Friday, May 30, 2008
Lord Kadizzle Song writer
Lord Kadizzle often sings in the shower, or will just burst out with a song for no reason. Yesterday it happened again, Lauren heard one of Lord Kadizzles songs on the radio. Utah Phillips died, and NPR did a spot on his life. The song Halaluya I am a Bum was sung in the background. Through the years Lauren only heard the song when she heard me sing it. Last night she told me about the story, and her amazement that my song was on NPR. Little did she know I did not write the obscure song. She knows now. Years ago the same thing happened with my kids. I sang in the shower all the time and the kids thought I was making the songs up. Sometimes I did, but most of the time it was not my songs. Like Lauren they were amazed to find my songs made it on the radio, and cropped up in unusual places. At first they told their little friends "My Dad wrote that song", then quickly they started to figure out, it just ain't so. Lord Kadizzle was proud when he got credit for many of Bob Dylans songs, and he wrote quite a few of Janus Joplin's.
Modern Technology
Yesterday his lordship was wandering around the job site when he happened upon the surveyor and his helper. They were setting a pin for something. With todays technology the surveyor only has to touch the head of a finishing nail in the top of a wooden stake to get it's exact location and elevation within a thousandth of an inch. It is amazing technology. A tripod set up over a hundred feet away is reflecting light back and forth to a prism, and the rest is history. So many task can now be done by one person for locating elevation and all the other measurements that used to take at least two people and considerably more time with less accuracy. Now just about every elevation comes from a laser tripod sitting somewhere nearby. Being a generalist Lord Kadizzle was reading a coal publication yesterday. The publication was speculating on how coal haul trucks would soon be self guided. A mine in Australia may be set up by the Japanese that will use GPS technology to drive the haul trucks remotely. The day may come when people sit in an office and drive a three hundred ton truck located a thousand miles away.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
A Man from the past

Yesterday Lord Kadizzle ran into a hill billy. The foot hills and hallars of West Virgina, and Ohio contain a special breed of hill billies. A common announcement on the radio was a plea for help for someone who "got burnt out". Translation, the trailer burnt down. It all started when the young escapee from the hills introduced himself. Some where in the conversation the fellow mentioned he had no drivers license. Asked how he lost it, he explained how he had a gun pulled on him by a drug dealer. The drug dealer was mad because he was selling drugs to some of his customers. Needing to make a quick exit he hit the other fellows car on the way out. His vehicle must have picked up some red paint in the process. When the police stopped him and asked him to explain the dent, my hill billy friend explained that he had hit a deer. The patrolman asked him if the deer was painted red. After five days in jail he began his trip west with his schizophrenic uncle. His mission was to become a union bolt twisster. Somehow they ended up in Montana a shot an Elk. No decent hill billy would buy a license to shoot an elk. I forgot to ask that obvious question, but from the sound of it they were living on elk meat every day. In Montana his uncle threw the cell phone out the window because he thought it was a bomb.
As our conversation went on I realized his life was just one disaster after another, but that was pretty much what he expected. His father died in his forties from a methadone patch that somehow killed him. Now it looks like a lawsuit will result in millions for his clan. The cash will do them good because according to my new found friend growing dope was getting to be just too much of a hassle. With the new found wealth they plan to replace the houseboat featured above with a newer model.
Pop Over to Pook's blog
Megan is having a great time in Paris. If you want the full scoop pop over to pooks blog
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Making the World Safe for Democracy

Back in the old days during the Vietnam war someone came up with the phrase "Making the world safe for democracy". Somehow killing peasants in Vietnam was making the world safe for democracy. The phrase is inspirational, so Lord Kadizzle often thinks of it as his mission in life. Once you undertake the mission you realize how big it is. Making the world safe for democracy involves a lot. Sometimes it comes down to cutting he grass, taking out the garbage, and many other mundane task. So as Lord Kadizzle trudges off to work today, he will be "Making the world safe for democracy". We do need clean power plants to make the world safe for democracy, so the first thing he will do today is work a little on building a new exhaust pipe for the power plant at Stanton. Who knows what else will be involved in this constant struggle to take the country back from the Republicans and restore democracy?
Monday, May 26, 2008
The Day ahead

Lord Kadizzle's psyhciatist is asleep with his wife and child in the basement. His lordship is beginning to wonder if mental illness is contagious. Rather than cure his lordship, the psychiatrist is starting to act more like him. Today if the weather cooperates the Kadizzles, and the rest of the crew will go to the lake to launch the good doctors sailboat. It does not look like a good day for a sail so far. The good ship Sovereign is still sitting on the hard as they say. At the rate things are going it will be one of the latest launches ever.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Model Man and Meg going to Paris tonight
Meg's boyfriend is taking her to Paris on a modeling job tonight. So old Meg will be in gay Pari
Frightening supply of Idiots uncovered

