Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Fooling the Hoopleheads in coal country
Yesterday Lord Kadizzle took a tour through coal country and visited two of the construction sites where major scrubbers are being built to clean the exhaust from the coal fired plants. When the switch is flipped on to make these scrubbers work, a lot of power from the plant will go into running the scrubber. The nature of the universe dictates that it takes energy to remove pollutants from the exhaust stream of a coal fired plant. This was well known from the start. Clean coal energy may not be possible, and if it is , it may not be affordable. No one likes to admit the reality, but it is a failed technoloby at this point. Nuclear power for better or worse is the only thing that comes close to a solution. The people who have so much tied up in coal leases, and coal fired power plants do not want to admit the end for coal has arrived, so a massive fool the hoopleheads campaing is on right here in river city. The big rumor now circulating is that the scrubbers will be completed, but not turned on, because the energy input cost are unworkable. The deciples of the coal barons are being sent about with messages of doom and gloom. The hoopleheads will soon be all a twitter, and of course if all this can be linked to Obama so much the better. Sit back and watch the play unfold.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Who sent the comment?
Below is a comment sent in by some anonymous person. A lot of it sounds like it was taken right out of the Kadizzle playbook. I wonder if someone is spoofing me or really agrees with a lot of what I believe? I would like to know some of the sources for the figures quoted. Fundamentally who ever wrote it believes as I do. You cannot allow one percent of the population to accumulate some outrageous percent of the wealth and expect the economy to survive. That is it in a nut shell. It is also interesting that no one talks about this problem. Just like "the person" says. It is a forbidden topic. The favorite game today is to call anyone who proposes that the rich share with the rest of us a "socialist". Socialism is just a fancy term for sharing, and we all know that is bad. Sharing encourages laziness. So don't give your kids anything, it will just make them worthless. Do you really belive that? Most amazing of all is that this is a "Christian" country. What a strange religion that promotes such greed and says it is what the lord wants?
A Bonus for wrecking the economy
When will the country wake up and stop paying the greedy bastards that are at the top of our food chain? Read Herbert's article in the NYT today. In the old days these thieves used to be taxed severly for their greed. Now, all they have is a sense of entitlement, and no obligation.
Monday, April 27, 2009
The audacity of the greedy
Two good articles appeared today. In the NYT Paul Krugman writes about how the big bankers still think they deserve outrageous salaries even after they have literally destroyed the economy and sent millions of retirements into obscutity. Over at the Washington Post there is a good article about how the little greed dogs with small businesses don't want to be taxed. A woman who makes over 500k per year from her day care chain doesn't want to have to pay 23k more in taxes. She just can't get by on 500k. Oh my times are tough.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Kadizzle childhood home nominated for award

Someone has taken the time to properly restore the childhood home of Lord Kadizzle and the family has been nominated for a local historical preservation award. Surely this will someday be a national monument. Kadizzle's sister Kate sent him the pictures and a history of the man who built the house. Of course the original owner was in the brewery business.
The porch swing on the left side of the porch played the most critical role of anything in my life. Sleeping on that swing one day Kadizzle was awakened by a friend. The friend asked Kadizzle to ride along to a job application process. It is a long story, but it was that swing that started Kadizzle's career in the coal industry and lead to every major event in his life. If that nap had not taken place the entire history of world events would be different.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Dick Cheney the ultimate scum

Dick Cheney walked away from Haliburton with a nice 600 million dollar bonus. That alone should tell the story. However, the man never can get enough. His little company made a fortune as the prime contractor for the Iraq war. After being the puppeteer for Bush all these years and completely destroying so many aspects of our country, that is not enough. The worse than senseless dogmeat scum wants to stick around Washington and throw stones at Obama. Obama is trying to patch up world relations Cheney and Bush worked so hard to destroy, and what does old Mr. Cheney do? Like so many on the right he has nothing constructive to add, but is certianly there to hinder. Keep in mind Mr. Cheney's company is the one that was selling the Army a case of Coke for 45$. The man is a real patriot. Now Mr. Cheney is saying "Well just look at the good information we got from torturing". However, don't look at how it destroyed our place in the world. Bush and Cheney have been the biggest disgraces ever to this country. At least Bush had the decency to crawl in a hole and let the world recover. Would someone put some dirt on Cheney and let weeds grow on him? Take ten minutes and do some homework. Cheney is the one who went to the CIA and insisted there were weapons of mass distruction in Iraq, even thouth all the evidence the CIA had said there were not. Cheney was the number one cheer leader for the lie about Iraq, now we are supposed to believe what he tells us?
