It finally happened, the last sail of the season. We had a wonderful wind going west and made it to Fossil Bay on Friday night. Lord Kadizzle got mixed up and knocked the top from an underwater tree. The bottom of the boat has not yet been seen, but it seems we fared OK. Saturday was very nice for the time of year. There was even a little swimming. The whole crew had a couple of wonderful hikes. As predicted the weather turned windy on the way back. On the radio we found out Utopia, and Gone With the Wind were in Berthold Bay. They came out and we all headed for Camp of the Cross. The wind went crazy, and perked up to over forty miles per hour. We were over canvassed as they used to say in the old days. For five seconds we sustained 8.6 knots. Which is a record for the good ship. We did over haul speed all the way to Cammp of the Cross. The Commander was very nervous, and wanted to shorten sail. We cut back on the head sail, but reefing the main was not prudent, since we could run in front of the wind. The boats all rafted on shore together below the cross and had a nice night. Utopia, provided a nice cheese plate, and Gone With the Wind set out some nice shrimp. The Sovereign crew went to bed a little early, and Lord Kadizzle suffered some fire belly from the wine. Sunday was a little less windy and we boomed back to port in some big rollers. It looks like the crew and boat made it through another year. Sometime this week the good ship will come out of the water and get the well deserved rest on the trailer. Now the next round of adventures on land starts.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
The Last Sail for 2007
It finally happened, the last sail of the season. We had a wonderful wind going west and made it to Fossil Bay on Friday night. Lord Kadizzle got mixed up and knocked the top from an underwater tree. The bottom of the boat has not yet been seen, but it seems we fared OK. Saturday was very nice for the time of year. There was even a little swimming. The whole crew had a couple of wonderful hikes. As predicted the weather turned windy on the way back. On the radio we found out Utopia, and Gone With the Wind were in Berthold Bay. They came out and we all headed for Camp of the Cross. The wind went crazy, and perked up to over forty miles per hour. We were over canvassed as they used to say in the old days. For five seconds we sustained 8.6 knots. Which is a record for the good ship. We did over haul speed all the way to Cammp of the Cross. The Commander was very nervous, and wanted to shorten sail. We cut back on the head sail, but reefing the main was not prudent, since we could run in front of the wind. The boats all rafted on shore together below the cross and had a nice night. Utopia, provided a nice cheese plate, and Gone With the Wind set out some nice shrimp. The Sovereign crew went to bed a little early, and Lord Kadizzle suffered some fire belly from the wine. Sunday was a little less windy and we boomed back to port in some big rollers. It looks like the crew and boat made it through another year. Sometime this week the good ship will come out of the water and get the well deserved rest on the trailer. Now the next round of adventures on land starts.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Megan's Fashion Business getting a little Buzz
West Nile Virus in Hazen

The Commander is having more of a struggle with the lingering effects of West Nile virus than Lord Kadizzle. The lingering part is soreness, tiredness, and for the Commander grumpiness. Since we have been stricken with this dread, we have become much more aware of how prevalent it is in our area. Many of the cases go unreported. Recently a local bar owner had a very bad case and lost his sight temporarily. Other people have suffered partial paralysis. Many people in our community have take up to a year to fully recover. This year the amount of rain increased, and I think so did the mosquito population. I think it is hopeless to avoid mosquitoes completely, so good luck, and if you get it I hope it is a mild case.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Armed and Dangerous
We searched in desperation, but did not see a single grouse. This has never happened in this area before. There were a few pheasants. Prior to hunting Lord Kadizzle expressed his concern about hunting with the Commander to the Police Chief in Hazen. Lord Kadizzle explained that he had been negligent in doing the dishes and a few other task and it may be an ideal chance for the Commander to do him in. The Chief assured me if I was found dead with a shotgun blast to the back of my head they would declare it a suicide. Chief said the report would read "Lord Kadizzle shot himself in the back of the head in self defense". Since I had the attention of our police chief I decided to ask him if it was unusual for The Commander to ask me to make the bed with a blue truck tarp. The Chief pondered for a minute and asked me "Is she telling you to put the sheet on the top or the bottom?" "On the bottom I replied". "You have a problem" he said.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Man vs Beast

