Tuesday, September 29, 2009

SueEasy | People vs Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota Class Action Lawsuit - Emerging Class Action

SueEasy | People vs Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota Class Action Lawsuit - Emerging Class Action

Lord Kadizzle has started a class action law suit against Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota. To make this successful YOU need to join. Blue Cross has spent excessive sums on salaries for the CEO's and used our premium money for vacations to the Caribbean. The CEO has resigned and taken millions with him in the process. I want my money back. Additionally Blue Cross has been using premiums to hire lobbyist that lobby against it's members wishes. I want a public option in the new health care bill. Blue Cross has done everything it can to defeat this measure. Click on the highlighted link above and join today.
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The Stupids are stepping out

Wonderful day to take the Ticklepinch on a walk in the mountains.

Planning Military maneuvers

Kadizzle and military Bubba hold a conference in the hot tub. When the wise men went to admire baby Jesus they spent less money and time than the Kadizzles have with their new grandchild Sylvie. Every laugh, gurgle, burp and belch is documented and preserved for posteriety. Sylvie's servants let no need go unfullfilled. We got nannies, and granies, and aunties, and just about anything in between. The planets have been rearranged to suit Sylvie's schedule.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Kadizzles celebrate The Feast of the Lazy

As Fran slowly cooks the leg of lamb on the barbie it is time for the Saturday night bath. As is the custom the women go first. Once the women are properly chlorinated they are ready for the feast of the lazy. The feast of the Lazy starts the most high holy season. The feast of the lazy is a tradition to celebrate the birth of the first grandchild. In Orthodox Kadizzelism a child born in a year with a good June berry harvest is thought to be a special blessing. To end the feast June Berry pie will be served warm with ice cream. Part of the tradition is to hide the remaining pie until morning. In the morning if no one has found the pie over night another pie ritual is performed that involves a terrible fight over the remaining pie. It is considered a curse to have any pie left by high noon. As the mother superior shouts "That's Megan's pie" the other members of the clan try to sneak as much as possible without being found out. Tradition holds that the pie is magic and disappears by itself.

Bee Bumble Bee and her neice Ticklepinch

Of course they would have matching swim suites

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Why Conrad will not support Public Option

Conrad likes that insurance company loot, and hates to go against the Republicans in North Dakota so here is the story he told Ezra Klien. It is a total cop out and crock of shit, but it is the best he can do.

Do you support the public option?



I go back to the T.R. Reid book. I don't think a government-run plan best fits this culture. A plan that's not government-run has the best chance of succeeding in being passed into law.

Second, and this is very important to my thinking, the public option as defined by the committee of jurisdiction in the House, the Ways and Means Committee, is tied to Medicare levels of reimbursement. My state has the second-lowest level of Medicare reimbursement in the country. If my state is tied to that reimbursement, every hospital goes broke.

People say, "Just fix it." I've been on the Finance Committee more than 15 years. I've been trying to fix the unfair aspects of Medicare reimbursement all the time. We run into the House. Membership is determined by population, and the big population states write levels of reimbursement that unfairly treat hospitals in states like mine. My hospitals get one-half as much as urban hospitals to treat the same illnesses.

What about a public plan that can't use Medicare rates?

There are discussions going on about that. Obviously, it would be very important that it would be clear that it's not tied to Medicare levels of reimbursement. Those of us in low-reimbursement states would have our health infrastructure put at risk.

Friday, September 25, 2009

SNL Perfects Beck Imatation

Barbra Walters, and Whoopie confront lying Scum Beck

Glenn Beck and the Hoopleheads

Hardly a day goes by that Glenn Beck does not just pull some fact out of thin air. If he were ever confronted with the question "How do you verify that?", poor old Glenn would have to say I forgot the name of the source, just like he did with the crowd count at the million moron march. The Hoopleheads figure if Glenn Said it it is true. Limbaugh pulls the same crap. There was a fight on a school bus between some black kids and a white kid. Limbaugh said Obama caused it. Just made it up out of nowhere, but the Hooples eat it up. Lord Kadizzle has never met a Hooplehead that understands the concept of research or proof, or scientific investigation. A Hoople figures if uncle Willy believes it, that is good enough for me. People used to get lynched in the south. Most of them were convicted with Hooplehead logic. You have a major network, Fox that deals in nothing but scaring Hoopleheads with fabricated nonsense, this scares Lord Kadizzle. Take a Hooplehead under you wing and gently explain to them how you can find out if something is true.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Kadizzle to fight midget on behalf of Blue Cross

