Thursday, October 17, 2024

Chris Barber feat Mark Knopfler - the next time I'm in town -

A new motorcycle

 A few things in life bring a lot of pleasure. Today my old friend the old Yamaha 250XT is going to be traded for a new one. Kadizzle had a lot of good rides on the old beast, but it needs a new chain, and a few other things so Kadizzle thought why not jut get a new one. The dealer said 5K, Kadizzle said 4.5 K. Kadizzle said it was a deal at 4.5 and told the dealer he would scratch his nut on the 5k price and might pay it in the morning, but  if they wanted to sell it today they had to do 4.5k.  Figuring the dealer would not budge Kadizzle was going to go to bed. The dealer called and said 4.7.  Kadizzle had actually planned to got to 4.75 in the morning. Well, anyway, the deal is done. Kadizzle saved 300.  This morning a trip to Scottsdale to pick up a new cycle. For an old man the 25OXT is perfect. It is the right size, nimble and perfect for mountain roads, and running around town. 

The Republicans that tear our Harris signs down must be worn out. We got a shipment of hundreds of new signs. We get to put them up in the daylight and the rotten bastards have to get up late at night to tear them down. 

The final battle is on and the Democrats in Payson got a good group working hard. Trump will be the worst president in history if the greedy con man gets elected. His brain is toast. Dancing for 40 minutes at his rally takes the cake. Trump is simply mentally ill. Why his cult doesn't see it. So many think it is an act. Nope, he is nuts. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2024


Warren and Kadizzle discussed the term he brought up, lawfare. What is it? Lawfare is warfare using the courts. Using the courts for political purposes is extremely destructive for democracy. Kadizzle has experienced it right here in Payson. Republicans Kadizzle has found do not hesitate to make false claims, and file false charges. Gary Morris, and Steve Otto are two that come to mind. Both lie and claim Kadizzle was arrested twice in North Dakota. It is simply untrue. Gary Morris made this claim in court when he lied under oath several times. Steve Otto is now claiming Mike Quinn was not a municipal judge in North Dakota for 25 years. Anyone can use public records to establish these Republican liars are telling falsehoods, yet they continue to do so. Yesterday a lunatic right wing person threatened to kill Kadizzle. He also implied he would go to court and have people lie. This is how lawfare works. If you really want to have a mess let the judge become involved. When the Republicans have their hands in electing the judge the entire situation is hopeless. Trump showed how supreme court justices can be picked and manipulated. Lawfare will be the rule of the land if Trump is elected. Currently the local Republicans are trying to mess up Payson using the courts. Payson is issuing bonds to improve the town. The Hoopleheads took the town to court once to stop progress and failed. However they are giving it a second try. It cost the town money and it is an underhanded way to stop progress.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Warren the Crazy man

Repairing the signs the Republicans damaged over night I ran into Warren. We talked for some time. If you don't talk politics with Warren, you might think he is normal, but get into politics and Warren is in the fog. Warren is obsessed because Harris was not nominated. 

Kadizzle has been studying Hoopleheads. Try this, go out and encounter a right wing Hooplehead. Ask them what their problem is? Strangely you will find they are all on the same page. The UPS man came to Democratic headquarters yesterday, guess what his obsession was? Yup he was obsessed because Harris did not go through the normal nomination process. What does this mean? Well all he Hooples are getting the same right wing news feed. Remember Hitler and the Jews? Hitler was he news feed, and his cult repeated whatever his recent hate filled lie was. Cults work this way. 

Cult members thing like this " I have failed, but it is not my fault, I need someone to help me blame someone else because I failed" . Trump comes along and tells the bum the failure person " The Democrats made you fail".  That works for the person who failed. Trump didn't fail, the Democrats cheated him. This makes Trump the perfect cult leader. Trump claims he has been abused. The cult can identify with that. Talk to a cult member and you will be talking to a failed person. They may have failed economically, socially, or to drugs and alcohol. No one wants to admit they failed because they were lazy or stupid or poorly educated. No one wants to admit they failed because of a bunch of poor decisions. What does Trump do? Trump tells them of course their miserable life was not their fault, someone else tricked them. Of course the ultimate trickster is Trump. It is Trump who wants to sell the failures Bibles, and Tennis shoes.

Selling defeated people illusions was an invention of the church. Tell the person to believe things that are just not true and all will turn good for them. In the church you have to die to correct things, but Trump can fix it while you are alive. Sadly if you were a failure before Trump, you will be a failure after he is elected. The last time he was president, you were still a failure.  

Cult expert explains the Trump cult

Monday, October 14, 2024

Area 51 Truck

Kadizzle had a conversation with Truckbuddy, aka Warren this morning. Trying to find him a new place to park. If you want a tour of his semi he lives in watch the video. Warren is obsessed with right wing insanity and loves to be aggressive with it. Kadizzle sort of sympathizes with him because Kadizzle is a bit of a left wing nut. Just need to move into the back of a tractor trailer. 

