
But give me, oh give me, now how I wish you would
That watermelon hanging on that vine
You may talk about your apples, your peaches and your pears
'Simmons a-growing on the tree
But bless your heart my honey, you am the gal for me
Or they wouldn't leave it hanging on that vine
I went to get that melon, it was on one Sunday night
The stars they had just begun to shine
When I left that old man's field, I left there in a run
But I didn't leave that melon on that vine
Listen to this song
This Song Clip was recorded in the key of G. (Click below to play.)
A song from the Mountain Music for Everyone Song Collection from the ToneWay Project. Our website has lyrics to nearly 400 traditional songs common
Can you identiby this old tool invented by a Republican

First Click on the picture and enlarge it. Now for the answer
Tobacco Smoke Enemas (1750s – 1810s)
The tobacco enema was used to infuse tobacco smoke into a patient’s rectum for various medical purposes, primarily thte resuscitation of drowning victims. A rectal tube inserted into the anus was connected to a fumigator and bellows that forced the smoke towards the rectum. The warmth of the smoke was thought to promote respiration, but doubts about the credibility of tobacco enemas led to the popular phrase “blow smoke up one’s ass.” :-)
This old tool has been used in Washington DC by the Republican Party for years. Are you finally starting to feel it?
Met a real Hooplehead Yesterday at City Hall

Lord Kadizzle wishes he was lying, but he met a genuine Hooplehead at city hall yesterday. Kadizzle has known the man for years, but did not realize how bad his hooplism has become. Spindly Riddle says Kadizzle is a portly short, but this Hoople was a portly large. To top it all off the Hoople was dressed as a Hooplehead. With a few minor changes he looked and was dressed like the picture above. He had on a baseball cap with little lapel pins in it. Best of all he had on bib overalls. Right away he launched into hoople talk about how bad Obama is. Next he demanded to know where Obama's birth certificate is. Kadizzle said "Oh No, your a birther?". Of course the hoople had no clue what a birther was. Then he called Obama the "N" word a few times. Also he made the mandatory comment about socialism. The poor Hoople had no idea what socialism was, but like most Hooples he knew it was bad. Kadizzle remarked to the Hoople that his son turned out so well and it was amazing he had a Hoople for a dad. At about that point the fellow asked "What is a Hooplehead?". Kadizzle explained to him where the term came from and how he resemble the simple minded gold miners in Deadwood that the term was coined for. Back to his son. It turns out his son is a fine young fellow, and very civic minded. Kadizzle asked the Hoople how his son turned out so well. The Hoople explained that his son was 95% from his mother. What a blessing for the kid. Next the Hoople tried to explain that he was not really that dumb. The Hoople claimed he was on a nuclear submarine. Kadizzle figured he was the janitor. Kadizzle asked the Hoople what submarine he was on. Sure enough it was classified. A little later Kadizzle wanted to get a picture of the Hooplehead for this article. The Hoople threatened poor old Kadizzle and Kadizzle thought it best not to have a fight break out at city hall. Kadizzle will see if he can find a good resemblance to the hoople and post it with this article. Will search under the bubba catagory.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Spindly Riddle insults Lord Kadizzle
Then old Spindly recollected the last time we were here at the bunkhouse. All the hunters went down to the sorrowful combination gas station and breakfast hole, plus small grocery. While we were eating breakfast, a big old woman about an axe handle across the ass, smoking a cigarette, came in the store. The store owner was indignant about the woman smoking and yelled at her "YOU CAN'T SMOKE IN HERE". As the lady ran out of the store Lord Kadizzle yelled at her, "AND WE DON'T ALLOW FARTING EITHER". The poor woman stood outside and smoked her weed. Recalling that story brought on a good belly laugh to start today's hunt. Now tonight the hunt will end with the traditional prime rib.
Spindly Riddle at the Bunk House with Jasper Littlebottom
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Life at the bunkhouse in Marmath North Dakota
Monday, October 26, 2009
Nice Day hunting with Lord Kadizzle
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Sylvie Reacts to Senator Conrad's Sellout
Good Soul Corruption, and Senator Conrad
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Letter to Medcenter One. You send one
Today I recieved my Inside Medcenter One Magazine. Usually this magizine goes directly from our post office box to the garbage. However, I am so angry about health care cost that I am taking the time to write. These fluffy magazines are full of touchy feely stuff, and I could get all the information I want on the internet. You could use this magazine to let people know where hospital money is going. Why don't you print a list of every doctors salary. Why don't you print the CEO salary and benifits. When you do be sure to let me know. I want to know the total cost of paying for this magazine. I am sure it is rolled into the cost of my health care. I strongly feel the time for fluff is over and you and your hospital need to get real. Why don't you do some honest reporting on health care and health care reform? Instead we get fluff. Why don't you talk about the people who have no health care and what we can do about it? Instead we get fluff. I am going to meet with the Insurance commissioner and see if it is practical to outlaw publications like yours that merely waste the patients dollar in a feel good fashion. All these litte cost add up to unaffordable health care cost. While your hospital contributes to the problem people suffer. While 44,000 Americans die every year because they have no health insurance, you take our money and publish fluff. Where is the morality?Please make sure I do not get this magazine anymore. I strongly advise you let everyone know what it cost to publish this and ask if they want to opt out. Please donate the cost of my subscription to those without health Insurance.
Mike Quinn Hazen North Dakota
Crazy beyond belief, but Hoopleheads eat it up
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Help with mystery
I intervened on your behalf when the Little Ranger wanted to cite you for refusing to ride a bicycle at Texas Springs in Death Valley. Later I saved you a long drive to ER after The Commander mentioned your waistline and you collapsed on the bench clutching your chest, croaking, "My heart! Pass the cookies!" Like a hero, I passed the cookies. Finally I called off the fighter jets harassing you on the highway to Stovepipe Wells
Kadizzle and The Commander remember camping near Curt and Peg in Death Valley. Send an email Curt and Peg to dakotaquinn@gmail.com tell us where you are. The Commander said you made good cookies, I think you put something in them that made my mental illeness worse, but if I never thanked you for saving me from a heart attack, I do now. What if another heart incident occurs and we do not have an cookies, please send cookies.
Ministry for the Hoopleheads

