Monday, December 31, 2007
Visiting the Looni Bin
Be Sure to read Tom Krugman in NYT today
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Free Rice?

Over the holidays a good friend told Lord Kadizzle about a site called Free Rice. On the site you take a vocablulary test. For every try you make free rice is donated to poor people in third world countries. People who like scrabble and other word smiths will enjoy putting themselves to the test. The site is sponsored by The United Nations.
Mission Accomplished, P Day a failure?

Today, Lord Kadizzle knows just how Bush must have felt when he was forced to invade the wrong country. We were denied access to the land, where the pheasants were holed up. Just like Bush has not been able to go into Pakistan to get Osama, we were denied entrance to the hideout. So we did what Bush did, attacked the wrong country. Of course our results were just like Bush's, no pheasants. Lord Kadizzle wanted to stand in the back of the pickup truck and give a victory speech just like Bush did on the air craft carrier, but he resisted the temptation.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
P Day

A major offensive is planned today against the cacklers (pheasants). Just as Al Quida, has taken refuge in Pakistan, the pheasants have a massive sanctuary south of town. If the farmer will let our troops onto the property we may be able to launch a major winter offensive. We know they are there in great numbers. As the plan now stands we will be using our best intelligence technology. (two dogs, with super noses). Osama Ben Pheasant can hide his troops as if they have vanished in thin air. Our plan will be committed to paper, and we will use the pincer movement perfected by the Germans. The slightest failure to execute this procedure could result in leakage of enemy troops into the adjoining fields covered with grass. Like Bush we are not committing enough troops and resources to get the job done correctly. If insurgents come in from adjoining fields, we will welcome the chance to make martyrs out of them. As has been mentioned before, these devious fundamentalist have defeated our advanced technology before by making us waste countless resources. If we can drive the Chinese Ringneck Pheasant from our country, the native population of grouse can life their traditional live of peace. Although we have walked every field in the county and found nothing our intelligence indicates the ringnecks have weapons of mass destruction.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Stratford Springs by Kate Quinn