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Jasper Littlebottom, A.K. A. The Commander has spring fever
Jasper Little bottom has spring fever. As a result of her fever she has been slave driving poor Kadizzle to clean up the yard. The yard is now to the point you could do surgery anywhere. However to day we are going to dig up all the earth worms and wash them. Once Littlebottom gets into her garden it will be a blessing. She will be in another world and Kadizzle will be able to concentrate on doing nothing. Boating season is fast approaching so perhaps Kadizzle can run up to the lake and start the ardurous task of getting the good ship ready.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Fleas threaten to leave dog
A large herd of hoopleheads in Texas is considering leaving the United States. Why would any state that gets back more from the federal government than it puts in leave? This would be like Rush Limbaugh threatening to go to Canada if we don't let him have his Oxycontin. North Dakota is another prime example. Our local hoopleheads are in hog heaven because North Dakota has a surplus. Take away federal farm subsidies, and we will all be wandering around like the people in New Orleans after Katrina hit. As a friend on face book said to Texas " When you leave, don't let the door hit ya, where the lord split ya".
Friday, April 17, 2009
Ruler of the Universe about to emerge
This morning Lord Kadizzle got up early. Sinus problems make sleep impossible. Kadizzle has been up for about an hour. The Supreme Commander is stirring in the back of the house. If Kadizzle was smart he would turn into Hoppy the servant and make some coffee for The Commander. The shower is running so there is yet time to get the coffee going. Whups, The Commander just shouted from the bedroom for coffee. Kadizzlel will take The Commander the newspaper with the coffee. Good move Kadizzle. Of course it will be fresh ground coffee with half and half.
If one wants peace and quite one should do what one can to keep The Commander happy in the bedroom. In this case it means coffee and the newspaper. Once The Commander emerges orders will be barked and the ship of state will be underway. Lately The Commander has been threatening we are going to swab the decks. Lord Kadizzle is going for a job interview on Monday. Last year they asked "Why do you want to work for us?". Kadizzle answered "Its easier than working for the commander". If Kadizzle can fool The Commander by claiming he must dust up his resume today, perhaps he can avoid the humiliation of putting on his scrub woman outfit and bowing to the commands of The Commander. Wish me luck.
Update: As Hoppy delivered the coffee he was chastised because the cream was insufficient. Hoppy quickly ran to the kitchen and returned with the proper mixture. At 7:23 the house is quite and The Commander is distracted with the paper. Praise the Lord.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Magic by Bruce Springstien
Bruce wrote this and dedicated it to the Republican Party. It is so appropriate as they struggle to fool the hoopleheads. You need to hear it to music.
I got a coin in my palm
I can make it disappear
I got a card up my sleeve
Name it and I’ll pull it out your ear
I got a rabbit in my hat
If you wanna come and see
This is what we’ll be
This is what we’ll be
I got shackles on my wrists
Soon I’ll slip and I’ll be gone
Chain me in a box in the river
And Rising in the Sun
Trust none of what you hear
And less of what you see
This is what we’ll be
This is what we’ll be
I got a shiny saw blade
All I need’s a volunteer
I’ll cut you in half
While your smilin’ at me
And the freedom that your songs
Drifting like a ghost amongst the trees
This is what we’ll be
This is what we’ll be
Now there’s a fire down below
But it’s coming up here
So leave everything you know
Carry only what you feel
On the road the sun is sinkin’ low
Sombody’s hanging in the trees
This is what we’ll be
This is what we’ll be
I got a coin in my palm
I can make it disappear
I got a card up my sleeve
Name it and I’ll pull it out your ear
I got a rabbit in my hat
If you wanna come and see
This is what we’ll be
This is what we’ll be
I got shackles on my wrists
Soon I’ll slip and I’ll be gone
Chain me in a box in the river
And Rising in the Sun
Trust none of what you hear
And less of what you see
This is what we’ll be
This is what we’ll be
I got a shiny saw blade
All I need’s a volunteer
I’ll cut you in half
While your smilin’ at me
And the freedom that your songs
Drifting like a ghost amongst the trees
This is what we’ll be
This is what we’ll be
Now there’s a fire down below
But it’s coming up here
So leave everything you know
Carry only what you feel
On the road the sun is sinkin’ low
Sombody’s hanging in the trees
This is what we’ll be
This is what we’ll be
Give McCain Credit
Regardless of party affiliation you have to admire someone who can admit they made a mistake. John McCain has disassociated himself with Sarah Palin. Rather than make any attempt to keep up the illusion that Palin is anything but an airhead, McCain has made it pretty clear he accepts the fact that he made a terrible mistake picking Palin as a running mate. Asked on a talk show who he would endorse for president for 2012 McCain gave a long list of Republican canidates that did not include Palin. McCain even pointed out the fact he left Palin out. If McCain can admit a mistake why can't the rest of them admit the Bush failure and embrace change?
