Wednesday, January 31, 2007
A Trip To Lake Pleasant
Yesterday we drove to Lake Pleasant with Perry. Two sailboats were actually out on the water. It looked like there may be some nice camping places by the water. We may move up there tomorrow, but that decision is still up in the air. Today we are going to the Hurd Museum with Perry. Weather here has been overcast, which is unusual. Perry says the orange crop has suffered from the cold weather. It looks like giant televisions are taking over here. At Ken Petersons we saw his giant TV, and now we are watching the History channel here on Perry's huge tv. These new televisions must have magical properties, because I dreamed last night I was in a river in Africa swimming with alligators. This must have been the result of watching a program about Africa before I went to bed. In my dream I was walking in the river for awhile carrying some raw chicken meat. It occurred to me this was not a good idea in the presence of alligators, so reluctantly I threw it away. Here I am drinking coffee, so everything worked out fine.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Sun City
The retinue has made it to Perry Foster's in Sun City. We just finished lunch at his country club. No blue jeans allowed, so we had to change into something respectable. We are parked out front charging, cell phones, camper battery, computer, and anything else that will hold electricity. Perry is going to take us up to Lake Pleasant. Our next destination is still uncertain.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Justin Makes it to the top.
Today we hiked up to Weavers Needle. Our new friend Justin (time) went with us. I had my doubts that Justin could make the whole hike, it was about eight miles and very hard hiking. Justin who is ten did fine, I am recommending him to be a junior Indian guide. He became very proficient at finding the trail. He learned to see rock cairns and help lead the way. He is the son of the camp host where we are staying. We will be there again tonight. The camp is along the Salt River south of the Saguaro Dam. I am about worn out form hiking every day. We are still trying to meet up with Ed our friend with the Casita camper. Ed is in Yuma AZ. We are going to visit Perry Foster in a day or two. Who knows where next. We have had a few people interested in the house in Hazen, and it looks like we have a place to rent at the lake in North Dakota. Cissie is still hot ot buy a house near my sister Patty in Cottonwood. I cannot put up pictures from here, but will try to get some up from the hike today when we get to wi fi. We can get a cell signal where we are now. Justin wants a hamburger for a reward for completing the great hike. Yesterday I mentioned to Justin we were hiking today. He asked what time are you leaving. I was surprised to see him this morning when we about to leave at seven thirty with his pack on ready to go, we could not turn him down. He had sandwiches and water and was ready to go.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Ray is gettin er done, get out of the way

When Ray decides to do something, it is going to happen quick, so get out of the way. Seems like just a couple days ago he said he was going to build a canoe. Look how far along he is already. If he started a war in Iraq it would have been done years ago, and he would already have Iran, and Korea done. Ray for president.
Moving Day
The picture above is of the ruin at Rogers Trough, you can see the site was well preserved, and the room on the right had the roof intact, which is rare. From the inside you can clearly see the craftsmanship of the roof. Speaking of Craftsmanship, Ray Kerns sent us some pictures of the canoe he is building. Today we will move over to the Salt River and camp. On the river we will be waiting for Ray to come by in his canoe. At the rate Ray is going we expect him by the weekend. Yesterday we hiked out of a friend of a friend's backyard. As usual we went up the peak like our butts were on fire. It was more than a thousand feet in about an hour. Came down and sat in the backyard of his very nice home in Scottsdale and relaxed. We are down in Mesa now getting groceries and permits. May stay in the Phoenix area for a few days along the Salt River below Saguaro Dam. The dam is a little north of Usery park. Cissie may fish, they claim there are trout in the Salt River.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
We made it, but recovery will take awhile
Ken Peterson, Cissie, and Mike made the big hike down Rogers Trough today. The Ruins we found were excellent. The day was perfect, but getting the two turkeys down the draw and back was a feat. Ken had trouble getting his turkeys in and back. In case you don't remember one turkey equals twenty pounds overweight. At Thanksgiving Cissie pointed at the Turkey and told me I was carrying two of them with me all the time. Those turkeys do not hike well, they want to rest, and going up hill they are a pain, but on the way down they hammer you to death. I am thinking of firing a turkey or trading one in for a chicken. With no WiFi I cannot put pictures on here. We are again at Ken and Terry's. Good food, and desert. Now, another Phoenix friend wants us to hike tomorrow. Today's hike was eight miles, I don't know if I can make another one tomorrow.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Big Hike today, and tomorrow
We had a big hike today and tomorrow will Hike with Ken up Rogers Trough. It will be a tuff one. We may move down near the Salt river to stay for a couple days. We are at Usery Park today and tomorrow by Mesa.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Made it to Phoenix
Cissie and I are sitting with Ken and Terry watching football, Excellent chili ect. As soon as the sun comes out in a couple days we are planning a big hike. We are staying at McDowell Mountian park, but will move to Usery tomorrow. Cissie wants to see Taliesin, Frank Loyd Rights home in the morning.
Wagon Train headed to Phoenix and points South
Snow in the desert
Snow is on the ground this morning. Sister Suzie just left for church to pray for Lord Kadizzle. Last night we had a very good Mexican supper out with the local clan. Unbelievably some are eating Mexican left overs for breakfast.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Not for Fuzzies, but very good article
On my other blog I just posted an excellent speech from Bill Moyers. He expresses the ideas I believe in so well, why should I bother. This is not material the Fuzzies should be reading. Go to the link to get to the other blog
Friday, January 19, 2007
Royalty gathers in Arizona

