Sunday, September 14, 2008
I am sold on idiocy
My emotions have taken over and I am going to vote for the woman with the neat glasses. Anyone who can shoot a moose, can surely defend me from a liberal that wants to take my gun, my Bible, and force my children to learn about sex. Voting emotionally is great, you just let yourself get scared, and the rest is downhill. Emotional voting involves no reading, no thinking, and all you have to do is get a few urban legends from your friends that are dumber than you are and the rest is down hill. Bush is my kind of guy, he talks like a bubba, and runs the country like a bubba. He is a guy I can relate to. Palin is the best bubbett a NASCAR husband could have. One thing I learned in school is that those people who read a lot and study complicated issues just make it hard on the rest of us. Palin is the kind of gal who can protect us from those people who make their decisions based on research. We all know there is no global warming, and Sarah knows it to. Just because people are educated doesn't mean they know anything. They never shot a moose or ran a small town. McCain is an old guy, but he has the neatest cheerleader ever, Obama just has that Biden guy, and we all know Biden never shot a moose or ran a small town, besides there is nothing spiffy about him. We all need to band together and vote for the first cute vice-president ever. Lets show the world we are not going to be fooled by science, liberal journalist, and reality peddlers. It is time to stand up against intellectualism, and vote with the way you feel. If it looks good, it probably is, thats all the farther you need to go. Don't let the left wing liberals trick you into reading stuff that may confuse you. If it seems right it is right
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Politics is making me sick

As I see the imbeciles in our country swallowing the Republican nonsense it makes me sick. Palin was just on the nightly news, what a crock of shit. She was interviewed and failed to give an answer to anything. It was so obvious she was spitting out party lines she had memorized. The Republicans are going to get away with it. They will pull out the old guns, gays, and god, jazz and add to it Sarah Palin with the spiffy glasses, and every num-nutted idiot in the country will say, "Lets give it a try". This is the party that has raped the country and destroyed our future, and they are going to use the same pathetic trick to do it again. The dumbing down of our country is beyond my belief. Anyone who can read and do math could find out how the middle class has suffered under the welfare for the rich economy Bush has developed, and McCain has assured us he will continue. To walk amongst breathing humans and have them say they are going to fall for the same trick for the third time is unbearable. What does it take to make people see the fallacy of Republican thinking. We now have the highest national debt ever, inflation, thousands dead in the wrong country, and real wages gone backwards by twelve percent. Millionaires are doing better than ever, and the average working person just can't figure it our. By scaring the simple minded one more time Bush, I mean McCain will win again. Sickening, just plain vanilla sickening.
Monday, September 01, 2008
Meg and Kim Lake Sakakawea
Megan and her friend from Texas, now New York City went on the bikini cruise.
Megan and Kim hit the water
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