Last night Lord Kadizzle sat in his chair, and tried to nap. In the background the book channel was on. The author being interviewed had infiltrated Rev Hagee's church. It was not hard to do, but the simple minded nature of the people that attend is unbelievable. The author was sent to a special camp to get indoctrinated. At the camp everyone was given a baggie to throw up into. You were supposed to puke up the devil. The pukers were told not to pray to God while they were puking, because the devil would not come past their mouth if God were in it. The author will be interviewed again today at six. The most frightening part of the interview was when the author explained how these people think about politics. They are simply told what to think, and how to vote. There is not questioning.
From Politics and Prose bookstore in Washington D.C., Matt Taibbi, contributing editor to Rolling Stone magazine, explores the political landscape of post-9/11 America in "The Great Derangement: A Terrifying True Story of War, Politics, and Religion at the Twilight of the American Empire." Mr. Taibbi presents his thoughts on the war in Iraq, the machinations of Congress, the 9/11 truth movement and his time as a chruchgoer. Matt Taibbi discusses his book with David Corn, Washington bureau chief for Mother Jones magazine. Following the taping of After Words, Matt Taibbi and David Corn took questions from the audience at Politics and Prose bookstore
Spring finally forced into back yard
Saturday, May 24, 2008
The Commander is Madder than Hell and isn't going to take it anymore

Wow, The Commander read an article int the New York Times yesterday dealing with how money evaporates in Iraq and she ain't happy. The article details how billions have evaporated in Iraq. Checks have been written out "Pay to the order of Iraq", for billions. The Commander is so pissed she is threatening to withhold taxes. No problem, if she is willing to go to jail, but you know it will be his Lordship. It will take years for people to realize the total mess Bush has made. There is no question in my mind he is the absolute worst president that will ever occupy the White House. If you want to raise your blood pressure read the article. If you need to hear a loud noise call The Commander and ask her about how we account for money spent in Iraq. The biggest terrorist that has done the most damage to this country, is named George, and he lives in a cave in Texas.
Geoge Bush does it in his own Nest

Driving to work yesterday, Lord Kadizzle realized how his life would be impacted by inflation. If he works for six months, gets paid well, and saves every penny, he will be right back where he started. How does this work? George Bush, and his do nothing policies have resulted in terrible inflation. Take your net worth, and figure what an extra two or three percent of inflation would do to it. Yup, you quickly realize just one more aspect of the mess George has made. Because our wonderful president has failed to address any problem during his last eight years, things are simply out of control. This in and of itself is terrible, but you have to add in all then negative things the idiot has done, like the war, the tax breaks, and so on. History will show no president ever wrecked economic havoc on the country like the current fool, and he did it all by doing nothing. Pure genius.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Baby Powder very dangerous