Lord Kadizzle will fight a midget today to raise money for Blue Cross to lobby against the public option. Yesterday, the president of Blue Cross in Fargo said he was for competition. To show the kind of competition Blue Cross is for Kadizzle will fight a midget in front of Blue Cross today. Fuzzy Cupid the famous midget wrestler has agreed to the bout. Kadizzle weighs well over two hundred pounds. Fuzzy comes in at 68lbs and is four feet tall. Some of Kadizzles family members have put money on Fuzzy. Kadizzle will wear skin tight leotards and have a big Blue Cross on them. The midget will be dressed as the public and will have a screw on his outfit. This will represent how the public is getting screwed by not having a public option. Senator Conrad has agreed to referee the bout and has assured everyone the public option has no chance as long as the insurance lobby gives him his 1.6 million for being referee.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How The Republicans are defeating health care


Hug a Hater Day

Lord Kadizzle just found out it is hug a hater day. Fox News is going to have to be shut down with all the hugs they will be getting. Rush Limbaugh will be overwhelmed.

Glenn Beck's new book "Dare to be Stupid"

If you could build a sieve that would sift out the hoopleheads it might involve Glenn Beck. Anyone who would watch and believe that raving lunatic would fit through the big holes in the sieve. Beck has reached a new low in spin and scare journalism. Beck's new book "Dare to be Stupid", explains in detail how instead of thinking you just feel things. If it feels like it fits believe it seems to be the secret to daring to be stupid. If you feel scared, then you are scared, so listen to Beck and he will tell you what to be scared about. Change is one thing you got to be scared of. Obama is a scary black man, and no matter what he says or does it is scary and socialist inspired. Being stupid means someone is always trying to get something from you like taxes, or your rights, or your gun. Being stupid is a relatively simple process, but if you are stupid, Beck needs a whole book to tell you how to improve on your paranoia. Beck himself made a great leap into stupidity when he became a Mormon. Read about that gang of idiots and you will see how Beck got his start in stupidity. Remember they are the ones that found the sacred tablets under a rock in New York.

The Good Ship Soveriegn is on the hard

As they say in the vernacular, the good ship Sovereign is on the hard. Yesterday the boat came out of the water for the season. Sovereign must have thought it was too early and resisted, but after a lot of struggle the boat was finally on the trailer and stored for winter.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A brief Introduction

Hooplehead logic is amazing. Watch the old video below to see Rush Limbaugh, and Glenn Beck in action. Then go on to the other story below. Claghorn used to live up the street from me and is a firm believer in hooplehead logic. According to Claghorn as you will note in the video, "The South did not lose the Civil War, it was called on account of darkness". This is how hoopleheads think.

Video That goes with Claghorn story skip to 1.18sec

Hooplehead Logic with Senator Claghorn

Yesterday Lord Kadizzle met Senator Claghorn at the local slummers paradise store. Kadizzle had been anxious to meet Claghorn to get his reaction to Kadizzle's latest rant in the Guzuntiet Gazette. The Guzuntiet Gazette is the local paper. Kadizzle knew steam would come out Claghorn's ear when he read Kadizzle's attack on the Hoopleheads.

A major part of the letter dealt with the Hoopleheads reaction to Obama's recent speech to school children. Kadizzle asked Claghorn "What was wrong with the speech, he just told the kids to study hard, stay in school and take responsibility for themselves?". Claghorn replied "It was all just Conservative philosophy". Kadizzle "Isn't that what you believe in?". Claghorn "Yes, but Obama doesn't believe it, so he should not have said it to school children". Kadizzle " Wow, Claghorn, Obama says to the kids exactly what any conservative would call ideal and he is criticized?". So it turns out according to Claghorn that conservatives have a monopoly on studying hard, personal responsibility, and staying in school.