With snow in the desert the Duchess of Dallas and the Dutchess of Dollars from Pittsburgh arrived at Princess Patty's Mansion on the Mesa. Tonight only the finest noodles will be served with the spaghetti. If you wondered what a half ton of Quinns would look like you need only look above. Lord Kadizzle attended by the royal family. Of course Lord Kadizzle makes up a quarter ton himself. After dinner we will drive to the truck stop to see if we are still legal with four axles.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Commander headed to Iraq to kick some ass
The Commander is house hunting

The commander is hell bent to buy a house in Arizona. She say she has to have one a couple blocks away from sister Patty. Patty lives near Camp Verde, which is NW of Cottonwood. Cottonwood is about 15 minutes south of Sedona. So if you know anyone who wants a deal on a house in Hazen. Let us know, quick.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Find Lord Kadizzle in the picture
On the way up the moutian to get the commandments. Once we got there and picked up the tablets, it turned out the commander had written the commandments. Thou shalt pick up thy clothes, Thou shout always obey the commander, Thou shout let the commander have the remote control, Thou shout do the dishes, ect.
Lord Kadizzle takes two turkeys on walk to 6444 ft
At Thanksgiving someone pointed out to his lordship that his belly weighed as much as two Thanksgiving turkey's. On our hike yesterday the two turkeys went six miles and gained elevation of two thousand feet. The turkeys did fine on the way up, but having those turkeys hammer my back bones on the way down a steep trail was almost enought to make me want to divorce the turkeys.
If you look at the picture very carefully you will see two white dots. Those dots are RVs at the Palatki Indian site in the center of the picture. The Palatki site is the most visited in the Sedona area.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Lord Kadizzle, a man of vision
People often ask "Where do you get your insight?", "How do you see the future"?. I am reluctant to reveal the process, but I will. Here you see me with my special glasses. These glasses have one double " A " battery in the little device between the eyes. This battery shakes the whole system which is pressed against the head in key places. Turned on you feel a little like you are being electrocuted. The shaking loosens the molecules in the brain. It is a cheap way to rattle the brain. Now you can understand how my thought process works, and know how I reach conclusions others would miss.
Duke Rightious'
A peaceful interlude
The commander is planning a hike today. A little heat is all we need. The sun is coming up and the day looks good in the desert. We are patiently awaiting the arrrival of the Dutchess of Dallas,and her sister from the principality of Pittsburgh. Currently they are in Los Angeles and plan to rent a royal coach to make the trip to Cottonwood.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Patty fires out Double Wide Macaroni, in trailer trash division