Lord Kadizzle has started a new Jihad with the local preachers. The preachers are the most sorrowful bunch of wimps imaginable. Worse yet they mostly seem to have the hooplehead philosophy. So far Kadizzle has encountered three preachers. Each time Kadizzle ask "What is up with Jeeesus and healthcare?". Sure enough Jeeeesus watches Fox News and worried way more about socialism than health care. The old Jesus I knew as a kid that seemed pretty nice is now a nasty old guy that watches Fox New. This is the truth. All these preachers are against everyone having health care. Is this possible? Yup, socialism is just around the corner if we have health care and you know what that leads to, England, Germanny, France, and the rest of those evil socialist countries. What in the hell is wrong with these people? The Catholic Church is the only one so far that got it right. Apparently god told them single payer health care was alright. God must have been in a good mood that day, or Jeeesus is making some calls and God others. Who knows, it is all so confusing. The real dinger is one church is caught up fighting about gays and doesn't have time to worry about health care. Now you see why Kadizzle would not set foot in a church. The hypocrisy is deadly.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
What has Kadizzle done now? The accidental recruit.
How to make an obscene phone call
Call: 1-866-288-1495
Press 1 for Pomeroy
Press 2 for Dorgan
Press 3 for Conrad.
When the phone answers these calls will be directed through a system, so you will be asked for your zip code. I sort of thought this was a waste of time, but the representatives are either emboldened or scared by these phone calls. It only takes a few minutes. I had a nice conversation with the Dorgan lady. We both Chatted about the serious Hooplehead infestation in North Dakota.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Take this you blasted Atheist
Who are you?
Opinion or Fact?
Monday, October 19, 2009
Stanton Motorcycle Gang attacks Hazen by boat

After months of planning and boat building the motorcycle gang from Stanton assaulted Hazen in a sneak attack by boat. Apparently they though we would be taken by surprise. The leader of the Stanton cult can be seen in one of the attack boats. Please enlcarge the picture by clicking on it and notice the attack dog he is carrying in his shirt. The attack was repelled when Hazen residents dumped part of our bumper wheat crop into the boat from the bridge and sank it. The Stanton gang is devious.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Mandatory, you must watch to pass class
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Fluffy will be covered, but you will not
Fire this link to see how Blue Cross is Robbing you