Rush started criticizing the speech before Obama ever made it. Rush, and the other right wing dingers were sure that there would be something in it they could attack. When it turned out the speech contained nothing they disagreed with, they claimed it was a trick, because Obama did not really believe it. Claghorn was parroting the Hooplehead doctrine put out by Rush. So as it turns out, no matter what Obama said it was wrong. If he agreed with the Hooples it was a trick and if he didn't he was a dirty socialist. This is Hooplehead logic it is infallible. Claghorn served in the ND legislature for many years and his most famous quote was "Education just confuses people", good thing Rush doesn't.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Dare to be Stupid

Lord Kadizzle just thought of a new feature for the Kadizzled Blog. "Dare to be stupid". Today will be the first entry. Two of my sailing friends decided to sail downwind to an Island. Late in the day the weather was predicted to come from the direction they had to return to with a vengence. As predicted the wind howled from 30 to 35. It looked like they were going to make it back before the big blow, but Click of the Click and Clack team relized he forgot his shoes on the island. Well back to the island they went. Now the hurricane force winds were blowing. So Click and Clad spent the night on the island. This morning Kadizzle had to take a boat trailer and retrieve them from the eastern edge of the lake. Kadizzle had his own round of dare to be stupid. Kadizzle had the idea he could bring the sail boat back with the mast up. Kadizzle scouted a route thru a farmers field that he thought would get him around the only power line. Kadizzle had done the same stupid sailing stunt himself twenty years ago and recalled there was only one power line in the way. Not very long into the journey another power line appeared. By a mirical there was a simple way around. Just as we got to the highway, yet another power line appeared that had not been there twenty years ago. At this point the dare to be stupid crew had to take the mast down. Had we hit a power line with the mast we could surely have won the contest for the year.

Boycott Glenn Beck and all of Fox News

Lord Kadizzle is an extreme advocate of free speech. Glenn Beck has every right to say as he wishes. However, Lord Kadizzle does not have to buy from people who support him. Few people with a good message have a hard time being heard. The bad news is some people feed on hate speech, the kind Limbaugh, and Beck sell by the ton. If you don't want to see these demagogues lead us into the mess Hitler created, you need to do something. You can go to Color of Change web site and sign up to boycott Beck's sponsors. A host of respectable companies have left him already including Wal Mart, Best Buy and sixty others. This is American do what you want, but Kadizzle is joing the boycott. Kadizzle calls every 800 number on Becks sponsors and tells them what he thinks about this nut case.

Take a Hooplehead to lunch and read this to them

What Bush did to the economy. From today's New York Times. "Last week, the Census Bureau released a statistical report on the last year of George W. Bush’s presidency. The numbers were brutal. On every indicator, Americans lost ground during the Bush era. The median income slumped. The poverty rate increased. The percentage of Americans without health insurance rose." If the Hooplehead could just realize that tax breaks for the rich is nothing more than an illusion this mess would not have occurred. Read the whole story for yourself. If you are a hooplehead and have an explanation of why this is not so, please share it.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Met Jesus on a motorcycle, had Mary along

Lord Kadizzle has wanted to confront the local preachers about health care for everyone. Yesterday as Kadizzle filled the truck with gas he noticed a local preacher on his Harley, on the back was his wife. Realizing this was the equivalent of Joseph taking Mary to the manger I confronted the preacher to get his views. Kadizzled explained to the preacher his disappointment that none of the preachers had the balls to speak up about health care. Apparently preachers don't have balls, they believe in virgin birth. Next, the conversation evolved into what the preacher did believe. When Kadizzle mentioned Rush, and all the other right wing liars, the preacher said he listened to and believed them all. We were off to the races. Mary piped up about how the main goal was to prevent socialism, not help each other. The important thing was freedom. Mary wanted a country where you were free to be as dumb as you want, and spread it. Mary asked Kadizzle "Do you have a personal relationship with Jeeeesus?". Kadizzle explained he had a personal relationship with The Commander, and the Commander was pretty particular about who else he could have these relationships with". Men in flowing robes and sandels were questionable. After Kadizzle explained to the Biblical Harley saints that the fire department was socialist, the police were socialist, and the Medicare they were getting was socialist. Mary said Medicare was alright because they paid for it. Apparently in socialist countries they don't pay for anything, even what the government provided. After talking to the preacher motorcycle gang it became apparent Jeesus was more worried about taxes than health care.

When Kadizzle went in the gas station to buy his diet coke, he stood at the head shaking his head in disbelief about what a redneck preacher he had just met. The clerk said is something wrong. Kadizzle explained he just found out Jeeesus was against health care for everyone. Mary told him it was up to Christians to take care of each other, "but it doesn't work" she said. So until we get Jeeesus on our side things look pretty dim in Hazen.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Bee Bumble Bee (A.K.A. Megan Quinn) hits bigtime

Lucky Magazine and People Style are featuring my talented daughter this month.