What a nice presentation! Patty was right proud of her macaroni. However, I suggested she might dress it up a bit. My suggestion was to interlace string cheese with Slim Jims in a pie crust pattern. This could get her the annual award. There was some debate about a new catagory of dishes made with goverment commodities,and things you can buy at a convience store. Judges will be giving this some consideration. If such a catagory developes, Fran would do very well with his brownie mix and ice cream dish, topped with chocolate syrup.
Sunday, January 14, 2007

One wonderful part of being with siblings is remembering ridiculous things from growing up. Patty for some reason brought up eggalalagoldenrod. This was an old concoction all eighth graders were taught to make at Woodsdale School in home ec class. I think the proper name was eggs a la goldenrod. Now the picture is fairly accurate, but the bread was supposed to be toasted by being pushed into a muffin pan.
Tonight for dinner we are having macaroni and cheese. Patty wants to enter her entry in my cooking contest. I am going to allow the entry, but it will be under the trailer trash division. Cisse frequently makes concotions that do not fit in any catagory. We call it gwample. Gwample can be very good. We would like to get some good gwample recipes if anyone has any. A good gwample dish usually has some vegetables, noodles, and some kind of meat. However, gwample is freestlye, so do what you want. Be sure to remember gwample is not hot dish. Hot dish is always made in a glass pan, and must be baked. Hot dish generally follows the gwample rules, but gwample is almost always made in a frying pan.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Prosperity hits everywhere
Driving through Bellfourch, South Dakota these people were standing on the road hyping payday loans. Bellfourch is in the middle of nowhere. Beulah, North Dakota has payday loans. Paying the CEO of Home Depot $210 million dollars to produce nothing for the stock holders of the company has no effect on the common working people, nor does dropping the tax rates for the wealthy. These things only help make us a prosperous country. It is just coincidence that these payday loan outfits are cropping up in every little town on the planet. God Bless George Bush.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Lord Kadizzle and his courtesan Mae
Mae made lunch for me and the commander. Now Mae is the kind of girlfriend any man would want. You can see her treating Lord Kadizzle to the deluxe life in the picture above. You may note Lord Kadizzle is in the special launch chair. When Lord Kadizzle arrives at Mae's, she sits him down, takes off his shoes, and fires up the heating pad. After Lord Kadizzle pushes the full recline button Mae reappears with his drink of choice. Ah! life is good. To quote Mae "A man is like a fire if you don't tend him, he will go out". To quote Cissie "If Mike was on fire I wouldn't piss on him to put him out".
Now, about the launch feature of Mae's chair, when you push the up button it brings you to a full standing position. Once you have reached the standing position, it is only a matter of walking a few feet to a well set table. For lunch we had chicken noodle soup, and welfare cheese. Mae said she cannot stand the cheese you get with the commodity allotment from the government, but it was just fine for our toasted cheese sandwiches.
Mae was kind enough to store our camping trailer for about a month. In exchange we dropped off all her request from North Dakota, which turned out to be two pheasants, a grouse, and one windshield scraper. Mae doesn't even have a car, but she wanted a scraper for guest if there happened to be some ice on their windshield. Mae is a host hard to beat.
Cooking Smack Down Looks eminient

In the picture above you can see Carol Galvin confronting Ivy from Evergreen. Ivy got word Carol was the big lefsa dog in Hazen, and said "Bring it on Carol". Ivy claims not only can she fire out a pie, but good lefsa is do da for her. Things are heating up already in the 2007 cooking contest. Cissie fired out a prime rib for the scrabble tournament that has set the standard for 2007. I feel sure someone is going to ring the doorbell and have a pie in their hand. I know exactly what they will say, "Put some ice cream on that and call Ivy". I hate to see things heat up in this cooking contest, but I like to think of it as the surge we are currently attempting in Iraq. We have to do what has to be done to settle a few things. So let the ovens light.
Crossing the Navajo Reservation at night.