Although it looks like the kind of nice fall day we should get something useful done, we may take on the vicious North Dakota grouse. Dennis, The Commander, and Lord Kadizzle may go out to the mine and see if we can stir some up. It is usually hard to get close to these guys, but if you do you may get a shot. One thing grouse seem to do is make up their mind to fly a certain direction, and stick to it, regardless of the results. They remind me of Republicans in that regard. A grouse will keep flying toward you if it has made up its mind that is the right thing to do. This makes for some good shooting. There is nothing more fun than an oncoming overhead grouse shot. I am not a mad dog killer, and in fact I don't like killing any thing, however somehow or other we have to put meat on the table.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Fox visits office of Jones E. Bear (Erin)
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Got a little Churchin on the boat
Had a very nice sail to a place I have not been in many years. Pat and Nancy, Dean, and the Sovereign crew sailed west to Berthold had few beers and then decided to sail to Church Camp bay. It is a very nice anchorage in the shadow of the cross. Lord Kadizzle managed to take more than enough communion wine, Pat and Dean helped. As the lying contest progressed first The Commander gave up and went to bed, then next Nancy threw in the towel. As the BS pile got deeper we heard the engine start on Pat and Nancy's boat. Pat quickly got the message someone was ready to set the anchor. Nancy probably did us all a favor. If she had not started her engine, mine may not have started the next morning to get me out of bed.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Wonderful Fall Day
The silage is done, and Lord Kadizzle is still alive. The Bismarck Tribune says we can expect a record pheasant population this year, so there may be meat on the table. Meg went back to New York today, and her business is getting some good buzz. The good ship may make its last sail today. Between the silage up my nose, and my normal sinus problems my head feels like a fat lady in spandex.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Count Your Tires
What a day for old Lord Kadizzle. Yesterday I set out to haul silage. My silage truck is a 1973. My employer told me to take a load of silage to town and get it weighed. On the way I felt like I hit a pot hole. I looked back and saw a small pile of gravel, and thought perhaps that was the bump. The truck drove just fine, and I thought nothing of it. When I got to the truck scale another truck driver came up to me and said, "Some truck just lost some tires". I had no idea he was talking about me, so I asked where, and he took me to the back of my truck. To my amazement a set of dual wheels was gone. A truck that started the day with ten tires now only had eight. I suspected the bump I felt at the intersection may have been the tires going their own way. I drove to the intersection a few miles back in my pickup, and sure enough the tires had crossed the road by themselves and were happily resting in the ditch. No problem, we borrowed another truck. The borrowed truck had many special features, two bullet holes in the windshield, no brakes, no lights, no muffler, no horn, and it was probably ten years older than the last truck. It did have one nice feature four less tires. Now if any fell off I would know it. When my boss assigned me to the truck I asked if there was some special ceremony that I should undergo, like the Kamakasi do. I thought he would give me a sacred scarf to wear. He didn't do that, but when I got to the field he kneeled and prayed in font of the truck. It must have worked the truck lasted for the whole day. The last load was driven back to the yard in the dark, I would say it was an instrument flight, but none of the instruments worked. I am taking a compass today.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
John Edwards has nothing on Lord Kadizzle
Perhaps you remember the controversy when presidential candidate John Edwards spent $400 dollars for a hair cut. Lord Kadizzle had this pretty girl flown in from New York just to cut his hair. Normally Bubba is a high fashion designer and the proprieter of her own fashion design company, but when Lord Kadizzle needs a haircut she is on her way.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Chart tells the whole story

The following is a quote from Paul Krugman in the NYT:In fact, let me start this blog off with a chart that’s central to how I think about the big picture, the underlying story of what’s really going on in this country. The chart shows the share of the richest 10 percent of the American population in total income – an indicator that closely tracks many other measures of economic inequality – over the past 90 years, as estimated by the economists Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez.
Many times Lord Kadizzle has been in heated arguments with hard core right wingers. The chart above tells the whole story. If you think the fifties, and sixties were a good time for the middle class, you are right. The chart shows how the Republicans have allowed the rich to walk off with everything. If anyone would like to dispute it please let me hear it. In todays New York Times you can read the complete article.
He Ate My Lunch

Often I wonder where expressions come from. Sometimes you hear people say "It will eat your lunch". Yesterday, I was the it. In the constant quest for pheasants I agreed to help a local farmer harvest silage. When dinner came, the farm wife gave the guy pushing the silage into the pit two shoe boxes with dinner in them. As I pulled into the pile with a load of silage, the pile manager said, " Were stopping for dinner, here's yours". He told me the farm wife was taking her husband a box with dinner. Her husband was in the field on the tractor. As I ate I wondered why there were two cups in my box, but the mystery didn't keep me from eating everything in the box. When I got back to the field where the farmer was chopping the silage I asked him if he had dinner. Soon we realized what had happened, I was supposed to bring it to him. Now I am afraid when someone says "How is Lord Kadizzle to work with?". The answer will be "He will eat your lunch".
Monday, September 17, 2007
Surprise Engagement by Megan to local Man (Peachy and his mom )