Blue Cross of North Dakota featured for their excellent fraud in Washington Post.
Anti Trust legislation and Blue Cross
Lord Kadizzle and the CIA

Lord Kadizzle argues with hoopleheads incessantly. Hoopleheads always like to challenge the source of your information. Hoopleheads trust no one but Rush, and the Fox News story tellers. However, Lord Kadizzle has noticed that other Hooplehead fighters have found a strange ally. It turns out there is something called the CIA factbook. Low and behold the CIA puts out a lot of information about almost every country in the world. If you want to see how poorly the United States does in critical areas like income distribution, or infant mortality just ask the CIA. In both regard the United States come out in the race like a third world banana republic. The hoopleheads are put in the awkward position of challenging the CIA. Moral of the story, when the Hooplehead says where did you get your information. Just say from the CIA. Then to blow steam out their ears, which does them a lot of good, prove it with the CIA Factbook.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Hauling Goats to Bismarck

Lord Kadizzle is up at 4:30 A.M. At 6:10 he has to haul an old goat to Bismarck for a physical. The old goats in town know Kadizzle is available so if they need someone to take them to the doctor, they call Kadizzle. Kadizzle is happy to perform this service. It gives him a sense of purpose. However, Kadizzle always wonders why the only heathen in town gets called on. One would think that with dozens of churches in town, some religious person would help their fellow man. Nope, when you really need something done call the heathen. If you need a prayer call the church, but if you need a ride call Kadizzle. These are the same churches that don't have a hair on their arse to stand up and fight for health care reform. They are happy to pray things get better, but don't ask them to actually do anything about all the social injustices. The churches just sit and watch as income disparity drives more people into poverty.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Fixing stupid
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Professional Buzz Kacklers
There was a forty five minute story by an ex supreme court justice who showed up pictures of his family and told us about how he was involved in Boy Scouts. Not sure what this had to do with the Judicial process.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
My letter to Senator Conrad today, you send one
I am extremely distressed about the current state of the health care bill. I want a public option. In fact I would like to see universal care. I feel you have been duplicit in defeating real health care reform. I have been supporter of you and the Democratic party, but now I am ready to abandon both over this issue. You have made a statement to the effect " A public option is not in our culture". I don't know where that comes from, but I think you fear the right wing voters in North Dakota. Those people will never vote for you. I think you make a grave mistake trying to placate the right wingers in North Dakota. You will lose the support of the true Democrats. I want someone who will fight hard for change. I do not buy the Medicare smoke screen as cover to maintain the status quo. Fix it. If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything. My children will suffer because you have failed to take a strong stand on this issue. Please stand with those who want real change. That is why so many people had such high hopes for Obama. At this point like so many others I feel nothing but disappointment.
Hanging Glenn Beck with his own rope
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
A liar caught
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Monday, October 05, 2009
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Something to think about on the way to church
For Those of You on Your Way to Church This Morning ...a note from Michael Moore
Sunday, October 4th, 2009
I'd like to have a word with those of you who call yourselves Christians (Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Bill Maherists, etc. can read along, too, as much of what I have to say, I'm sure, can be applied to your own spiritual/ethical values).
In my new film I speak for the first time in one of my movies about my own spiritual beliefs. I have always believed that one's religious leanings are deeply personal and should be kept private. After all, we've heard enough yammerin' in the past three decades about how one should "behave," and I have to say I'm pretty burned out on pieties and platitudes considering we are a violent nation who invades other countries and punishes our own for having the audacity to fall on hard times.
I'm also against any proselytizing; I certainly don't want you to join anything I belong to. Also, as a Catholic, I have much to say about the Church as an institution, but I'll leave that for another day (or movie).
Amidst all the Wall Street bad guys and corrupt members of Congress exposed in "Capitalism: A Love Story," I pose a simple question in the movie: "Is capitalism a sin?" I go on to ask, "Would Jesus be a capitalist?" Would he belong to a hedge fund? Would he sell short? Would he approve of a system that has allowed the richest 1% to have more financial wealth than the 95% under them combined?
I have come to believe that there is no getting around the fact that capitalism is opposite everything that Jesus (and Moses and Mohammed and Buddha) taught. All the great religions are clear about one thing: It is evil to take the majority of the pie and leave what's left for everyone to fight over. Jesus said that the rich man would have a very hard time getting into heaven. He told us that we had to be our brother's and sister's keepers and that the riches that did exist were to be divided fairly. He said that if you failed to house the homeless and feed the hungry, you'd have a hard time finding the pin code to the pearly gates.
I guess that's bad news for us Americans. Here's how we define "Blessed Are the Poor": We now have the highest unemployment rate since 1983. There's a foreclosure filing once every 7.5 seconds. 14,000 people every day lose their health insurance.
At the same time, Wall Street bankers ("Blessed Are the Wealthy"?) are amassing more and more loot -- and they do their best to pay little or no income tax (last year Goldman Sachs' tax rate was a mere 1%!). Would Jesus approve of this? If not, why do we let such an evil system continue? It doesn't seem you can call yourself a Capitalist AND a Christian -- because you cannot love your money AND love your neighbor when you are denying your neighbor the ability to see a doctor just so you can have a better bottom line. That's called "immoral" -- and you are committing a sin when you benefit at the expense of others.
When you are in church this morning, please think about this. I am asking you to allow your "better angels" to come forward. And if you are among the millions of Americans who are struggling to make it from week to week, please know that I promise to do what I can to stop this evil -- and I hope you'll join me in not giving up until everyone has a seat at the table.
Thanks for listening. I'm off to Mass in a few hours. I'll be sure to ask the priest if he thinks J.C. deals in derivatives or credit default swaps. I mean, after all, he must've been good at math. How else did he divide up two loaves of bread and five pieces of fish equally amongst 5,000 people? Either he was the first socialist or his disciples were really bad at packing lunch. Or both.
Michael Moore
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Saturday, October 03, 2009
Absolute Best Political Show