Lord Kadizzle has worked on industrial sites for around thirty years, everything from coal mines to power plants. A big deal the government has instituted is informing workers of chemical hazards. Lord Kadizzle has never had a problem, nor really seen an employee have a problem, but yesterday this all changed. His lordship went in an office trailer to talk to someone. His eyes began to water, and his sinus began to plug up. It almost looked like he would have to walk outside. When his lordship got back to his office he told the secretary about the experience. She said she also had the reaction in that trailer. She said a woman there liked to spray baby powder to make the place smell nice.
The reaction lasted all night and is still bad this morning. My nose has run like Niagara falls, and I have never been so plugged up in my life. I can still barely function. Whatever was in that baby powder concoction is the worst chemical exposure I have ever had.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
If up were down you could not go much higher
Guest Editorial by Wolfgang Mack,
OK, here we go, Wolfgang Mack, is David Mack's father. David is Amanda Butcher's husband. Bill Butcher is my sailing buddy. Wolfgang wrote the following letter to the Seattle Times. Lord Kadizzle strongly agrees with the entire letter, except as you might expect his lordship is not a McCain fan. Although McCain is right on this one.
John McCain's courageous advocacy for nuclear power (Seattle Times, May
14 2008) ran into the usual barrage of opposition, based on the
prejudice against anything "nuclear". The fact is that here in the
United States we are operating almost 100 nuclear power plants with a
remarkable safety record over the last 30 years, not to mention the
hundreds of nuclear power plants in the rest of the world. Even the
much heralded Three Mile Island accident has not cost one single life,
and in the more than three decades since its occurrence, we yet have to
detect any adverse health consequences. Sure, there was Chernobyl but
that accident was more a failure of the Soviet system, not something
inherent in nuclear power generation.
The critics say that nuclear power plants are too expensive and take
too much time to build. Let's face it: the cost of nuclear power plants
has been inflated largely by inordinate construction delays caused by
unrelenting "interveners" who simply object to nuclear power without
regard to the facts. And in the shop-worn argument about nuclear waste
disposal we should not confuse radioactive waste from nuclear weapons
plants (high level waste, like from Hanford)
with low level wastes from nuclear power plants. These have been
dealt with safely all over the world for decades with well proven
disposal techniques.
Is nuclear power entirely risk-free? Of course not, but in comparison
with other ways of electric power generation, it is remarkably safe. In
assessing nuclear risks, we forget the huge cost in human health and
lives of coal mining, the economic and political disaster of our oil
dependency, and the grave carbon dioxide
("greenhouse") pollution. Balancing our needs for energy and the
associated cost leads to non-carbon technologies. Nuclear is perhaps
the most realistic solution.
Wolfgang Mack
1301 Spring Street
Seattle WA 98104
John McCain's courageous advocacy for nuclear power (Seattle Times, May
14 2008) ran into the usual barrage of opposition, based on the
prejudice against anything "nuclear". The fact is that here in the
United States we are operating almost 100 nuclear power plants with a
remarkable safety record over the last 30 years, not to mention the
hundreds of nuclear power plants in the rest of the world. Even the
much heralded Three Mile Island accident has not cost one single life,
and in the more than three decades since its occurrence, we yet have to
detect any adverse health consequences. Sure, there was Chernobyl but
that accident was more a failure of the Soviet system, not something
inherent in nuclear power generation.
The critics say that nuclear power plants are too expensive and take
too much time to build. Let's face it: the cost of nuclear power plants
has been inflated largely by inordinate construction delays caused by
unrelenting "interveners" who simply object to nuclear power without
regard to the facts. And in the shop-worn argument about nuclear waste
disposal we should not confuse radioactive waste from nuclear weapons
plants (high level waste, like from Hanford)
with low level wastes from nuclear power plants. These have been
dealt with safely all over the world for decades with well proven
disposal techniques.
Is nuclear power entirely risk-free? Of course not, but in comparison
with other ways of electric power generation, it is remarkably safe. In
assessing nuclear risks, we forget the huge cost in human health and
lives of coal mining, the economic and political disaster of our oil
dependency, and the grave carbon dioxide
("greenhouse") pollution. Balancing our needs for energy and the
associated cost leads to non-carbon technologies. Nuclear is perhaps
the most realistic solution.
Wolfgang Mack
1301 Spring Street
Seattle WA 98104
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Eat with a loser, only five thousand dollars
My older brother always gets invitations to big Republican fund raisers. He just forwarded me the invitation. For five thousand dollars he can eat with George Bush. The two of them will be at McDonalds sharing fries as the poor employees spit on their hamburgers. Who in their right mind would want to eat with the loser. The Republicans are advising anyone running to distance themselves from the idiot. So if you see someone that looks like they could be related to me eating with the president, it aint me babe, its my brother, he still believes in miracles.
1,400 Yards of Concrete to pour today.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Lets get serious or you will get no desert
Read the article LETS GET SERIOUS or you will get no desert. If you want an "A" in the Kadizzle course, this is a must read. Herbert hit the reality nail on the head.
I could not find a way to turn my head that did not hurt
I beat the sun up. My damn sinuses hurt so bad I have to get up. Day two in the life of an employed man. Yesterday the wind blew so damn hard everyone wanted to go home. The job did shut down a little early. Working beside a coal pile left everyone looking like underground coal miners. Lord Kadizzle came home took a shower, and proceeded to recover from the tragic shock of work. When The Commander came home for the inspection she mentioned the dirt in Lord Kadizzles ears. Apparently he had missed some scrubbing. After using some wet wipes the ears were clean. The wet wipes looked like carbon paper when he was done.
Yesterday Lord Kadizzle had a conversation with an old safety guy on the job site about the spiraling hopelessness of coal fired plants. The cleaner you want them the more megawatts you use to clean the exhaust. The more megawatts the more pollution you create, and of course the whole damn process becomes more inefficient. The plant we are working on is one of the older ones in the area, so it is like putting a new exhaust pipe on a model T, and hoping to end up with a Prius.
The type of safety work Lord Kadizzle is now engaged in is somewhat different from his traditional lines of work. Rebar placement is a new thing. Yesterday his lordship had his first try at walking out on to this mess. It is like learning to walk on a ship. The opportunities to step through the mess and bust the royal jewels are endless. It is amazing the guys who do this do not all have very high voices.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Nine Year Vacation ends in two hours
After nine years of freedom his lordship will re-enter the workforce shortly. Thank you Jesus for only five months. With the current global warming crisis Lord Kadizzle is going to do his part to help construct the new scrubber at the power plant. Ideally the scrubber will produce cleaner exhaust from the power plant, so we can all breath easy. If it were only that simple. His lordship doesn't exactly work. His work is watching others work, and making sure they do not get injured, or worse yet killed. That can ruin your day. It is like adult kindergarden. Now Johnny, don't hit Billy with that crane. So today Lord Kadizzle becomes an officer, a safety officer that is.
A Moral Obligation
It is four thirty in the A.M. and Lord Kadizzle is trying to clear his head to the point he can come back from the dead. The Commander speculates the sanding on the royal yacht caused the sinus attack, but the head feels like a compressor. Todays reading assignment is as usual the New York Times. The article relates to what piglets Americans are. We throw out 27 percent of the edible food in this country. Read and ponder.
We waste energy like no other group on the planet, and it is killing us from every direction. But it is our god given right, and god is on our side after all, so enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.
We waste energy like no other group on the planet, and it is killing us from every direction. But it is our god given right, and god is on our side after all, so enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.
Friday, May 16, 2008
If up were down, you could not get much higher

One of the things that scares Lord Kadizzle the most is an encounter with living, breathing, voting people, that have some of the most convoluted thinking imaginable. The scariest part are the number of these people. A while back the neighbor lady came down all upset about Obama refusing to salute the flag. The number of people blaming the current economic mess on Clinton after eight years of Bush. The guys at the coffee shop feasting on urban legends. The good Christian lady at the library who thinks it is ok to own slaves if you treat them nice. The good Christians that told me yesterday morality has noting to do with Christianity.
It is a scary fact that the same people who Hitler sold a bill of goods are still wandering around in abundant supply waiting to be manipulated. Fear sells like hot cakes, Bush has proven that. Mix fear with stupidity and you have an explosive mixture. Just turn on your television, or radio. The fact that there is a Rush Limbaugh, and a Fox News should scare the hell out of anyone that attended school beyond the eight grade.
McCain tears Bush new bung hole

Read this one in the NYT today. McCain and all the other Republicans have realized the only way to stand a prayer is to distance themselves from Bush. McCain gave a speech yesterday that clearly indicated what a disaster Bush has been. Basically he promised not to be like George Bush. The whole Republican party is jumping ship together, I just hope there are some alligators in the water.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Worst Possible News