One thing Kadizzle learned this morning is how the right wing mind works. To be a good right winger you need to be a liar or crazy. Combining both works best. Trump has mastered that. Warren taught me this morning how the right wing mind works. Warren claimed he is independently wealthy. Why would an independently wealthy person live in the back of a truck? Makes no sense. Trump says he is a billionaire, but Trump is selling Bibles, tennis shoes, and, watches. He also defrauded college students out of 25 million. It make no sense to sell Bibles if you are a billionaire. You know when you are talking to a cult person when they tell  you two completely contradictory things. Do they realize how absurd they are? Apparently no. 

Find another crazy person you can agree with

 One thing Kadizzle has found talking to cult members is their ability to stay away from real information. The number of cult people who actually believe dogs and cats are being eaten by immigrants in Ohio is astounding. The 17 year old kid down at the golf course believes it. Of course the crazy guy Warren believes it. Cult people seek out someone who will fill them full of insane cult ideas. There are plenty of people out there who know how to abuse ignorant people. The old fashioned crooked preaches know better than anyone how to rob stupid people. 

Yesterday Kadizzle got to know the guy who is in the comments as truckbuddy. He is the guy living in a semi.  Go to any of the links he provides in his comments and you will find every kind of person spreading the false information the cult thrives on. 

Something escapes these people. At the casino on any given day a flock of people is being fleeced. If they had a pen and paper they could figure it out. Nope, they believe against all math they can win. They don't, but the idea of hope is addictive to them. 

A theory: People in the cult have a deep feeling they are stupid. You feel stupid when no one agrees with your goofy ideas, but what if someone told you that you were right and all the smart people were wrong? Well, look on youtube and you can find someone that will make you feel smart no matter if you an idiot. Only an idiot would fall for Trump's lies, but there is no shortage of people who will bolster the idea he is an honest business man. 

One thing that gives a lot of cult people away is their medicine cabinet. Truckbuddy was a prime example. Truckbuddy had a shelf lined with magic elixirs. People do need vitamins and minerals. The question is which ones, and how much. No doubt some people can benefit from certain concoctions. However, there is something called evidence and proof. Most of the crap sold to cultist type people accomplishes nothing but emptying their pockets. Clever marketers get the cultist to buy stuff with unproven claims. Cultist are in the cult because they do not understand how you do research or prove something to be true. Trump lies to the cult everyday and the cult believes his lies. When you research Trump the way educated people outside the cult do it is clear Trump is a lying con man. 

Another strange thing about cult people is they all think covid shots were some great conspiracy. Cult people love the concept that they know something most people don't know. Religious nuts are the same. They are sure of something you cannot be sure of. The election will show if people living in reality are in the majority or if we have succumbed to mass stupidity. 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Jungfraujoch - Top of Europe

This video shows the best part of my trip to Europe. Switzerland was my favorite, a place I always wanted to see. I made it to the observatory on the top. 

A quick note to coward commenters.

Dear cowards who will not identify themself. The rule is your comment comes down if you will not put a name to it. 

Before Kadizzle has written about the runners, and the cowards. They are the little men who don't have the courage to confront you directly. Poor old Trump runs into the problem when he debates with Harris. Harris murdered him. What is Trump's answer? No more debates. The runners and he cowards are exactly the same. When they get cornered with facts, or the truth, they run. Gabe is a classic. Kadizzle called Gabe. Gabe did not want to hear the real story, so Gabe would not let the conversation be two sided. The famous runners in Payson, are Michael Heather, Gary Morris, and Steve Otto. These typical coward claim you assaulted them if you confront them about their lying. What does KMOG do if you hit them with facts. Very simple they will not take your calls. What does the Tea Party do if you show up with facts, very simple they throw you out. This is how the Republican MAGA Hoopleheads operate. 

No one has been denied a voice at our Democratic meetings. Of course Michael Heather, Gary Morris, and Steve Otto don't come to our meetings to tell their lies. The runners know they would be welcome, but what fun is it lying to people who know you are a cheap liar. Why not go on KMOG, or to the Tea Party and lie with other liars that will clap when you make a good lie or distortion unchallenged?  Steve Otto and a couple of the other liars got elected. What will Steve do when confronted at town hall about his lies? It will be a very good show. 

Two Crazy Men Talk

 Warren, and Kadizzle had a nice civil conversation today. Warren is the guy who is obsessed with the fact Harris was not nominated. Warren has gotten a little out of hand and will have to go to court for his recent antics on Highway 87 while the Democrats were campaigning. Kadizzle was fixing up signs on Main street that the Republicans destroyed during the night. They destroy our signs every night. Not sure how free speech works for Republicans. 

