Dear Red States,
We've decided we're leaving. We intend to form our own country, and we're
taking the other Blue States with us. In case you aren't aware, that
includes Hawaii, California, Oregon, Washington, Minnesota, Wisconsin,
Michigan, Illinois, New York, and all of the Northeastern states. After this
election, we'll be adding Colorado and New Mexico. We believe this split
will be beneficial to the nation, especially to the people of our new
country - Nuevo California.
To sum up briefly: You get Texas, Oklahoma and all the slave states; we get
stem cell research, the best beaches, and the best ski resorts. We get the
Statue of Liberty; you get Dollywood.
We get Intel and Microsoft; you get WorldCom. We get Stanford, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Cal Tech, MIT and
Columbia; you get Ole' Miss. We get 85 percent of America's venture capital
and entrepreneurs; you get Alabama.
We get two-thirds of the tax revenue; you get to make the red states pay their fair share.
Since our aggregate divorce rate is 22 percent lower than that of the
Christian Coalition, we get a bunch of happy families and you get a bunch of
under-educated single moms.
Please be aware that Nuevo California will be pro-choice and anti-war, and
we'll need all of our citizens back from Iraq at once.
If you need people to fight, ask your evangelicals. They apparently have
kids they're willing to send to their deaths for no purpose, and they don't
mind if you don't televise their kid's caskets coming home. We do wish you
success in Iraq and hope that those Weapons of Mass Destruction turn up for
you, but we're not willing to spend any more of our money in Bush's
With the Blue States, we will control 80 percent of the country's fresh
water, 90 percent of pineapple and lettuce, 92 percent of the nation's fresh
fruit, 97 percent of America's quality wines (you can serve French wines at
your state dinners), 90 percent of all cheese, 90 percent of the high tech
industry, most of the U.S. low-sulfur coal, all living redwoods, sequoias
and condors, and all the Ivy League and Seven Sister schools. We also get
New England, the Great Lakes and Yosemite, thank you very much.
In the Red States, you will have to cope with 88 percent of all obese
Americans and their projected health care costs, 92 percent of all U.S.
mosquitoes, 100 percent of tornadoes, 94 percent of hurricanes, 99 percent
of Southern Baptists, virtually 100 percent of all televangelists, as well as Rush
Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bob Jones University, and Clemson.
Additionally, in the Red States, 38 percent actually believe Jonah was
swallowed by a whale; 62 percent believe life is sacred unless it involves
the death penalty or gun ownership; 44 percent claim that evolution is only
a theory; 53 percent insist that Saddam Hussein was involved in 9/11; and 61
percent of you crazy bastards believe you have higher moral standards than
those of us on the left.
By the way, we're taking all the good pot, too. You get that dirt weed from
Mexico and Kansas ditches.
Peace out,
The Blue States
Friday, October 31, 2008
Old whistle dick here couldn't get laid in a mortuary!!
Years ago with my brother Colin I worked for old Lutrel Davis. Lute as they called him had some old country sayings that have stuck with me my whole life. One was the term "Whistle dick". This morning I decided to look up the definition and came across the quote above. During my time since working with Lute, most of my problems have been caused by whistle dicks. Another saying old Lute had was "Don't strain your milk". Colin or I would start to lift something heavy, and Lute would say "Don't strain your milk". The other day I was working in yard and my neighbor used the term. It was the first time I have heard it in forty years. Remembering my brother Colin I thing of the time he renamed a Christian crusade. A bunch of fundies started a movement called "Dare to be Great". The fundies were running around the south ripping off the ignorant. Colin called the group "Dare to be Stupid". Vote for McCain, and you can join the movement.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Talking to my friend the Old Goat
Last night I spoke with my friend the Old Goat on the phone. The Old Goat is famous for his quote "Education just confuses people'. The Goat says he is "scared to death" Obama will be elected. Even though he has been forced to downsize from two houses to one, even though his son in laws brokerage business has been devastated he is worried about Obama. What could Obama do to him that George, and the Republicans have not already perfected. Mrs. Goat also spoke to me. She was still sure there is some sort of terrorist conspiracy behind Obama. Even though I personally took Mrs. Goat to the sources of the lies, Mrs Goat is sure Obama is pallin around with terrorist. If Satan were a Republican the Goats would vote for him over Jesus. I think Jeeesus was palin around with twelve terrorist according to urban legends in Hazen, that would be the rumor if Jeesus was running as a Democrat. Of course sharing has now been relabeled socialism.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Stuck in the Past
The saddest thing in this election are the people stuck in the past. The people who cannot bring themselves to go forward. After the ultimate failure of Republican stupidity it is so sad to see people still willing to give it another try.