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
North Dakota's future legislators, Biscuit and Gravy
As Lord Kadizzle walked outside for an evening stroll he noticed the remnants of a terrible crash. On the street was a shoe, a bicycle with rope entangled in the spokes and the chariot Biscuit was being towed in. Gravy came wandering down the street with one shoe, and Biscuit was not far behind. With great amusement his lordship noticed Biscuit had his cowboy shoes on the wrong feet. Surely this resulted from a confusion of left and right. Biscuit could walk right in the North Dakota legislature today and fit right in. All he has to remember is to go the direction his shoes point. This will only lead him in circles. A good legislator in North Dakota just goes around in circles interpreting God's will which remarkably resembles the wishes of the right wingers and the fundamentalist.
Monday, April 13, 2009
"That's were the money is"
Apparently Willy Sutton the famous bank robber did not really say that, but the legend is that when asked why he robbed banks Willy answered "because that is where the money is". A lot of right wingers love to bitch about how much tax the people on top pay. They always cite half the story. You have to tax the rich heavily because as Willy said "because that is where the money is". The part the Rush Limbaugh gang always distorts is this: The Rushites legitimately say the rich pay a much higher proportion of the taxes than their numbers would justify, but they always leave out the part about how much of the GDP they get. What a deal! You pay forty or fifty percent of the tax, but you get 90% of the income. Rush and his gang always tell you one side of the equation, but always leave out the other. Who in their right mind would not line up to get ninety percent of the income, if you ONLY had to pay 40 percent of the taxes. Of course the pigs still bitch about the best deal on the planet, and the truth is if you understand the tax system (which is carefully constructed so you can't) you would know the rich really don't pay the taxes they whine about. If you doubt me read Warren Buffet's letter to the Washington Post. (Warren Buffet is the second richist man in the U.S. He spill the beans and explains how he pays less tax on a percentage basis than his secretary.) If we want to prosper as a country we have to revise the tax laws so ordinary Americans stand a chance. Of course your typical American is going to win the lottery next week, and he doesn't want to pay taxes on his winnings.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
May you live in interesting times
It does not seem like a curse, but the phrase "May you live in interesting times " is an ancient Chinese curse. We are in the midst of those times, and that curse. The chickens are coming home to roost. Our economy is in shambles because we are about to pay the price for the McMansion mentality encouraged by a philosophy of greed. The whole notion that one group of people can prosper at the expense of many is about to be challenged in a way that will change the world. A writer recently pointed out that if the whole world lived like the United States, it would take seventy Earths to support our needs. The greed is good, consumption is good, and I deserve it philosophy promoted by the right wing likes of Rush Limbaugh is now going to assure that we live in interesting times.
Some say this could be good for us. It may be like the guy who ate too much and had a heart attack (could be me). Now the guy sets off on a health kick, eats right and starts to excercise. That would be the best outcome for our country.