This article is written by my sister Kate, and goes with the post below. This resort at one time existed close to the home I grew up in. This is the spring that cured our family of chohexia in the blog post that follows this one.
My interest in the Stratford Hotel began as a young girl. It was there I played hooky from piano lessons, picked wildflowers and earned my Girl Scout trailblazing badge.
One day I found silverware and shards of plates that said “Stratford Springs Hotel” on them. I have since discovered that the china used at the hotel was made by Homer Laughlin China, but their records were lost in a fire so they were unable to tell me anything about the china. But I never lost my interest in the hotel, whose grandeur and mystery has intrigued me to this day.
The hotel was built in 1903 on what is now Edgewood Street in Woodsdale. The former owner of the land was aware of the many springs on the property and had sold the waters that he bottled himself. At that time, going to “take the waters” was a very sociable thing for society to do and many resorts had grown up around mineral springs. This is how Saratoga Springs in New York State got its start and later Greenbrier in the Southern part of West Virginia. The Greenbrier was not yet a year-round resort and difficult to get to and Saratoga was not centrally located enough, so the Stratford became a real drawing card for society to gather and imbibe in the brisk, sparkling, and acidulous waters from the springs.
West Virginia has a large percentage of the 250 mineral springs found in the United States and reputed to have medicinal properties. Among other ailments they propose to cure anemia, chlorosis, dyspepsia, chronic cachexiae, gout, diabetes, leucorrhoea, and chronic diarrhea. They increase the appetite, improve digestion, give increased cardiac action, and improve the quality of the blood, particularly in anemic individuals. It is also claimed that they prevent kidney and gall stones, help a sluggish liver, and cure hemorrhoids, rheumatism, and syphilis, but their most important curative power was in their ability to regulate moods. In this they were the equal of the best of European springs at Vichy (France) and Seltzer (Germany).
None of the many springs at Stratford were thermal springs. They maintained a constant temperature of 55 degree Fahrenheit year round, so to get their benefit one had to drink this bubbly concoction daily. The springs were naturally carbonated, so this was the “soda water” of the day.
When completed in 1907, the hotel was a block long and three stories high with 84 rooms, a spacious lobby, two dining rooms, several sweeping verandas, three sun parlors, a tennis court, pool, and a billiard parlor. Modern conveniences included a telepho9ne in each room and a power plant for electricity generation on the site.
The dining room seated 300 and the meals were elegant. A six-course meal costs $0.75 and the Assembly hall served for conferences and conventions and was used as a ballroom.
The sitting room or sun parlor was a particular favorite of patrons. The hotel described it as follows:
“Sitting in the beautiful Sun Parlor, one is struck by the color of the windows as the shadows of twilight begin to fall. Whether it be a reflection of the surrounding hills, or just some unexplained phenomenon for the contemplation of science, the windows take on a deep blue tinge, and fill the room with a soft and soothing radiance, like the light of dreamland.”
The Stratford Hotel was the site of dancing lessons, bridge clubs, luncheons, dinners, and numerous other social occasions. There was even a luncheon for the WVU football team. But it was most famous for its masked balls usually held twice a year at Easter and Christmas. Young society women acted as the hostesses at these “living kaleidoscopes” and the ball began with a procession at 9pm when the charge d’affairs ushered the patronesses into the dining room followed by the guests. The ballroom glittered with magnificent decorations appropriate to the season and only the best orchestras were contracted.
The local gentry soon decided tat living at the hotel during the winter was cheaper and easier than keeping a staff and heating their mansions. The rates were $12.50 to $15 per week for a suite or $3 per day. Meals were served and many of the occupants brought their own furnishings from home.
The Wheeling Intelligencer, “The Stratford was beautifully located near the foot of Woodlawn hill and nestled in a perfect bower of trees and shrubbery that made it a beautifully cool and sequestered spot during the sultry days of midsummer. The hotel was abundantly supplied with sweeping verandahs its whole length and sides, together with roomy sun-parlors admirably adapted for living room purposes during the winter months.” Since so many out-of-towners stayed at the hotel, this was also an ideal place for society debs to meet future mates.
In the early hours of the morning on January 13th, 1918a spark from a gasoline engine in the ice department set waste nearby on fire and spread to ammonia tanks causing them to explode. The fire quickly spread to a nearby linen storage room and was soon out of control.
The wind was blowing strongly from the West and since the fire started in the northeast corner of the hotel, the flames had to struggle against the brisk wind, which prevented the conflagration from moving more quickly against the all-wooden structure. Fire departments from Woodsdale, Edgewood, and Wheeling responded with pumper trucks, but as the night was so cold, the water soon froze over the structure making a “toboggan slide of the front porch” which enabled the firefighters to slide grand pianos, safes, ornate mirrors, velvet couches, precious rugs, and patrons down the slippery slope.
The residents of Woodsdale took the bedraggled guest, most in their nightclothes and bare feet into their homes and provided warm drinks for the firefighters. The flames were bright enough to be seen in downtown Wheeling that night, but no lives were lost. The next morning’s paper reported the locations of all of the guests most of whom had moved to other hotels in the city.
The building was underinsured and was a total loss. It was never re-built because of increased building costs. The total loss in property, furnishings, and personal property of the guests was estimated at $150,000. There were 125 guests at the time of the fire.
The Stratford Springs Hotel, the grand dame of the turn of the century resorts, was sorely missed by the social set of Wheeling. Its history as a “pillar of beauty” should be remembered.
Family Saved from chronic cachexiae

This morning I read an article from sister Kate, who often writes historical articles for the local historical press in my home town of Wheeling, West Virginia. Her article dealt with a famous resort that once existed within blocks of our house. The resort was based on a spring that had curative effects. As a child I remember drinking from what was left of that spring. I am sure most of my family also drank from the spring. Kate noted in the article that the spring was known to cure chronic cachexiae. Reading the article, I wondered "What in the hell is chronic cachexiae?". It turns out chronic cachexiae causes people to waste away and become anemic. If you saw my entire family side by side you would know we were all cured by the spring. I often wondered why we all had no problem putting on weight and keeping it on. Now, I have found that we were all cured accidentally of chronic cachexiae. This may prove to be one of those rare diseases that the cure is worse than the disease. Like most of my family I have been fighting the cure for years. Unfortunately the cure for the cure involves excercise, and a diet consisting of empty bowls and water.
War on Terrorist Likely to Continue in Hazen