One thing that is being marched out at the last moment is the old abortion jazz. As I have said before if the Republicans really wanted to do anything about abortion, they clearly could have when they controlled everything, but they want to be able to march it out like they have in the last few days to bring the faithful in line. It is like old faithful for the terminally stupid.
One thing that is being marched out at the last moment is the old abortion jazz. As I have said before if the Republicans really wanted to do anything about abortion, they clearly could have when they controlled everything, but they want to be able to march it out like they have in the last few days to bring the faithful in line. It is like old faithful for the terminally stupid.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Education just confuses people
No one ever summed up the Republican position better than my neighbor when he told me "Education just confuses people". He could have added it also makes people very uncomfortable. Recently I tried to engage several old right wing friends in a dialogue about the merits of Barrack Obama, versus McCain. When they could not respond with logic, and knew the only bastion they had was emotions, they ran like chickens in the barnyard. My daughter and I both were inspired by Colin Powell. In a country that purports religious freedom, we have a party that is making it shameful to be a Muslim. We have a party that is encouraging hate and fear. I think it is time to take a stand when people like McCain and Palin put out a message that make Muslim children feel they are not part of the American dream. McCain and Palin want to make it clear "He is not like us". McCain had a Freudian slip when he called Obama "That one" in the debate. That remark said it all. No matter how hard they try nothing seems to stick. First he was a terrorist, next a socialist, and now a communist. When the government paves the way for money to go to corporations it is just good economic decision making. But when government sends the money to the working man it is evil socialism
Monday, October 20, 2008
See the video of our big cement pour
Minnkota Video Click on this link to see the concrete pour at Minnkota which kept me up all night. This was the biggest continous concrete pour in the United States in the last ten years.
Socialism, the new scare word, will it work
Socialism is the new buzz word McCain has pulled out is Socialism. Here we go, next lets move to calling Obama a communist. No one seems to mind socialism when the wealth is redistributed to the rich.
Rich, Racist, Republican, Guns, Gays, God
Fox News or F*** News
Fox News is such sorrowful propaganda it is beyond belief. Calling itself news is the first major misrepresentation. The poor people on that show have had so much shot out from under them they just don't know which way to spin. Dealing with Colin Powell and Sara Palin. What can they do? Yesterday they did a half hour show trying to imply Obama was part of the weather underground. They are hopelessly nuts. Anyone who cannot see thru their game would have a great time in Nazi Germany. Nothing adds up on that channel. When they use Rush Limbaugh to dis Colin Powell the spin is so obvious, and their hopeless state is so evident. When you have to use Rush Limbaugh as a source you are hurting.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Danced, and peed my pants
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

William F. Buckly's son has split with the far right and endorsed Obama. Buckly blast Bush. This is like the Devil endorsing Jesus. Below is part of a Washington Post article.
In that piece, Buckley said that he has known McCain since 1982 and once wrote a speech for him but that the senator has changed, airing "mean-spirited and pointless" attack ads and -- "What on earth can he have been thinking?" -- picking Sarah Palin as his running mate. While the result was "genuinely saddening" and even "tragic" for the country, Buckley wrote, he had concluded that Obama has a "first-class temperament and a first-class intellect" and could be a great president. That is, "assuming anyone gives a fig" about his views.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Banking nit wit
Yesterday, the good Lord Kadizzle attended Judge's retraining in Bismarck. A sorrowful mousy man of a banker made the comment that yesterdays gain in the stock market was the largest ever. I pointed out to the nit wit that it would have to happen every day for a week for us to get back to normal. Imagine a ship that sinks and goes aground on a reef. The ship half fills with water. The tide goes out and the water level in the ship goes down. Now some idiot says the ship is repairing itself. My hat is off to this simple minded Republican banker who can't see the forest for the trees.
Perhaps the tide has turned.
The high school students in Beulah the small town to the west of us have split evenly on a mock vote for president. The dingers seem to be awakening. After being hit with an economic 2 x 4 it seems like the dunder heads are starting to see the light. The worst knuckle heads on the planet, the North Dakota knuckle heads seem to be coming around. If you look at the stock market and cannot see Bush written all over the mess you don't have a chance of ever becoming conscious. The dream of all dreams may come true, the Red state of North Dakota could get blood to the brain and activity may be detected at the poles. Probably just a dream, but hope springs eternal
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Sarah Palin doesn't read, but if you do read this
The New York Times has some dyanmite editorials today. you can see them on line. Be careful education just confuses people, perhaps that is why Sara stays away from that stuff, but if like to use your head "For more than a hat rack", as my mother used to say, read it and have a good time.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Republicans myth busted
Anyone who still thinks the Republican myth of welfare for the rich still works please call. For years Lord Kadizzle has been saying you cannot run an economy where one percent of the population gets 33 percent of the income. The chickens have come home to roost. If you still believe in this Republican trickle down disaster call me I want to know who the hard core idiots are. The total nonsense promoted by Bush ect has now fully exposed itself. This country had a surplus when Bush came into office. Please, please, tell me how you are going to blame this on anyone else. Now, McNasty tells us he is going to continue the tax cuts for the rich! Are we insane?