Amazingly the commander decided to do the right thing and bust out of Evergreen yesterday. Our expedition needed to make it to Cottonwood before the weather went to hell. So here we are in Cottonwood. Sister Patty reported this morning that her husband Ned had been wandering around in circles since we left the last time. He was at a loss without us. He made too much oatmeal this morning so I had the pleasure of good oatmeal this morning. He makes it so thick you can use it for grout. The commander is going nuts thinking she is going to buy some property here. Unfortunately the weather here is not that good today. The wind has been terrible. They are warning people with toupees to stay home.
We drove across the Navajo Reservation last night. Cissie was concerned we may come under attack. We got into Cottonwood late and found a couple arrows stuck in the truck, but none hit vital parts.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Driving up the luge course

We made it to Erin's. Woke up to a perfect day with bright sun on the snow. The trip was uneventful except the last three hundred feet. Erin's driveway is like going up a luge course. Because of the snow it is only the excact width of a pickup truck. We finally made it, but at one point I was stuck neither able to go up or down.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Busting out this morning
We are on our way to Erin's. We will be there until Friday, then on to my sister Patty's house in Cottonwood. If you want to contact us by Phone Cissie usually has her cell phone on more than I do. 701-880-6112 Mike's Cell is 701-880-6111. We check our email when we get WiFi every few days. We will have Net access at Patty's and at Erin's.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Wagon Train preparing to leave for Southwest
The pace is picking up around here. The commander has been in an increasing frenzy for the last couple of days as we begin to prepare the wagons to head south. In North Dakota the weather is going to turn sour as the temperatures will plummet this week. Weather will chase us South. The great plan is to visit Erin first, and then on to sister Patty. Once in Cottonwood we will warm up and then head farther South.
With the predicted weather we will be lucky to make it into Erin and Fran's place. The hot tub has been beckoning the Dakota tub, so it is important we make it into the spa.
Monday, January 08, 2007
My box in a box
In order to understand this whole video, you have to know its history. The video was shown on the Kieth Oblerman show on MSNBC tonight. It is a spoof on another video that was shown on Saturday night live. The remarkable thing is that in some of the scnenes in this video, the girl looks a lot like Megan. To top it off the guy looks a little like her boy friend Ned. If you want the whols story go to youtube and see the first video ,,,,, in a Box. I hope no one is offended. Since the whole thing was shown on prime time television, it must be ok.
Protecting the Fuzzies This is the link to my other blog Righteous Indignation. You can go to it an read an excellent article by Robert Herbert from the New York Times which explains in detail what the outrageous exectutive pay is doing to the average worker. As I wrote earlier on this blog site I try to avoid facts and reality because it upsets the fuzzies. In the world of the Fuzzies there is no global warming, George Bush is a hero, it never rains the day you get your car washed, and every pheasant you shoot falls at your feet already cleaned.
Children and the fuzzies are very similiar. Both have imaginary figures they believe in. Both truely believe things like gifts from the tooth fairy and farm subsidies come from no where. Children are adorable and fun, so are fuzzies. Children don't create poverty and war, but voting fuzzies can. We all are fuzzies at times, but most of us are willing to slip out of the fuzzie world once in a while and face reality, if indeed there is one.
In the old days I had a girl friend that adopted two young racoons. She was warned many times that when they are young they make wonderful pets, but as they get older watch out. This proved to be quite true. As little racoons they were fun to watch, hold, and adore, but with age they turned mean and did not belong in polite society. These little fuzzies needed to be protected. It turned out the way to do it was let them loose to be fuzzies with the other adult fuzzies. The important lesson was that you had to realize you could not change them. I should have learned that lesson early in life, but I guess I have been a bit of a fuzzie myself.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Summary from Yesterday
I am not sure if yesterday was the last hunt or not. Last night the wind blew about fifty or sixty miles per hour. However, today is nice and sunny and technically the last day of the season. The commander is thinking of a forced march in search of the enemy. Yesterday the birds were again showing their late season smarts. We managed a good pincer move and herded them into the tree row at Emil's. The party consisted of Dennis Dietz, the retired postmaster, Dave Stephens, a hunting friend from way back, and of course the commander and I. There was a terrible outbreak of gunfire around the tree row, with very few casualties. My gun seemed like it was shooting flower from the barrel. The birds would not come down. I finally shot one at high altitude. It came down and started to run. I shot it twice on the ground, and Dave shot at it twice before it finally succumbed. I think it had a kevlar vest on. After the tree row I picked up a straggler trying the old trick of hiding out in the open. The birds gave us a lot of excercise, which is what we really needed. I suspected the cacklers may have gone to high ground which is one of their favorite tactics. I climbed the hill and sure enough they were there. They got up ahead and I fired a couple barrell cleaners. No, luck. The rest of the gang saw a few go in the CRP. Somehow they managed to evaporate. I saw one fly North and had his hiding spot on my radar. I told Dennis where to go and the bird held to the very last moment. Dennis cancelled his postage, and we had three for the day.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Final Round of Pheasant Season Today