Reality is going to come crashing down on our heads. The spoiled little brats we have raised are going to have to endure a different life style. The days of playing video games and having mom and dad hand you money are coming to a quick end. Our country may have to go back to being a place where people make things, and work consist of more than shuffling morgages, CDs and other illusary poker chips. The pied piper is out there. Glen Beck, Bill O the Fox News Clown, and of course Rush are all trying to blow air back into the right wing illusion that there is no global warming, if you just give tax breaks to the rich, and we are the greatest. Meanwhile there are no jobs, our credit card with the Chinese is about to be cancelled, and our kids are all finding out they cannot make a living playing video games or being hocky stars. What is the world coming to? Lets just go to church and pray.
Some say this could be good for us. It may be like the guy who ate too much and had a heart attack (could be me). Now the guy sets off on a health kick, eats right and starts to excercise. That would be the best outcome for our country.
Reality is going to come crashing down on our heads. The spoiled little brats we have raised are going to have to endure a different life style. The days of playing video games and having mom and dad hand you money are coming to a quick end. Our country may have to go back to being a place where people make things, and work consist of more than shuffling morgages, CDs and other illusary poker chips. The pied piper is out there. Glen Beck, Bill O the Fox News Clown, and of course Rush are all trying to blow air back into the right wing illusion that there is no global warming, if you just give tax breaks to the rich, and we are the greatest. Meanwhile there are no jobs, our credit card with the Chinese is about to be cancelled, and our kids are all finding out they cannot make a living playing video games or being hocky stars. What is the world coming to? Lets just go to church and pray.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Glaciers begin to receed in North Dakota
To this day you can walk in any field around here and see rocks glaciers left during the last ice age. The 2009 ice age is slowly coming to an end. Without question this has been one of the worst winters in a long time, unless you are one of the polar bears in our yard. The damage to trees, wildlife and just about everything is amazing. Our poor little town will have to clean up the parks and try to revive the trees.
There is a flip side. The lake is filling up and the sailing should be very good. Many of the old favorite places will now be accessible. Hopefully the good ship will be able to get all the way back into Berthold Bay and enjoy the old spot where the kids used to play. Another great area will be the Little Missouri. With ten more feet of water the fleet will be able to access many of the nice bays on the Little Missouri.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
The Gun Nuts, Drive Kadizzle Nuts
Lord Kadizzle has always been around guns, and has owned a shotgun for over thirty years. Kadizzle hunts pheasants. However, Lord Kadizzle has a short temper for the crazy paranoid gun nuts that think you should be able to carry a handgun to churh. Utah actually made sure you were allowed to carry a gun to church. How much faith would you have if you had to be armed in church? Most of the gun nuts come from poor little nerds that were assualted on the playground.
One of the saddest things about the gun nuts is the effect they have on normal politics. In North Dakota you cannot get elected unless you swear alligiance to the NRA. If you are not an NRA member in North Dakota you are unelectable. What a sad state of affairs. There is a lot of this on the national level. The net result is our political system is held hostage by the guns, gays, and God bunch. In North Dakota nothing gets done because the legislators are all trying to prove they are more to the right than the next goof.
Kadizzle has seen too many hand guns in the hands of people that should not have them. This winter a neighbor in an RV park setting came over to visit with his revolver. He thought the thing was safe and was waving it around. Kadizzle asked to check the gun and found he had a live round in the chamber with the hammer on it. Mr. Gun nut thought there was a spent shell in the chamber. On questioning this old gumple it turned out he had a whole RV full of guns. It scares me that these nuts are all over the place and it is amazing more people are not shot.
The gun nuts have to shoot their guns in order to keep their testostrone running. If you go to the southwest, you can see where these people have shot up the country side. The Commander and Lord Kadizzle made a trip north of Phoeniz looking for Indian sites. When we got there it was amazing how many home shooting ranges were littered with gun nut pariphanalia. Between gun nuts, and ATV nuts the amount of destruction to the environment is unbelievable. All gun nuts seem to have a fear of roadside signs. If you travel in the west you will see some gun nut has taken the time to shoot up just about every speed limit sign or stop sign in the west. The danger of people shooting at signs shouldl be obvious. I don't want to see guns outlawed, but I don't think anyone in their right mind needs an assault rifle, and very few people could justify a hand gun. I would feel much safer if they got the guns away from the nut cases, and they are plentiful.