Lord Kadizzle has been practicing getting up in the morning to see if he could actually have a job. The practice paid off. Today the bad news came. Lord Kadizzle will report for work on Monday. Bush economics cornered Lord Kadizzle and now he will have to resume his former job of harassing people, and getting paid for it. Lord Kadizzle working ten hour days? How did he get this job? That is what the owner of the company wanted to know. Apparently the neighbor got tired of seeing Lord Kadizzle wandering aimlessly in the yard. Neighbor Craig circled a help wanted job and gave it to The Commander. Between the two of them his lordship got sold down the river. After a ten year vacation, it looks like his lordship will be employed until November. With the new found wealth he will have to spend tonight thinking of prizes to buy. The commander says no prizes until a pay check actually shows up. The local power plant is doing a major addition so his lordship will help make the country safe from foreign oil. We are going to produce clean energy from coal. That is the equivalent of non alcoholics whiskey. This may ruin the summer, but with a little luck we will make up for it in the winter.
Meg featured in fashion web site
I caught it from Ed

My friend Ed cannot stand George Bush. If he comes on the television, Ed will just get up and leave the room. Lord Kadizzle has apparently caught the same affliction. George just came on the television giving a speech to the parliament of Israel. The television had to go off. The man is such an embarrassment to our country. Today the NYT has an article about how top Republican leaders have told any Republican running in the fall to distance themselves from Bush. He is like a plague. Seeing the man confirms all that is wrong with our country, and gives one a sense of helplessness. Knowing we have a hard core of stupid people that support the man makes progress seem impossible. Although it seems like a small number 25% of our voting population has not yet awoken to the fact the man is an idiot. Add that number to the mildly stupid, and we could end up with another Bush presidency that has a McCain face on it. It is like watching a bad weather report or a disaster in some underdeveloped country. I am not a big fan of ignoring reality, but when Bush comes on television I choose to escape into another world where people read, think, and actually plan for the future.
Boat Launching Time

Yesterday Pat's boat went in. That makes four of the fleet. Today Andrew will go in. The lake is not making much progress in rising. Hopefully some water will come down the Missouri from Montana. Supposedly the snowpack is a little better than the past few years, but he Corp of Engineers seems to hate us. Even with high water problems further down stream they will not hold water back to raise our lake.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Snoocher Bear has summit in Portugal with Old Man Fran

After the worst imaginable flight problems the Colorado Snoocher Bear made it to the Beach in Portugal with Old Man Fran. Erin did not get to sleep for 36 hours, that is why her eyes are closed in this picture, she is actually asleep. Fran is traveling on to Tokyo and coming home from the other direction. This will be Fran's second or third trip around the world in the last year. After Erin got some sleep they had a good time, and sampled some fine port. Hopefully they brought some home for his lordship. Fran's plane ticket originally cost $14,000, but by meeting Erin for the beach vacation, they were able to cut the cost to $7,000. Which you can see made the little summit worthwhile.
Bush may defeat Lord Kadizzle

Poor old Lord Kadizzle will go for a job interview at 1:00 today. If Lord Kadizzle gets the job it will be a victory for his arch enemy George Bush. Bush has done everything in his power to ruin the economy. Bush has forced many people to postpone retirement. Lord Kadizzle sees a prolonged recession, and a few extra bucks will not hurt. The travel industry is as good as dead with gas prices, and the rippling effects of high gas prices are going to get everyone except Bush's rich friends. Of course many of the knuckle heads in North Dakota will probably vote Republican again. The term slow learner has a special meaning in this state. Bush has created a world wide economic mess that will take years if ever to dig out from under. By doing what he does best, nothing, the country has no energy policy, no health care policy, and no real economic policy. Those in the fog have the audacity to say we just need to cheer up and be positive, according to them it is all in our head. Global warming doesn't really exist, even though McCain has finally admitted it.
Sitting in my kitchen at six in the morning realizing in a few days I could be at work at this time a day is a scarry thought. If his lordship gets the job it will last until November. That is perfect, because in November I will vote for Satan, before I vote for a Republican. My work will be done, and the cloud of this Bush mess will slowly lift. Hope will return to American, and may we never see such a worthless, self serving fool enter the White House again. If you voted for him you are forgiven, but if you didn't learn anything you will go where he should go.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Brain Weevils

Lord Kadizzle has been plagued with brain weevils for many years. Once a female brain weevil crawls in your ear and nest there is no cure. Brain weevils are very similar to termites. Yesterday Lord Kadizzle bought some decongestant, thinking it would deprive the weevils of moisture, and perhaps slow them down or kill them, but waking up this morning the head still feels full of pressure from the weevil droppings. When people tell Lord Kadizzle he is full of #$%^ they are basically correct, but it is weevil droppings. The weevils are mainly active at night. During the day in a upright position the head can drain. Lately the pressure from the weevils has been so bad, his lordship has been getting up early. Coffee has just the opposite effect of the weevils. It puts them to sleep. So here I am up early getting coffee for the weevils.
Everything has been tried to kill these weevils. Primarily they live in the sinuses. The other day his lordship got the brilliant idea of just shooting some listerine up his nose to douse the little bastards. Well it was like shaking hands with Jesus. All it did was make them drunk, and gave them good breath. Yes, they have bad breath, which gets blamed on his lordship. If anyone has a cure please write in.
Either Modern Jesus or Megan's Super Hero
Monday, May 12, 2008
When nobody hates you, no body knows your alive