Although a lot of people do not see the threat from the Chinese invaders in our area, Lord Kadizzle, and The Commander take the threat seriously. These Chinese work under cover throughout the county, under the cover of brush, CPR, and often corn or sunflowers. They are a sneaky bunch. Even though the males wear the bright red suits of Chairman Mao, you can often drive right by them while they eat the agricultural products of our farmers. While we have high tech weapons like radios, and semi-automatic shotguns, these guys with brains smaller than golf balls can run us in circles and force us to wear ourselves out in hopeless pursuit. Just as their brethren escape into Pakistan, these deviant purveyors of forien ideology often run or fly onto posted land. Although the farmers who post the land claim they are friendly to our cause they are harboring the red Chinese. Remember these are the same Chinese that are filling Wal Marts with cheap goods and putting American workers in danger. God set aside America for Americans. Pheasants are Chinese, grouse are American, Turkeys are American, and by God Lord Kadizzle is an American. Just like the minute men on the Mexican Border who sacrifice their time to protect us from Mexicans, Lord Kadizzle and The Commander are our almost every day beating back the Chinese invasion. Today may involve maneuvers South of Hazen to keep these invaders at bay.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
The Mother of all Jukeboxes

For the last two days Lord Kadizzle has been working on the royal music collection, which now numbers over forty thousand songs. Modern technology means all this music can be stored on a hard drive. To play all the music would take over two or three months. In the course of loading the Ipod many new songs have been found. The entire collection might weigh a mere two pounds. Contrast this to Duke's collection. Duke is the development director for Hazen. Duke collects music the old fashioned way. In his basement there are probably close to ten tons of records. This may seem unbelievable, but Lord Kadizzled hauled about a ton and a half to the basement himself. Duke asked for help moving a collection form Bismarck. It took two and a half pickup loads. This was just a small portion of what he has. Duke has no clue what is in his collection. If his house ever catches on fire, it will be the biggest toxic incident in Mercer county, and take days to put out.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
When God Made Me
Maybe God does not discriminate
Was he thinking about my country,
or the colour of my skin?
Was he thinking about my religion,
and the way I worshipped him?
Did he create just me in his image,
or every living thing?
When God made me.
When God made me.
Was he planning only for believers,
or for those who just had faith?
Did he envision all wars
that were fought in his name?
Did he say there was only one way
to be close to him?
When God made me.
When God made me.
Did he give me the gift of love
to say who I could choose?
When God made me.
When God made me.
When God made me.
Did he give me the gift of voice
so some could silence me?
Did he give me the gift of vision
not knowing what I might see?
Did he give me the gift of compassion
to help my fellow man?
When God made me.
Wall Street gives itself 32 Billion in Bonus while middle class goes nowhere
Friday, December 21, 2007
Keith Olbermann's Special Comment 12/6/07
If you believe in George Bush, you do not have the guts to watch this. If you do, tell me where it is wrong to win a prize.
You need to watch this is you have an once of doubt about what water boarding is. I love Oberman, he tells it like it is.
Ray Stops by with Assistant
Ray stopped by on this snowy morning with his assistant Janey. Many people think Ben Franklin was a genius of sorts, but if you have done your homework you would know that a mouse lived in Ben Franklin's whig, and hat. The mouse actually was the genius and whispered ideas in Ben's ear. Lord Kadizzle suspects the same is true for Ray, Janey is the knowledgeable one. Think about it, Ray does all the work, and Janey live the life of ease. Now tell me who is the smartest?
Bill Maher on 'Elite,' Pat Robertson U., and the Bush Admin.
Stumbled across this, you have to watch it. I hate Pat Robertson, he is the biggest fraud not in jail. Bill Maher cuts Bush to shreds, it is funny, watch it.
Worn our from Pheasant Hunting
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Angels Landing