Anyway my conversation with Warren drifted and we talked about his home. Warren has converted a full sized tractor trailer unit to a very interesting RV.  From the outside it looks just like any large truck that would go down the road, butt Warren has done some interesting things to take advantage of the huge living space inside. The first thing Kadizzle noticed climbing into the trailer was a wood fireplace. The wood fireplace had a copper coil wrapped around the exhaust vent. This supplied hot water for his water heater  and he shower. He said it worked pretty well. The trailer had solar on the roof and a very big batter that would run a microwave, and all his televisions. He had three flat screen televisions, and good internet service. In the bathroom Warren had a regular household toilet, and a full sized shower. He had a nice double bed for himself. Amazing how much space he had. Additionally he had a full sized kitchen with sink, and cooking facilities. 

With a truck this size doing stealth camping is not all easy. Where do your park. Warren was parked behind Walmart, but the police made him move. Currently he is parked behind a gas station. Kadizzle suggested Forest Service Land. 

Warren has an electrical background and some very interesting wiring in his home. Kadizzle has often wondered what kind of RV you could make out of such a truck. The answer is a roomy one. One maybe major problem, no windows. There would seem to be a way to overcome that. Part of the regular outside trailer could hide windows. Get on that project Warren. 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Tommy Fleming - Don't Give Up Till Its Over

Take it

When Kadizzle was young he had a habit of listening to crooked preachers on WWVA the famous radio station in his home town of Wheeling, West Virginia. One night while listening to a black preacher the preacher said " Do you realize when you are on your knees to pray, you are in an ideal position to be kicked in the ass?". Then he went on to say " Don't ask God for anything, take it". What he was saying was empower yourself. It was a great lesson. Democrats ask for  something, the rotten Republicans just take it. Trump is a thief, he stole from everyone. Trump is not bashful, he lies like a snake. 

Meek, mild, and polite, is killing the Democrats. Republicans are not meek or mild, they don't hesitate to be hard core nasty rats. Unfortunately the simple minded admire the hard core rats. What other country has made heroes out of villains more than the United States. 

American loves the image of the guy who comes into town and shakes things up. Trump thrives on that crap. Why did Mahamoud Ali make such a big splash? " Fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee".  Democrats are humming birds. 

Oh it will be just fine, we don't have to worry. Bullshit, Trump is about to become dictator and destroy the country. 

Tommy Fleming -Hard Times

Friday, October 11, 2024

Rampant Mental illness at the library.

 In every town the library is where the mentally ill gather to celebrate other worlds. Naturally Kadizzle went there. At the bar last night Kadizzle told John there were three mental cases at the library when he arrived. John asked " Did that include you?". No, that made four. 

Mike F. and Kadizzle were going to sit in front of the library with political signs. The mental fireworks started as soon as we were getting the signs out of the car. Mental cases A and B were over by B's beat up Junker motor home arguing loudly. Kadizzle thought mental case A might be the some nut case that was driven out of Democratic headquarters by the police last Saturday. It was. When mental case A saw our signs he immediately came over on his bike and started a verbal assault. Out of the blue a mental woman also started verbally assaulting us. 

We got our signs and sat in our chairs with the signs. Mental case A came over and made an extreme verbal attack on us. Dave from the library came out and told A he had to leave. Several times Dave warned A that if he did not leave the police would be called. Mental case A persisted and Dave phoned the police.

Mental case A made a good decision and pedaled off on his bike. Now, the funny part. Two police cars showed up, but as the drove down the road, they drove right by A going the other way. Then the confusion started. Somehow the police thought the problem was at the dog park next to the library. Mental case B was now over there. B engaged the police in a crazy way and the police thought B was the nut case they were seeking. Kadizzle could see the problem and explained to the police they had the wrong mental case. Kadizzle showed them a picture of B.  

The whole situation calmed down and life returned to normal. Where crazy lady went who knows. The other day another mental case was explaining to Kadizzle she moved to Payson, because there were 1,000 spirits living here. Apparently a lot of those spirits are mentally ill and hang out at the library. 

Now, last, but not least. One would think people going into a library would have a certain level of intelligence, not so. The very people in the Trump cult apparently can read things that verify Trump is OK and doesn't lie. One Trump woman entering the library claimed she was educated. No she was indoctrinated.  

We are toast

 The lesson of the depression is the most important history lesson Kadizzle ever had. People will not act until they are cold and hungry. Les put it another way. People have to really have it bad before they will do anything. It is the classic fat guy routine. Eat, eat, eat until the heart attack, then diet. Maybe Kadizzle fits this MO.  Our society is on the verge of making things about as bad as it can get. The mind goes back and forth, but right now the mind things Trump may win. Elon Musk is putting on a full court press for Trump. This is totally insane, but the insane love insanity. Trump has bushels of crazy, and the Hoopleheads love crazy. 

When Trump gets in office normalcy will be torn to shreds. Rampant stupidity will be like fire. Trump will do one stupid thing that will trigger ten other stupid things. Nuclear war may be the end result. Trump's love for dictators may be the grand finally. Trump will sell our country to any dictator that wants it. The mess Trump will make is unimaginable. The economy will collapse. Kadizzle things it will take six months for Trump to plunge the country into total chaos. 

The question is can the country recover? We did recover from the depression, it took a war, it was not easy or fun, but we did. All the people starring at cell phones will be shocked into reality.