Pretty tame day in the mountains while The Snoocher Bear works on hatching Baby Gilbert. Since Lord Kadizzle has been involved int the largest cement pour in the United States in the last fifteen years, he thought it only appropriate to help Fran pour a footing for their deck. The big pour involved one bag of sackcrete and five shovels of concrete. After spending hundreds of hours watching carpenters build cement forms Lord Kadizzle got to build one, one foot, by one foot. After making sure no one got hurt placing six hundred tons of rebar, Fran and Lord Kadizzle put six onces in our form with no problems.
Fran just brought the raw Christmas tree in the house and tonight we will have Fran's turkey soup. The soup has been a three hour project. One big highlight of the day was an amazing buck that sauntered by as we worked on the concrete project. Your typical North Dakota deer hunter would have peed his pants watching this large trophy walk by twenty feet away with no heed for the four of use watching.
Friday, November 28, 2008
World Champion Pumpkin Pie
Relaxing in the Mountians

The Commander and Lord Kadizzle have had a very relaxing week in the mountains above Denver with Erin and Fran. Erin is excited about the little bundle gestating in the oven. Already we are making plans to raise a genius. The food has been superb. The setting is hard to beat. Easy days catching up on all the magazines on the coffee table, an occasional stroll. If any tension builds up a simple dip in the hot tub does the trick. Saturday or Sunday it will be back to the Dakota prairie. The camper will stay here until late Dec or early Jan, then off to the southwest. One joy has been reading Rolling Stone magazine. The political commentary is wonderful. If you want to laugh out loud read some of the articles by Matt Taibbi. Taibbi rips Sarah Palin to shreds and mocks the McCain bunch to the point you will be in pain laughing. Sadly it is all true. You can go on line and get a lot of his stuff.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Big Coal's Campaign of Lies

It seems strange for Lord Kadizzle to be assaulting the bread and butter that has put the food on his table for most of his life, but the truth is the truth. Read the article in Rolling Stone. North Dakota is run by a bunch of people who are promoting the lie. If you want a different view you will find it very enlightening.
Kadizzle finds religion
Sysyphus has always been Lord Kadizzles hero. Sysyphus symbolizes the futility of life, and the need to have a problem (see article below). While searching for a picture go to with the article Lord Kadizzle stumbled across the religion that lays claim to the picture. The religion has a lot of appeal, it goes at the problem straight forward. So I present to you:
The Story, so far, of The Church
The Church recognizes that The Savior died for our sins. If one fails to sin then one has chosen to prevent The Savior to save them. Heresy! Logically one must sin as much as possible to allow The Savior to perform his heavenly duties. This is, obviously, a duty that Sysyphus is only too happy to perform as the proud servant of The Savior in the role of El Grand Inquisitor.
The task of ensuring the faithful remain true to The Savior falls to Sysyphus alone. This thankless burden is one that Sysyphus pursues with great zeal. Other duties in the course of serving The Savior is hearing the confessions of the sinners, assigning a penance and offers absolution in the name of The Savior.
The faithful recognize the authority of El Grand Inquisitor as the sole voice of The Savior within The Kingdom of Loafington. Among the expectations of the faithful are complete obedience to The Court and their edicts no matter how ridiculous they may seem.
Heresy against The Church is a serious crime. Some of the more usual transgressions are heresy by thought, heresy by word & heresy by deed. What exactly comprises heresy is pretty much up to the whims of El Grand Inquisitor at that moment in time. Certainly refusing the commands of The Court is right up there as a pretty bad thing to do. Disrespecting The Court, any of the Knights or El Grand Inquisitor will not score any respect from The Court, so remember to behave!
Who exactly is The Savior? Well that’s for El Grand Inquisitor to know and for you to find out… :-)
El Grand Inquisitor is usually available to hear confession from any of the wayward faithful. Usually meaning when He is not busy “reeducating” a heretic or when He is not blitzed from too much communion wine. Remember to keep the confessions on the interesting side as the attention span of El Grand Inquisitor is minimal at best.
An indulgence, in the theology of The Church, is the full or partial remission of temporal punishment due for sins which have already been forgiven. In looser terms it is a get out of jail free card that The Church can give out for something you did, or plan to do, no matter what. Indulgences are available for purchase. El Grand Inquisitor does not accept credit cards, checks, money orders, travelers checks, counter checks or any form of currency. To purchase an indulgence you must offer something other than moolah. Use your imagination. Bags of Frop are always welcome as are Pils of Slack.