There are some great song writers, but what makes the greatest are lyrics and quality music. Chris Smithers has become one of my favorites. If you are looking for some good music bound to please, he is you man. John Prine is my hero, given some time I think Smithers could catch up. If you get one of his albums, I am too lazy to find the name of it, but it has Cold Trail Blues, and Leave the Light On. In fact Leave the Light on may be the title. I like the line When nobody hates you, nobody knows you're alive. I don't have that problem.
It's gettin' edgy, time to find a war
There must be somethin' worth fightin' for
Peace is so peaceful, it ain't a way to survive
When nobody hates you, nobody knows you're alive
We got the guns, we got the oilmen too
They're like a choir, they wanna sing for you
Wham! Bam! Slip slidin' away
The less you got, the more you gonna pay
You want it, you'll get it
We got what you need
You ain't got to sweat it
We gonna make you bleed
We got some freedom, we got the iPod store
We got the savior, you couldn't ask for more
Take it or leave it, it's the deal of the day
And if you leave it, you get it anyway
You want it, you'll get it
We got what you need
You ain't got to sweat it
We gonna make you bleed
Get your coat on, you ain't supposed to laugh
This ain't a joke it's an epitaph
t's the rise and the fall, that's the name of the game
It's the land of the free, the blind leadin' the lame
It's the land of the free, the blind leadin' the lame
Iraq wants Democrats to win in U. S.
A CNN reporter just returning from Iraq announced as Lord Kadizzle had his coffee, that she interviewed college students in Iraq, they want a Democrat to win in the U.S. How ungrateful, after Bush brought them their freedom, and a wonderful war, now they will not even support McCain.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Crossing the line
There are certain key moments in your life when you know you have made a transition. Yesterday, The Commander got her Lazy Boy recliner. Most people can see the sun setting when this momentous landmark occurrs. For Commander to have a Lazy Boy, that isn't named Mike is an oxymoron. The Commander will be one of the few people whos obituary reads "She suffered her entire life from hyperactivity", she was jogging when she died.
Lord Kadizzle crossed the line a while back, he got a grabber. A graber is an extension of you arm that enables you to pick things up without bending over. So now the Kadizzles have a Lazy Boy, are using a grabber, and also have reading glasses strewn throuhout the house.
Bill Maher Psychologically Analyzes President Bush
Go on Youtube and watch this man. Erin has been trying to get me to watch him, but you don't get to see him without HBO. Find the one with Chris Rock, you will pee your pants laughing.
New Rules: A Religious Test with Bill Maher
Take the time to watch this and think about the next election. Lord Kadizzle is a Rationalist
It Could Happen

Looking out the window, the day looks like it might shape up pretty nice. Now Lord Kadizzle realizes The Commander may hop out of bed and decide we are going to attack the Little Missouri. The real task is to finish getting the big boat ready for the lake, but it we get caught up in a canoe trip down the Little Missour, it will be an all day affair, with lots of driving and shuffling canoes.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Snow in May?
The Kadizzles have lived in North Dakota since 1976. One reason Lord Kadizzle is a firm believer in Global Warming is the weather he has experienced in North Dakota. Something sure has changed. There used to be three of four real blizzards every winter. We used to cross country ski. Rain used to fall from the sky. No more. Gradually things are getting warmer, and warmer, and dryer and dryer. The lake has been going down for ten years. The same lake that used to freeze three feet thick, and now barely freezes at all. According to The Commander the seasons are shifting. She may be right. Fall seems to go on much longer. I remember hunting in a T shirt in January. Spring seems to be late getting here.
Every time we make a visit to Denver, or Phoenix the smog is amazing. You wonder don't these people notice. The answer is NO. It happened little by little, so they did not notice.They moved there for the clean air. Did they forget? May 10th and it snowed last night? Hmmmm, something has changed.
Friday, May 09, 2008
It Don't Hurt to Ask
A few lessons in life are quite simple. Back in the old days Lord Kadizzle spent many hours riding around the Glenharold mine with the Operations supervisor. Duane had some simple philosophies that worked. One thing Duane taught Lord Kadizzle was "It don't hurt to ask". Put into practice what can be accomplished with this is incredible. The things that are available simply for asking are astounding. Lord Kadizzle had a rental car for three days free in Florida, cubic yards of cement have been poured for Lord Kadizzle free. All you have to do is ask. Yesterday was a classic. Lord Kadizzle walked down the street from city hall about a week ago with the brilliant idea to ask the water board for some money. Lord Kadizzle wants to build some docks in Hazen Bay. Yesterday The Commander and Lord Kadizzle put together a letter for the water board. The Commander presented the letter at 1:30, at 4:00 the Water Board presented her with a check for $3,000 and said another $3,000 was on the way. It don't hurt to ask.
One note on the asking and getting. You must be fair. Almost without exception you can pay back the giver. In just about every case there is an opportunity to do something equally beneficial for the giver. A simple example with free concrete will suffice. The concrete truck driver usually has the problem of disposing of his excess concrete. By asking for and using it, you have solved part of his problem. His next problem is that he has to clean out the truck. This means he needs a place to dump a watery mixture of concrete. You provide him with that place. When he is done, you place a cold six pack of beer in his hand, and more than likely the next time you need a little concrete, it will be obtainable. I cannot begin to list the valuable things people have done for the asking. People in general are nice, generous, and willing to help. I try to live by the pay it forward method, and it has worked out very well.
Without fail when you enter into one of these ventures someone will tell you " Your wasting your time, that will never happen". First remember what you have invested, nothing. My daughter who learned from her dad got that comment when she started her venture. Her mortgage broker told Erin she was wasting her time talking to the bank president. Erin's phone call netted her a 2% reduction in her mortgage. "It don't hurt to ask".
One note on the asking and getting. You must be fair. Almost without exception you can pay back the giver. In just about every case there is an opportunity to do something equally beneficial for the giver. A simple example with free concrete will suffice. The concrete truck driver usually has the problem of disposing of his excess concrete. By asking for and using it, you have solved part of his problem. His next problem is that he has to clean out the truck. This means he needs a place to dump a watery mixture of concrete. You provide him with that place. When he is done, you place a cold six pack of beer in his hand, and more than likely the next time you need a little concrete, it will be obtainable. I cannot begin to list the valuable things people have done for the asking. People in general are nice, generous, and willing to help. I try to live by the pay it forward method, and it has worked out very well.
Without fail when you enter into one of these ventures someone will tell you " Your wasting your time, that will never happen". First remember what you have invested, nothing. My daughter who learned from her dad got that comment when she started her venture. Her mortgage broker told Erin she was wasting her time talking to the bank president. Erin's phone call netted her a 2% reduction in her mortgage. "It don't hurt to ask".
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Ray gets it done