It is a beautiful day in the Neighbor Hood

It is a beautiful day in the neighborhood, would you, could you be my neighbor? One reason Kadizzle lives where he does, is because he has good neighbors. Tolerant people always willing to help and share. If more people could have different opinions, but get along like we do on Kadizzle lane the world would be better.

One of the best recent developments in our little burg is the return of the midgets. In the last year the population of small people has exploded. Lord Kadizzle enjoys kids on the street. It is fun just to have them around. Up on the corner are the potato heads. The potato heads are usually out in the yard wandering around aimlessly. Across the street is Biscuit and Gravy's family. Gravy is one of the older members of the gang on the street. Gravy has figured out old Lord Kadizzle is goof for some diet coke or other goody. Recently Gravy was out in his back yard pouring every flavor of drink mix into a jug. The result was Gravy juice, a strange mixture that taste like lime, cherry, orange, and grape.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sing Along, Glenn Beck Scare Me

Fox News reports fake murder story from ACORN video as fact

Fox News reports fake murder story from ACORN video as fact

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Fooling Hoopleheads 101 with Glenn Beck

Last night Glenn Beck was puffing up his million moron march on Washington. Official estimates of the number of people were 70,000. Glenn likes the number 2 million better. Glenn some "Some college, I can't remember, did a photo study and put the number at 2 million". Of course Glenn cannot remember the name of the college, because then you could check the facts, but the Hoopleheads just take his word for it. Hoopleheads think that if you heard it at the coffee shop it is evidence admissible in court. Facts are pretty cheap for Hoopleheads.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Don't Blame Me

Young people are getting blasted every day by the legacy of the Bush administration. As my children and yours grow older they will find out how broke they are because of what the George Bush's and Glenn Becks did to them. Are they paying attention no. As of all people Cody from up the street pointed out on Facebook today, nobody notices the sorrowful performance of Joe Wilson, or for that matter even knows who he is, but every little twitter bug got upset because a rapper took the microphone from a country singer at an awards ceremony. Cody grew up with my kids and actually seems to notice what is really going on. The rest of the bumble heads are stuck on planet "People Magazine". It is easy for my generation of right wing dingers to cheat the next generation by charging the future to them. Simple create a deversion like a black guy spewing some rap.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Billionairs for Wealthcare

Fox News Recipe for a good fantasy

" Fox Fantasy Recipe
1. A small dash of a distorted fact
2. An slice of hate, cook until it turns the color you don't like
3. A large portion of fear
4. Fresh diced urban myths involving minorities or Mexicans

Mix the distorted facts with the fear. Cook until any reality is unrecognizable. Garnish with the hate, and serve in a bowl labeled truth at the coffee shoppe. A small portion will serve a whole crowd of idiots. "

Glenn Beck calls himself a hopeless alcoholic

Fair and Balanced, my Ass

The following is from a story about Obama coverage in the Washington Post. The battle cry of Fox News is Fair and Balanced. This is an independent survey of "Fair and Balanced" on Fox.

The most favorable evaluations appeared in front-page Times stories (61 percent positive), while ABC's "World News" was the most positive newscast (53 percent positive) and "NBC Nightly News" the least (45 percent positive). Separately, the study found that Obama's coverage was just 23 percent positive on the news segments of "Special Report," Fox News's Washington newscast.

Fox News the wonderful network of hate, racism, and lies, brought to you by Hanity, Beck, and O'Rielly. My daughter shocked me when she told me the other night Bill O the clown was actually question some their own lies. Perhaps he forgot Glenn Made them up.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Plain Vinilla Racism

Most people in North Dakota have never talked to a black person. It is as if someone from another planet became president. Worse yet the black man speaks well and is very well educated. This creates confusion and fear among the right wing hoopleheads. Take time to read what Maureen Dowd says in the NYT today. Lord Kadizzle has been very reluctant to come to this conclusion, but at some point the evidence becomes overwhelming.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hoopleheads spotted in Hazen