Today is the end of the bird season. The birds that are still out there and alive are that way for a reason. Put simply, they are smart. The commander and I chased them senseless yesterday. First, I went back north and retraced my steps from Thursday. On Thursday I lost the cocking lever for my gun. I came across a very nice flock of grouse while in the truck, but did not get a shot. After hiking a mile and one half through and area with lots of known pheasants, I only saw two in the distance. In the afternoon we went South of town. There were about fifty birds out in the open waiting for lead. We played the game plan pretty well. We attacked from the south and they still managed to avoid us. Cissie shot a couple gun cleaners, but no good shots. Then we went into the valley where they hid and ran around in circles chasing birds. Again we had no luck. Next we went over to some public land. Cissie flock shot into some partridge and did no harm. We hunted Dangler's fence row. No bird could be trapped. Somehow they seem to know we are coming from a mile away.
Today if everything comes together, Shanika Stevens will join us from Bismarck, and we will go out to our glory hole. If we can get Emil to go to his farm with us we will make the final assualt. The dumb birds are all dead by now, and the wise old rooster are all that is left. In the last week the commander and I have worked ourselves into soreness. We will need a rest after today.
Friday, January 05, 2007
Dutchess of Dallas casts doubt on Lord Kadizzle's were abouts?

I never saw chains on the rear wheel of a motorcycle. I guess we don't get enough snow here to merit chains.
Lord Snowden's apprentice, Michael Weeks, took the attached photo of the Duchess of Dallas. She seems to have fallen into the wrong fairy tale. She looks more like a refugee from Cinderella than a relative of Lord Kadizzle
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Stanton brings big scrabble guns to Hazen

Apparently word spread to Stanton that some people in Hazen were getting heady about their scrabble talents. The commander and I saw lights coming down 7th AVE, and it was not long before we heard a knock on the door. It was the notorious Kerns Gang from Stanton. They pulled in the driveway with their cycles. With the snow on the ground they had chains on the rear wheels. Their babes were sitting on the back, one had a scrabble game in her hand. It wasn't long before their leader banged on the door and yelled "Open up in there". The commander and I were scared, but we opened the door. Ray said " So you Hazen punks think you can spell, and know a few words, huh". "Well", I replied " We do own a scrabble game". The commander had just cooked a wonderful prime rib, and she was thinking it might calm them down, but when they sat at the table they immediately set their board down and opened it. After a tuff game which Bismarck Ann won, they agreed to eat. Once they knew how the commander could cook, I knew they would not hurt her, but what about me. After I saw Ray was as bad a speller as I am I felt better. I knew Brian's babe could be trouble, she had a scrabble letter on a necklace. For some reason on a chain made of gold most loggers would be proud of she had the letter "J". No telling what she was planning on spelling. Later I found out. She yanked it off and spelled Jazz. It turned out to be a triple word score.
As the night went on we plied them with liquor and managed to win a few games. After they saw we were not knock overs, they settled down. For some reason they liked the word hair, and were not above spelling it hare.
The evening ended, and Hazen did learn a lesson. People in Stanton can spell a few words. As they left they gunned the engines on their cycles and it appeared flames shot from the tires as the snow chains sparked on our pavement. The commander gave them some fresh ginger bread to take home. I think they left in peace. When they left I mooned them and yelled "spell this". Apparently they misunderstood me and thought I said "smell this", because they all shouted back, "We can". If they come back we will be ready for them. I am learning to spell Constantinople with a "K".
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Skiing with Lewis and Clark