Ray Kerns gets more done in his sleep than I do all day awake. Here he is standing beside his second work of art. These canoes are too pretty to use, but Ray plans on going down the Little Missouri in these masterpieces. I hope Ray does not undertake a space flight, believe me he will do it, at half the cost of NASA, and more than likely it will involve a fiberglass space shuttle made from trees he cut on his own property.
I have asked Ray to make me a coffin similar to one of his canoes. He agreed to do it if he could inlay a hazardous waste symbol in ivory on the side.
The Symbols of All that is Wrong in this Country

Rush Limbaugh is the poster child for all that is wrong in America. No other person personifies the piggish self serving politics of the right better than this drug dazed idiot. The fact that he has a following shows more than anything how Nazi Germany came about. If he has a son, it would be Bill O'Rielly. If he had a daughter it would be Ann Coulter. If you could make a new Mount Rush More out of dung, and put these three on it, it would be a true symbol of all that is wrong with our country.
YOU don't appriciate The Erie Canal

Lord Kadizzle spent a large portion of his life in the mining industry. Mining inherently involves moving large quantities of material, such as dirt. However, it was always done with big equipment. Yesterday her ladyship, The Commander, got a bug up a certain orifice that she HAD to have some dirt, immediately. Lord Kadizzle could see no way to dissuade her, so off to get dirt we went. With the neighbors little trailer we backed up to a huge dirt pile, and turned on the Mexican backhoes. Three trips later The Commander finally settled down. Now she had some dirt to play with.
This little project made old Lord Kadizzle realize the immensity of projects like the first railroads, the canals, and so many other things people used to do by hand. It was total insanity, yet they did it. The way people used to work is something I don't think people in this age can comprehend. I would guess at best we moved perhaps a cubic yard of material. This little project took about an hour. Most of the draglines around here move 120 cubic yard a minute. So it would take the Kadizzles three forty hour weeks to move what a dragline does in a minute.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
How much damage can one man do? or What you can do by doing nothing

Tom Friedman fires off a good one in the NYT today. Thanks to the supreme idiot, my esteemed president, freedom has declined all over the world. A very good case could be made that Bush single handily created more problems for more people than anyone who has lived in modern times.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Shop at Easy Ken's

My poor friend Ken has a terrible addiction to garage sales. This is real, and it is a serious disability. Ken just risked his life driving through a terrible storm to get his fix. The Hazen city wide garage sale was Saturday, Ken needed a fix and he was going to get here. It is not unusual for Ken to visit hundreds of garage sales in one weekend. When he finds a bargain, it is like hitting on a slot machine. You can actually put orders in with Ken. In the fall when Ken goes south to Arizona, you just tell Ken what you want. This year I ordered a hydraulic jack. To show how these addictions can spiral out of control let me digress. Ken found a trailer for sale in AZ. Now Ken suddenly had the goal of filling the trailer with previously owned items from garage sales and brining it back to North Dakota. Currently Ken is faced with selling the trailer, and everything in it.
Back to the story. Yesterday Ken called and told Lord Kadizzle to come get his jack. It not that simple with Ken. Like a used car salesmen, he wants to jack up the price with add ons. So when his lordship arrived at the junkatorium, of course there were numerous useful items. Suffice it to say his lordship came home with a birdhouse, a set of drill bits, a grabber, and an electric sander. All for twenty five dollars. This was a bad enough transfer of garbauche as the French would say, but then The Commander shows up. The fumes of bargains quickly overcame her, and now we end up bringing home precious stones, and six sprinklers.
As I told Ken, I would rather have a drug dealer for a neighbor than a garage sale dealer. Ken has a sideline to the garbausche business. Ken gathers buckets of North Dakota flint, which is basically worthless in North Dakota, and trades it to the flint nappers in AZ. There is little question in my mind Ken will be buried in a coffin from a garage sale. There will not be a gate when Ken gets to Heaven, just a big garage door.
The Check is in the mail