Last night The Commander and Lord Kadizzle watched Bill Maher. Bill Maher is on HBO and has absolutely the best commentary, guest and comedy about politics. If you haven't watched him you will quickly get hooked. Last night he had Tom Friedman, and Richard Dawkins. Because it is on cable he can really tell it the way it is. No one cuts the Hoopleheads to shreds better. It is interesting that a lot of progressive are starting to get pretty disappointed with the lack of progress by Obama. Obama seems to think you can be nice to Republicans and get some results. It is a hopeless strategy, try it with a rattlesnake. For a daily dose of hoople bashing Kadizzle recommends first in the morning a good dose of the New York Times. To get you self pissed at the simple minded read the Bismarck Tribune. Although Ken Rodgers did do a sensible editorial for once. Ken Rodgers tried to point out to the Hooples how socialistic North Dakota is. Then he tried to make excuses and say it is not really so. Later in the day if you need to see what simple mindedness can do to people listen to Rush on KFYR. It is a disgrace to that radio station. For the one to drive you over the top watch Glenn Beck. This is the nut case that drives my medicine cost up.
Now for the fun part. The Ed show is starting to turn out pretty good. Ed has his daily Psycho, and he goes right at the heart of the Hooples. Hard Ball is well balanced, and relatively mild, but informative. Then comes my daily hero, Kieth Olberman. His worst person in the world feature is my favorite. Usually it is Rush, Beck, or the simple minded Congress woman from Minnesota. There are enough other worst thrown in to make it interesting. Now, back to the beginning Bill Maher is the best. He can fire a rocket up the Republican rectum better than any of them.
Friday, October 02, 2009
Did Glenn Beck rape and murder a young girl in 1990?
What a Senator say about Beck fake crying
How to make up an Urban Legend
Watch this video on the Kadizzle blog, or down below. The looney representative from Minnesota uses a classic technique of the Glenn Beck crowd. She just makes up the term "Sex Clinic" and tell the Hoopleheads it is in the health care bill. Of course the Hooples just eat it up. Now the Hooples go to the coffee shop and tell how they heard kids will have sex clinics in school. The lie spreads like wildfire. None of the Hooples will check to see what the bill actually says. Just like the Death Panel bullshit it is all made up. Watch this closely because this nitwit just made this up. It will hit your coffee shop within a day or two. See if Glenn and Rush help get the spin going.