One of the saddest things about the gun nuts is the effect they have on normal politics. In North Dakota you cannot get elected unless you swear alligiance to the NRA. If you are not an NRA member in North Dakota you are unelectable. What a sad state of affairs. There is a lot of this on the national level. The net result is our political system is held hostage by the guns, gays, and God bunch. In North Dakota nothing gets done because the legislators are all trying to prove they are more to the right than the next goof.
Kadizzle has seen too many hand guns in the hands of people that should not have them. This winter a neighbor in an RV park setting came over to visit with his revolver. He thought the thing was safe and was waving it around. Kadizzle asked to check the gun and found he had a live round in the chamber with the hammer on it. Mr. Gun nut thought there was a spent shell in the chamber. On questioning this old gumple it turned out he had a whole RV full of guns. It scares me that these nuts are all over the place and it is amazing more people are not shot.
The gun nuts have to shoot their guns in order to keep their testostrone running. If you go to the southwest, you can see where these people have shot up the country side. The Commander and Lord Kadizzle made a trip north of Phoeniz looking for Indian sites. When we got there it was amazing how many home shooting ranges were littered with gun nut pariphanalia. Between gun nuts, and ATV nuts the amount of destruction to the environment is unbelievable. All gun nuts seem to have a fear of roadside signs. If you travel in the west you will see some gun nut has taken the time to shoot up just about every speed limit sign or stop sign in the west. The danger of people shooting at signs shouldl be obvious. I don't want to see guns outlawed, but I don't think anyone in their right mind needs an assault rifle, and very few people could justify a hand gun. I would feel much safer if they got the guns away from the nut cases, and they are plentiful.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
How they screwed us, and themselves
The Crisis of Credit Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo.
Megan sent this to me this morning. It is a very good explanation of how Wall Street, and your local banker ruined the economy. Take the time to watch it, very well done. While our old buddy George Bush was cutting brush, this is what was going on, he didn't notice
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Jasper Littlebottom rescues stranded moutain home
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Addicted to Deadwood
Lord Kadizzle was never much of a western fan, but Deadwood is a western like none you have seen. As Erin points out, it is done in a Shakespearean fashion. The life lessons are too many to count. Never have good and evil been juxtaposed in such a fashion.
How do you deal with your parents when they land. Erin and Fran have found the perfect solution. Give them a good HBO series and set them in front of the TV. Just as it works for little peanuts, it also works for adult hoopleheads. Last year Erin sat us down to watch Dexter for about six hours. This year it is Deadwood. If you don't enjoy this series you are hopeless. Make sure you give it a little time to get you hooked.
How do you deal with your parents when they land. Erin and Fran have found the perfect solution. Give them a good HBO series and set them in front of the TV. Just as it works for little peanuts, it also works for adult hoopleheads. Last year Erin sat us down to watch Dexter for about six hours. This year it is Deadwood. If you don't enjoy this series you are hopeless. Make sure you give it a little time to get you hooked.
Pithcforks and Pistols
Read Pitchforks and Pistols in the NYT today to get some idea of the disintegration of the Republican party. If Rush Limbaugh had a twin brother that was also mentally ill, it would be Glen Beck. It is pathetic that the same people who wrecked the economy and brought us bubba Bush are doing everything to defeat the cure. The Republicans are like arsonist criticizing the fire department.
Friday, April 03, 2009
Stump a Genius takes a new spin.
Bored one day on the sailboat Lord Kadizzle and daughter Megan invented a game called "Stump a Genius" . You try to ask the other person a question they cannot answer. Today The Commander rolled out her version. She took the genius out back and said "Lets see you get those stumps out genius. So the commander and Lord Kadizzle attacked three stumps and won. There was plenty of cussing, and barking of commands, but when the dust settled the stumps lost. Only ten more to go.