Last night the commander, myself, and our friend Ray Kerns went skiing along the Missouri River. The ski trail is almost exactly where Lewis and Clark spent the winter with the Mandan Indians. The trail is withing one hundred yards of the village. The moon was full, and our treck through the woods was very pleasant. Geese were bedded down on the river by the thousands. I never new geese slept in the water, but looking down from the banks of the river we could see them around the edges of a sandbar in the water resting for then night. Huge chunks of ice moved quickly down the river and crashed into the banks. In the next day or two if the weather stays right we may make the trip again.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
2006 Cooking Awards Announced

I must make note at the outset that Dina, and Cissie are not eligible for the cooking awards that follow. Both have too much inside information, and I would surely be accused of bias. Anyone who looks at me would know 2006 was a good eating year.
Lets start with the ethnic food category. Few will be surprised that Carol Galvin took it with her homemade leftsa. There were some protest when she got the award because she frequently came down the street a day before, or a day after with the best Rice Pudding that ever hit a pan. Carol has since told the story of how she put the rice pudding down and it looked like shark frenzy with the sharks holding spoons. Carol also got the caloric Medal of Honor recently when she fell on ice at our doorstep delivering lefsa. Carol crawled to the back door, and meekly knocked on the door. After we pulled the lefsa from her frozen hands we drug her inside. After several glasses of wine she made it home unassisted. In her honor a silver spoon was placed around her neck signed by the local fat man’s society.
An unusual event occurred in the pie contest this year. An award was given on the spot. It turned out to be the right decision. Ivy, a friend of Erin’s in Evergreen, cooked a pie with the combination of apple and cranberry. The pie was immediately declared the 2006 winner in every regard. It was a novel idea, the taste was supreme, and even in the presentation it had it all. Normally the judge requires contestants to bake entries twice to make sure it was not a fluke. Even this requirment was forgiven.
In the pasta contest JoAnne Kerns took the award with a shrimp pasta. Because of the obvious cooking talents coming from the Stanton area, the judges is considering breaking the contest down into township areas. The balance of cooking power has shifted considerably since the Kerns Clan has let their abilities become public knowledge. Ray may force the judge to introduce a new category of Indian cooking, and I am not speaking about India either. Ray works with Buffalo, and has been know to make a mean Prairie Dog; it is similar to a corn dog, but involves a prairie dog with a stick coming from an unusual place.
Kathy Lundstrom probably knew she had a winner when she put the prime rib in the oven. She has won several years in a row. I hope she does not get over confidant. In a more minor category Kathy also took the homemade roll contest.
Bill Butcher’s son-in-law Dr. David Mack has mastered the grill. David faces few serious challengers. David can do pork, turkey, beef, or you name it. With his sarcasm he has roasted me several times. He says the results are uneatable. David practices psychiatry. If he would just cook for his patients and quit bugging them I am sure his cure rate would improve.
Best restaurant will go to the Vietnamese joint in Evergreen. The waiter there came over and asked if we wanted anything else. Three people asked for water. I think the waiter with his accent walked away saying “Three water”. However, I misunderstood him and thought he said “Free water”, to which I replied “That is sure a good deal”.
Now to the Mexican, I have a soft spot for fajitas. The soft spot weighs about forty pounds and is right over my belt. Fran took the Mexican with no problem using his fajita skills. Although others raved about the chilly he served with it, I cannot give it a real good review. Fran used way more gunpowder than was prudent. I dipped a match in it and the match lit. This is a sure indication of too many hot peppers.
In the Bar category Taylor Barns won with an unusual little thing that I don’t even have a name for. It was sort of like chocolate cheesecake with some berry flavor.
The lady at the library took the baklava contest.
Although I said Cissie was ineligible for this contest, she did win at the county fair for the best pig. She dressed me in my usual attire. My pants were falling down, my zipper was half way down, and my shirt was stained with the usual salad dressing stain. After she showed the judges my profile they asked how she did it. In her modest way she confessed that I would eat just about anything put in front of me. After prodding she acknowledged that when I became fussy her chicken fajitas never failed. Cissie also mentioned her recent Waldorf salad that helped with the bulk. 2007, let the cooking begin.
Monday, January 01, 2007
Commander insist some controls be moved to her side of car, after Blizzard trip.