While the commander sleeps Lord Kadizzle got caught up in surfing youtube. He came across some videos of one of our favorite hikes. Megan and Erin will appreciate the footage. It is probably the best hike you can take in two hours. The last part where you go out to the pinnacle is the most treacherous. I am always surprised they even let the public do it. While watching the videos, I came across one that was made last year when The Commander and Lord Kadizzle made the hike. It was amazing that these people were pushing this guy up the mountain in a wheelchair. You could never appreciate what these people did unless you have made the hike. I could not believe they were actually running up hill pushing him, and pulling him. If you decide to watch the videos, go to the bottom one first, and work your way to the top. We had a lot of fun kidding Erin when we went up because she was not quite up to the final assault. In our family you have to earn your Angels landing pin. I don't recall if Erin ever earned the pin. Don't miss this hike if you ever get the chance. We have done it three or four times, and it is well worth it.
Angels Landing - the bridge
In this spot the trail is about four feet wide, with a fall of over a thousand feet on each side
2007 Zion Angels Landing National Park
Nice Pictures, but I am not sure these people went to the top
Zion NP Angels Landing
Cissie and I were on the trail the day they took this person up in a wheel chair
Maybe There is Hope
The Family That Bloggs Together
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Christmas for Hungry Man, and maybe Hungry Woman

About four years ago we stumbled across a good hunting spot. A peculiar elder couple lives on a farm far south of Hazen. They seem to be the poorest people I have found in the whole county. I would guess they are in their late eighties, yet they still work hard and raise a few cattle. There home looks like something out of a fairy tale. It is a small two room shack, heated by coal. There is no door knob, just a piece of string through the hole where the knob should be. You could easily assume the whole place was abandoned. The first time I met hungry man I asked if we could hunt, graciously he gave us permission. I asked him if he would like to have some pheasants if we got any. When we dropped off the birds later in the day I could see they were very happy to get the meat. Ever since then I have always left them pheasants when I hunt there or I am in the area. They are very reclusive, and often will not answer the door. In order to leave the birds for them so the cats don't get them I have to hang the birds from the little porch in front of the house by bailer twine. Today I was lucky to see Mr. Hungry out in the farm yard when we got near. I was able to give him four pair of socks we carry to give farmers that let us hunt and four pheasants. I could tell he was pleased and it was the best Christmas present I have been able to give in a long time. There must be a good story about this couple that have stayed together alone in the middle of no where for years. Every time I see them I wonder, how did this couple come to be. When I drove up he was tattered and torn doing something with his fence. To keep himself warm he had bailer twine wrapped around his middle to keep his coat tight. Many times we see the two together out in the field moving bales with the old pickup truck. Was there a time when this was a handsome young man, and she was his dream? Did they ever know they would spend the end of their days by themselves alone miles from anyone, working day by day, side by side? Everyone has their own definition of contentment, and happyness, perhaps these people are richer than any of us because they have learned to be happy with what they have.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
The Wave and Coyote Buttes North
We were here last year, hope to go back this year. Some of the most amazing rock formations you will ever find
Meat on the Table

The Commander and Lord Kadizzle had a wonderful hunt today. Until the Commander shoots her first bird she can be a little grumpy. The weather was perfect, and we got our limit of birds. The Commander ran across a dead coyote caught in a snare. I told the farmer who was letting us hunt. I was surprised how upset and excited he got. He jumped in his truck and said he had to check it out. The Commander talked to him for a moment, and his demeanor changed. When she came back to our truck she said he had misunderstood and though it was a cow caught in the snare. She set him strait.
Life in the other half of a Paralel Universe

Lord Kadizzle woke up this morning in a different universe. This one has cold mornings and it stays that way all day. Back in Hazen time seems to stand still. The trip across the Eastern plains of Colorado, and Nebraska are almost like a trip through space. Everything that was left over building the planet is stored there.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Don't Mess with May
Before we left Cottonwood we had to say goodbye to May. May is my oldest girlfriend, she is 83. May is sharp, and knows how to handle things. She lives in a nice neighborhood, but as circumstance would have it some drug dealers moved in next to her. Of course May became friends with them and whenever she needed a task done, she did not hesitate to have them over to perform work for her. They have since had to move on. Lord Kadizzle asked May if she had a car. "Heaven's no " she replied " We got too many old people on the road now". May is one of the few old people with any sense in this regard. "Besides" she said "When I did drive I was too wild". May went on to relate that she drove pretty much the way she wanted, but if someone pissed her off, she "Pulled the hood". "What are you talking about?", I asked. May then explained if anyone behind her was rude, she would just pull the hood latch in traffic and get out and raise the hood, so the rude person behind her would be trapped. She would pretend to have car trouble just to increase their frustration. Knowing May, I could see her doing this, so I had to agree it was a good thing when she gave up her car.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Limon Colorado