The Most Amazing Rock in the World
The Weather Window
Sunday or Monday, the little Kadizzle band will head for Hazen. It will be a trip back to the frozen North in a land heavily populated with people who voted for McCain. The trick to the trip is making it on good clear roads. A couple years ago The Commander and his Lordship had a terrifying trip home when the truck and trailer went off the interstate at over 50 mph. Ice was the culprit. By some miracle the truck went a couple hundred yards through a field and Kadizzle managed to steer it back on the road unharmed. However, Kadizzle learned a lesson. Never, ever pull a trailer on snow or ice if you can avoid it. So we will sit until the right moment, and then bust home to the arctic circle. Another favorite part of the trip is wind. This time of year insane winds come off the Rockies. When you get in the Cheyenne area it is not unusual to see tractor trailer trucks laying on their side. Last year we had to go an extra hundred miles east to avoid the wind. Interstate 25 was closed do to wind.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
This generation's Vietnam
The current generation has been robbed blind by right wing policies that have distorted income distribution and led to the current mess. Since 1978 the working class has gone backwards by 12% in real income. Meanwhile CEO pay has gone from 147 times the line worker pay to 350 times what a working person gets. The net result is all the increase in productivity in the last thirty years has gone to the top five percent of the population. Now the economy has collapsed. This is exactly what happen during the depression of 1929.
Lord Kadizzle is amazed that most of today's young people seem to have no clue what has been done to them. For our children to dig out of the mess those with the Bush mentality have created, will be next to impossible. There is only one solution, take the money back. Until we come to grips with recovering the money that has been stolen by a select few at the top of the pyramid, the economy will never recover. The average person has to share in prosperity for the economy to work. It is that simple. Until the young get fired up like my generation did about the Vietnam War, it is hard to imagine the change coming. The right wing will continue to promote the usual scare tactics. Socialism will be the great scare word, as usual the rich will point to the poor and claim they are the problem. The usual propaganda machines will be rolled out, you can already see them. Two classics, already the health insurance lobby is out to defeat effective health care reform, and of course the coal industry, along with the oil industry are both fighting any attempt to use energy efficiently.
Meanwhile the young don't keep up with the scam that is going on. Sports, and celebraties keep the young thinking in la la land. The economy is going to hit the young soon. Those living on the larges of their parents will soon hit the brick wall of reality. College graduates will find there are no good jobs. The awakening cannot be that far off. One piece of good news is the support Obama had from the young, however it is very disturbing to see the number of young who have caught the right wing fever from their parents. As the young see it is next to impossible for them to get ahead under the right wing trickle down mantra, they will awaken, and when they do let the revolution begin.
Lord Kadizzle is amazed that most of today's young people seem to have no clue what has been done to them. For our children to dig out of the mess those with the Bush mentality have created, will be next to impossible. There is only one solution, take the money back. Until we come to grips with recovering the money that has been stolen by a select few at the top of the pyramid, the economy will never recover. The average person has to share in prosperity for the economy to work. It is that simple. Until the young get fired up like my generation did about the Vietnam War, it is hard to imagine the change coming. The right wing will continue to promote the usual scare tactics. Socialism will be the great scare word, as usual the rich will point to the poor and claim they are the problem. The usual propaganda machines will be rolled out, you can already see them. Two classics, already the health insurance lobby is out to defeat effective health care reform, and of course the coal industry, along with the oil industry are both fighting any attempt to use energy efficiently.
Meanwhile the young don't keep up with the scam that is going on. Sports, and celebraties keep the young thinking in la la land. The economy is going to hit the young soon. Those living on the larges of their parents will soon hit the brick wall of reality. College graduates will find there are no good jobs. The awakening cannot be that far off. One piece of good news is the support Obama had from the young, however it is very disturbing to see the number of young who have caught the right wing fever from their parents. As the young see it is next to impossible for them to get ahead under the right wing trickle down mantra, they will awaken, and when they do let the revolution begin.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
How you get cheated

This salary chart for Blue Cross clearly shows how the middle class gets cheated. Look at the raises these guys get. While inflation bubbles along at 3 percent, these hoopleheads always get raises that outstrip inflation. Meanwhile working people just get inflation raises if they are lucky. CEO's in 1978 got about 147 times what the working man did. Now, they average 350 times what the average worker gets. Real wages for people in the middle class have declined by twelve percent since 1978. The chart says it all. How is it that they are becoming so much more productive while you are making no real improvements? The simple answer is they are taking more and more, that is why we are in the current economic mess. Now some Republican will tell you this is all for your own good, but are you really that stupid. It is just like giving some televangelist money, and thinking it is the right thing to do. How could any young person support the philosophy of a party that engineers this kind of greed for the people on the top and ignores the person in the middle doing all the work?
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