The Commander and Megan sauntered up to the farmers market at the end of the street. In no time Meg struck up a conversation with the peach salesman. His first question was "Ah you married?". Meg said "No, Ah gotta boy friend". Then he said "Do ya want some peaches?" Meg said "Yea I'll have some peaches". Well, one thing led to another, and Meg came home and said we was gettin free peaches for the rest of our life. It looks like Meg is going to make someone a peach of a wife. Poor Corneilous Shatzer the poet back in New York will be heart broken. Corny has been watching Meg's illegitimate child Tony the chihuaha. Tony has become used to being a snooty New York dog and it will be hard for him to get used to his new dad, who goes by the name Peachy, and living on a Peach ranch. Meg has promised to get Tony a cowboy hat. Thats the peachy news from Hazen.
Sail with Meg
Lord Kadizzle had a wonderful sail with Megan, and The Commander. Last night in the bay we were anchored and bored, so Megan said "Don't you have any games on here". Lord Kadizzle explained that normally we just get drunk and got to bed, but we could not let Meg down, so we had to invent a game. Lord Kadizzle suggested the crew play Stump the genius. Megan fired several of her hardest questions at Lord Kadizzle he answered with no problem. However, poor Meg could not answer any tough ones so Lord Kadizzle threw her a couple soft ones like, "What country invented polish sausage?". Some good peppers The Commander just cooked were on board, and went nicely with the fresh lamb chops cooked on the grill. Meg got in for a swim, but the water was a bit cold. Snoring was a serious problem so Meg had to be moved to the V berth on the second night, since she was not used to the thunder claps. The crew took a couple of hikes. During the first hike we found ancient bones from a cheeseburgasoures.
Fashion Magnate Negotiates with Lord Kadizzle
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Good Ship heads West for last time this year

With Megan aboard the good ship Sovereign will head west around noon. Weather appears to be excellent for the adventure with South winds. Megan has been looking forward to a sail all summer. The Commander is still recovering from West Nile, and has been busy roasting peppers. Those roast peppers from our garden will knock your socks off. Yesterday Wayne Axtman helped pour the concrete at the pocket park for the final phase. If it were not for Wayne, I would never get anything done there. Now, Mike Krause's art gallery is open beside the pocket park, which is nice. The Gallery is right across the alley. Marilyn Shine minds the store most of the time, so it is a combination art gallery and loony bin. As we work on the concrete Marilyn supervises.
Friday, September 14, 2007
I hope I get paid

Yesterday we went to pick up Megan at Bismarck. It is so nice having Chichi home. She is struggling with her entry into the fashion business in New York. Being over stressed she said she needed a break. As luck would have it a friend was able to provide her with free airline tickets in exchange for a favor I had done him. I helped put together his new 33ft sailboat, so he offered to fly Megan home. Many times this is how the economy works for Lord Kadizzle. Lord Kadizzle is a substitute milkman. When the regular worker cannot show up because he is on the potato harvest, Lord Kadizzle has to keep the little children fed. The economy in this country relies on temporary people far more than most of us may imagine. In a couple weeks I may be driving a truck to haul some corn. It will give me a place to hunt pheasants, and may put some money in my pocket. In North Dakota just about anyone can drive a beet truck in the fall. A lot of people make it an annual event. I gave it a try one time.
Megan has one employee in her sweat shop. She has become great friends with her spanish speaking helper. Megan said that her helper comes every day with the hope she will get paid. The helper would come even if there was no money to pay her, just because she has the hope someday she will get paid. I think I sometimes know the feeling. I have often found myself working for someone who expects me to be paid by giving me junk. I was whining to the commander about this on the way to Bismarck, and she said " That sounds like something you would pull", I had to agree, but I told her that when my medium of exchange is junk, I always make that clear before the job starts.
There is a sad side to this. Last year while traveling the south a rancher told us about how an apple grower in Washington State cheated some illegal immigrants. The apple grower had the immigrants pick his entire crop, then called the border patrol to haul them away before they were paid. In the great border debate, a lot of people forget who is benefiting. The apple grower had the audacity to brag about what he had done.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
A Small Incision

Last night sister Kate called up from the hills in West Virginia with an update. She said sister Sue suffered from a fever and was hospitalized. Sounds like Suzie is recovering. Kate went on to tell me about Frank talking to the goats. The whole thing sounded like one of those redneck comedians on the comedy channel. The neighbors called up and complained to Ma about Dad acting like a chicken in the front yard. Ma, said "Thats ok, he don't bother no one, and besides we can use the eggs". Now, to the best part. Kate said she had an appendicitis that almost killed her. The doctor told her it would take a small two inch incision to fix her up. After the surgery she told me she had a scar ten inches wide and five inches deep. Thank God Kate is a big woman. If you cut The Commander like that, you would have two commanders. I mentioned to Kate that five inches is pretty deep. She explained that she has a lot of muscle. Most Quinns have a lot of "muscle". Sometimes I have to let my belt out an extra notch because of all the muscle I have developed eating pizza.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Garden Harvest sponsered by The Commander