After driving 12 hours we are sitting at a hotel in Limon, Colorado. The last hundred miles or so were on the Santa Fe trail. It was eerie driving along before dusk thinking about all the pioneers that came that way. At noon we stopped at a wonderful little Mexican Resturant, it was the real deal, it was near Villaneuva a little Mexican town that happens to be in New Mexico. The place is located where no one but locals could patronize it. We had beef and cheese burritos, with green chili, and a side dish of whistle beans. Tonight we should hear the serenade from the whistle beans. Up early and back to Hazen tomorrow. We both need to see professional help and find out why we went back.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
The Home Dingers

Growing up in Wheeling, West Virginia, Lord Kadizzle went to school with a lot of orphan children. The orphanage pictured above happened to be located in a very well to do neighborhood full of mansions. As one of nine children Lord Kadizzle had the protection of a tribe. If you harmed one Quinn child, you could be subject to the wrath of nine of them. There was only one tribe more fearsome, it was the Homedingers as we called them. Those kids were smart enough to form a union. Most of them were tough enough on their own to kick a lot of butt. I was a pretty tough kid in my time, but Gary Caldwell from the orphanage always was nearby to tune me up if needed. He was the only kid on the playground I had to respect. The homedingers were in our scout troup and a lot of them were nice kids. Some of them had mental problems. Once I recall one of them stabbing me with a hand full of darts on the wrist. Most homedingers were a grade or two behind, so that meant the were extra big for the class they were in, one more reason to give them a wide berth. I always felt sorry for the poor home kids as the were politely called. They forced those poor kids to go to Sunday school, which was a fate worse than death. Only once did I ever know of any of them getting adopted. I am not sure what happened to the place. God bless the homedingers.
Heading back to the Dakotas

The executive committee has been puzzling for days on the Kadizzle schedule. Since the Quinn family is planning a mini reunion in Cottonwood during the latter part of February it seems propitious to return to North Dakota, then come back and meet up with Suzie, Louise, Melissa, and Bob. If we do that plan we will be able to spend some time with Melissa and Bob over in the Death Valley area early next year. So we may be able to squeeze in a little pheasant hunting in Hazen. If there is no major change we will be back in Hazen late Monday.
Checked the Superior Site
Yesterday we made the trek to the Superior site and checked the pot in the creek bed. What is left of the pot is doing fine. After checking the pot site we went up on the hill and looked over the pueblo site. As always it is amazing how many people actually lived in this area. An abundance of pot shards was everywhere. Also there were many examples of the rock they were using for arrows, and other sharp objects.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Was it a sign?

Indians believed animals had messages and were part of the spirit world. This morning The Commander saw a coyote within 50 feet of our little abode. Among the Indians the coyote was referred to as the trickster. What was he up to? He wandered off into the forest and has gone about his day. Today's mission will be to go to a site where a pot is sticking out of the side of a creek bed. This pot is a good example of the dilemma one faces with artifacts. Ned found the pot awhile back. It was a very nice specimen. Ned reported it to the archaeologist. Before the pot could be recovered properly, the creek rose and broke it in half. The pace that the government moves means a lot of artifacts are needlessly lost. Hopefully we will be able to see the other half of the pot still in the creek bank.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Excellent Article about Religion in Politics
The Pious Atheist