Any purified squires who are keen to toy with the idea of becoming an acolyte to El Grand Inquisitor and The Church must know that He has the attention span of an ADD inflicted 12 year old who ran out of Ritalin and must be constantly reminded of your acolyte status. It is possible that Sysyphus will forget who you are and that you already went through His acolyte initiation process unless you do something memorable to make Him remember you! Why someone would have any desire to become an assistant to a mad false prophet is beyond all reason, but El Grand Inquisitor does not judge. Well actually holding others in judgement is pretty much all He does.
The holy symbol of The Church of The Kingdom of Loafington is most apropos as it is not only the symbol for Sysyphus himself, it also represents abject futility. Religion. Abject futility. Yes. Very apropos indeed.
May the blessed light of The Crazy Diamond shine brightly upon thee.
-El Grand Inquisitor Sysyphus De Sade
The Story, so far, of The Church
The Church recognizes that The Savior died for our sins. If one fails to sin then one has chosen to prevent The Savior to save them. Heresy! Logically one must sin as much as possible to allow The Savior to perform his heavenly duties. This is, obviously, a duty that Sysyphus is only too happy to perform as the proud servant of The Savior in the role of El Grand Inquisitor.
The task of ensuring the faithful remain true to The Savior falls to Sysyphus alone. This thankless burden is one that Sysyphus pursues with great zeal. Other duties in the course of serving The Savior is hearing the confessions of the sinners, assigning a penance and offers absolution in the name of The Savior.
The faithful recognize the authority of El Grand Inquisitor as the sole voice of The Savior within The Kingdom of Loafington. Among the expectations of the faithful are complete obedience to The Court and their edicts no matter how ridiculous they may seem.
Heresy against The Church is a serious crime. Some of the more usual transgressions are heresy by thought, heresy by word & heresy by deed. What exactly comprises heresy is pretty much up to the whims of El Grand Inquisitor at that moment in time. Certainly refusing the commands of The Court is right up there as a pretty bad thing to do. Disrespecting The Court, any of the Knights or El Grand Inquisitor will not score any respect from The Court, so remember to behave!
Who exactly is The Savior? Well that’s for El Grand Inquisitor to know and for you to find out… :-)
El Grand Inquisitor is usually available to hear confession from any of the wayward faithful. Usually meaning when He is not busy “reeducating” a heretic or when He is not blitzed from too much communion wine. Remember to keep the confessions on the interesting side as the attention span of El Grand Inquisitor is minimal at best.
An indulgence, in the theology of The Church, is the full or partial remission of temporal punishment due for sins which have already been forgiven. In looser terms it is a get out of jail free card that The Church can give out for something you did, or plan to do, no matter what. Indulgences are available for purchase. El Grand Inquisitor does not accept credit cards, checks, money orders, travelers checks, counter checks or any form of currency. To purchase an indulgence you must offer something other than moolah. Use your imagination. Bags of Frop are always welcome as are Pils of Slack.
Any purified squires who are keen to toy with the idea of becoming an acolyte to El Grand Inquisitor and The Church must know that He has the attention span of an ADD inflicted 12 year old who ran out of Ritalin and must be constantly reminded of your acolyte status. It is possible that Sysyphus will forget who you are and that you already went through His acolyte initiation process unless you do something memorable to make Him remember you! Why someone would have any desire to become an assistant to a mad false prophet is beyond all reason, but El Grand Inquisitor does not judge. Well actually holding others in judgement is pretty much all He does.
The holy symbol of The Church of The Kingdom of Loafington is most apropos as it is not only the symbol for Sysyphus himself, it also represents abject futility. Religion. Abject futility. Yes. Very apropos indeed.
May the blessed light of The Crazy Diamond shine brightly upon thee.