According to The Commander she is recovering from the West Nile. While she put the final touches on the garden, Lord Kadizzle cut the grass and did a little fishing. If you don't want to catch fish, be sure and take me with you. We caught three useless shiners. It looks like hamburger instead of walleye for dinner
Will the Surge Succeed? ( In our yard ) Soonhe vs Sheah
Today Lord Kadazzile will attempt to cut the grass in the entire yard. Normally the combination of a defective ambition gland, and attention deficit disorder make this impossible. The Commander has always dreamed of a day when both the front yard, and the back yard are both cut entirely within the same day. If Lord Kadizzle can mount a surge with his ambition gland it may be possible to get it done today. If it is not done the Sheah are expected to be mad. Sheah will not be happy. However the Soonhe may not care, because Soonhe will be on the couch, Sheah will say "get up" or the Soonhe will not get any dinner. So you can see how the strife between the Soonhe and Sheah is a problem that is hard to resolve. Those who say the surge will work may be over optimistic, but with the cooperation of the Sheah, the Soonhe may be brought into line.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Suffering 101

Neighbor Bob and Lord Kadizzle are going to take off on an all male sail today. We used to make many trips like this when the kids were home and The Commander stayed home to keep us from becoming grandparents too soon. As I walked out to get the paper I could see what kind of sail it is going to be. Windy, cold, and rainy, it will be like rounding the horn of South America. As we sail west I am sure we will get soaked. Also I look forward to walking through mud to get to the boat. It should clear off by the end of the day, and tomorrow may be nice with no wind. Sometimes a wet miserable sail is fun. Years ago I went out in our 19ft boat in a terrible blow. It looked like the setting for a movie. Water was blowing in our face, but we enjoyed it, and I still remember that sail. At least sunburn will not be an issue.
Friday, September 07, 2007
Taking in the Strays
Over the years The Commander and I have always opened our home to travelers. Usually we meet adventurers on the lake doing the Lewis and Clark voyage, or on bicycles doing the same thing. These people really appreciate a chance to sleep in a good bed, eat a good meal, and have their laundry done. Some of these people have stayed for days and become good email friends. Frequently someone will ask either The Commander or Lord Kadizzle, "Aren't you afraid to take these people in?". The concept seems silly. These people are not going across the country murdering people. Once a bicyclist stopped at the local library and was told to call the Quinns if he needed a place to stay. We put the guy up and he wrote about us on his blog. A couple of the librarians are fundamentalist Christians. I asked them, "Why didn't you just invite them to your house?". They replied that they would never trust anyone to stay at their house. Since I am the local heathen and do not participate in church it struck me as very strange that people who are studying how to be Christians missed the most fundamental lesson of the Bible about helping strangers.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Comander Feeling Better, Counter does magic
A pretty good day in the kingdom yesterday. Her lordship is feeling better. She took some Chinese Herbs and the placebo effect worked miracles. The magic counter in our kitchen cooked the whole meal. Wonderful apple crisp showed up in abundance along with a two course meal. God bless that counter. If the counter would do the dishes I would have to pinch myself to see if I went to heaven.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Nanny Hired for Cissie

Carol Galvin has agreed to work part time as a nanny for Cissie. This morning poor Lord Kadizzle was subjected to endless tirades accusing him of loosing the keys to our camper. Lord Kadizzle finally applied scientific principles and found the keys in the garbage. It turned out The Commander had thrown the keys in the garbage. Apparently West Nile has caused brain damage to The Commander. Someone has to watch to see she doesn't throw out money in the literal sense.
Dead Certian

George Bush is the worst president I have ever experienced in my lifetime. I would venture to say in history. Many accounts have been written about his incompetencies, I know of none that say anything good about him. The latest book, Dead Certain, goes along with the rest detailing the incompetencies of this man. The money and lives wasted by this man for nothing is mind boggling. If there is someone, somewhere who can tell me something good the man has done, it would be great to hear. To get some idea of the man read the book review below.
Books of The Times
Bush Profiled: Big Ideas, Tiny Details
Published: September 5, 2007
In “Dead Certain” Robert Draper draws a detailed portrait, based on six hourlong interviews with the notoriously press-wary president and interviews with some 200 other sources, including Laura Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. =5124&partner=permalink&exprod=permali
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Monday, September 03, 2007
Macks and McGarves
Labor Day Sail
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