Yesterday the commander talked to a good friend. They discussed the silly nonsense in the Bismarck Tribune about "The Letter from Hell". Our friend described himself as a pious atheist. We both loved the description. Doing my morning homework it occurs to me the Republicans may have painted themselves into a corner by pandering to the religious right. With Mitt and Huckabee trying to out Jesus each other people are bound to see how silly this stuff is, I hope. One of Mitt's biggest problems is that people may wake up and actually read something about the Mormon Church. If you want a good book, and a real eye opener read "Under The Banner of Heaven" by John Krakaur. Mormonism is a well documented fraud, and the book makes it clear. One of the best parts of the book describes how the Mormons almost castrated their founder because he wanted to promote polygamy. Joseph Smiths own wife thought he was a fraud. The story about how Joseph made up the book of Mormon is hilarious. Joseph put up a blanket in the kitchen to shield his neighbor from seeing him as he translated the tablets. His wife got pissed with the nonsense, and burnt up the transcription the neighbor was taking. Joseph got mad at his wife and she said "It should be no problem, you have the tablets, and all you have to do it read them again". They both knew he was just making it up and the second try would not be the same as the first. Another historical account in the book covers the massacre of people on a wagon train by the Mormons. The Mormons tried to blame it on the Indians, and when that didn't work they got Lee to be the fall guy. Lee led the massacre at the direction of Joseph Smith. Lee was told by the church to hide a Lee's ferry. Named after him. The Kadizzles have camped there. Lee got caught and executed, and the Mormons did nothing to save him. The Mormons killed everyone on the wagon train over the age of twelve. Of course this was God's plan. This is not something Lord Kadizzle is making up. Go to the Library and you will find every bit of it documented.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Make me Puke
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
The Price of Boredom

My eldest daughter the Snoocher Bear just finished a phone conversation with me. She read some to the replies to "The Letter from Hell", in the Bismarck Tribune. On line you can see comments to articles in the Tribune. When fundamentalist topics come up and I get bored (because we are trapped in the rain) I cannot resist seeing the ongoing battle with the fundies in the paper. How these people manage to live and still be so devoid of logic is unbelievable. The scary part is how many of them are walking around among us. Of course I throw in some comments myself. Erin fairly accurately can pick out what I wrote, however there are a few other people who also must have my exact mindset, because they had her fooled. My greatest fear for our country is hard core conservatives, and hard core fundamentalist. The combination is like bomb material for fundamental freedoms. The way our country is headed toward a religious theocracy disturbs me. I always felt that it was inevitable that society would go forward, but seeing the way we have chosen presidents scares me. The fact that the religious litmus test is being applied so heavily in the current election process portends nothing but bad things.
Monday, December 10, 2007
The World Box

The Commander and Lord Kadizzle are having a heated argument, about his lordships idea for a World Box. What in the hell is a World Box? Lord Kadizzle believes a box could be designed with modern technology that would enable some poor person in the third world to live at a higher level, with less impact on the environment. Since the Kadizzles are living in the RV version of a world box, the thought comes naturally. How could you make this box cheaper, and more self sufficient? If the box had no wheels and did not sit on a trailer frame, the cost would drop. If both the interior wall and exterior wall were fiber glass that cold all be molded, the cost should drop. Many sail boats are made this way. The beds, seats, and almost everything else is just part of the mold. Now to power. If the box was powered by wind and solar our poor third world friend could probably have light, ventilation, and a few other modern amenities. Since there is a move afoot to provide all third world people a laptop for under a hundred dollars the box dweller could have access to the internet. Heat, waste, and water would need careful thought. Most third world water problems can be solved with fairly inexpensive filters. Some sort of self composting toilet would need to be built into the box. The whole thought exercise would be to build a box a person could live in for minimal real cost, and minimal impact on the environment, and minimal use of materials. NASA has gone to great lengths to do this in space. How hard would it be to do it on Earth. Ideally the box would be either the size of a cargo ship shipping container, or half that size. This would enable the homes to be shipped with current technology, at minimum cost. When you think of the horrendous amount we spend to develop war materials it seem sad that we have never put the same effort into affordable third world housing. The disease, pollution, and other negative impacts the third world inflicts on the planet in large part stem from poor housing. By providing poor people with good housing we are in the end helping ourselves by saving our planet.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Get Yourself A Copper Kettle
Back in the hills of West Virginia we used to sing "Get yourself a copper kettle, get yourself a copper coil, get yourself some new made corn mash, and never more will ye toil". Today we stopped at a winery that had some very nice table tops and counter tops made from copper. First it is acid etched, then burnt with a torch, and then coated with lacquer. It would be tempting to make one of these counter tops.
Mission Number One a Failure
Today's Goofy Ideas
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Ned finds evidence to Geronimo's Gold