-El Grand Inquisitor Sysyphus De Sade
Everyone Needs a Problem
So many times in life someone has come up to me and said "Why does he do that?". My answer is "He needs a problem". Have you ever seen someone with a clear cut simple solution make a project into a complicated mess? Two types come to mind. I know people who either want a sail boat, or an airplane. Instead of just buying one, they make a nightmare out of acquiring one by attempting to build it. One friend started over twelve years ago building a plane and it is still in the garage taking up space and reminding him of the money he wasted. Another friend has worked on a boat for over twenty five years. Look at the people you know and ask yourself how many times they deliberately created a problem for them self when a simple solution was at hand. Look at the results. Sometimes a victory is achieved and the result is terrific, but nine times out of ten it is a disaster. I know a young couple that decided to move a house rather than build one. In retrospect it would have been so simple in cheap to build one, but now they have a problem that will last for years. Most of these attempts start with the delusion "I can save a lot of money". Most of the time they end up as an economic disaster. I always thing back to the time my uncle told me "A dog needs feas'. Dogs have it made, but they need something to battle, fleas are the perfect solution. The dog only knows its good, because the flea reminds him of what bad is. People are just big dogs.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
New Sign at Snoocher Bears Den
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sleeping at the Rest Stop
The Kadizzles made it to the Snoocher Bear's house. Last night we slept for the second time at the rest stop in Wyoming. Twas a pleasant night in the Bigfoot. The Commander was concerned about the cold, but Lord Kadizzle actually enjoyed it an slept a little better. The day warmed up and we made a stop at the Sierra Trading Post. The Commander got some great bargains and then on to the bears house in the mountains.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Kadizzle Saved Woman from Hell

Last night Lord Kadizzle went to the symphony for the first time in over thirty years. His Lordship sat beside a woman he had spoken with two weeks earlier. The woman was the daughter of two chronic Republicans, and was the sad victim of lifelong exposure to erroneous thinking. In our earlier meeting she promised to vote for Obama, after she was lectured on the evils of Republicanism. To my amazement she said she proudly voted for Obama, and even took a picture of her ballot to show me.
It brings me great joy to know how close this woman was to going to hell when she had the good fortune of meeting me a week before the election. To know one person does not have to suffer eternal damnation because of a small effort I made brings me great joy.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Bonus Bullshit
What is at the root of the current economic crisis is the excessive greed of CEO's and the wealth. If you want an article that will blow the myth of bonuses out of the water read about an experiment done to see how effective bonuses are. The article is in the NYT today Experiments prove people paid huge bonuses actually perform worse. Shove that up the tailpipe of the greedy auto execs asking for bailouts.
Monday, November 17, 2008
A President that can speak English
How refreshing to hear Obama speak. He can put sentences together using real words. Unlike the garbled nonsense of Palin, or the invented words of Bush, Obama uses real words that have meaning and make sense.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Grandpa to be

Sometime in May Lord Kadizzle will become a grampadinian. The Snoocher Bear who lives deep in the woods of the Colorado mountains is going to have a cub. It will be a whole new world for The Commander and Lord Kadizzle. The Commander will manage every breath both Erin and Gilbert take. Oh yes, in the strange mental landscape of the Kadizzles, sister Megan has already named the baby Gilbert. Regardless of sex or Erin's preference Megan now has given the pending arrival the code name Gilbert. Lord Kadizzle has requested a child with a stem, but the bear says she wants the sex to be a surprise, so the flavor will remain a mystery. Lord Kadizzle looks forward to having someone of his own mental capacity he can communicate with. Since his Lordship has six sisters, two daughters, and a wife, one more girl will not be a problem, but being out numbered should have some limits.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
The Wordsmith from Wasilla
How anyone could ever doubt Sarah Palin is an idiot is something I cannot comprehend. The following is taken from the NYT:
What on earth are our underpaid teachers, laboring in the vineyards of education, supposed to tell students about the following sentence, committed by the syntax-serial-killer from Wasilla High and gleaned by my colleague Maureen Dowd for preservation for those who ask, “How was it she talked?”
My concern has been the atrocities there in Darfur and the relevance to me with that issue as we spoke about Africa and some of the countries there that were kind of the people succumbing to the dictators and the corruption of some collapsed governments on the continent, the relevance was Alaska’s investment in Darfur with some of our permanent fund dollars.
And, she concluded, “never, ever did I talk about, well, gee, is it a country or a continent, I just don’t know about this issue.”
If you thought George Bush was incapable of the Englich language, Sarah made him look good.
What on earth are our underpaid teachers, laboring in the vineyards of education, supposed to tell students about the following sentence, committed by the syntax-serial-killer from Wasilla High and gleaned by my colleague Maureen Dowd for preservation for those who ask, “How was it she talked?”