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
We need "That One"

McCain showed his colors last night when he called Obama "That One"'. I cannot believe anyone with a functioning mind could not see the clear intellectual superiority of Obama in the debate, but remember, Sara Palin has made using your mind a bad thing. Remember those Eastern intellectuals. As my old Republican friend up the street says "Education just confuses people". The McCain camp seems to now be using secret race innuendos. McCain showed his meanest possible side and may as well have said "That N word". What a scum, and what would you expect from someone who would chose Palin?
Sunday, October 05, 2008
The Real McCain
Either Rolling Stone is quite a liar, or this is an amazing tale. You got to read Make Believe Maverick
This blows the lid off the McCain nonsense.
This blows the lid off the McCain nonsense.
Are we a country of idiots?

The Sarah Palin phenomenon has done more to destroy my faith in our country than anything I have experienced in my adult life. That such a simple minded person could be chosen to run for the vice presidency, and the fact that so many people could be taken in by this ploy has made me doubt what Americans read, what kind of education they have, and confirms how easily Americans can be sold a bill of goods. At one time I might have been able to rationalize voting for John McCain, however the fact that he has chosen Sarah Palin to run with him has totally shocked me about his desperation to win office. McCain could have chosen from a wide range of people such as Bloomberg, or even the Morman. Choosing a total nitwit to engage the NASCAR, Joe Six Pack, Hockey Mom, bunch is incomprehensible. If you are considering voting for McCain please let me know something about how your mind works. I wake up everyday feeling like I am on another planet that has a far greater population of uneducated than I ever believed in my worst nightmare. The percentage of people that still think Iraq attacked the World Trade Center is the benchmark for American Stupidity. I think the last survey said forty percent of Americans believe it was Iraq that attacked us. I like to think 28 percent of Americans are hard core stupid. We could live with that number, but I fear the number is far greater. Out of curiosity I try to ask a lot of people who they are going to vote for. Every time I deal with a McCain supporter I ask "Why?" Each time I get a blank stare and no answer. The number of prejudiced people is amazing. They cannot say it out right, but they make a strong hint they cannot vote for a black person. The classic was a fundamentalist friend who said at my kitchen table, "I could not vote for a black or a woman for president', and this man claims to be a hard core Christian. For eight years we have lived with another total idiot as president, a man who cannot speak the language, a man incapable of telling the truth, and a man who has destroyed the American economy at the same time he has wasted countless American lives. If we risk the possibility that an even worse mental disaster like Sarah Palin could become president, who should we blame. I suggest we blame the people who failed to speak out as the train heads toward disaster. There were people in Germany who saw Hitler for what he was, and remained silent. If the disaster occurs, and we have the ultimate embarrassment for vice president, and old McCain goes south from cancer, I will send you this email again. I spoke out before we elected the last idiot, and it did no good, but I am willing to give it another try.
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Fox spin beyond belief with Palin
Sarah Palin thought the supreme court was a food court when she was talking to Katie Couric. Now, they pumped that moron full of supreme court cases and sent her to Fox news to recite her vast knowledge. A week ago she did not know ONE supreme court case she disagreed with, and now magically she can reel them off. If this doesn't expose her and Fox News as the biggest pile of crap, give me a break.
Friday, October 03, 2008
A "Shout out for Sara Palin"
What an idiot! Did you see the debate? How could anyone with a brain want someone to be president that cannot answer a question to save her life. This woman is hopeless and an embarrassment to women. Lets have a "Shout out" for anyone impressed by this sorrowful Mrs. Joe six pack, who as my wife pointed out is a fundy. A fundy promoting Joe six pack?
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Palin is an idiot, plain and simple

How easily people can fall for a ditzy airhead is amazing. Oh! she is so cute, love the glasses, but she is an idiot. How could anyone take a chance on her becoming president? Walking about on the planet I have asked many people who they are going to vote for. It is amazing the number of people who say McCain, but when I ask why they look with a blank stare. Are they afraid of black people? All they can answer with it, "It just feels like I should". Everyday I wake up and it feels like I should eat, but I shouldn't. The dumbing down of our county is beyond belief.
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