Sunday, March 23, 2025

Mini Trumps are destroying Payson.

Attend a town council meeting or any political event—Republican or Democrat—and take a look around. Who do you see? The same crowd every time: older folks. The young people are nowhere to be found. And while they sit it out, Donald Trump has bulldozed democracy into a dictatorship, and most people barely seem concerned.

Here in Payson, we’re seeing a disturbing local version of the same story. The three new town council members have clearly taken their cues from Trump, mimicking his every move. Mayor Steve Otto and his cronies rode into office by stoking the same “Deep State” conspiracy nonsense that Trump peddled. And just like Trump appointing Elon Musk as his wrecking ball, Otto’s Tea Party backers hoped Charlie Seraphin would be their own Musk-style puppet.

Trump used blatant lies to seize and hold power. The new council and their Tea Party handlers have adopted the same playbook—deception and distortion at every turn. And while they tighten their grip, most Payson residents look the other way, oblivious as their town is dismantled by the same toxic politics that are destroying the country.

If you care about your community and your future, show up. Demand accountability. It’s time for the younger generation to stop watching from the sidelines and start fighting for the future they’ll be stuck with.

Where are the. young people?

 Kadizzle spent all day yesterday in political meetings. Each meeting was populated with old folks. What in the hell are we doing wrong? The young will inherit the Earth, don't they know it is going to be a pile of garbage if they don't fight the Trump cult? Everyone says the young are glued to their cell phones or playing computer games. Meanwhile the Hoopleheads, and dolts are voting and winning. If anyone knows how to wake up the young please report. 

Friday, March 21, 2025

Why are we ranked number 24 for happiness?

On this planet the Untied States just anin't that happy. The recent poll of countries to see who is happy and who is not so happy showed our country ranked 24th.  Hmm, what is the problem? It jumps out. Greed, greed, greed. 400 families own half of everything in the U.S. and they want more. Now the dolts have elected a dictator about to shovel more to those with too much. Does that make you happy? Nope.  

Who is happy? Well it turns out that countries like Sweden, Norway, and Finland are happy. Why? The government protects people from the rich, it is that simple. When normal people have education, healthcare, and a decent home guess what they are happy.  

Here we sit in America with the king of greed dogs as the dictator. Are you happy? My children are having the world destroyed by Elon, and his buddy Mr. Greed. Look at the flaming asshole Trump. He surrounds himself with gold toilets, and look what he has done to the oval office, it is full of gold trophies he won by cheating. 

How happy can you be when. you see bum walkers everyday pulling their little carts with all their possessions. Delusion is the coin of the realm. 

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Get off your ass

We are living in the first stages of a dictatorship. Maybe you didn't notice. What can you do? Did you make any phone calls? Have you written any letters to the paper? Did you talk to any MAGA dolts?

As the planet melts and we slip into Nazi Germany you don't want to look back and realize you did nothing.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025


Kevin, nice to have you aboard. You seem to have questions. I have a phone, or you can meet me at the Donuts meeting. Somehow you strike me as the kind that likes to hide in the bushes and throw stones. I do not have much respect for people who will not confront me directly. I have found most of them know they have no ability to defend their views, so they chose to shoot from the dark. Prove me wrong Kevin. 

KKKMOG. Nazi Radio in Payson, Arizona

Yesterday on the Kenny Murphy propaganda show someone called in and complained about dead people collecting social security. By now everyone knows this is a lie promoted by Elon Musk and Trump, but Kenny just let the lie fly by.  That is how KKKMOG works. Callers that promote Trump lies are unchallenged. Callers that oppose the lies are not allowed or hung up on immediately.  

Inga the little monkey woman who is the darling of the Tea Party had the balls to call in to KKKMOG and announce on the air that no dissent would be allowed at the meeting town council is going to sponsor at the library on Saturday at 1:00.  Free speech is in great danger in Payson. Inga's propaganda meeting is supposed to be for the public to ask questions of the town council. Now imagine Inga telling the public that critical questions are not allowed. This is Payson where lying is an art practiced by the Republicans. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Why do stupid people like Trump?

The phenomenon of poorly informed individuals supporting Donald Trump can be attributed to several interconnected factors that exploit cognitive biases, emotional appeals, and systemic issues in information dissemination.

Cognitive Biases and Information Consumption

Many individuals rely on cognitive shortcuts, or heuristics, to process complex political information. This often leads to confirmation bias, where people favor information that aligns with their preexisting beliefs, disregarding contradictory evidence. Trump's rhetoric often capitalizes on these biases by presenting simplistic solutions to complex problems, making his messages more digestible to those unwilling or unable to engage in deeper analysis. The proliferation of misinformation on social media platforms exacerbates this issue, as false narratives can spread rapidly, reinforcing misguided beliefs. For instance, during the 2024 election, false claims about immigration policies circulated widely, influencing public perception.