My concern has been the atrocities there in Darfur and the relevance to me with that issue as we spoke about Africa and some of the countries there that were kind of the people succumbing to the dictators and the corruption of some collapsed governments on the continent, the relevance was Alaska’s investment in Darfur with some of our permanent fund dollars.
And, she concluded, “never, ever did I talk about, well, gee, is it a country or a continent, I just don’t know about this issue.”
If you thought George Bush was incapable of the Englich language, Sarah made him look good.
The Crazies never quit
The Bismarck paper has a story on the front page today about how gun dealers are selling so many guns. The simple minded are sure you will not be able to get all the guns you need when Obama takes over. Do I really need to say more about how simple minded these people are or the fact that there are a lot of them. Every election we lose our minds worrying about guns gays and god, and we still have guns, gays, and god every time we have an election. Are people really that stupid? The coffee shop mentality is amazing. According to local conventional wisdom, you can be more sure of what you hear at the coffee shop and bar, than any real news source, unless of course it is Rush or Fox.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Amazing Pheasant Population
The southern boys from North Carolina are here. Lord Kadizzle has been leading them into battle with the vicious pheasants. The numbers of birds in the southwest is almost beyond comprehension. Every field has hundreds of birds. When you go into a big farm yard tree row the birds pour out by the hundreds. The group had some good shooting. His Lordship had an excellent turkey shoot. The birds were coming faster than he could load.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
The Most Vile Rat of them all

Once in a while I tune the car radio to Rush Limbaugh. Lord Kadizzle just likes to hear the most vile rat on earth spew his venom. How any one could take the man serious is amazing. He contradicts himself in every sentence. He is the worst spinner ever put on Earth. On my list of people I could kill without an ounce of guilt or remorse he is there beside Pat Robertson robbing old ladies. Any one who has an once of belief in Rush, does not have an once of respect from Lord Kadizzle. At a time when the country is trying to go forward that bloated corpse is on the radio spewing hate.
Friday, November 07, 2008
You must read the article with this picture
Click to go to Article
I was just at the bank talking with the unrepentent Repupublicans. This article says it all. It is amazing that the current urban legend making the rounds in Hazen it that we are going to lose our guns. Idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nation Finally Bad Enough To Make Social Progress

WASHINGTON—After emerging victorious from one of the most pivotal elections in history, president-elect Barack Obama will assume the role of commander in chief on Jan. 20, shattering a racial barrier the United States is, at long last, shitty enough to overcome.
Faced with losing everything, Americans took a long overdue step forward and elected Barack Obama.
Although polls going into the final weeks of October showed Sen. Obama in the lead, it remained unclear whether the failing economy, dilapidated housing market, crumbling national infrastructure, health care crisis, energy crisis, and five-year-long disastrous war in Iraq had made the nation crappy enough to rise above 300 years of racial prejudice and make lasting change.
"Today the American people have made their voices heard, and they have said, 'Things are finally as terrible as we're willing to tolerate," said Obama, addressing a crowd of unemployed, uninsured, and debt-ridden supporters. "To elect a black man, in this country, and at this time—these last eight years must have really broken you."
Added Obama, "It's a great day for our nation."
Carrying a majority of the popular vote, Obama did especially well among women and young voters, who polls showed were particularly sensitive to the current climate of everything being stolen by the rich. Another contributing factor to Obama's victory, political experts said, may have been the growing number of Americans who, faced with the complete collapse of their country, were at last able to abandon their preconceptions and cast their vote for a progressive African-American.
After enduring eight years of near constant trauma, the United States is, at long last, ready for equality.
Citizens with eyes, ears, and the ability to wake up and realize what truly matters in the end are also believed to have played a crucial role in Tuesday's election.
According to a CNN exit poll, 42 percent of voters said that the nation's financial woes had finally become frightening enough to eclipse such concerns as gay marriage, while 30 percent said that the relentless body count in Iraq was at last harrowing enough to outweigh long ideological debates over abortion. In addition, 28 percent of voters were reportedly too busy paying off medical bills, desperately trying not to lose their homes, or watching their futures disappear to dismiss Obama any longer.
"The election of our first African-American president truly shows how far we've come as a nation," said NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams. "Just eight years ago, this moment would have been unthinkable. But finally we, as a country, have joined together, realized we've reached rock bottom, and for the first time voted for a candidate based on his policies rather than the color of his skin."