New Years was spent with our friends in Jamestown. Getting there was one of the worst trips in recent memory. The road, and weather got worse every mile. When we finally got near our destinatioin you could not see the road at all. Only the reflector poles marking the sides of the road gave a clue that there was a road at all. How could you make this worse? Put the commander in the co-pilot seat. While concentrating as hard as possible, the commander would often give bizzare advice about how one should drive. Frequently she would tell me that the brake lights were on in the car in front of us. Apparently the commander was under the impression I was watching television. Her best remark was to suddenly say "There is a white car with no lights on". My brain panicked thinking she had spotted a stalled car ahead of us and we were about to crash. However, when I shouted where, she explained it was in the West bound lane of the interstate on which we were heading East, so it made no difference to us. I tried to explain how nice it would be when we were driving on instruments if she only gave me relevant information. While in Jamestown we had the car equipped with some controls on her side. She now has the brake and gas peddle. We are negotiating for the wheel. I am ready to give it up.
Greetings from the Eastern realm of the Kingdom

Oh, Lord Kadizzled, how well we remember when the photo was taken in the Harem room in Portland, how we groveled at the royal feet awaiting words of wisdom. And continued to wait and grovel and wait and grovel, but all that was forthcoming were bodily sounds not to be discussed among gentle people and refined company. At that time, none knew that the fount of wisdom would enter cyber space and become a blessing of unlimited reach to the planet.
For this we are eternally grateful.
We, mere peasants, greeted the New Year on the streets of Pittsburgh, huddled beside a burning fire with other peasants, having enjoyed a pleasant repast at the Rivers Club (where the other peasants are members and work with the personal trainer who does not believe that the lack of an ambition gland is fatal when mixed with sweat). We watched a parade of the Pots and Pans Brigade remembering how as a child Lord Kadizzle often was the most boisterous with the two gallon pot, hammering away for more soup for the masses. Lord Kadizzle was an expert with the wooden spoon, using it to transfer food to the mouth of the hungry or hitting an unsuspecting subject up the side of the head for insubordination. On other occasions the admirers would stand back as Lord Kadizzle would fire off a shotgun into the silence of the winter night to remind the lesser gods that the kingdom was still under his rule. Oh, what fond memories of young Kadizzle when perhaps he was still only a prince with great expectations, or was he born Lord of the kingdom ruling from birth in his lowly crib?
And the New Year. Ahhh, with great expectations, we fondly look forward to more tales of present and past adventures as the Commander patiently hikes by the side of her beloved. Being in the East adds such comfort in the realm. We at a distance can savor the trip without actually having to live it moment by moment.
God Bless Lord Kadizzle.
Featured in the photo above are Lord Kadizzle's two sisters, Suzie, and Louise, with her husband Ed in the middle. Princess Suzie rules over the Pricipality of Dallas, a small Kingdom granted to her by Lord Kadizzle in the Hill of West Virginia. In those parts she is known as the Dutchess of Dallas. Ed is the Earl of Mt. Lebenon, a small kindom near Pittsburgh. Louise is the Dutchess of the Dollar, which is the coinage minted by Ed for the Kingdom at large.
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