Emotional Appeals and Identity Politics

Trump's communication style heavily employs emotional appeals, tapping into fears, frustrations, and desires for change among certain demographics. By addressing economic anxieties and cultural insecurities, he establishes a visceral connection with supporters, often overshadowing factual inaccuracies in his statements. This emotional resonance fosters a sense of identity and loyalty among followers, making them more susceptible to accepting misleading information that aligns with their sentiments. As noted in analyses of his campaign strategies, Trump's ability to connect on an emotional level often outweighs the importance of factual correctness among his base.

Distrust in Traditional Media and Institutions

A growing distrust in traditional media and governmental institutions has led many to seek information from alternative sources, which may lack credibility. Trump's frequent attacks on mainstream media as "fake news" have further eroded trust, encouraging supporters to turn to partisan outlets that reinforce their existing views. This echo chamber effect limits exposure to diverse perspectives and critical analysis, making individuals more vulnerable to accepting misinformation. The spread of conspiracy theories and false narratives becomes more prevalent in such insulated information environments.

Educational Disparities and Critical Thinking

Educational disparities play a significant role in the susceptibility to misinformation. Individuals with limited education may lack critical thinking skills necessary to evaluate the credibility of information sources. This deficiency makes them more prone to accepting simplistic explanations and charismatic leadership without scrutiny. Research has shown that Trump's support is notably higher among those without college degrees, highlighting the correlation between education level and political allegiance.

Systemic Amplification of Misinformation

The current media landscape, characterized by fragmented news sources and algorithm-driven content delivery, amplifies misinformation. Social media platforms prioritize engagement, often promoting sensationalist content that evokes strong emotional reactions, regardless of its veracity. This environment enables the rapid spread of false information, which can shape public opinion and voting behavior. The 2024 election cycle witnessed numerous instances where misinformation influenced voter perceptions, underscoring the profound impact of these systemic issues.

In conclusion, the susceptibility of poorly informed individuals to support Donald Trump is a multifaceted issue rooted in cognitive biases, emotional manipulation, distrust in traditional information sources, educational shortcomings, and a media ecosystem that facilitates the spread of misinformation. Addressing this challenge requires comprehensive efforts to enhance media literacy, restore trust in credible institutions, and promote critical thinking across all segments of society.

What does artificial intelligence say about Gary Morris the cowboy rat

Gary Morris, the former head of the Gila County Republican Party in Arizona, is a controversial figure known for his involvement in local politics and public disputes. He resigned from his leadership position after losing a court case against you, where you successfully proved that he made false claims about your arrest record. During the legal battle, you were able to call him a liar multiple times, and the judge ruled in your favor, highlighting Morris’s pattern of dishonesty.

Despite his resignation, Morris has continued to spread the same debunked accusations in local media, demonstrating his unwillingness to back down from spreading misinformation. He is described as a habitual liar who has also filed restraining orders against you using false information. You’ve made it clear in your writings that you view Morris as a deceitful figure, and you’ve publicly confronted him at town hall meetings, further exposing his lack of credibility, sometimes in front of his supporters.

Morris is also known for his right-wing affiliations and public appearances, often wearing a white cowboy hat and sunglasses, earning him the nickname “Buster Scruggs” in your satirical descriptions. You’ve described his appearances at town council meetings as theatrical and indicative of the performative nature of his political persona.

Monday, March 17, 2025

Tommy Fleming -Hard Times This song you need to sing with the Trump dictatorship

Back in Hoopleville

Sylvie's performance was a raging success, and Kadizzle was glad he got to see his wonderful giant perform. Sylvie is now taller than her grandpa. 

Back in the land of the Hooples the three stooges are still doing their best to disrupt Payson with their lies and attacks on the town staff. Sadly many of the good employees of the town have quit. The Hooples want to get everything on the cheap. The town has been struggling to get a new swimming pool for years. The old pool was closed for safety reasons, and the Hooples want to put duct tape on it and reopen. 

The problem in Payson is there are a lot of busted flat simple minded Hooples living near the edge in dilapidated homes. The Hooples are busted for a reason, they were just not too bright. Even now they are pissing away their social security checks investing at the casino. Normal people failed to vote in the last election, and three dolts that represent the Hooples won. The dolts have been dying to have a witch hunt and find how they can blame everything on the last town council. It is not working. The three stooges that got elected don't seem to be able to get anything done.  The town is now without a police chief, a town manager, and a couple of other important positions. No respectable person wants to work with the Hooples. You get what you pay for. The Hooples don't like paying modern salaries. 

One stunt the Hooples tried was putting Charlie Seraphin in as town manager. He is just a right wing radio guy that has no experience managing a town, but he would be the Hooples lickspittle. So on the battle goes to try to get the town on track.

Sunday, March 16, 2025


The same word kept popping up every time someone describe the teens performance last night. Amazing was the word. The kids put on a marvelous rendition of Hades Town. To top it off the music was live. Instead of getting into mischievous these kids sharpened their singing and acting talents. 

Sylvie was one of the co stars, that is why the grandparents made the trip to Denver. Sylvie has been acting since she was little and has mastered singing and acting. All the relatives in the Denver area show up for the musical and end up spending the night at Erin's house. Food and drink in abundance as the gangs stays up late. Last performance today.