"Today Americans have grudgingly taken a giant leap forward," Williams continued. "And all it took was severe economic downturn, a bloody and unjust war, terrorist attacks on lower Manhattan, nearly 2,000 deaths in New Orleans, and more than three centuries of frequently violent racial turmoil."
Said Williams, "The American people should be commended for their long-overdue courage."
Obama's victory is being called the most significant change in politics since the 1992 election, when a full-scale economic recession led voters to momentarily ignore the fact that candidate Bill Clinton had once smoked marijuana. While many believed things had once again reached an all-time low in 2004, the successful reelection of President George W. Bush—despite historically low approval ratings nationwide—proved that things were not quite shitty enough to challenge the already pretty shitty status quo.
"If Obama learned one thing from his predecessors, it's that timing means everything," said Dr. James Pung, a professor of political science at Princeton University. "Less than a decade ago, Al Gore made the crucial mistake of suggesting we should care about preserving the environment before it became unavoidably clear that global warming would kill us all, and in 2004, John Kerry cost himself the presidency by saying we should pull out of Iraq months before everyone realized our invasion had become a complete and total quagmire."
"Obama had the foresight to run for president at a time when being an African-American was not as important to Americans as, say, the ability to clothe and feed their children," Pung continued. "An election like this only comes once, maybe twice, in a lifetime."
As we enter a new era of equality for all people, the election of Barack Obama will decidedly be a milestone in U.S. history, undeniable proof that Americans, when pushed to the very brink, are willing to look past outward appearances and judge a person by the quality of his character and strength of his record. So as long as that person is not a woman.
Bladizzled, and waiting for the president of France to call
The blizzard has struck, The Commander is sick with a terrible cold,and the North Carolina boys are coming today. They will get their little southern tukasas shocked when the step off the plane in Bismarck. The roads here are a mess. Do you know Africa is a continent, not a country? If you do please call Alaska 911 and let Sara know. That simple minded idiot also thinks she got a call from the president of France. Of course in the best tradition of the McCain campaign when Sarah knew for three days she was going to get a (prank but she did not know it) call. Her side never bothered to relay the message to the McCain side. Surely even those dingers would have told her to check it out. So she takes the call and proves once again she is an idiot.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Arthur Little said it all in high school
Lord Kadizzle went to High School in Wheeling, West Virginia. In our high school there were a hand full of black kids. For the most part they were all great kids. Arthur Little was a small black kid Lord Kadizzle had gym class with. We would pretend to box. Arthur could hit me twice before I could land one punch. Once in a while just out of the clear blue sky Arthur would break out and recite Emily Dickenson.
I'm nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there's a pair of us — don't tell!
They'd banish us, you know.
How dreary to be somebody!
How public, like a frog
To tell your name the livelong day
To an admiring bog!
Arthur said it so eloquently. I was a poor kid, and felt like a social outcast, so it really hit home with me. To this day I feel so bad about what those black kids had to go through. They were troupers. They were in the school plays, and sang like angles. Having black kids in school was one of the greatest blessings in my life. There were no black kids until I got to high school. One day Arthur invited me to his house in Triadelphia. Arthur lived in an old coal mining camp. For wall paper there was just newspaper. When I realized how hard these kids had it, and how they managed to keep their heads up, I found it awful hard to feel sorry for myself. To this day I can hear Arthur just coming up to me and saying "I am nobody, who are you?" I am so happy for Arthur today, and I am so dismayed by the people I know who would have thought for one moment to deprive him of what has always been his, a right to be somebody.
I'm nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there's a pair of us — don't tell!
They'd banish us, you know.
How dreary to be somebody!
How public, like a frog
To tell your name the livelong day
To an admiring bog!
Arthur said it so eloquently. I was a poor kid, and felt like a social outcast, so it really hit home with me. To this day I feel so bad about what those black kids had to go through. They were troupers. They were in the school plays, and sang like angles. Having black kids in school was one of the greatest blessings in my life. There were no black kids until I got to high school. One day Arthur invited me to his house in Triadelphia. Arthur lived in an old coal mining camp. For wall paper there was just newspaper. When I realized how hard these kids had it, and how they managed to keep their heads up, I found it awful hard to feel sorry for myself. To this day I can hear Arthur just coming up to me and saying "I am nobody, who are you?" I am so happy for Arthur today, and I am so dismayed by the people I know who would have thought for one moment to deprive him of what has always been his, a right to be somebody.