First read this story, then as Paul Harvey says, I will tell you the rest of the story.
During the late 1800's southern Arizona was a hot and hostile land. Tombstone had some of histories worst bad men. Also, in that same region there was some of America's most feared Indians. One, being the famous apache leader Geronimo. He was being forced to move his band to the San Carlos reservation. He and a small group escaped and stole horses and made a long ride to Fort Verde.(This is near where the Kadizzles are camped) Riding some 70 miles a day, they killed and ate their own horses to survive. While camping in the forest, Geronimo came upon a small band of renegade soldiers smelting gold in the hills some 3-5 miles from the Fort. Watching this day by day he learned the gold smelting process and the value of this yellow metal. Geronimo and his men proceeded to kill the miners. Then they walked to Camp Verde and with the Raw gold, bought each man a 50-70 caliber Spring field rifle with cartridges. General Crooke then mustered 1000 men at Fort Verde to pursue Geronimo into Mexico. General Crooke trailed them high into the Mexican Mountains and talked them into surrendering. Eventually, Geronimo was captured with only 18 (approximate) of his men left. Geronimo and his people were shipped like cattle in trains to Fort Sill, Oklahoma. He was 80 years old when he died from being drunk and catching pneumonia, falling from his horse. Geronimo died in 1909. Signing his name for $1.00 a piece.
As you know we are staying with my sister and brother in law (Ned). Ned is a site steward in this area for Indian sites. His job is to protect them. Know one knew for sure if the story above was legend or true, but the site of the smelter is known. An archaeologist knew Ned was going to visit the site, so he asked Ned to look for cartridges which may have resulted from the supposed battle. Ned did find the cartridges pictured, and they fit the description of what was used in the battle.
We are looking for associates wh
An experiment
The Letter from Hell
Friday, December 07, 2007
Met This fellow on the trail
Back up on the Mesa
The Kadizzles went back to Bell trail and took off a side trail. The trip was made with some people we met that live next to a house we have considered on our buy list. For the week we have hiked somewhere between 24 and 30 miles. Two of the hikes were big elevation gainers. The view was good from the mesa top. We could see over to Sedona where we hiked the other day.
Visiting an Old Girl Friend
May is full of life and her mind is sharp. May hates bugs, snakes, and anything small coming into her house. At every door are special sticky strips to catch intruders. The best defense doesn't always work. May explained how two small snakes got in her house and she had to stand on the dinning room table until the neighbors could rescue her. May like to party, and invited us to a couple more get togethers. We even got an invitation to a cookie exchange.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Safe for troops?
Found the GPS
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Who is Lisa Cremmer?
Todays hike was up to some altitude. The Kadizzle's went from 4,444 feet to 7,352 feet above sea level. Wonderful day, and scenery hard to improve. On the way up the trail we both missed a little day pack in the bushes. It was more obvious on the way down. Examing the day pack it first appeared to be some sort of rental thing, but closer looking revealed the name Lisa Cremmer. Why did Lisa leave the pack? Did she fail to return this way? Did she drink all the water and just throw the pack away? Did she ever return? Mud on the pack made it look like it had been there several days. Once before we found a pack like this, except it was completely loaded with goods. It had water and a lot of supplies. It was there early in the day and there when we returned. When you find things like this you wonder if someone is in trouble, or if it is just a stash as part of a hike. The other strange thing I have found this year, and never before is weather balloons. While hunting I found what at first I thought was a kite, but on a closer look, it was a parachute for a weather balloon. I traced the string down and found the transponder. I sent it back in the package provided and asked them to send me a balloon, or at least tell me where it was launched from. To this day I have not had a reply. On the way down here near Zuni I saw another weather balloon parachute in a field. We did not stop to investigate, but I am sure it was one. The odds of things seem strange. I have hiked for years and never found a weather balloon, and then this year I find two. Correction, last year I did find just the shredded balloon, but no transponder or parachute. An old fellow walking by yesterday told us about finding a human skeleton in a well while hiking around here.
Funny, but sadly true
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
A little excerpt from NYT on cost of Iraq
Early last year, the Nobel-Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz estimated that the “true” cost of the war would ultimately exceed $1 trillion, and maybe even $2 trillion.
Incredibly, that estimate may have been low.
A report prepared for the Democratic majority on the Joint Economic Committee of the House and Senate warns that without a significant change of course in Iraq, the long-term cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could head into the vicinity of $3.5 trillion. The vast majority of those expenses would be for Iraq.
Priorities don’t get much more twisted. A country that can’t find the money to provide health coverage for its children, or to rebuild the city of New Orleans, or to create a first-class public school system, is flushing whole generations worth of cash into the bottomless pit of a failed and endless war.
To the top of the rim
The Commander was still full of energy today, so we hauled her to the top of the rim and let her hike down into Blodgett Canyon. Ned and Lord Kadizzle went on out to the top of the rim. His Lordship has often wondered what the top of the mesa was like. Once on top you can see how the cattle men in the old days took the herds up there to graze for the summer. There is not a lot of water, but the grazing looked good. It is evident that to the East of Cottonwood, Camp Verde, ect is a vast expanse of wilderness. However, this is the way all the early explorers came in and out. Things worked out perfectly and when we got to the bottom of Clear Creek, The Commander was just stepping out of the woods.
China's Corpocracy
Monday, December 03, 2007
Back Frozen Up
The Kadizzles set out on the first hike of the season. First the cinnamon roll place was closed, a near catastrophe. So the hikers drove to Oak Creek and had breakfast. Next we hiked up about two thirds of a touristy pinnacle, but lost the trail, and gave up. So the big hike started up Bell Trail. Bell trail was an old means to reach the rim above Wet Beaver Creek about 20 miles east of Sedona. Bell Trail turned out to be a perfect hike with some spectacular scenery. Later his lordship may put a slide show together. On the way back the belly overcame the back and now I am froze up. The hike was a fairly flat eight miles, but having the old Thanksgiving turkey hammer on the sciatica was just too much stuffing. Hopefully the gipple will give up by tomorrow, and we will be back at it.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Perfect Day in Rim Rock
The rain quit, and it could not be nicer. Bike riding, neighbor visiting, and sitting in the sun are the order of the day. Patty has been dog sitting, and house cleaning. The Commander and his Lordship have been looking at houses. Prices are falling right in front of us. Maybe some hiking tomorrow. This picture is looking down the street from Patty's toward the public land.
Stump Preachers