You don't see the Hoopleheads too often, but I spotted them getting ready to go to the Glen Beck hate rally this morning. Normally they are scared a Black man might yell "Socialism" at them. The Hooples kept their kids home so they did not get encouraged to learn anything by the Black President. The Hoople told their kids "If we need to know something Fox News will tell us". PG on the far right reminded them that "Education just confuses people". When the Hooples get to Washington with their Tea Bag Friends they are going to get to hear a whole new version of how the Earth was formed.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Getting Scared is Fun

If you ever watch little kids they actually like to get scared. A lot of adults never outgrow the idea. Remember Y2K when all the computers were going to fail and the world was going to end? Remember 9/11 when the world was going to go into complete turmoil? The list goes on and on, but life also goes on and these mega disasters never quite materialize. When they do we live through it. We lived through the depression. The right wing knows nothing sells to the Hoopleheads like fear. Someone is going to get your money, someone is going to read your mail, someone is going to take your Bible. Fear is the best possible motivators for Hoopleheads. Once the Hoopleheads are in panic the sharks run in and rob them. Never fails. Who buys when the market is at the bottom. Yup it is the people who know times will get better. Watching Fox knews whip up the Hoopleheads has become an addictive passtime for Lord Kadizzle. Fox uses every cheap trick in the book. The ultimate demagague is Gleen Beck. What a nut case. These crazies constantly contradict themselves, but the Hoolpes never notice. They make predictions that are proven wrong time after time, and the Hooples don't notice. Obama's speech was going to advocate communism Rush Limbaugh said. After the speech Limbaugh said "The speech was full of conservative principles". Now which is it Rush? Rush is a classic. Never are callers allowed to get through to him who disagree with him. When one fools the screeners it is a blast to hear the wind bag hit with reality. Lets all listen to right wing radio, Fox News and get worked into a frenzy and run. That is far better than just putting out the fire and going on with life.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Against sunshine, rain, hope, and the Future

The spoil sport Republicans would not clap for Jesus if he appeared. They sit there against sunshine, rain, hope, and the future. Sorrowful people stuck in the past. It was sad to see elected officials so caught up in supporting corporations and the rich that they seemed offended by the idea of letting the peasants have health care. President Obama gave an excellent inspirational speech last night, but it apparently turned the the Republicans to stone. The idea that a man could speak full coherent sentences stunned them after eight years of their hero Bubba Bush. They sat there like stunned school children being chided for a prank. Indeed they should be ashamed. Led by their lame Fox News lunatics these gangsters of greed spread their hate and racism and feed on the simple mindedness of the hoopleheads.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Hooplehead Sparklers

Watching the Hoopleheads is amazing. Yesterday Obama gave his speech to school children. The Hoopleheads had been told by Rush it would be a communist manifesto. Then Rush said it was nothing but what conservatives have believed in all along. Did the Hoopleheads realize the contradiction that their drug crazed god made? Nope the Hoople just keep on spinning. Now, after Sara Palin has been totally discredited with her "Death Panel " lies, she is going to give it another go. The leming Hooples just sit in front of Glen Beck and get their dose of simple mindedness. There is no hope. How can the Hooples who make up about 25% of the population have such a devestating effect on reality.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Friday, September 04, 2009

Do I really live on this planet?

Listening to Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck make me wonder if by mistake Lord Kadizzle landed on the wrong planet. To hear the total nonsense of these people shot out over the airwaves, and know people soak it up and believe it shock me. Glen Beck has gone totally nuts. Last night it was terrific watching Kieth Olberman make fun of him, but to think people actually believe the lunacy he shoots out amazes me.

On the way to Bismarck yesterday my old right wing nut case friend that used to live up the street told me he believes there are "Death Panels". Obama is going to speak to school children to encourage them to get good grades and the lunies are saying it is a communist plot. Do I really live on this planet? Can we really be this stupid and still exist?

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Schedule your lake fires.

Lord Kadizzle and Dennis Dietz went up to the lake today for a little sail and some repair work. First we stopped at Kit's marina to fix a cable on Bill's boat. When we drove in Kadizzle made a swing through the boat parking lot. Some fellow was there working on his RV. While speaking with Captian Kit the Pick City fire siren went off, so we went out to see what was going on. The RV fellow had managed to set his RV on fire. Kadizzle helped move a boat and camper away from the emolution. As the fire progressed the propane tanks released with a nice effect, and the gas tank also added it's excitement. However, the effect every movie has never occurred, there was no explosion. Apparently no one was available for the Pick City volunteer fire department. Everyone was working. Same for Riverdale. So even though the fire siren made a nice sound nothing happened. When the Hazen Fire dept arrived about an hour after the fire started everything was gone. The moral of the story is schedule your Pick City Fires during evening hours or weekends. The fire department is not open from during working hours.