Neighbors suffer from genetic defect, fail to vote Democratic
A Blizzard in Hazen
No work today, the first Blizzard of the year is here. It will be nice to sit home and waste a day. Lord Kadizzle and The Commander both now have the double episodic. Reading the New York times this morning his Lordship saw a quote from a European that the election was like the Berlin wall coming down. In so many ways it was. A friend called last night and asked me what I was going to bitch about now. Good question, the dunderheads still provide plenty of fodder. It would be so nice if North Dakota was not populated by so many gumples. My dear friend Gertie has not stopped by for wine in a while, but she is sure Obama is a terrorist. Gertie's husband told me he was terrified Obama would get elected. I can just see him sitting in a corner scared to death. What scares me the most is the wreckage left by Bush. My savings have been devastated, and the Bush mess will take a generation to clean up. The spinners will blame everything on the Democrats within a month. Did you hear about Palin having a phony conversation with what she thought was the president of France. She out did herself in the nitwit category, and her staff proved even dumber.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Lord Kadizzle installs new door in his house for Republicans

Last night after the election returns I got a call from a good Republican friend. I asked my old friend how he felt when he saw the tears in the eyes of the black people in Chicago at Obama's acceptance rally. My friend said " I really feel small". He went on to say that seeing the pride and happiness of the young black kids made him feel an inch tall, and he wished he had never voted for McCain. I tried to cheer him up by telling him about the new door we just installed for people like him.
They live in a small world

I don't know how anyone could watch the crowd in Chicago celebrating the defeat of racism, and small minded Republicanism and not feel the ultimate joy. The crowd in Chicago was full of people of every race and age. The McCain bunch portrayed exactly who they were, a bunch of rich white people with a sense of entitlement. My main feeling for the people who supported McCain is sorrow. An old friend of mine used to say "He lives in a small world". The sadness of living in a small world driven by greed, racism, urban legends, Rush Limbaughs, and Bill O'Rielly's is truely a punishment these people have inflicted on themselves. The big world they don't get to experience is a wonderful place where people are unshackled from stupidity, fundamentalism, and materialism. I just thank god I did not have to look into the face of a black person crying with joy in Chicago, and know I voted for McCain. I have never in my life felt better about a vote I cast than right now. If Obama is a complete failure as a president, he has done more for the world by simply getting elected than the Republicans have since they made the terrible mistake of of electing Ronald Reagen
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
The Sun Also Rises
Maybe I am wrong, but I strongly feel those obsessed with greed, selfishness, racism, and ignorance are going to crawl back in their caves today. In the cave they can read urban legends, hide from terrorist, listen to Rush, watch Fox News, and do what they do without ruining the country like they have for the last eight years.
Nothing is going to restore my confidence in this country more than the election of Barrack Obama. Americans are going to rise up and show they can overcome the propaganda of those who favor a select few at the expense of so many. My car used to have the bumper stick. "Never have so few, taken so much, from so many, for so long" I pray today "So Long" is over.
Nothing is going to restore my confidence in this country more than the election of Barrack Obama. Americans are going to rise up and show they can overcome the propaganda of those who favor a select few at the expense of so many. My car used to have the bumper stick. "Never have so few, taken so much, from so many, for so long" I pray today "So Long" is over.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
A moving video, with a great story
Watch this video and it will bring tears to your eyes. If you watch and still vote for McCain, you should have tears in your eyes because of what you did. Click Here
Bismarck Tribune "Were stupid, and we are proud"
Today Lord Kadizzle came home from a wonderful weekend only to see the Bismarck Tribune endorsed McCain. What an embarrassment, apparently the editors don't read anything but the Rush Limbaugh news letter, and the National Inquirer. The editors seemed to totally overlook the fact that Sarah Palin is a certified idiot. What about Colin Powell's wonderful endorsement of Obama? Did they read it, or see it? What about William F. Buckly Jr. jumping ship? Never have so many prominent people jumped the Republican ship, but our local idiots just don't get it. The week before this they ran dozens of abortion letters, daaa. Of course they also gave prominent play to the gun guys. It is truly an embarrassment to have the Bismarck Tribune dropped in front of my home.
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