Lord Kadizzle was not long awake this Sunday morning, when The Commander suggested we watch CBS Sunday morning. We must have got up to early, so spinning through the channels, which were limited, we found nothing but stump preachers. It is amazing the numerous thieves masquerading as preachers there are on television. Why do we tolerate, and even encourage these thieves by making their theft tax free? Europeans come to this country and are amazed at what a bunch of bumpkins we have giving money to these charlatans that freely admit they have jets and live in Mansions. Billy Graham was a classic. He was a racist, and the White House always invited him over to get the bumpkin vote. As it happens The Commander went to camp with Billy Graham's daughter in law. The last time she met her they talked about how they flew their twin engine plane over North Dakota on the way to their retreat in Alaska. Sounds like a man of God to me.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
If you care an once about reality

I have a couple of friends who are hard core conservatives. No matter what you presented them with in terms of evidence, they would not change. One of them sails like I do. I remember my one friend's little sail boat engine was on the verge of disaster. He could not comprehend how the engine could run, and still be on the verge of disaster. The symptoms were clear, but the engine ran. Until the engine failed, I could not convince him that if you put a quart of oil in the engine, and it immediately ended up in the bilge you had a serious problem. My neighbor up the street is the same way. He is so entrenched in the Bush mythology, that he cannot comprehend the looming disaster Bush has created. 72% of the American public has finally awakened to the reality that is the Bush Administration. The other 28% caught in the Bush cult, will never admit what a disaster we have on our hands.
This morning I read an article that articulates what has been on my mind. In VANITY FAIR, Nobel Laureate, Josephe Stiglitz wrote an excellent article outlining the damage George Bush has done to the economy of the United States. If you care at all about what has happened make every effort you can to read the article. The title of the article is The Economic Consequencies of Mr.Bush. If I could print it and send it to everyone I know I would. It will almost make you cry. Josephe Stiglitz, feels Bush will surpass Herbert Hoover for the number one economic disaster we have ever had for president. It isn't just that Bush got one thing wrong, but the fact that he managed to mess up virtually everything. If I can find a link to the article on the web I will provide it. Here is the link