Wow, an economic miracle will soon hit the country everyone will get the big check from the government. Nothing could symbolize our countries idiocy better than this silliness. Our government, which I think is us, borrows money from China, and gives it to us, to help us. Something strange about all this. It is very much like going to the bank to borrow money to pay off your credit card. Is there anyone so stupid that would call this progress? Now, what do we do with the money we borrowed from ourself. Some people are going to pay off debt. So we increase national debt to pay off personal debt. I am thinking about buying lottery tickets, it is just as simple minded as the whole scheme was in the first place. Many pundits have pointed out that a lot of this money will be spent at Wal Mart, which is now a distribution system for China. So the economy that gets stimulated is China's not ours. Virtually every American has seen a $1,200 dollar increase in gas prices. The reality is that if the check does anything, it brings you back to neutral. Reality says that you cannot borrow money from yourself to pay yourself. Are we really that stupid. YES
Monday, May 05, 2008
The Commander does not waste time
Had The Commander been present when God made the Earth, it would have been done in two or three days, and God would have needed the rest on the seventh day after The Commander had been bossing him around. Like a fireball she shot out the door into the garden around 6:45 A.M. Sprinklers were going, dirt was flying, and seeds were shooting into the ground. While Lord Kadizzle was stumbling around waiting for his coffee fix to bring him to life, fireball was jumping around in the garden. It wasn't long before poor old Lord Kadizzle was commanded to get his royal cushion out and move some sand. The sand was specially imported from Stanton to grow the turnips. If we get a good crop perhaps we can get enough for a truckload and actually be able to fall off the turnip truck.
Moma didn't raise no fool. Knowing the whip would be cracking and lightening bolts would be plentiful if The Commander came in and saw his lordship plunked in front of the computer, his lordship took some precautionary measures. Quickly he did the dishes, cleaned off the counters, and did a half job of making the bed. The Commander has not yet come in, but she could at any moment kick the door down, and throw a stun grenade into the kitchen, if she is not happy with Lord Kaddizzle. Pray for me.
Gravity Dust
Being the physicist he is Lord Kadizzle is always exploring the universe. If you have been a faithful, and longtime reader of this blog you may recall discussions on gravity waves. These are the waves that knock you onto the couch and cause snore naps.
Lately Lord Kadizzle has been feeling tired and a bit worn down. Lord Kadizzle suspects he may have inhaled gravity dust. Modern science tells us there are places in the cosmos where matter is so dense that something the size of a BB would weigh forty or fifty tons. Now imagine if that BB got ground into dust. What if you inhaled the dust or otherwise ingested it? You would feel heavy, old, and fat. Surely this is what happened to his lordship. For some strange reason coffee seems to temporarily offset the effect of gravity dust. Yesterday his lordship was sanding the boat all day. Needless to say he did not wear a mask. This could be how he inhaled the gravity dust.
Medical research seems to indicate gravity dust will accumulate in the ambition gland. For years Lord Kadizzle has suffered from a plugged ambition gland. As we all know dust settles. Recent findings seem to indicate this is why people who have inhaled gravity dust settle. Settling is a symptom. People may settle in front of the television, a computer, or even settle in bed. Rays apparently cause the settling, warm rays from the sun, the rays from a computer, or television. One of the saddest things about the victims of gravity dust is that they are often mistaken for fat, lazy people with no ambition. The next time you see someone in this condition don't berate them, offer to cut their grass, or go get them a sandwich from the kitchen, remember it is not their fault.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
This takes a minute or two, but it may explain how we end up with mindless conformity in this country. The physics of this is very interesting.
The Sailing Season is just about here
Home Work Assignment Tom Friedman
Be sure to read Tom Friedman's article in the NYT today. The article is titled Lost Greatness
Its a good slap in the face and a wake up call we desperately need.
Its a good slap in the face and a wake up call we desperately need.
Saturday, May 03, 2008
McCain admits, it is all about oil
The big buzz on the news yesterday was that McCain said straight out, the Iraq was is about oil. Did anyone buy the party line "We just wanted to bring these guys a little freedom"? The part that sends flames out my rectum is the fact that old George Bush said the war would be paid for with oil revenue. What happened to that game? Iraq now has thirty billion in the bank from guess what? Oil Revenue. Who is being paid back for the freedom party?
Friday, May 02, 2008
Today's Question: How many horsepower in a megawatt?

The wind blew all night last night. The house groaned at times from the heavy wind loads. Lying in bed unable to sleep the brain, what little is left, needed something to ponder. Over near the town of Center we now have a new wind farm. Most of the windmills are about 1.5 megawatts. The blades probably sweep an area of one hundred fifty feet or more. How much horsepower is one of these machines drawing from the air,or more precisely wind? If no one proposes an answer, Lord Kadizzle will result to a google search. My curiosity got the best of me so I looked it up. There are about 1,350 horsepower in a megawatt. So that means each of those machines is drawing about two thousand horsepower from the area it sweeps. Of course the machine is not one hundred percent efficient, so that means there is actually more horsepower there. So it might be fair to say there is the equivalent of a three thousand horsepower fan blowing across our yard while I lay in bed unable to sleep. Just did more homework. A German physicist calculated a wind turbine at best can only get sisty percent of power from air, therefore I need to revise my estimate of the power running across our yard to a higher number. Six thousand horsepower now seems reasonable. Translate that into a oil driven system, and multiply that times three fifty per gallon, and you are talking some big bucks blowing all over the yard. If my car runs on a gallon an hour and produces one hundred horsepower, then the wind going through my yard must be worth about eighteen hundred dollars per hour. This is just a mental calculation, and could be way off.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
He Won, He is the Worst President Ever, Beats out Nixon
A Bunch of Quinn kids