Life as a Young Person in Woodsdale

My sister Kate the great historian of Wheeling, West Virginia asked me to write something about growing up in Woodsdale. Woodsdale was the suburb in Wheeling where Lord Kadizzle mastered the art of insanity.

MyLife as a young person in Woodsdale seems as far away as Jupiter. The things that happened in Woodsdale seem like remembering tribal rituals from another planet. Young people on the planet Woodsdale were incessant explorers always seeking the unknown. The unknown was everywhere. The United States has NASA, but Woodsdale had WASA, Woodsdale Aliens Seeking Adventure. The fartherst reach of the galaxy from Poplar Avenue was somewhere in the extreme envirionment of Stratford Hill. WASA idiotornots well equipped with all the left over World War Two material that could be found in atticts in the neighborhood. The young explorers would head to the hill with bayonets, canteens, and machettes strapped to their sides. Big Rock was the first major find outside the terrestial limits of the paved streets. I can remeber sitting on the rock eating what was then space food, penut butter and jelly sandwitches. Sitting on the rock the young explorers talked about how the chief of the Stratford Indians used to sit on the rock with the tribe below him and make great proclimations. Such as "All Indians must be home before Dark".

As we got older we pushed the limit of the known universe clear to the old cistern that was part of the original Stratford Hill Hotel. One night when we were older we actually slept in that cistern and shot mice all night with a BB gun.

Back in the settled part of the universe the idiotornots explored every known nook and crany of the old houses in the neighborhood. Inevitably the small band of boys nested. The nest were under porches. Each of the old houses had a little door somewhere that allowed access under the porch. Who ever built the house must have know that at some point young boys would need a place to smoke cigars, look at Playboy Magazine, and plot to get into trouble. The person who built the porches did not proveid for lighting, so candles were the main source of light. By some miricale we never burnt a house down. Sorry to say that the meeting places were well stocked with cigars and cigarettes provided courtesy of the Drug Store. A certian member of the gang who will not be named had no hesitation to relieve "Doc Hanger" of all the cigars we needed. I remember refering to the old pharmacist as "Doc Hanger" because either Doc or the custormer would always greet one another by saying "How's it hanging?". Judging by the amount of smoking we did it is amazing no one had cancer by age twelve.

I am sure my father must have know what was going on under our back porch. One day I can remember sitting under the porch smoking when the kitchen door opened. My father stepped outside to give a soliliquy. His words were " It sure smells smokey out here, some day I will have to look and see where all that smoke is coming from". We all felt like we had been shot at and missed.

If there was a hole we went in it. If there was a culvert or a tunner we went thru it. If there was a tree we went up it. Climbing on the roof didn't bother us a bit. We ruined a lot of expensive slate roofs. The drop from the gutters on our roof to the ground was about thirty feet. One day sitting near the peak of the roof on our house the piece of slate I was sitting on came loose and like a sled propelled me down to the gutter. With certiantity I thought I was going over. By a mirical I managed to stop myself in the old fashing wide gutter. If it had been a modern home I would be a foot shorter to this day, or have my head peaking out a small hole in my blue jeans.

One of the earliest lessons I learned was with Steven Leibold. Steven and I had heard what fun kids were having breaking windows down at the old skating rink where Elby's is now built. The building was going to be torn down for the interstate so kid seemed to think it was harmless to throw stones thru the windows. Steve and I rode our bikes down to the big old building and started tossing stones. We had hardly broken a window when a pickup truck pulled out from behind the building and came at us at very high speed, seeming with the intention of running us over. The guy was going so fast that he missed us and turned to come back. Somehow we started peddling faster than I knew a bike could go. We headed under the railroad passageway and immediately ducked into the bushes. The truck went screaming by shortly after that. As I young person it left a lasting impression on my of "What could possibly go wrong". Ever there after I always asked myself that question before committing some act that had the potential for exploding. Incedently I have spent my life in the field of Safety Management. This was indeed the creed I have always tried to instill in the simple minded.