Click on the picture to enlarge and see a bunch of Lord Kadizzles siblings. Now remember there were nine of us. Patty, and Colin must have been too little to be here for the shoot. Lord Kadizzle is almost sure this picture was taken in Ohio at an apple orchard. My brother Tom worked there and he is to my right. Used to get the absolute best apple cider from there. Try to guess which one was his lordship. If you have been following this blog the poster is from a series my sister is doing on our old neighborhood.
The Tipping Point, When teenagers quit spending

Little hints are popping up everywhere. Almost every major country in the world is suffering from inflation. The economy of the world and the U.S. is starting to sour. Normally when things go bad it is attributed to just one component of the economy, but the current mess seems unique. Americans have been spending 103 percent of what they make. To do this they have borrowed from their homes. Now the chickens are coming home to roost. Add the oil problem to the food, and inflation problem, and you have no simple way out. On a worldwide basis the problem stems from the same thing. All the money has gone to the top. Some would argue that is what brought on the depression of 1929. To get things going money had to be put back in the hands of the common people. Bush and his tax structure have made the situation as bad as it could possibly be. Based on Lord Kadizzles reading, the next major set of economic figures are going to be shockers. One thing that has been reported is that teenagers have quit spending. Imagine that. Has there ever been a recession before when the young felt it? It is going to take a little time for gas prices to trickle through the supply chain and effect everything in a bad way. The world is going to be fighting over resources. The saddest thing is that we have had the most do nothing president ever. Bush has done nothing positive for eight years, and certainly has done plenty in the wrong direction. We are going to pay in a bad way for his lack of leadership. I hope I am wrong, for once it would make me delighted.
Maybe Reverend Wright did go too far, but here is some history
An email from Lord Kadizzles liberal sister has forced him to re-examine the Rev Wright story. In retrospect, and looking at it from a different angle, Wright may be a bit more than obsessed with himself. The sad thing will be if he helps put a Republican in office. My sister said he went off the deep end with the HIV comment, he probably did, however it is interesting to see where he was coming from. Often we think some things our government would not stoop to. However, the recent water boarding supported by Bush can make you do a lot of questioning. Here is what happen to a bunch of black men, and this is what got Reverend Wright headed down the road to paranoia.
The Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male[1] also known as the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, Pelkola Syphilis Study, Public Health Service Syphilis Study or the Tuskegee Experiments was a clinical study, conducted between 1932 and 1972 in Tuskegee, Alabama, in which 399 (plus 201 control group without syphilis) poor — and mostly illiterate — African American sharecroppers were used as subjects to observe the natural progression of syphilis without medicine.
This study became very notorious because it was conducted without due care to its subjects, and led to major changes in how patients are protected in clinical studies. Individuals enrolled in the Tuskegee Syphilis Study did not give informed consent and were not informed of their diagnosis; instead they were told they had "bad blood" and could receive free medical treatment, rides to the clinic, meals and burial insurance in case of death in return for participating.[2]
In 1932, when the study started, standard treatments for syphilis were toxic, dangerous, and of questionable effectiveness. Part of the original goal of the study was to determine if patients were better off not being treated with these toxic remedies.
By 1947 penicillin had become the standard treatment for syphilis. Prior to this discovery, syphilis frequently led to a chronic, painful and fatal multisystem disease. Rather than treat all syphilitic subjects with penicillin and close the study, or split off a control group for testing penicillin; the Tuskegee scientists withheld penicillin and information about penicillin, purely to continue to study how the disease spreads and kills. Participants were also prevented from accessing syphilis treatment programs that were available to other people in the area. The study continued until 1972, when a leak to the press resulted in its termination.
The Tuskegee Syphilis Study, cited as "arguably the most infamous biomedical research study in U.S. history",[3] led to the 1979 Belmont Report, the establishment of the National Human Investigation Board, and the requirement for establishment of Institutional Review Boards.
The Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male[1] also known as the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, Pelkola Syphilis Study, Public Health Service Syphilis Study or the Tuskegee Experiments was a clinical study, conducted between 1932 and 1972 in Tuskegee, Alabama, in which 399 (plus 201 control group without syphilis) poor — and mostly illiterate — African American sharecroppers were used as subjects to observe the natural progression of syphilis without medicine.
This study became very notorious because it was conducted without due care to its subjects, and led to major changes in how patients are protected in clinical studies. Individuals enrolled in the Tuskegee Syphilis Study did not give informed consent and were not informed of their diagnosis; instead they were told they had "bad blood" and could receive free medical treatment, rides to the clinic, meals and burial insurance in case of death in return for participating.[2]
In 1932, when the study started, standard treatments for syphilis were toxic, dangerous, and of questionable effectiveness. Part of the original goal of the study was to determine if patients were better off not being treated with these toxic remedies.
By 1947 penicillin had become the standard treatment for syphilis. Prior to this discovery, syphilis frequently led to a chronic, painful and fatal multisystem disease. Rather than treat all syphilitic subjects with penicillin and close the study, or split off a control group for testing penicillin; the Tuskegee scientists withheld penicillin and information about penicillin, purely to continue to study how the disease spreads and kills. Participants were also prevented from accessing syphilis treatment programs that were available to other people in the area. The study continued until 1972, when a leak to the press resulted in its termination.
The Tuskegee Syphilis Study, cited as "arguably the most infamous biomedical research study in U.S. history",[3] led to the 1979 Belmont Report, the establishment of the National Human Investigation Board, and the requirement for establishment of Institutional Review Boards.
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